The discovery thread!
May 22, 2024 at 8:24 AM Post #102,661 of 106,738
Oh ho more importantly can you please explain the humour on the cup - that distinction between hashtag and sharp. What's meaning of sharp in this context. My head will burst else!
If you ever played a instrument the use of # indicates a sharp, so if I say F# on the piano you would then use the black key above to the right of the white F key. :beerchug:
May 22, 2024 at 8:31 AM Post #102,662 of 106,738
Interestingly enough, for the launch of the KZ Libra, they created a scratch card system.
In the box, you will find a card; if it’s a winning one, they will refund you the cost of the Libra.

A very curious idea, indeed — I'm almost tempted!

AliExpress Link

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the initiative is limited - at least for now - to 200 units.
EDIT 2: They already sold almost 150 units, so that means there are a little more of 50 units left (it seems this promotion worked out quite well for them).

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May 22, 2024 at 8:32 AM Post #102,663 of 106,738
Interestingly enough, for the launch of the KZ Libra, they created a scratch card system.
In the box, you will find a card; if it’s a winning one, they will refund you the cost of the Libra.

A very curious idea, indeed. I'm almost tempted!

Yeah, i think this is AngelEars promotion. Waifu image is more of their alley than kz

If they refund as store credit somehow it will be kinda win win for them
May 22, 2024 at 8:50 AM Post #102,664 of 106,738
Zishan/walnut and that overly expensive capacitor.
And og xd05 and op-amp rolling.

That was zs5, zs6 days.
I'm still using dragonfly black dongle for my phone.
Yeah I still have the Walnut/Zishan Z2 pairing - I went a bit OTT with modding by soldering together two DIP IC sockets via 8 wire extensions, which allows you to roll op-amps outside of their cases. I still use this combo - very useful for testing out components.

For example on Sunday night I thought I'd smoked my Xiang Pheng DA-03A DAC. In my synths studio setup I'd positioned it directly under my laptop (in exchange for one of my audio interface soundcards.) When the sound cut out later during the keys session, I realised that there was no air getting to it (cos the grilles were covered up) plus additional heat generated underneath the laptop was obvs responsible for overheating. (Hence, in future I'll use it separately with plenty of airflow.)

I was worried that I'd taken out both my beloved Bursons V5's, but via a process of elimination - i.e. using the Z2 socket extender they're both fine: Phew !!
The one that had been cooked was the much cheaper V5i (I was gifted another two of them ages ago in exchange for a written modding review for Burson.)

Regarding the og XD05....I'd love the Pro version - but imho powered DAC's still offer way better SQ & resolution, and are far better bang for buck.
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May 22, 2024 at 8:57 AM Post #102,665 of 106,738
Not sure why the option isn't on similar price range, they can be good on their own class, but I would put Pilgrim OG in between them. The price is between those two, but the tuning for me is better than those two.
My library is mostly metal and electronic, so I thought mid lows is more valuable for me than extension on the highs, hence the choice.
Man, I am so grateful to you for this post, every word has golden value, exactly what I wanted to hear, thank you so much!
DaVinci is off the menu then, I would rather get Hype 4 really, mid bass bleed don't sound good, and the extension on highs albeit not a priority but still nice to have.
Pilgrim OG is tempting, but it could be mid bass shy and a bit shouty for my library.
... So I decided to pivot and ordered Simgot EM10, mostly because of a sizable Linsoul coupon I found in the mail, and the brand reputation.
I know it's unwise to buy stuff before the bulk of reviews are published, but I got robbed of my IEMs, had to order new asap, and just wanted to get one of the latest releases. The budget buds I get by with currently ain't gonna cut it for me much longer, hehe.
May 22, 2024 at 9:03 AM Post #102,666 of 106,738
Reminds me of the old days here when @Slater was still around (mod in peace, bro) and he and some other nerds here were modding the living cr@p out of those KZ, CCA, TRN, BLON, etc..., including 'inside jobs' ... opening them up, dampening individual drivers, etc...
Not for everyone but OTOH no rocket science either. Even though I'm not much of a fan of xy-brids, if the pos. reviews on the Pro 2 keep coming in I might get a pair myself and see what can be done IF the upper midrange somewhere around that prominent 3k peak needs some work ... might be worth it.

The good 'ol ZS6 ... after some mods (cotton tubes, blue tack dots on new steel meshes, mesh filter on one of the treble BAs) they've been my daily bangers on public transport for quite some time ... I still own 4 sets, lol.
Once I'm at it ... something that might have escaped some folks is that there are 2 versions of the ZS6 (that have been discussed quite a bit back then). The first batch(es) sport some spicy older Bellsing BA for the treble that some folks here didn't like too much but at some point KZ switched to new custom Bellsings and while that helped a bit to tame the hot trebles some modders here, myself included, preferred the spicier OG version (with some quick and dirty mods, see above).
Can't please everyone, but at least they keep trying 👍
Surprisingly, they still sell the ZS6 on Amazon… I’m assuming the newer version? Mine is the old green version I bought years ago.
May 22, 2024 at 9:14 AM Post #102,667 of 106,738
Any in here who has bought the new Moondrop Evo?
And is happy or got any complaints?

