The discovery thread!
Jan 23, 2014 at 7:34 PM Post #20,236 of 104,477
At 36 hours point the Pistons have improved and are now about equal to SHE3590.
The mids are better on the Pistons, but that sub-bass boost on SHE3590 is making its bass hard to compete with.
Will keep burning the Pistons for couple more days.
Jan 23, 2014 at 7:37 PM Post #20,237 of 104,477
I'm just glad I'm waiting for just one more IEM; The Havi B3. I'm so broke, that I'm glad my habit has been curbed. The next buy for me will either be the Fostex TE-05, AT-IM70, or Auriosonic ROCKETS? I've held off on the IM70, just in case the B3 is as good? Both dual dynamics.
Jan 23, 2014 at 7:50 PM Post #20,238 of 104,477
I received my Sony Hybrid tips a few days ago, and they have such a comfortable fit! I love the sound coming out of these Pistons 

Jan 23, 2014 at 8:08 PM Post #20,239 of 104,477
At 36 hours point the Pistons have improved and are now about equal to SHE3590.
The mids are better on the Pistons, but that sub-bass boost on SHE3590 is making its bass hard to compete with.

Will keep burning the Pistons for couple more days.

Here's the thing with that. I've said it before too. The Piston are not bass head IEMs, and they lack the sub bass extension one looks for in a bass head IEM. They are much clearer, balanced, and have much more natural timbre and decay than the 3590. The bass on the 3590 digs deeper into the sub bass because that's how they were tuned. The draw back is that the mids aren't the most realistic or clear, and the treble has a robotic tinge. Not so with the Piston.
Jan 23, 2014 at 8:55 PM Post #20,240 of 104,477
  At 36 hours point the Pistons have improved and are now about equal to SHE3590.
The mids are better on the Pistons, but that sub-bass boost on SHE3590 is making its bass hard to compete with.
Will keep burning the Pistons for couple more days.

nice LOL. a 30 dollar headphone is finally equal to an 8$ headphone but only after a burn in
Jan 23, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #20,241 of 104,477
  The AKG 3003 are completely overpriced and whack. I can get the same thing out of the H3 or the Dunu and pay $700 less. I'm still interested in the comparison, but I'd prefer to have the Dunu dnk and Astrotec AX-60 instead of the old 3003. I'm interested in your impressions of the H1, IEM. Those are more in line with my budget. I mow lawns. 


Jan 23, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #20,242 of 104,477
  nice LOL. a 30 dollar headphone is finally equal to an 8$ headphone but only after a burn in

only if you're a bass head, and if you are, there should be no reason to want the Piston, as it presents music clearly and accurately. Bass heads just need bass and kinda decent treble. Who needs mids when you're a bass head?
Jan 23, 2014 at 9:32 PM Post #20,243 of 104,477
  only if you're a bass head, and if you are, there should be no reason to want the Piston, as it presents music clearly and accurately. Bass heads just need bass and kinda decent treble. Who needs mids when you're a bass head?

 Bass isn't important just for bass heads, it's just as important as mids or treble for audiofiles.
Pistons may not never reach the bass greatness of SHE3590, but if the bass will tighten a little more and the mids will continue to lose their veil, they may surpass ZA Carbo Bassos, which cost twice as much as the Pistons.
P.S Both Pistons and SHE3590 are preferable over the 230$ FXZ200.

Jan 23, 2014 at 9:51 PM Post #20,244 of 104,477
 Bass isn't important just for bass heads, it's just as important as mids or treble for audiofiles.
Pistons may not never reach the bass greatness of SHE3590, but if the bass will tighten a little more and the mids will continue to lose their veil, they may surpass ZA Carbo Bassos, which cost twice as much as the Pistons.
P.S Both Pistons and SHE3590 are preferable over the 230$ FXZ200.

