The discovery thread!
Jan 11, 2024 at 9:36 AM Post #92,851 of 106,704
I'm in Northeast MA and because the ground was already saturated, once the rain came and melted most of the 18" of snow, the basement in my 120 year old house took on massive water through the fieldstone foundation. Sump pump + two additonal pumps with hoses out to the street kept the the water under 3" deep. I can't keep my door open all night for the hoses though since the temperature is close to freezing, so I opened up my sewer main cleanout to be a temporary drain, and I now have a small stream flowing over my basement floor.
crap man, I'm sorry to hear that. Lots of house basements get flooded around these parts, it happened multiple times to me and my family when I was a kid. It's a horrible time, everything gets ruined. Couches, carpets, wood furniture, everything. I hope your situation gets better asap. Sending good vibes your way!
Well right off the bat I knew I was gonna dig Parcels. Loved the New Vacation song Days. Goon, Men I Trust is a keeper.

You seem to love female vocals. Some of my favorites are:

Your Smith
Grace Davies
Lily Meola
Arctic Lake
Sidney Bird
Rogue Valley (male and female)
Sick! Love that I can provide some new artists for your enjoyment :)

I'll have to check out some of your recs, thank you! I do much prefer female vocals. I've asked myself why on multiple occasions and honestly, I can be honest with myself; I much prefer the sound of a female voice - the pitch, tone, and soft nature of it just tickles that part of my brain. Thank you for the rec!
Fiio KA17
Very interesting... I wonder if this is a little sneak peak at the BTR7 succesor. FiiO just really needs to work on their software, though. That's still a big pain point for me.
Jan 11, 2024 at 9:43 AM Post #92,852 of 106,704
Were you using the 4.4mm balanced connection for your testing?
Absolutely, as a matter of fact, I never use the non-balanced output on any device I have unless there isn't any.
This looks like their older model. The Pro, with more power, looks like this
Pro or not Pro, it's stated that it has 280mW.
Jan 11, 2024 at 10:17 AM Post #92,853 of 106,704
TempoTec Dongle Sonata.png

I just received one...and I doubt it has 280mw.

Hiby R2 has 70mW, and this TempoTec gives a bit of boost, but not as I would expect from 280mW.

I bought one for the power, but the power stayed in China, it seems :)
It's not a complete waste, but almost...if you bought one for boost power. The sound is OK, though.

It's gonna serve the purpose. It's small and lightweight and will easily fit in the pocket connected to Hiby R2.

I think you're expecting too much from what is in the end a fairly small increase in power between the units. Given my experience with other small low power devices like the Sonata BHD I have no doubt it's putting out claimed power.
Jan 11, 2024 at 10:30 AM Post #92,854 of 106,704
Mr Postman just delivered the Oriveti OD200. Straight onto the burn-in DAP. Good unboxing. Beautiful metal, Army Green little units. Custom type design that fit exceptionally well. Very nice, good sized, excellent, real leather case. It has a very malleable, softer cable with 2.5mm 3.5mm 4.4mm interchangeable audio plugs. I immediately noticed the 3.5mm only put out one channel, but the 4.4m is working fine. I've got a spare, glitzy, Penon Vocal cable and some Penon Black 14mm tips that I will use after the stock cable. The OD200 is generally well reviewed so I'm looking for a good coherent DD after buying many hybrids. It will have to compete with the IMR Ozar, The KBear Believe, and IMR Bass Cannon 23, and IMR Dark Matter...of my DDs.
Can anybody point me to the main Oriveti thread?
A few words on my initial impressions of the Oriveti OD200. I've got about 30-40 hours of burn in. I am using the stock 8 core cable that is very supple indeed and very hard to tangle up. The fit of the metal shell is semi-custom shape and fits me at quite straight angle. Because of other reviews I have the silver nozzles fitted. 14mm tips such as Acoustune 07, Spiral Dots, the new Penon Liqueur tips, all fit my ear well, because of the straight angle of tip entry. Penon 15.5mm Orange tips because of the entry angle, surprisingly fit well too.

First thoughts

First thing I noticed was a very forward bass. I would in no way call these bass-head, but the forward placement of the bass means that it is always noticeably part of anything played. It is a very detailed bass. Bass notes do not have any hardness and do not have hard edges, but a slightly softer warmer edged texture. Instruments like the double bass, low drum notes are very forward in the mix in a very enjoyable manner. This is part of the general staging. Drum skins are almost planar like in their textural accuracy. Mids and vocals have a very musical tone and timbre, and are staged exactly where they should be. Piano notes such as the Gnossiennes of Eric Satie are almost luminous and almost reflect the white shine of the piano keys. The tuning is extremely coherent and organic and has no harshness. Indian music such as Ganamurthy by the late, U. Srinivas is tonally superb through these OD200's, with tablas, staged and sounding positionally correct as if actually at a concert. With vocal Jazz, My Funny Valentine, Chet Baker, sees the Double Bass alongside Bakers voice and the liquid piano notes just behind. Imaging on Yosi Horikawa's, Bubbles, is precise. The stage though is not uber wide, but has depth and height. In Justin Sullivan's, New Model Army's, Bradford war rock group, "You Weren't There", harmonicas sound good and his emotion is strongly generated by this Oriveti OD200. Treble to my old ears is not heavy in detail and technicality and therefore non-fatiguing....not quite up to ESTs....but with this silver nozzle very agreeable but lacking the sparkle of some drivers.
Overall this is a great sounding IEM...that is for sure. It is holistically an organic, coherent, sounding IEM that I think everybody would enjoy...except the technicality junkies. (I did notice that there was a 10% discount sign on the Oriveti site). For the $199 this is an IEM that I would enjoy as my Desert Island IEM. The DAD method that Oriveti use definitely is a winner and makes a difference. I paid for this with my own money because of the recommendations.

