The discovery thread!
Nov 23, 2023 at 11:58 PM Post #89,551 of 106,519
Interestingly, they don't sound the same in real life :thinking:

I need to revisit the Monarch II one day.
Well the Monarch MKII have 1DD + 6BA + 2EST while the Zero Red have Dual Dynamic Drivers so they're bound to sound different despite almost having the same tuning 🤷‍♀️

Also with the 10Ohm adapter they're 1:1 in tuning IMG_20231124_125907.jpg
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Nov 24, 2023 at 12:02 AM Post #89,552 of 106,519
Probably missed the sound demo debate (damn I love a debate) but doesn't it make even less sense as you would need to be listening to the sound demo on the iem they are demoing to hear the reproduction of that signature?

Even if I use a neutral iem to listen, wouldn't that essentially act as a filter changing the sound towards that neutral signature?
Nov 24, 2023 at 12:08 AM Post #89,553 of 106,519
The Firehose:
If you ever thought about selling you MEAOES Eagle don't. Simply join it with the RENATA when it comes out and join me in paradise. Honestly I've never ever thought the Eagle could be taken this far........just insane really. What the RENATA does is adds an upper smoothness combined with soundstage expansion and bass kick. The TRN BAX becomes the best I've ever heard it. Oh.....the Eagle, yep best I ever heard it, and not by a's like a TOTL Flagship now. I know that's a silly statement to make, especially if your not a cable believer, but if you do own the MEAOES Eagle and you wanted to take it to the very best it has ever been.......get the RENATA and find paradise! The GEEK WOLD GK100 another............the best I ever heard it sound. So the firehose puts out fires if you own any intense IEMs that you like but want longer listening times, literally you can now go all day long with an enjoyable smooth and exciting listening session. The KZ AS24, after I got this I realized that many were having more success with the switches version. I went and got the switchless model, yet the RENATA goes ahead to smooth-out what I hear, though just to inform you, the KZ AS24 is the most dry of any on this page, and still probably my least favorite to change into something special. That has nothing to do really with the KZ AS24, except is fully showing how much the GEEK WOLD GK100 changed, how much the MEAOES Eagle went to heaven and how much the TRN BAX found synergy. Now the Penon RENATA is not for sale as yet, but should be so shortly. In all honesty I have never found such a problem solver. Also it is 3-in-1 and comes with three plugs. This gives you the option of adding the Penon Rhodium Plug, which in my tests added back a little intensity to these test IEMs. Yet the Rhodium Plug makes the RENATA a little more like the ISN CS02.....a cable that shares much in common with the RENATA. Yet the RENATA is more of the FLAGSHIP Cable offering a bigger stage and more robust imagery.




Truly the EA1000 is made for the RENATA
Bigger stage, better separated imaging and the same smooth-out into focus and imaging of treble and midrange elements, into a more evenly digestible and wider stage takes place with the RENATA takes place, plus ear-hooks doing their job!


Here shows the size difference between the ISN CS02 and the Penon RENATA. Also note Rhodium Plug on CS02.

Finally the TRN BAX, as a smoother less intense example of all-day listening, yet the gift is everything holds onto a broader stage with more clarity and separation here? Truly the ultimate TOTL FLAGSHIP Cable to go along with Flagship TRN IEM!

The RENATA by PENON......coming soon!DSC_0377.jpeg
Your photos are surely better than lot of manufacturer's officials. I praised you so many times but can't help to say it again and over again.
Nov 24, 2023 at 12:09 AM Post #89,554 of 106,519
filter changing the sound towards that neutral signature?
IMHO, it's more like if an IEM is "neutral" (whatever that means), it would have the least amount of colouring or more "transparent." Ideally, if your chain is 100% transparent, you will hear precisely what the microphone in the sound demo heard.

The challenge is: what is neutrality with IEM?
Nov 24, 2023 at 12:11 AM Post #89,555 of 106,519
IMHO, it's more like if an IEM is "neutral" (whatever that means), it would have the least amount of colouring or more "transparent." Ideally, if your chain is 100% transparent, you will hear precisely what the microphone in the sound demo heard.

The challenge is: what is neutrality with IEM?
Yea agreed haha.

I'm gonna go ahead an pin it down as something that doesn't make a whole lotta sense (but is maybe fun) 🤷‍♂️
Nov 24, 2023 at 12:11 AM Post #89,556 of 106,519
Hmm, theoretically the EA1000 has 3 tuning nozzles, but they are all variants of a Harmanish curve, from bright to very bright, with note weight on the thinner side. Extremely technical DD set though.