i understand your reasoning for defending the bass head, but I'm not a believer in that. A bass head wants bass. Usually they are not audiophiles, or if they are, they have bass head IEM's and audiophile IEMs, and the most popular bass head IEMs aren't considered audiophile level IEMs unless your talking about the Coppers or Golds or Turbines ect. An audiophile isn't going to listen to the Piston and the 3590 side by side and say that the 3590 is better, or even in the same ball park. It's not. I own both. I've owned the 3580 for almost two years. Now a bass head will listen to both and say "oh yeah..the 3590 kicks out that crazy bass, and the Piston doesn't, so the 3590 has to be the better IEM!" As much as I understand your comparisons and defense, audiophile clarity and accuracy are not what most bass heads who come in here and ask about great bass head IEMs are looking for....they ask for "does is have deep thumpin bass, sub bass, and good sparkly highs?"
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:20 PM Post #20,245 of 104,477
  i understand your reasoning for defending the bass head, but I'm not a believer in that. A bass head wants bass. Usually they are not audiophiles, or if they are, they have bass head IEM's and audiophile IEMs, and the most popular bass head IEMs aren't considered audiophile level IEMs unless your talking about the Coppers or Golds or Turbines ect. An audiophile isn't going to listen to the Piston and the 3590 side by side and say that the 3590 is better, or even in the same ball park. It's not. I own both. I've owned the 3580 for almost two years. Now a bass head will listen to both and say "oh yeah..the 3590 kicks out that crazy bass, and the Piston doesn't, so the 3590 has to be the better IEM!" As much as I understand your comparisons and defense, audiophile clarity and accuracy are not what most bass heads who come in here and ask about great bass head IEMs are looking for....they ask for "does is have deep thumpin bass, sub bass, and good sparkly highs?"

Are you saying that audiophiles just can't care about bass?
I want a headphone that is great all over the frequencies, don't think it makes me a bass head.
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:40 PM Post #20,247 of 104,477
So I spent the last couple hours comparing the DUNU DN-1000, Sony XBA-H1, OM Audio InEarPeace, and yes..I threw in the Xiaomi Piston into the mix just for the heck of it. 

