The discovery thread!
Aug 11, 2021 at 9:36 AM Post #58,996 of 103,972
This review is on a new startup company I discovered on Taobao!
…Can this be the beginning of the budget take over?

Introducing Bamboo Forest Bird, ridiculous price for such Hi-Definition sound!

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About Bamboo Forest Bird
Bamboo Forest Bird is a fairly new company. They first came out in public with their own exclusive in-ear earphones in 2020 and started selling them through their own webpage on Taobao, one of China’s biggest shopping website. For now, they only carry 2 in-ear earphones to their name, but they’re gaining quite a following lately ever since the words been out in China that who’s ever tuning their earphones is “a force to be reckoned with” for the high quality tuning of their 8mm + 6mm micro DD on the “BFB Amazing” and their later model’s incredible tuning of their 6mm “BFB Lark”. Since last year, they’ve gained a lot of recognition through a partnered website on Taobao with many people buying the BFB Amazing at that website first instead of other branded names. Then after, BFB started seller the BFB Lark on their own website later that year. By this year, both the BFB website and its partner website have been selling both models with almost excellent feedbacks. And, just recently BFB is leading the way on best-selling earphones at their partnered website at almost 3,600 reviews to date with countless buyers after releasing the BFB Lark. So, I found it suspicious that the BFB Lark was gaining so much popularity, so I decided to buy them at only a mere 89 yuan, which translates to only $14 dollars. Who would have known that the price would be as low as to say, “lunch for two?” So, let’s see what’s separates both of them and what makes them unique in their own rights for many buyers in China. We’ll start with the BFB Lark first, then continue with the BFB Amazing.

NOTE: Just a reminder, the earphones spoken of below are mostly Chi-Fi branded IEM's and some people might be judgmental on quality rather than just sound alone. So, note that the comparison below will be based more on sound impression with a budget expense in mind for those looking for an opportunity of a hi-definition and mature sound.

My first encounter with the BFB Lark
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More than a month ago I was seeking for a micro DD that could perform like no other micro DD that could provide a long excursion sub-bass, transparent and natural MID’s, and micro details without ever sounding harsh and while searching on the Taobao website that’s when I stumbled onto the BFB Lark. I didn’t merely get them only by the reviews astonishing high purchase rate, or the detachable cables, and nice accessories and package, but because the Frequency Graph was driving me nuts. I couldn’t believe the frequency graph that I was looking at. For a micro DD, it sure had the graph of a champion! I’m sure it must have been a hard feat to accomplish coming from the tuning department on a 6mm micro DD. It finally had the similar “Harman curve” that I was looking for with just the right bump in the sub-bass, MID’s, and highs. Now, when I finally received them at my door step after purchasing them, I was astonished! But, not so much on just the looks and the package alone, but the sound according to the graph that I was hoping to hear was justified. I felt like I found a “diamond in the rough”. The details sounded very similar and reminded me of two of my favorite earphones; the retro KOSS KSC35 and the SR MT300 IEM. First, it completely almost mirrors the KSC35 in overall sound, but knowing that the KSC35’s is sort of open sounding on-ear headphones, the LARK’s are in-ear and sealed. The Lark’s digs deeper in the sub-bass department leaving me dumbfounded and speechless, while it provided an exact similar soundstage to the KSC35, which practically makes the LARK’s one of the widest soundstage listening experience I’ve ever heard coming from any micro DD. Separation and imaging is also spectacular and unmatched by many earphones I personally own. The Midrange is incredibly clear, lively, and natural to the point that I can hear pin drops and breathing with many of my songs that I’m only able to pick up with my IEM’s and headphones that range around $150 dollars and above. With the treble, I was just as surprised because it has a similar and precise definition towards details as the MT300’s EST drivers. The treble from the LARK’s micro DD’s are so detailed that it was really hard to tell them apart from the EST drivers coming from the MT300. Now, I know it sounds too good to be true, so I decided to invite my wife to listen to them and compare them to the KSC35 and the MT300’s. What I didn’t expect next was that she would overpower me just to keep them for herself! So, as the good gentle man that I am, I decided to order two (2) more. Once I received them, it was the same as the first. So, to me it looked like QC wouldn’t be a factor for the BFB Larks. Now, for those who prefer DF neutral target, you won’t find it here. They will definitely compete more within the Harman Curve audience with an enjoyable balanced sound signature with extended lower bass, transparent MID’s, and extended treble providing plenty of micro-details.

