The discovery thread!
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:32 PM Post #70,711 of 104,267
Hmm it seems Monarcch MkII still suffers from same slow low end syndromes that OG has. They should have made the dynamic driver to LCP or like. I bet of they take spetrum decay both Monarchs will suffer from this
transient delay in dynamic driver creating uneven feeling.

This also happen to LCP driver ones like Trurhear ZERO, but to my experience they only suffer very end of sub-bass of which Truthear/Crin trimmed it down to reduce distortions and slow transients

If it the same case, i suspect because over resonance, trapped air inside due bad airflow (bad damping system, lack of air vents). Not particularly bad driver, but more to bad implementation.
I mod lot of things and this is a very common case especially with cheaper chifi using nylon filter on the nozzle that made bass sounded bloated.
Give little hole will solve the problem easily.

But for tube system IEMs sadly nothing we can do, and too bad lot of IEMs suffer the same problem

I forget who posted about "inbalance air pressure inside the IEM" that I agree instantly, but that was a very good read.
And usually can be heard / feel on low frequencies section.
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:49 PM Post #70,712 of 104,267
If it the same case, i suspect because over resonance, trapped air inside due bad airflow (bad damping system, lack of air vents). Not particularly bad driver, but more to bad implementation.
I mod lot of things and this is a very common case especially with cheaper chifi using nylon filter on the nozzle that made bass sounded bloated.
Give little hole will solve the problem easily.

But for tube system IEMs sadly nothing we can do, and too bad lot of IEMs suffer the same problem

I forget who posted about "inbalance air pressure inside the IEM" that I agree instantly, but that was a very good read.
And usually can be heard / feel on low frequencies section.
I always find non-tubed IEMs sound more natural (the good ones) because the drivers are allowed to resonate inside the material of the shell before entering the ear. And there are usually no air vents for a tubed DD for the impression of a darker background and better isolation which I don't really like.
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:50 PM Post #70,713 of 104,267
How good is the Wu Heyday Bass?

I want a Planar and am looking for solid bass response, I've heard Planar bass is somewhere between BA and DD bass when it comes to slam and tactility.
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:22 PM Post #70,714 of 104,267
How good is the Wu Heyday Bass?

I want a Planar and am looking for solid bass response, I've heard Planar bass is somewhere between BA and DD bass when it comes to slam and tactility.
Zetian Wu is pretty good for bass, lost it's flavor of the month status with the release of the HBB Ultra Max X version (I forget the name okay!). Anyway off the hype train and getting closer to $100. Letshuoer S12 is being discounted too as it's retune/colab versions have come out. If you can spot a pattern here then have a banana!:ksc75smile:
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:45 PM Post #70,716 of 104,267
How good is the Wu Heyday Bass?

I want a Planar and am looking for solid bass response, I've heard Planar bass is somewhere between BA and DD bass when it comes to slam and tactility.
Decent of you add 4db of sub bass shelf boost but for bass the OG or the Hook X would be better
Jan 7, 2023 at 11:29 PM Post #70,717 of 104,267
I always find non-tubed IEMs sound more natural (the good ones) because the drivers are allowed to resonate inside the material of the shell before entering the ear. And there are usually no air vents for a tubed DD for the impression of a darker background and better isolation which I don't really like.
I agree that open cavity inner shell is usually more natural, and so do I, prefer non tube for DD , but for passive crossover, tubed one is better and accurate. Still i prefer the natural impact of good DD in open cavity.
Tubed DD can be good too actually if well vented and have good dampening techniques, like the one in Mest

How good is the Wu Heyday Bass?

I want a Planar and am looking for solid bass response, I've heard Planar bass is somewhere between BA and DD bass when it comes to slam and tactility.
I never listened to Zetian Wu Heyday but the planar bass if damped propolerly can be good, and they need air too. My modded timeless have great fast tactile speed like BA, with better impact i say like half DD great DD impact. Still I rated the modded timeless bass 8/10, its better than M9 all BA 7.5/10, S8 6.5/10, Kato 7/10, while average KZ non XUN driver around 4.5-5.5 out of 10.
Better than that only mest at 8.5/10, 64audio tia trio 9/10 and Z1R at 9.5/10
So far I haven't find perfect 10/10 bass score of any price IEM that I have listened to.

