The discovery thread!
Feb 10, 2024 at 8:19 PM Post #95,266 of 105,748
Quick update about Trio:

  • I concede to @FreeWheelinAudioLuv2 and others: the 1100 config sounds better than 1000.
  • There IEM were tuned for foam, which is quite rare and interesting to see. When listening using silicone tips, a peak somewhere in treble appears, giving a touch of treble spice even when listening to voice over documentaries. On the plus side, the upper treble is also more prominent, meaning a bit more imaging clarity and detail.
  • Bass in 11xx configuration is tactile and nice. I would say bass quality and stage are key strengths of this IEM.
I dont have trio (yet?) But if they are behave like Castor, the 11xx config is adding sub bass and midbass so they are more balanced and made overall signature bodied and thicker with great bass impact. I observed the castor bass and found that the 1xxx switch is only adding midbass but the 11xx switch is adding midbass and subbass, not level of the bass altogether like KZ (written as 1xxx = adding bass level, 11xx = adding more bass)

I modded my Castor with mesh500 but with 1 tiny hole on center so bass have better airflow (thus have better impact and vented on bass note attack) but on all switches to 1111 to have better treble extension more than xx00 like you said but only possible with mod for me due too high pinna gain if I didn't mod them, too shouty on stock.

They become better but to shape them even better the key is "more treble extension, less pinna gain"
Oh and "more nice attitude , less hyperbolic drama" to their reps
Feb 10, 2024 at 8:53 PM Post #95,267 of 105,748
graph (5).png

Just found this, Paul have measured the Trio and they do have similar tuning with Castor (that was castor bass measurement, Paul didn't write which castor edition but pretty much align with my castor bass edition measurement)

All switches on both are off on the graph (Paul didn't upload all permutations of CCA Trio yet). Thanks anyway Paul
Feb 10, 2024 at 10:04 PM Post #95,268 of 105,748
Feb 10, 2024 at 10:21 PM Post #95,269 of 105,748
There's definitely a large psychoacoustic phenomenon involved for soundstage too. Have you tried lying down on a bed listening to the same IEM, versus sitting upright? The soundstage perceived is quite different!

IMHO, no planar IEM in the current day context (I've tried the Campfire Supermoon also) has the same movement of air/decay as a DD bass. Yes, as you stated the bass in planar IEMs are generally very fast (so they bring excellent transients), but sometimes the notes are cut off too fast?
Absolutely. I tend to use 660s2 lying down for the same reason. Also, earcups cushions in on the pillow and has no pressure-tightness issues!

By chopping of the after-life of the notes, planars also give an illusion of better space around instruments I guess.

Some of you had mentioned supereview chap the other day. So looked him up. His latest video is about his fav 5 iems: 4 of them are all only BA. He too seemed sweetly surprised by it. Not hybrid, but pure BAs.
Feb 10, 2024 at 11:50 PM Post #95,271 of 105,748
@Tamizhan Does that interest you?!! It does to me.
But hey @FreeWheelinAudioLuv2 , it's not like Simgot stuff na, those EA200, 500 etc -- i don't like em.
No. Not at all. The Simgot house sound is not found in this IEM. Now granted, I do like the Simgot style, but there's way more control of the sound sig with the Trio.
Feb 11, 2024 at 12:07 AM Post #95,272 of 105,748
It really surpriises (if not dismays) me that the mediocre Rhapsody of all got hyped. I can understand how Rhapsody is non-offensively likeable, (it is a development along C10 lines, and C10 back then "earned" C from Crin among KZ's Ds - brought some chuckles), but the sloppy/tabby bass and the limited BA range of Rhapsody are quite limited....
Trio is better, IMO, a good IEM.
But then ZAT is great, it wipes E6ML to my ears left and right, stage and spaciousness of ZAT are just mighty; my only problem with ZAT is a bit too much (of a good) bass that most should actually like.
Rather than "hyping" ZAT, I wish to hear more opinions and comparisons, but there is a seemingly some stigma about $75+ KZ IEMs... go figure...
Hmm... Even those who are more tolerant and frequently review and are happy with KZ weren't happy with ZAT. so, not sure, if it's all down to the stigma.

Akros for eg.

From the description of the iem on his review channel: "It's not that it's bad , but it isn't exactly great either. Bass is shy and a little over delicate , while the mids, are fine at lower volume levels but forget about turning up the heat.As for extension and that sense of space and air.....hmmm there ain't much of that..... things sound closed in and a little bland.I guess you could make an argument that this was done to avoid the BA timbre , the fake sense of soundstage, but honestly there is nothing in the ZATs performance that makes up for that lack of sparkle. noCompared to other offerings I need not go too far, CCA HM20 is still in my books the best hybrid from KZ / CCA , while the KZ ZAX or ZS10PRO X are more satisfying.The KZ AS24 , the TOTL all BA set , also walks all over the ZAT, and even the likes of KZ ZVX, Dfi are all more coherent and musical.I wish that what I had to say about the ZAT was more positive , but when the Castor Harman at 15 USD outperforms the ZAT at 90usd , there's not much that can be said!" End quote.
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:27 AM Post #95,274 of 105,748
Yes the Sivga Nightingale indeed has a very wide soundstage (depth and height aren't as expansive though).

