The discovery thread!
May 23, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #102,904 of 106,632
On a golf trip with some buddies and feeling a little under the weather so I’m sitting this round out. Great views with my compadre, Juzear Clear. This single DD and a little Martin Sexton will help the mood!
I hope you feel better soon, buddy. Funny you post, because it was you who bought my SR5! If I remember correctly, you enjoyed them, which made me happy that they found a good home. Here's to an eagle and a hole in one in consecutive holes!
May 23, 2024 at 4:09 PM Post #102,905 of 106,632
Very curious about your thoughts. There’s still little to find on these and I’m wondering why they aren’t talked about more. The brand is no real secret anymore and they’re readily available, albeit no cheapies. I wonder if they would be a nice addition to the SA6 or mostly redundant 😅.
If you’re not offended by electronic style music you could give ‚Vessels, Max Cooper - Everyone Is Falling‘ a listen. One of those tracks that always makes my all ba sets show off :)
I have several all-BA sets: Butastur, SLT6 and Tingker H16. They have only one common thing - BA timbre. The tuning and sound quality are completely different. Most versatile is SLT6, therefore in some music styles it can be insufficient bass, although the bass is quite deep and textured, just without good slam. SLT6 needs warmer source to get sound mass and smother treble. I don't like to use EQ, PEQ, MSEB or even dynamic plugin, so only cable and source might nearly fix. Despite this I often like critical listening and excellent clarity and resolution of SLT6 is very useful in this case. I prefer UD pin configuration and Penon Liqueur black tips.
Although, I tried now Coreir tips and it's even better. No, much better!
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May 23, 2024 at 4:10 PM Post #102,906 of 106,632
Are you sure Hakugei doesn't offer custom cabling? I thought for sure you could get them custom made.

EDIT: These look like it could work...
Ah, yes, indeed, they do offer QDC. Glad to see that. I forgot to say that I don't look at AliExpress and therefore don't order there. Italian customs are merciless way too often.
If you look at HiFiGo, there's mo option for Hakugei's with QDC. (maybe if you write their support? IDK)
May 23, 2024 at 4:14 PM Post #102,908 of 106,632
On a golf trip with some buddies and feeling a little under the weather so I’m sitting this round out. Great views with my compadre, Juzear Clear. This single DD and a little Martin Sexton will help the mood!
Feel better. Martin Sexton, a native of my hometown and probably forever residence -- Syracuse, New York!
May 23, 2024 at 4:17 PM Post #102,910 of 106,632
Ah, yes, indeed, they do offer QDC. Glad to see that. I forgot to say that I don't look at AliExpress and therefore don't order there. Italian customs are merciless way too often.
If you look at HiFiGo, there's mo option for Hakugei's with QDC. (maybe if you write their support? IDK)
Not be that guy, but I have over 50 orders on AliExpress... and I'm kind of Italian too. You might consider trying out AliExpress for your orders. Although our customs can be quite strict, I've had all my packages clear without any issues! 🤣
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May 23, 2024 at 4:19 PM Post #102,911 of 106,632
Thanks for this suggestion, friends. It's a wonderful evening listen.


Went with these bassy boys:

May 23, 2024 at 4:20 PM Post #102,912 of 106,632
I hope you feel better soon, buddy. Funny you post, because it was you who bought my SR5! If I remember correctly, you enjoyed them, which made me happy that they found a good home. Here's to an eagle and a hole in one in consecutive holes!
Yep that was me! To this day, and a few higher end sets later, that is still my number one! EQ the bass a bit north and they are simply unreal!
May 23, 2024 at 4:31 PM Post #102,913 of 106,632
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's true that everyone's ears are different due to varying anatomies. I'm glad you like them and happy for you. 🙂 Honestly, I can't remember if I measured them with foam or not. For me, the vocals are clear, though a bit in the background. I reduced the bass, and the vocals became much better while still maintaining ample bass. I'm curious to hear your listening impressions about the bass, mid-range, and treble of the U-2.
I installed foams on them and the bass quality/quantity is better, but mids and vocals are now veiled and treble is non-existent lol. It's similar to how you initially described them.

I much prefer them without any foams. Bass becomes a bit anemic, but mid range is more clear and there's more treble presence. It could definitely do with more treble extension though. I don't have any donut foams laying around, but they might be good on the U-2.

I actually don't have much experience with earbuds either, but I would choose the U-2 over the Yinman 600, especially with the price difference. I still wonder if I had a bad set since it's a beloved set in the earbuds thread.

I don't dislike the U-2 but I don't see what the appeal is yet.

It's like listening out of a crappy old antique AM/FM radio but with way more bass. If you turn your brain off and just let it happen, it's how I find my happy place with the U-2.
Great sound stage but other than there isn't much to love here.
I haven't seen too many people post impressions on the U-2, but from what I've seen, the general consensus says these aren't that great. I don't love them, but I don't hate them either. They're the only earbuds I have at the moment so I'm using them to listen to podcasts while I'm working since I still need to hear my surroundings.

Btw, do you have any earbud you prefer that you'd rec?

Anyone have an idea of the Aful Explorer release date? Seems like it’s lagging behind other products on Hifigo.
SOON! They posted on their FB page that if everything goes smoothly, they'll launch in early June.

May 23, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #102,914 of 106,632
I have several all-BA sets: Butastur, SLT6 and Tingker H16. They have only one common thing - BA timbre. The tuning and sound quality are completely different. Most versatile is SLT6, therefore in some music styles it can be insufficient bass, although the bass is quite deep and textured, just without good slam. SLT6 needs warmer source to get sound mass and smother treble. I don't like to use EQ, PEQ, MSEB or even dynamic plugin, so only cable and source might nearly fix. Despite this I often like critical listening and excellent clarity and resolution of SLT6 is very useful in this case. I prefer UD pin configuration and Penon Liqueur black tips.
Although, I tried now Coreir tips and it's even better. No, much better!
I got my Coreir tips on my KZ ZS10 pro 2 and *chef's kiss* Perfect synergy between IEM and tips.
May 23, 2024 at 4:57 PM Post #102,915 of 106,632
I have several all-BA sets: Butastur, SLT6 and Tingker H16. They have only one common thing - BA timbre. The tuning and sound quality are completely different. Most versatile is SLT6, therefore in some music styles it can be insufficient bass, although the bass is quite deep and textured, just without good slam. SLT6 needs warmer source to get sound mass and smother treble. I don't like to use EQ, PEQ, MSEB or even dynamic plugin, so only cable and source might nearly fix. Despite this I often like critical listening and excellent clarity and resolution of SLT6 is very useful in this case. I prefer UD pin configuration and Penon Liqueur black tips.
Although, I tried now Coreir tips and it's even better. No, much better!
Which type, the brass or aluminum core?

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