My second encounter, the BFB Amazing
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*Picture is Courtesy of BFB for the BFB Amazing

The story for the BFB Amazing is interesting, since they were actually the first model to come out on Taobao from the BFB company in 2020, and it was because of my purchase of the BFB Lark that lead me to the BFB Amazing. So, I decided to contact the main company to see if they can send me the BFB Amazing in return for an honest review for both in which they did. After receiving the BFB Amazing, I noticed it was a dual DD unit with one 8MM for bass and 6MM for the MID’s and treble. The second thing I noticed was that it had a true 2-way crossover dividing the lows to the 8MM, and the MID’s and highs to the 6MM micro DD’s. Usually, you will find a combination of two (2) DD’s with no need of a crossover, but this was really a smart move from the tuning expert here to install one, so that the sound will generate in a more natural and coherent way. Good job BFB team! Now, the look of the BFB Amazing is beautiful to look at with white pearl design on the outside plus detachable cables with nice accessories and package. But, once I tried them on for a listen, it was actually like the name says, Amazing! They have a similar tuning with the BFB Larks, but with more emphasis on the midrange. It’s slightly more forward compared with the Lark providing an airy and more spacious sound. They provide an enjoyable 3D-like balanced signature with extended bass, extended treble, but the MID’s are more forward and life-like, which brings it to life. “No kidding” when I say that they sound like they have built in BA’s for the MID’s, so eventually it took me by surprise at first. They can easily compete with much higher costing IEM’s and punches way above its’ price point. Since, the 6MM micro DD is providing all the highs and details, while the 8MM DD’s maintains the lower bass, it’s no wonder they can rival almost any DD in existence on transparency and details, and may I dare say to the likings of Tanchjim Oxygen, KB EAR Diamond, BLON BL03, KZ DQ6, etc…So, let’s not forget the tuning! I can imagine, there is a very good tuning expert tuning these IEM’s not just for enjoyment, but to compete with much higher tier, and overall I can say that they follow the Harman Curve for those who enjoy this type of tuning.

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The BFB LARK comes in a beautifully displayed white box with birds pictured on the box with plenty of accessories inside, which includes the main metal-alloy IEM units in black, MMCX detachable cables with MIC, two (2) sets of “white” and “black” S-M-L silicone ear tips. The white “wide-bore” set of ear tips plays “transparently”, while the black “narrow-bore” set of ear tips plays “balanced”. The package also includes a set of sponge ear tips in its own plastic case, a shirt clip, one metal round storage case, plus a gray carry case for those on the go.

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The BFB AMAZING also comes in a beautifully displayed white box with birds pictured on the box with plenty of accessories inside, which includes the main IEM units in a white pearl resin finish (or optional in black, or mixed), MMCX detachable cables with MIC, back/forward, and volume controls, two (2) sets of white and black S-M-L silicone ear tips. The white “wide-bore” set of ear tips plays “transparently” while the black “narrow-bore” set of ear tips plays “balanced”. The package also includes a set of sponge ear tips in its own plastic case, a shirt clip, and a gray carry case for those on the go.

If you are looking for a listening experience similar to the standards of the KOSS KSC35, or SR MT300, then I suggest you buy the BFB LARK. But, if you’re looking for a listening experience to the likings of the Tanchjim Oxygen, KB EAR Diamond, BLON BL03, KZ DQ6, or other similar DD’s, then I suggest you buy the BFB AMAZING. My last suggestion would be to use “wide-bore” silicone ear tips for both the LARK and AMAZING. They bring out the best precision and musical sound possible out of both of them, IMHO!

Personally, I think the BFB LARK and BFB AMAZING are one of the better IEM’s I’ve ever come across from a startup company that outperforms many other IEM’s in its price range. The AMAZING has a comfort fit, while the LARKS has a compact size and comfort fit as well. Both can easily satisfy many for their mature tuning and easy going appearance. So, in my honest opinion I can easily recommend the BFB LARK to be an incredible deal for its natural and very wide soundstage and sonic-like signature, while the BFB AMAZING for its luscious presentation of its forward MID’s with a 3D-like holographic signature. You can purchase the BFB LARK at around 89 yuan, which translates to $14 US dollars, while the BFB AMAZING can be purchased at around 159 yuan, translating to $25 US dollars. Finally, I would like to thank the owner of Bamboo Forest Bird and his team for providing the BFB AMAZING in return for an honest review, while the BFB LARKS, in this case, was my own personal purchase.

Check out the BFB LARK and BFB AMAZING by searching at any of the two stores below. In the case of this seller, you can register and buy any of them globally.


Reviews for the BFB Lark: If you want to see the many positive Chinese reviews for the LARK, please check out the link below…

1clearhead Approved.png
Hope this helps anyone in their personal choice of whether the BFB LARK or BFB AMAZING is right for you!


Nice finding, Lark looks interesting, If they sell on AE, I may grab one, maybe a good comparison with KBEAR Lark, it’s going around $17 on the market with fairly fine-tuned 30095+neutral DD. When you mentioned KSC35, I felt nostalgia!
Aug 11, 2021 at 10:09 AM Post #58,997 of 103,972
Nice finding, Lark looks interesting, If they sell on AE, I may grab one, maybe a good comparison with KBEAR Lark, it’s going around $17 on the market with fairly fine-tuned 30095+neutral DD. When you mentioned KSC35, I felt nostalgia!
I'm still trying to convince him to sell at AE and other stores that sells outside of China, but his company, I believe is still growing. Though, I don't know if he knows it yet that his "secret weapon" is his "sound and audio tuning department."

They have some very serious tuning going on there!