But for note, the default timeless bass I rated at 6.5/10 because of bad dampening and bad airflow (they have 3 layers of dampers, that drop the bass quality because of bad airflow and wrecked the imaging of timeless)
Not sure with zetian wu damping system / material
Jan 7, 2023 at 11:35 PM Post #70,718 of 104,267
If it’s half-price that makes it a no-brainer purchase, but I don’t see it as “on-sale” for less than $139.00?

The Fan and Fan 2 are opposites really! Also they are complementary due to such characteristics!

It is worth buying if you like the standard V signature with a fabulous midrange? That may make no sense at all but that’s exactly what it is. The original Fan is truly amazing and in a way my review (exposure) enlightened me to the original as it didn’t seem to have that much hype recently? But that’s what happened was it was sent to me for free and I reviewed it, plus honestly loved what it does. Representing it’s price bracket or better than the price bracket I almost can’t answer as I basically love the Penon sound. Yet at the same time the stage seems better and bigger than many in relation to the price bracket. The Fan 2 is neutral where the Fan 1 is the basic consumer tune, which makes the Fan 1 unique as it’s the most consumer tune Penon has ever done. The fit is way different than say the Fan 2 or the ISN D10 as the Fan nozzle is not that long or intrusive. But all and all I really feel it’s a great package. Of course I got it for free, so take that for what it’s worth. But still the build is wonderful the included cable is nice, though if you want 4.4mm or 2.5mm balanced you will need a different cable. Still I found the included cable which is single crystal copper with silver plating to be perfect, as it has just enough warmth and just enough high-end detail. I rolled cables and found I liked the ISN S2 also, but remember that gives the opportunity to use 4.4mm amplification. The Fan is actually dark blue clear in back of the faceplate, which is a style of resin impregnated (stabilized) wood. The Fan 1 has a great metal nozzle that holds ear-tip lips on well. I kinda feel their will be a resurgence of interest in this single IEM. Primarily because it does fast transient bass imaging and is a thrill. But also because of the careful line it walks not being too bright or ever too dull. It remains to exhibit the smooth Penon midrange despite being V shaped, which in a way makes it complementary to the Fan 2, plus some may find it more comfortable too. Read my review if you want to know more.


How many of the Penon earphones have you heard?
Which one would you consider to have the best quality of bass, and which has the most quantity of bass?
Jan 7, 2023 at 11:40 PM Post #70,719 of 104,267
I agree that open cavity inner shell is usually more natural, and so do I, prefer non tube for DD , but for passive crossover, tubed one is better and accurate. Still i prefer the natural impact of good DD in open cavity.
Tubed DD can be good too actually if well vented and have good dampening techniques, like the one in Mest

I never listened to Zetian Wu Heyday but the planar bass if damped propolerly can be good, and they need air too. My modded timeless have great fast tactile speed like BA, with better impact i say like half DD great DD impact. Still I rated the modded timeless bass 8/10, its better than M9 all BA 7.5/10, S8 6.5/10, Kato 7/10, while average KZ non XUN driver around 4.5-5.5 out of 10.
Better than that only mest at 8.5/10, 64audio tia trio 9/10 and Z1R at 9.5/10
So far I haven't find perfect 10/10 bass score of any price IEM that I have listened to.

But for note, the default timeless bass I rated at 6.5/10 because of bad dampening and bad airflow (they have 3 layers of dampers, that drop the bass quality because of bad airflow and wrecked the imaging of timeless)
Not sure with zetian wu damping system / material

The Zetian Wu is easily the most dampened of all the planars I have tried. But therein, this is a double-edged sword. The Zetian Wu has the most natural timbre and tonality of the current planar IEM gang, though on the flip-side, it probably is the least technical of the lot.
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:26 AM Post #70,720 of 104,267
How many of the Penon earphones have you heard?
Which one would you consider to have the best quality of bass, and which has the most quantity of bass?
I've heard the Fan 1 and Fan 2, the Serial and the Globe and Orb and Vortex, then remember ISN is made by Penon too. That includes the ISN D10, H30 and H50 the EST50, H40 and DO2. So the answer isn't that straight forward. As the ISN D10 has insane bass, probably the most, yet there is that feature due to balance, meaning the D10 still has balance even though the bass is insane and my review posts embellishments of the D10 midrange. The EST50 is second being ISN is always more bass oriented (till the recent H30 and Penon Fan 2) (too me the Fan 2 has better bass than the H30) but who knows, maybe they ARE staying with the theme? The ISN brand is typically more bass oriented, and Penon name brand is more midrange oriented, still that doesn't mean they (Penon) lack in bass in any way, in fact the Penon bass is great!