The Wind is warm neutralish - the graphs below do not show the Bone Conduction tech in play as the couplers can't pick up those vibrations.
But on actual listening, there is a bigger sub-bass than on the graphs as such, so it balances out the upper mids region and converts the Wind to a warmer neutral thicker profile. Needs amplification due to high impedance, sounds meh on weaker sources.
I will go with the Wind. Lol
Nov 24, 2023 at 12:15 AM Post #89,557 of 106,519
Interestingly, they don't sound the same in real life :thinking:

I need to revisit the Monarch II one day.

The real differences are Monarch using those in tube knowles like impedance damper, and Zero Red is using nylon filter on the nozzle to chase that FR target. Over dampened sound really kills the transient attack, technicalities and bass "clearness" and also dynamics.
Similar like truthear hola.
Nov 24, 2023 at 1:04 AM Post #89,558 of 106,519
Your photos are surely better than lot of manufacturer's officials. I praised you so many times but can't help to say it again and over again.
Thanks so much, my camera is super old, but I'm getting a new one soon. I don't know what my photographs are, but I'm just trying to use them to explain stuff, as it's what I come up with?
Nov 24, 2023 at 2:34 AM Post #89,560 of 106,519
Nov 24, 2023 at 3:34 AM Post #89,562 of 106,519
You have a source in mind?

What sources do you use currently at home and on-the-go?

Probably missed the sound demo debate (damn I love a debate) but doesn't it make even less sense as you would need to be listening to the sound demo on the iem they are demoing to hear the reproduction of that signature?

Even if I use a neutral iem to listen, wouldn't that essentially act as a filter changing the sound towards that neutral signature?

Personally, I think these sound demo stuff are not a true gauge of how an IEM will sound in real life.

They are perhaps somewhat useful to compare tonality within the same video amongst two transducers - so you can roughly tell IEM A may be brighter than IEM B or bassier etc.

But as you pointed out, the end user is going to be using a different transducer, amp, DAC, eartip etc while listening to these sound demos, which will surely skew the sound demo. There are so many variables in the final chain that may be coloured or less technical than the sound demo.

Same for some nihilistic folks who EQ an IEM to a graph of a new IEM and review it based on the EQed profile. Yes you can roughly tell the tonality with the new EQ, but not everything can be gleaned from the graph.

If EQ can solve all ills, why not just buy a dollar shop IEM and EQ it to a TOTL IEM and call it a day?
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Nov 24, 2023 at 3:39 AM Post #89,563 of 106,519
For many the TSMR Sands has been a break-through product. Simply offering more detail than most at its price point. The utilization and application of the 2 Sonion BAs has been a style of perfection for many.

The Tansio Mirai (TSMR) Sands

1 dynamic driver + 3 balanced armature
10mm custom dynamic driver for low frequency
2 Sonion balanced armature for middle frequency
1 Knowles balanced armature for high frequency
3-way crossover, 3-channel design
Impedance: 17Ω@1kHz
Input sensitivity: 107dBL/mW
Passive Noise reduction: 26dB
Frequency response range: 5-20000Hz

But what if.................what if I told you there was a place you could go that would make the Sands simply better than ever? It is true, and this avenue for success has been due to the new Penon RENATA cable. Now this RENATA doesn't actually work well with every IEM, as it (colors) alters the sound slightly. But the magic it performs with the Sands is a wider soundstage, a smoother top-end than I have ever heard the Sands accomplish. Take the very best cable you have heard so far with the Sands and double the effect, and that's what the RENATA gives you. It's just that the RENATA and Sands sound totally natural together, almost like they were made for one another? Just the way the bass is enhanced and brought forward is reason enough to get excited!

The soon to be released Penon RENATA.

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Nov 24, 2023 at 9:24 AM Post #89,564 of 106,519
Here we go again...

Linsoul has limited (to 30 uses each) $10 and $15 off codes.
Minimum $25/$30 order.
Moondrop, Topping, xDuoo, GUSTARD, TANCHJIM, SMSL items are excluded.

$10 off $25 - FYSSHX41S0GG

$15 off $30 - SXBFSPJ0GAV0

EW200 is even cheaper than when I bought it last week. What a deal.

Thanks!! I needed a small cheap dongle DAC, picked up Tempotec Sonata HD III for $17.

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