Yes soundstage is extremely subjective. Firstly, one cannot quantify it objectively. Graphs (measurements) may hint that perhaps this IEM may have a wide soundstage, but they can't put a finger down exactly and say, the soundstage will be XX % more than this other graph.

Soundstage is also related to ear anatomy, mastering of the track itself, eartips used, the transducer itself, volume played at, source etc.

There's definitely a large psychoacoustic phenomenon involved for soundstage too. Have you tried lying down on a bed listening to the same IEM, versus sitting upright? The soundstage perceived is quite different!

IMHO, no planar IEM in the current day context (I've tried the Campfire Supermoon also) has the same movement of air/decay as a DD bass. Yes, as you stated the bass in planar IEMs are generally very fast (so they bring excellent transients), but sometimes the notes are cut off too fast?

Planar IEMs have definitely come an extremely long way, they used to be an exotic and expensive tech just 2 years back, but are now routinely below $100 USD. I think the planar IEMs bring a lot of benefits to us consumers, but they ain't the 100% finished product yet and are still being refined in the bass aspects and perhaps timbre. Therein, some forum members are asking for a DD + planar hybrid, so that the DD can take care of the bass, but keep the best parts of a planar's technical chops.

Haha yes he came to ask me about this earbuds query. Seems the FX15 is no longer the biggest question on his mind haha.

Actually there are earbuds with sub-bass, but they ain't common. Sub-bass is usually related to seal/isolation, which obviously earbuds don't have. But stuff like the Smabat series utilizes an acoustic labyrinth structure to deliberately extend the sound tubes. This lets the higher frequency sounds be dissipated, so as to keep the sub-bass. They won't hit the same amount of sub-bass as a basshead IEM, but you can still get some sub-bass rumble on some of their earbuds (their tuning is another story though, as the Smabat house sound likes to jack up the 3 kHz area to give a banshee icepick in the pinna gain region haha).

Wonder how Conch Labyrinth might compare with Isobaric bass performance ...
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:40 AM Post #95,275 of 105,748
Can anyone clarify if the current best planars like Mp145, f1 pro, etc have reached a good DD like bass? I assume they all have super fast decay, i.e., the planar bass
Both of those have really good bass. I like F2 pro because it's easier for me to fit and has better treble.
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:45 AM Post #95,276 of 105,748
Wonder how Conch Labyrinth might compare with Isobaric bass performance ...

The conch labyrinth design in the Smabat earbuds don't rumble as much as a well implemented isobaric setup.

But say comparing apples to apples, the Fiio FD11 IEM has a similar Conch acoustic design, I don't think it moves air as much as the isobaric types in the Hype 2 for example.
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:49 AM Post #95,277 of 105,748
The conch labyrinth design in the Smabat earbuds don't rumble as much as a well implemented isobaric setup.

But say comparing apples to apples, the Fiio FD11 IEM has a similar Conch acoustic design, I don't think it moves air as much as the isobaric types in the Hype 2 for example.
Isobar is 2 gay DDs on top of each other, is it?! Or is there more to the tech?
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:55 AM Post #95,278 of 105,748
Tell him to use duct tape over his ears to get a better seal. It works best if you use one continuous 2" wide strip that runs across the front of your face under your nose. Facial hair, no problem!:smiling_imp:
I found the transparent one to work best, but not only covering your nose, you absolutely must apply a 10cm strip over the whole width of your mouth too for full effect. You do not want bass escaping through your mouth.

Result is an earth-shattering bass which for some reason causes you to colour purple after about 2-3min. Hm, weird side effect.
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:56 AM Post #95,279 of 105,748
Feb 11, 2024 at 3:25 AM Post #95,280 of 105,748

Sneak peek from the “studio” today. I have never owned a DAP like HiBy R8II. You can use this one as a self-defence weapon. The only chunkier DAP I have ever seen is the FiiO M17.

Yes, it sounds wonderful. Yes, the difference between R3II and R8II is easily detected even with ultra sensitive IEMs like those two on the table. Yes, I think it sounds better than my DX300. More vibrant with more refined transient response in class AB amp mode, and more expansive imaging in class A mode.

I cry at the AUD$3600 price tag. But at the same time, it is cheaper than A&K SP3000 and the build quality is pretty close. The R8II is essentially a chunk of stainless steel wrapped in alcantera. If I have such disposable income, I would consider this DAP, but only if HiBy guarantees that they can replace the battery in the future. If I pay for this chunk of steel, I want to use it for desktop, portable, transportable, everywhere, for years.

Will do battery measurement as suggested by a few members here and upload the full review in a few weeks. Now I just need to find some time to cut and edit.

Thanks @Joe Bloggs for arranging the R8II sample. This unit is not mine and it would be send to the next reviewer within a few weeks.
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