So the ISN EST50 is second, yet that bass is workable, meaning with different cables it responds totally different and has room for the treble, the EST manufactured treble to came alive as well as the midrange with something like the G4 or better test the ISN SC4 cable. All this still depends on synergy and over-all character of your DAP. Hence more midrange DAPs like the WM1A will offer a more mid centric play-off where the WM1Z is more bass heavy and more treble centric.

I wish I had a simple answer for you but it's complicated? :) :wink:

Where probably to answer the second part of your question the ISN H50 is the fastest bass and is reminiscent of the hugely successful and popular IER-Z1R. I use the Sony as my ultimate reference. If reviewers don't have the IER-Z1R to compare then they have no reference, no true reference for anything they are comparing bass wise. The H50 plays 2nd fiddle to the IER-Z1R but slightly less presentation of reality and naturalness. Literally the H50 is so close to the IER-Z1R, they contain the same sound stance. Yet the IER-Z1R is the the end!

So there is your answer. :)

Most bass ISN D10, most refined with most bass ISN EST50, and fastest best imagined and most like the IER-Z1R.....the ISN H50. The ISN H50 is probably my favorite PENON IEM, of what I have heard. There is the maybe two or three I haven't heard and that would be the ISN D02, the ISN earbud, the Rambo.......and Rambo II, and the Penon Legend and Sphere and Volt. So I haven't heard 5 products total.................But take note Penon is coming out with a new TOTL which I may get a chance to here. I own every IEM in the below list. But I'm also into cables, meaning I find the effects of cables on the included IEM to fully change the much so that it moved the ISN EST50 into a special place from just using (other than) the included cable.

In possession: 11 IEMs

Penon Orb
Penon Fan
Penon Fan 2
Penon Serial
Penon Vortex
Penon Globe

Multiple cables, I'm too lazy to list them all both by Penon and ISN, but they are listed in the following complete data-base!

Here is a chronological data-base of my Penon/ISN reviews from 2022. This is not including associated brands.

Around 8 or so have been front page featured?
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Jan 8, 2023 at 12:37 AM Post #70,721 of 104,267
No offense, but this cable salad is hardly a 'Discovery'...

I enjoy following discoveries, but getting notifications about cables, Waifu etc. gets really annoying.

Jan 8, 2023 at 12:48 AM Post #70,722 of 104,267
So now i'm wondering how the bass will be from the three IEM's I got coming in? So I spent today listening to about 5-6 different IEM's in my collection while I completed the daunting but rewarding task of uploading music on a 1TB microSD. The surprise winner of most resolving, rounded, and articulate bass that's also punchy turned out to be that dual beryllium coated bass from the NX7 mk IV. Better than the bass on the N5005, Wu Zetian, Timeless, RE800, CRA, Trumpets, and IE800. It's even better than the dual CNT driver bass found in the mk III. If only the treble had more resolution and the stage was more 3D, it would be a end game, but alas, the bass is the star of a show that has many weaknesses as well. Still...I LOVE THAT BASS!!!!
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:57 AM Post #70,723 of 104,267
So now i'm wondering how the bass will be from the three IEM's I got coming in? So I spent today listening to about 5-6 different IEM's in my collection while I completed the daunting but rewarding task of uploading music on a 1TB microSD. The surprise winner of most resolving, rounded, and articulate bass that's also punchy turned out to be that dual beryllium coated bass from the NX7 mk IV. Better than the bass on the N5005, Wu Zetian, Timeless, RE800, CRA, Trumpets, and IE800. It's even better than the dual CNT driver bass found in the mk III. If only the treble had more resolution and the stage was more 3D, it would be a end game, but alas, the bass is the star of a show that has many weaknesses as well. Still...I LOVE THAT BASS!!!!

Oh what the hell, alternatively...

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Jan 8, 2023 at 1:03 AM Post #70,724 of 104,267
Great test tracks for nimble articulate punchy and resolving bass?

Hall & Oates - Maneater
Michael Jackson - Get On The Floor
Dazz Band - Let It Whip
George Benson - Give Me The Night

The devil is in the details.
Jan 8, 2023 at 1:05 AM Post #70,725 of 104,267

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