The discovery thread!
Jul 16, 2023 at 8:51 AM Post #83,071 of 107,107

Qudelix-T71 Discrete 7.1 Surround USB DAC

New Quidelix is coming folks, they got 4.4mm balanced this time. Just hope the build is more solid, and not having overly sensitive buttons anymore.

ES9219 DAC + INA1620 OPAMP
Max. Output Voltage: UNBAL 3.8VRMS / BAL 7.6VRMS
Max. Output Power: TBD
2Ch Mode: 384KHz x 32bit (High-Resolution Stereo Audio)
8Ch Mode: 96KHz x 32Bit (Gaming, OTT, Movie)
1000mA Battery (for mobile use case)



Compatibility with conventional stereo Earphones & Headphones

T71 USB DAC is compatible with traditional stereo earphones and headphones. Despite being designed for surround sound, the T71 still provides an enhanced audio experience when used with conventional stereo headphones.

While stereo headphones are typically designed to reproduce audio in a left-right channel configuration, the T71 can leverage its advanced DSP features to enhance the audio quality and provide a surround sound-like experience. This is achieved through virtualization techniques that simulate the spatial characteristics of surround sound, even when using a stereo output.
Is this only USB / Hard Wired, and NOT Bluetooth? Seems to target a different user base than their 5K ???

Don't see measurements, but this looks significantly larger and heavier than the 5k...
Jul 16, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #83,073 of 107,107
The best thing Penon has ever made, and not by a little, but by far! This isn’t a matter of opinion! Keep in mind I haven't heard the Impact.
My guy - I’m thrilled that the 10th is working out to be a killer in your collection but this statement right here… come on, bro. Of course it’s a matter of opinion.
Jul 16, 2023 at 9:15 AM Post #83,074 of 107,107
I saw some people were curious about EPZ K5, so I wanted to share my review here too. You can also check out the graph of the K5 and compare it with other iems at my squig:

EPZ K5 Review: Everything is too shouty?

Some of you may know the EPZ brand but I assume most of you didn’t hear any of their earphones before. That’s because they are, although not new, not a very popular manufacturer in the global market. However I know they are pretty active in China and Japan. K5 is their current 1+4 hybrid iem. With around a $100 price tag and a premium build and accessories I think the K5 is pretty competitive.


  • Well built
  • Decent accessories
  • Non-fatiguing listenin experience
  • Decent technicalities


  • Recessed mids
  • Weak bass
  • Unusual tonality (subjective)


EPZ sent the K5 for review but I won’t be keeping them as they will be going to someone else. As I always say, everyone is biased one way or another so take everything you read with a grain of salt. Also I will try to be more concise and to the point in my reviews from now on without worrying about the word count etc. If you have any questions please ask me in the comments and I will try to answer them to my abilities.


A Little About the EPZ

Roots of the company extends as early as 2008, but as a brand EPZ was established in 2019. They make iems, custom and universal, micro speakers, tws and etc. They also have several dongles and other accessories under their brand name. Right now most notable products in their line-up include K5, 530, Q1, Q5, G10, TP20, TP30 and many more.

Build and Accessories of the K5

The shells of the K5 are made out of resin. They feel nice to touch and are probably skin friendly. The nozzles are long and provide a deep insert if that is important for you. I don’t have the full package since they are loaned to me but I can say the included cable is a decent modular one. It is made out of 6N high purity copper and can be bought separately for around $25. Cable and iems use regular 2 pin connectors and cable entries on the shells are flush. They are not very small but fairly comfortable even for someone with weird shaped ears like me. Carrying case also looks and feels very premium.


Sound of the K5

Although I will try to comment on every part of the frequency range, I don’t want to separate them to different headlines because in my experience they are all tied together and I tend to mention each in another’s headline.


Anyway, generally the K5 is a slightly warm iem with recessed mids. They are very easy to drive. In fact they might be the most sensitive iems I have at hand. But that also means if your equipment has a high noise floor you will hear a noticeable hiss.

First thing I noticed was the recessed mids, especially the upper mids are quite relaxed. This might be a good or a bad thing depending on your taste or if you are sensitive to the area or not. Some people are especially sensitive to this area and find most of the recent iems shouty. But if you like your vocals, especially female ones, the sound of the K5 may come as distant and unenergetic.

The presentation of K5 is slightly warm but you may as well call it neutral at this point because what I perceive as neutral (like moondrop or etymotic style) sounds thin to most people. I’m more of a headphones guy and I’m forever cursed (or blessed) by the Hifiman and the Sennheiser sound.