With the Penon Vocal cable....everything goes up a notch and shines a bit more. All through my HiBy R6 III, middle gain at between 40-46. These definitely seem to prefer a bit of power to deliver.
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Jan 11, 2024 at 10:36 AM Post #92,855 of 106,704
Absolutely, as a matter of fact, I never use the non-balanced output on any device I have unless there isn't any.

Pro or not Pro, it's stated that it has 280mW.
From what I have seen Tempotec normally states combined power of left and right channel, and other manufacturers uses a power per channel in their specs. Some may argue it is not technically a lie, but for me it is very shady practice on their side at least.
Jan 11, 2024 at 10:46 AM Post #92,856 of 106,704
I've been listening to the new Tempotec Sonata BHD for a few days now, nothing serious. I had my Hifiman XS on at the time. The single ended was definitely a no go. Had to crank up the volume to extract 'full' sonic qualities from the X. Balanced was no problem, was able to keep the headphone to much lower volumes and keep the X as its best. I managed to compare it briefly with the Dawn Pro, vocals were definitely better sounding on the Tempotec but the Dawn had a bit more width to the sound stage. The Dawn has a bunch of different filters on it, likely the differences could be down to this but it's not something I have tried to investigate.

I think the only real annoyance I have had with the Tempotec is having it plugged into my computer and having to control the volume with the device itself, unable to do so in windows.
Jan 11, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #92,857 of 106,704
I have sonata hd pro and bhd pro and can control the volume with windows just fine? If you use asio or wasapi exclusive then yeah you have to control with the media player volume, but this applies to all dacs. Use directsound or wasapi shared output on your preferred media player if you want windows volume to be functional.
Jan 11, 2024 at 11:10 AM Post #92,858 of 106,704
From what I have seen Tempotec normally states combined power of left and right channel, and other manufacturers uses a power per channel in their specs. Some may argue it is not technically a lie, but for me it is very shady practice on their side at least.
Yup, I wouldn't know that. It might be true. It does make sense.

I plan to buy Shanling M0 because it's 236mW with a balanced adapter, less than the claimed TempoTec 280mW.
Now, I am worried about how much precisely 230-280mW is. :thinking:

Other DAPs I have have more power, so I can't compare if that (280mW, I thought it would be) is sufficient for me.

Perhaps Shanling is not playing a combined game. :)

Jan 11, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #92,860 of 106,704
Currently I'm looking for portable dac/amp with a budget of 175$ do you guys have any suggestions (used condition included) currently there is a few on my radar that is tri tk2/hp100,hafee ha11 and ultrasone panther,thanks.
Shanling H2 maybe?
Jan 11, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #92,862 of 106,704
I have sonata hd pro and bhd pro and can control the volume with windows just fine? If you use asio or wasapi exclusive then yeah you have to control with the media player volume, but this applies to all dacs. Use directsound or wasapi shared output on your preferred media player if you want windows volume to be functional.
I haven't used either of those but 90% of my DACs you plug them in and can control volume with windows no problem. My first habit with any device is to turn the volume down so that I don't blow my ear drums, especially when changing between different IEMs or Headphones and not remembering what volume level I last left the device at. I rely on windows quite often when there isn't a knob or indicator to work with, so I chalk this down as a inconvenience but not a deal breaker as there is at least volume controls on the device itself. If there is a way to give windows back control of this device then so be it, I just haven't explored options for this yet since I'm just doing the quick and dirty exploration of the BHD to get a sense for how it sounds.
Jan 11, 2024 at 11:51 AM Post #92,863 of 106,704
Currently I'm looking for portable dac/amp with a budget of 175$ do you guys have any suggestions (used condition included) currently there is a few on my radar that is tri tk2/hp100,hafee ha11 and ultrasone panther,thanks.
Ifi hipdac?
Jan 11, 2024 at 11:52 AM Post #92,864 of 106,704
Currently I'm looking for portable dac/amp with a budget of 175$ do you guys have any suggestions (used condition included) currently there is a few on my radar that is tri tk2/hp100,hafee ha11 and ultrasone panther,thanks.
Might be able to get the Topping G5 in budget used.
Jan 11, 2024 at 12:03 PM Post #92,865 of 106,704

Thanks for that wonderfully detailed review. You are a champion analyser boss (do your PHD students say the same?!) You have made it pretty tempting to buy, 120usd at my region. With no signs of that ncehckf1pro and pulapa02, I thought why not try earbuds - purely cos i stumbled on that thread in headfi. Didn't even think of earbuds before that.
Since you have the Aful p8s, if the isolation factor is taken out of the equation, would the FF5s be as good (i see you had compared it with blessing2 in the review)? hopefully even better :) And it will be a different sound signature than the P8s, i hope. No use having 2 similar sounding sets. And is the soundstage holographic (better than the P8s etc)? Ff3 is also available here but more than the wooly bass,I am sold on the elements that got the FF5 raves from you in the review. I couldn't get any info on that Yincrow RW1000-Bass version to compare, evaluate.
Based on couple of stray comments from you, at the YouTube channel, I had got the Aful p8s. You also successfully dissuaded me from buying a couple more like Himidz mp145 planar and such. So i am going to leave my buying decision on you, no pressure!

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