I used a Sony NWZ 475 + FiiO E7 amp, 320 files, with Copper Colour OCS cable, and all iem's fitted with the same Sony hybrid tips. 
The most interesting detail I noticed while listening to all four is that the Sony H1 was the most quiet of all the 'phones. I had to turn the volume up quite a bit more to reach the same sound level as the rest. 
The DUNU DN-1000 had the most details, the better treble extension, and widest soundstage of the four. It has 3D depth, and very comfortable to wear, even though the housings are heavy and metal. The DN-1000 was susceptible to sibilance on certain tracks, and on certain older masters, the sibilance was present and annoying. Bass is decent. It's detailed and present, but doesn't have much sub bass extension, and more slight mid bass hump.  Mids are ever so slightly recessed, but nothing to write home to complain about. It was also the LOUDEST 'phone. On volume 6, I had to turn it down to 5 or 4 as to not overwhelm my hearing. 
The Sony H1, with the same single dynamic/single BA configuration as the OM Audio IEP, easily has the smoothest sound sig. The bass is better than both the DUNU and the Om Audio. It's punchier, digs deeper, and provides more detail than both of those. It's not a particularly omnipresent bass, but it's the most REFINED bass out of all but the Piston. The mids are omnipresent. This is the bread and butter of the H1. Lush, smooth as butter mids. Vocals are gorgeously presented and stand out with NO sibilance whatsoever. It reminds me of the XBA-1 mids, but with much deeper and more prominent bass than a single BA can muster. The highs are slightly rolled off at the top end, but decay and timbre are a delight. Unlike the metallic sound that's so prevalent with the XBA-3 and XBA-4, the highs are more natural sounding, with cymbals, snares, toms, and high hats crashes tonally pleasant, accurate, and with a fair amount of decay. Now not as much as the Piston or the DUNU, as each of those 'phones has insanely long sustain times and decay can go on without much roll off until the very highest registers, but the H1 isn't that far behind really. Guitars and strings sound so amazing. I can't stress how good jazz, metal, and r&b sounded with the H1. This was my favorite sound signature TBH. Makes me wonder just how stellar the H3 must be, with it's dual BA/single dynamic configuration? 
The Om Audio IEP, along with the DUNU, actually sounded like it has recessed mids as compared to the H1. The OM Audio, with it's aggressive upper mids and sharp lower highs, just seemed a bit sucked out next to the H1. The bass wasn't as refined or as punchy as the H1. The Om Audio's bass is more in line with the DUNU when it comes to weight, presence, and depth. The Om Audio, like the DUNU, had a penchant for sibilance with poor mastering and older tracks, and was less forgiving. The highs are leaner, meaner, and more detailed than the H1, the Piston, and just slightly behind the DUNU in decay times and sustain. Cymbals ring long and crashes crash authoritatively with the OM Audio, with razor sharpness and clarity when dealing with metal and hard rock. This is a balanced IEM, with a soundstage wider than the H1 and the Piston, and only dominated by the DUNU. Detail retrieval also goes to the OM right after the DUNU, but the mids aren't even in the same zip code as the H1. The H1 is king of the mids, with only the Piston about a mile back close to matching them.
The Xiaomi Piston is the only true dynamic, and well, as being such, was the IEM with the least soundstage, the least amount of detail, the least capable mids, BUT it kicked butt on the other three when it came to bass weight, sub bass detail, and presence. The bass, while neither boomy or particularly punchy, is slightly behind the H1 in refinement, but makes up for it with detail. You can hear the bass players fingers playing chords and progressions with the Piston, and coupled with that amazing treble presence, makes for such an engaging listen. Only the DUNU had longer decay and sustain times, and only the OM was better at presenting micro details in the upper registers. Even better than the DUNU, which treble detail can get lost in the sibilance and weighty mids. Smoothness of the mids is second only to the  H1, and slightly ahead of the DUNU, but the DUNU trump the Piston in mid details and soundstage, so as to have a 3D audio presentation, while the Piston are the most 2D of all four. Still an impressive audio device that sells for $20.00. 
So at the end of the day, I'm picking the H1 because it has a texture, smoothness, and warmth that just tugs at my ear and heart. It's a beautiful, lush, quiet sound, with class and refinement. If the H1 is a classy lady dressed in red and black, then the OM Audio is that punk rocker, with aggression, power, and purpose, dressed in silver and black. The DUNU is the athlete. Peak in performance, physically imposing, brash, yet graceful when called upon. The Piston is that great all-arounder. Equally capable with metal as it is comfortable with rap. The jack of all trades, and master of none, yet a valuable addition to the community. 
Thank you and g'day.
Preference : H1 > DUNU DN-1000 > OM Audio IEP > Xiaomi Piston
Sound Quality : DUNU DN-1000 > H1 > Om Audio IEP > Xiaomi Piston
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:41 PM Post #20,248 of 104,477
Are you saying that audiophiles just can't care about bass?
I want a headphone that is great all over the frequencies, don't think it makes me a bass head.

no. didn't say that at all. Audiophiles care about all things. detail. soundstage. imaging. balance. lows. mids. highs. 
bass head = BASS first, and all else after...OR...they wouldn't be called bass heads now would they?
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:42 PM Post #20,249 of 104,477
Yes, CKN70 has more clarity overall, but Pistons are close. If you want more bass and generally good clarity, Pistons will suffice, but the CKN70 is almost approaching BA-like clarity to my ears.

Thanks man. I have the CKN70's but was just curious to see if the Pistons bestest them for a cheaper price. I think my next purchase will be the ATH IM70 unless the Fostex TE-05 turn out to be better. Have you compared the CKN70 with the IM70?
Jan 23, 2014 at 10:51 PM Post #20,250 of 104,477
  So I spent the last couple hours comparing the DUNU DN-1000, Sony XBA-H1, OM Audio InEarPeace, and yes..I threw in the Xiaomi Piston into the mix just for the heck of it. 