I found the bass in the K5 weak to be honest and that’s probably because of the rolled of sub-bass. There is just not enough power behind every hit. You can also say the transients are fast and if you like it, that is fine. But in the K5’s case I think they are a little too fast.

Treble on the K5 is interesting. Although it is pushed to accentuate the details, it is not overly aggressive. It kind of reminded me Hidizs MS5 that I listened to for a brief period of time but I liked the sound of the K5 much better. It is just much more natural. The MS5, on the other hand, was much more aggressive.



Technically I’d say K5 is decent. Some of the technical prowess of the K5 comes from its tonality like most of the other iems but driver configuraton, housing and implementation also somewhat play a role. The K5 sound decently wide thanks to the recessed mids for example. But also details in the midrange are lost to the rest of the frequency response. Thankfully there is no severe bass bleed that would drown the already recessed mids.

Apart from the mids, the K5 is fairly detailed for its price, especially in the treble. But timbre is somewhat unnatural, still it is not down the drain and didn’t make me want to remove them from my ears.


Short Comparisons

From the iems I have on my hand, I thought comparing the K5 to Audiosense AQ4 and Truthear Hexa made the most sense in terms of price and drive configuration.

EPZ K5 vs. Audiosense AQ4

Compared to K5, AQ4 is much bassier and has more note weight. Also I like Mids on AQ4 better since they are not recessed like K5’s. They are similar in treble, both are relatively relaxed but K5 is safer. All in all AQ4 sounds more balanced.
K5 is wider, compared to that, AQ4 sounds relatively intimate. Imaging is also more precise on K5. Resolving capability and separation of instruments is also better on AQ4. This may be because of the quality of the drivers used in AQ4. K5 may present details more easily because of its tonality but AQ4 sounds more competent. Timbre sounds more natural on AQ4. K5 sounds a little bit more synthetic because of its tonality.


vs Truthear Hexa

Tonally they are the exact opposite. Hexa extends deeper into the bass and has more slam.
K5 is warmer in the lower mids. Rest of the mids are more accentuated on Hexa, female vocals and higher pitched instruments are more energetic on Hexa but neither is harsh. Lower treble or presence region is slightly more relaxed on Hexa therefore it is less prone to sibilance or harshness but neither is really sibilant. Rest of the treble is also more forward on K5. This helps hearing minute details easier on K5. Technically K5 is superior to Hexa in almost every aspect. K5 is wider and deeper but imaging is similar. Only in timbre K5 loses out but not by a big margin.



If you are underwhelmed by Hexa’s tonality or you are allergic to forward upper mids, K5 might be a competent choice. Although K5’s tonality is not my favorite, it never offended me or fatigued me during my listening sessions. For the price, they are very well built and offer premium accessories that would surprise you.
Jul 16, 2023 at 9:52 AM Post #83,076 of 107,107
So for now, I'm impressed with Krila aside from that thin mids and slightly off timbre, they have great bass that hard to find in this class with superb technicalities as bonuses. As objective as I try, i have to congrats Tyvan and KZ, you did great job with Krila although there are room for improvements as I commented above. Perhaps lower down the 2-4khz roughly -3db and put foam in the nozzle or move the BA further from nozzle opening will be great. Congratulations on delivering the sub $50 budget King challenger here, but sorry they are not ready to fight up until $1000 class.
Can’t wait for the Krila Ultimate Pro, to be released in +/- 5 weeks.
Jul 16, 2023 at 9:58 AM Post #83,077 of 107,107
Just got my EPZ 530 today. VERY IMPRESSED so far out of the box.
Refined and detailed with excellent timbre. Loved it on "AIR" and "AIIR" by SAULT.
Great rec from @Tonytex!
I ordered an EPZ 530 unit as well... I couldn't resist this hype. I was looking some full-BA models (among them the Leisurely L8s), but I ended up shooting this EPZ after the Akros review.

At the end of the year I want to test side by side with a unit from the Neon Pro and another from the SR8 to understand how close or far they are in practice (for my taste and for my preferences).
Jul 16, 2023 at 10:20 AM Post #83,079 of 107,107
When it comes to technicalities, the Falcon Ultra is superior in soundstage, imaging, layering and instrument separation. Micro-detailing is about on par.

The Oxygen has been my midFI single DD benchmark pair for the past 3 years, but the Falcon Ultra has taken over this mantle, boasting better versatility (via source pairing cable modules and tuning nozzles), better fit and better technicalities.
The FOMO is high on this, it is.