-Clear :musical_score::headphones:
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Aug 11, 2021 at 2:09 PM Post #58,999 of 103,972
It is quite clear that some brands just can't get their tuning right hence I don't bother with their products. I understand that some audiophiles want to try new gears but buying from brands with poor track record is a waste of money. Better off saving it for a legit purchase.
Aug 11, 2021 at 4:03 PM Post #59,000 of 103,972
It is quite clear that some brands just can't get their tuning right hence I don't bother with their products. I understand that some audiophiles want to try new gears but buying from brands with poor track record is a waste of money. Better off saving it for a legit purchase.

I don't think it's fair to completely write off a brand just due to tuning. You can even see from Crin's list that, sorting by Model, "tone grade" is all over the place for pretty much every brand:

Isn't the point of this thread to discover the qualities of new IEMs? How does one do that without buying and trying it? Maybe there are a lucky few who can audition before buying but that doesn't seem to be the case for most...
Aug 11, 2021 at 4:48 PM Post #59,002 of 103,972
By the way, I think I'm gonna place an order for 634EARS SARN-II tomorrow. Snakewood shell.

As per their claim through insta dm,

I recommend the hardest of rosewoods, such as snakewood, granadillo, Honduran rosewood, and Guatemalan rosewood

The bass is strong and the sound is bright and has a beautiful resonance."

Looks like up my alley. Gonna play a gamble here.
Congrats, when I ordered the SARN-II isn't even out yet, otherwise I might go for it instead. Snakewood is what he uses for his own set, so they probably provide a more reference sound. But the stablized wood is definitely prettier lol.
The more I listen to my T8IE, the more I think these are really well tuned, not offensive but also not boring at all, so I think you won't be disappointed.
Aug 11, 2021 at 4:53 PM Post #59,003 of 103,972
Congrats, when I ordered the SARN-II isn't even out yet, otherwise I might go for it instead. Snakewood is what he uses for his own set, so they probably provide a more reference sound. But the stablized wood is definitely prettier lol.
The more I listen to my T8IE, the more I think these are really well tuned, not offensive but also not boring at all, so I think you won't be disappointed.
Glad to ear that. Might pull the trigger in the future :)
Aug 11, 2021 at 5:00 PM Post #59,004 of 103,972
These came in quick.
Pretty slick presentation.

POP face plate

Reference plate


Transparent face plate.

So the sound tuning goes from a V shaped pop tuning to a neutral to analytical. Haven't tried it yet will let you all know how it is.
Aug 11, 2021 at 8:45 PM Post #59,007 of 103,972
So the reference plate is on the shells out of the box. It is the first plate I listened to on the shells. These things are surprising in a few ways. So the reference tuning is similar in balancing to their more recent NA2+ but definitely more refined sounding has less upper mids. And these guys got the bass end to sound like a dynamic. Surprising. Down to the Sub bass. The shells are bigger than their dynamic series. They seem to be maxing out what each driver does as the sound is definitely more refined than their dynamic series.

You can see the size difference here between their NM2+ and the NE4

Treble seems to be tuned nicely as well. What is very surprising is the bass end. Bass sounds so much like one of their dynamic drivers. I have a feeling the reference plate here is the best one as they come with them on the shells.

I just tried out the Pop face plate. Pretty cool how you change out the plates. It uses a tiny allen wrench. I can see folks with sausage fingers having some issue with the while changing faceplate thing here. If you can tighten the screws on a pair of glasses you will be able to change out the face plate.

The Actual size of the NE4 is surprising. It is officially on the large. Bulky housing but is shaped well so no problems fitment.

Another surprise comes with when you change out to the POP plate. OK now I am understanding what these plates are doing. They retune the lower half of the sound frequency. I can now understand why they went with a BA here. Each plate realigns the crossovers and internally retunes the bass driver to give varying degrees of emphasis. This is completely different than what we usually see with nozzle filters and such where changes are made only for the treble and upper mids. These actually change the entire sound due to an actual physical change to the bass end.
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Aug 11, 2021 at 11:26 PM Post #59,008 of 103,972
I don't think it's fair to completely write off a brand just due to tuning. You can even see from Crin's list that, sorting by Model, "tone grade" is all over the place for pretty much every brand:

Isn't the point of this thread to discover the qualities of new IEMs? How does one do that without buying and trying it? Maybe there are a lucky few who can audition before buying but that doesn't seem to be the case for most...
I agree with you to a certain extent that it is unfair to completely write off a brand just due to tuning. However, for those audiophiles who can't audition before buying and have a limited budget, they should go for a more safe blind purchase. If not, one is just wasting money on mediocre sounding IEMs. For example, you are better off with an IEM from NF than TRN.
Aug 12, 2021 at 12:08 AM Post #59,010 of 103,972
These actually change the entire sound due to an actual physical change to the bass end.
An interesting solution. Just ... why? You usually prefer some specific sound signature. You will change the panels just out of curiosity, maybe once, and you will constantly wear a double-sized earpiece. IMHO, interesting, but useless.
Although for a collection, as something curious and unusual, it probably makes sense ...
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