I used a Sony NWZ 475 + FiiO E7 amp, 320 files, with Copper Colour OCS cable, and all iem's fitted with the same Sony hybrid tips. 
The most interesting detail I noticed while listening to all four is that the Sony H1 was the most quiet of all the 'phones. I had to turn the volume up quite a bit more to reach the same sound level as the rest. 
The DUNU DN-1000 had the most details, the better treble extension, and widest soundstage of the four. It has 3D depth, and very comfortable to wear, even though the housings are heavy and metal. The DN-1000 was susceptible to sibilance on certain tracks, and on certain older masters, the sibilance was present and annoying. Bass is decent. It's detailed and present, but doesn't have much sub bass extension, and more slight mid bass hump.  Mids are ever so slightly recessed, but nothing to write home to complain about. It was also the LOUDEST 'phone. On volume 6, I had to turn it down to 5 or 4 as to not overwhelm my hearing. 
The Sony H1, with the same single dynamic/single BA configuration as the OM Audio IEP, easily has the smoothest sound sig. The bass is better than both the DUNU and the Om Audio. It's punchier, digs deeper, and provides more detail than both of those. It's not a particularly omnipresent bass, but it's the most REFINED bass out of all but the Piston. The mids are omnipresent. This is the bread and butter of the H1. Lush, smooth as butter mids. Vocals are gorgeously presented and stand out with NO sibilance whatsoever. It reminds me of the XBA-1 mids, but with much deeper and more prominent bass than a single BA can muster. The highs are slightly rolled off at the top end, but decay and timbre are a delight. Unlike the metallic sound that's so prevalent with the XBA-3 and XBA-4, the highs are more natural sounding, with cymbals, snares, toms, and high hats crashes tonally pleasant, accurate, and with a fair amount of decay. Now not as much as the Piston or the DUNU, as each of those 'phones has insanely long sustain times and decay can go on without much roll off until the very highest registers, but the H1 isn't that far behind really. Guitars and strings sound so amazing. I can't stress how good jazz, metal, and r&b sounded with the H1. This was my favorite sound signature TBH. Makes me wonder just how stellar the H3 must be, with it's dual BA/single dynamic configuration? 
The Om Audio IEP, along with the DUNU, actually sounded like it has recessed mids as compared to the H1. The OM Audio, with it's aggressive upper mids and sharp lower highs, just seemed a bit sucked out next to the H1. The bass wasn't as refined or as punchy as the H1. The Om Audio's bass is more in line with the DUNU when it comes to weight, presence, and depth. The Om Audio, like the DUNU, had a penchant for sibilance with poor mastering and older tracks, and was less forgiving. The highs are leaner, meaner, and more detailed than the H1, the Piston, and just slightly behind the DUNU in decay times and sustain. Cymbals ring long and crashes crash authoritatively with the OM Audio, with razor sharpness and clarity when dealing with metal and hard rock. This is a balanced IEM, with a soundstage wider than the H1 and the Piston, and only dominated by the DUNU. Detail retrieval also goes to the OM right after the DUNU, but the mids aren't even in the same zip code as the H1. The H1 is king of the mids, with only the Piston about a mile back close to matching them.
The Xiaomi Piston is the only true dynamic, and well, as being such, was the IEM with the least soundstage, the least amount of detail, the least capable mids, BUT it kicked butt on the other three when it came to bass weight, sub bass detail, and presence. The bass, while neither boomy or particularly punchy, is slightly behind the H1 in refinement, but makes up for it with detail. You can hear the bass players fingers playing chords and progressions with the Piston, and coupled with that amazing treble presence, makes for such an engaging listen. Only the DUNU had longer decay and sustain times, and only the OM was better at presenting micro details in the upper registers. Even better than the DUNU, which treble detail can get lost in the sibilance and weighty mids. Smoothness of the mids is second only to the  H1, and slightly ahead of the DUNU, but the DUNU trump the Piston in mid details and soundstage, so as to have a 3D audio presentation, while the Piston are the most 2D of all four. Still an impressive audio device that sells for $20.00. 
So at the end of the day, I'm picking the H1 because it has a texture, smoothness, and warmth that just tugs at my ear and heart. It's a beautiful, lush, quiet sound, with class and refinement. If the H1 is a classy lady dressed in red and black, then the OM Audio is that punk rocker, with aggression, power, and purpose, dressed in silver and black. The DUNU is the athlete. Peak in performance, physically imposing, brash, yet graceful when called upon. The Piston is that great all-arounder. Equally capable with metal as it is comfortable with rap. The jack of all trades, and master of none, yet a valuable addition to the community. 
Thank you and g'day.
Preference : H1 > DUNU DN-1000 > OM Audio IEP > Xiaomi Piston
Sound Quality : DUNU DN-1000 > H1 > Om Audio IEP > Xiaomi Piston

Nice impressions. Sounds like the H1's are made in heaven for you. Glad you like them.

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