I’m curious to compare this to my:
Dunu Zen (O.G.)
FiiO FD5 (modded) & FD7
Jul 16, 2023 at 10:55 AM Post #83,080 of 107,107
A used U12T is incredibly good value nowadays (of course, “good” is nonsense for $2000 IEM anyway). I’m starting to nitpick the tonality and tuning of U12T and start to hear issues that the head-fier guy who hates everything found, however, the “intangibilities” of U12T is unmatched. Large and open stage, aided by both treble extension and the air vents. Very dynamic, likely thanks to proper implementation of 4 vented woofers. Still outresolve (separation, note definition) most IEMs, though detail retrieval is starting to fall behind the likes of Monarch II. But the best thing is is that feels so comfortable to wear, as if it is open-back. So far, only FD5, FD7, and JD7 have the same level of openness.

MEST III has better dynamic than MEST II, but not “oh wow, this IEM is dynamic” but like “oh, it does not suck anymore”. The stage of MEST III does have some sort of “magic” in terms of the depth and the ability to project the background into the surrounding environment. But I heard the same with MEST II, and MEST II is half price.

I might go with MEST II or Helios, depending on how impressive the borrowed Helios sound. Otherwise, it’s time to wait for AFUL to do something cool.

We have a guy flashing us with his beach photo, and other with avatar. Not something I want to discover …

(That’s an unfortunately small dot though)

It’s ... surprisingly accurate.

The thing about EST112 is that it sounds very “vanilla.” I still think that Vulkan provides better value for that kind of sound.

FD7 has the same open-feeling of FD5 and JD7 due to the open back design. It does not mean that the stage is “large” or “holographic”. Think of it as opening the door and windows of your listening room. The tuning feels surprisingly flat, allowing you turn up the volume, which in turn makes the bass and treble pop. The most interesting aspect, to me, is the crispness and definition of the treble region. Not something that stands out immediately, but I appreciate it a lot when doing critical listening.

Still waiting for my local hifi store to give a final discount for FD7. I was obsessed with that IEM when I started, but I followed Reddit’s advice and went with “beautifully tuned” Blessing 2 instead. Should have listened to my ears.
is jd 7 close to fd 5? I thought the fd 5 was a midrange product. You recommended jd 7 recently, there are those who ordered jd 7 with your recommendation. I ordered a model of a more unknown brand instead of jd 7, but I am not satisfied, I spent the budget I thought for jd 7 on another model and threw away the money. anyway, now i want to order jd 7 again. I want to use it as an everyday model, it is important that it is not v-shaped and there is no problem with airflow.

jd 7 is 80 €, fd 5 is 150 €
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Jul 16, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #83,081 of 107,107
The FOMO is high on this, it is.

I’m curious to compare this to my:
Dunu Zen (O.G.)
FiiO FD5 (modded) & FD7
Could u elaborate more the modding of the FD5?
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Jul 16, 2023 at 11:07 AM Post #83,082 of 107,107
Could u elaborate more the modded of the FD5
The FD5 is a chameleon; you can really customize them to almost anyone’s specific taste, from filters, to tips and (if you’re a believer) cables.

Here’s a link to one of my prior posts, on the FD5:
[edit to add]
more filters
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Jul 16, 2023 at 11:45 AM Post #83,083 of 107,107
is jd 7 close to fd 5? I thought the fd 5 was a midrange product. You recommended jd 7 recently, there are those who ordered jd 7 with your recommendation. I ordered a model of a more unknown brand instead of jd 7, but I am not satisfied, I spent the budget I thought for jd 7 on another model and threw away the money. anyway, now i want to order jd 7 again. I want to use it as an everyday model, it is important that it is not v-shaped and there is no problem with airflow.

jd 7 is 80 €, fd 5 is 150 €

You might be a candidate for the classic TinHiFi T2
Jul 16, 2023 at 12:15 PM Post #83,084 of 107,107
The FD5 is a chameleon; you can really customize them to almost anyone’s specific taste, from filters, to tips and (if you’re a believer) cables.

Here’s a link to one of my prior posts, on the FD5:
[edit to add]
more filters
Thanks for sharing, im already mod some of my IEMS (S12 for example, to calm down the treble)

I found more mods from Rikoduo, so... ¿Could u recommend materials or other post to check more info about moda in general?

RHA filters are discounted btw... What a pity
Jul 16, 2023 at 12:18 PM Post #83,085 of 107,107
Is this only USB / Hard Wired, and NOT Bluetooth? Seems to target a different user base than their 5K ???

Don't see measurements, but this looks significantly larger and heavier than the 5k...

yep, it's supposed to be a desktop device.
I wonder if 7.1 would work out of USB connection to amazon tablet... :thinking:
If so - instant buy here! Will be perfect for watching movies on flights!!!

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