Love the Letshuoer Cadenza4 due to sound and comfort, and just cheap enough so I can use it at work. Thinking it would pair perfect with the Evo, both in design and as a portable solution.


Right now I use the cabled IEMs mostly in the car/office or during breaks. And stick to tws when out physically working.


any info on the battery life? i read the website but might have missed it
May 22, 2024 at 9:35 AM Post #102,669 of 106,738
Oh, I see, my apologies for misunderstanding.
Ok, thank you. I get it.

I would also encourage everyone to be a bit more patient. If those things happen, do not go crying instantly; and report. :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile: :ksc75smile:
Okay, I am a bit joking now, but there is truth there. People are very sensitive. People should practice tolerance more. :)
I personally think that multi-quoting is, to politely say, not likeable for me.
I avoid that as much as possible. I would rather not comment or skip several comments and comment on one.
Yes, sometimes I use multi-quoting to follow the rule, but I don't like it.
It doesn't seem to be very polite to me, almost rude and frantic.

But now I know what you mean.

May 22, 2024 at 9:39 AM Post #102,670 of 106,738
This piece sounds wonderful on the ST7, there is some very deep but subtle sub bass and the ST7 does it beautifully with a lovely timbre on the keyboards:
May 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM Post #102,671 of 106,738
Any in here who has bought the new Moondrop Evo?
And is happy or got any complaints?

Love the Letshuoer Cadenza4 due to sound and comfort, and just cheap enough so I can use it at work. Thinking it would pair perfect with the Evo, both in design and as a portable solution.

Right now I use the cabled IEMs mostly in the car/office or during breaks. And stick to tws when out physically working.

I was about to say I have heard good things about the ifi GO pod but it’s like 400 bucks lol nvm!
May 22, 2024 at 10:05 AM Post #102,672 of 106,738
What’s so special about Sony players? I’ve never owned one.

Sony sources usually are smooth and buttery as their house sound.

Now that you have heard em, has the final tuning varied from canjam? Wrt lushness.

And what about ba timbre. More i hear dds, be it the wondrous Miroak-ii or even cheapie analogue Cca Trio, ba timbre nags me a touch even on good sets like P8. Takes a while to get used to. Not saying it's not natural etc, could be just what my ears like tonally.

The can jam beta unit of the Explorer was less bassy. but then that was a noisy show room floor with no the best isolation so take it with a pinch of salt.

This final production unit is way bassier.

The next time you might hear from me buying new sets will most likely be at Christmas? Until then, I'll enjoy the flurry of sets I recently bought in the budget realm and the Project M, which while at the lower end of mid-fi, ended up costing me less than the OD200.

Bro just a few days ago you promised not to buy any more IEMs, haha now I don't log on for 1.5 days and see the damage to your wallets!!!

Haha but jokes aside, look forward to all the impressions of the new shinies coming in the mail!!

Of your new purchases what is the most you look forward to, the Project M?
Knowing you prefer brighter signatures I think that might be up your alley.
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May 22, 2024 at 10:46 AM Post #102,674 of 106,738
No doubt. It’s Apple’s doing. But in the last decade or so Apple has really lost a lot of their design edge. They’ve fallen back on iteration and shied away from anything that pushes the boundaries. It’s similar to what happened to the DSLR market. Canon and Nikon pro DSLR cameras all look like blobs now. Featureless blobs.
No coincidence Apple's vanguard designs stopped when chief designer Jony Ive left the company in 2019. He was the leading design influence of the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPod, MacBook and iOS.

Just a minor player in the company ... :)
May 22, 2024 at 10:54 AM Post #102,675 of 106,738
I don't doubt that the Conch is very good (I am soon writing a review) but it is $35. The JD1 is 14.99 or 19.99 with the USB DAC cable.
I think the Conch is very good for the price personally. It's a bit bright for me but there's a ton of value there.
I'm not a fan of that sound signature is all LOL Not you're style. You're great. That type of signature is the opposite of the tuning I enjoy. I like sunshine, air, and fluffy clouds! Vampires are not my thing! LOL
Give me dark and sultry over bright and cheery any day! I'd live in a basement if I could. Who needs sunshine?
Thread Courtesy Reminder :relaxed:

If you happen to have multiple posts that you would like to reply to, please remember that we have a multi-quote feature. You can use the +Quote buttons to select all of the posts that you'd like to reply to, then insert those quotes into a single post at the end. This will cut down on the number of posts that everybody needs to catch up on when they revisit the thread. Thanks! :thumbsup:
Oh, I see, my apologies for misunderstanding.

Basically, the complaints center around some members' habits of making many short posts, all in a row, over a relatively short period of time. While there is no hard rule against this, I can sympathize with the complaints and understand how irritating this can be. And so, I simply wanted to remind everybody that multiquotes are possible. I didn't even ask people to use that feature, just pointed out that it exists, and explained what it does.

I think it's important for us to remember that some members receive email notifications of new posts -- and having to repeatedly check back here every few minutes after yet another email can get tiring over time.
I know EXACTLY who you're talking about 🤣
I was about to say I have heard good things about the ifi GO pod but it’s like 400 bucks lol nvm!
I have one for review now but it's just taking a backseat to the ZMF Caldera and Atrium Closed at the moment. I will get around to reviewing it soon enough though. I want to pair it up with the DaVinci when it comes in.
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