The discovery thread!
Aug 12, 2021 at 7:53 PM Post #59,041 of 104,726
I also finished my full written review about CZ-10, loving them still :)

If you're looking for soundstage in a closed back headphone, you have to search wide and deep, as far as Japan, because they managed to create a dual-dynamic driver headphone that actually has good stage, excellent overall detail, impactful sound, and tons of dynamics.

Built quite well with a magnesium frame, and a nice aesthetic, CZ-10 from MuSon Project, Inc. & Crosszone , this is a headphone I enjoyed greatly, especially whend riven with the SE180 DAP from Astell&Kern :)

I made comparisons with the most relevant flagships like He6SE, HP-1 and Super Leggera, and if you're looking for more, I am always around to help~

Aug 12, 2021 at 8:03 PM Post #59,042 of 104,726
Tripowin x HawaiiBadBoy 'Mele' to drop on 20th August @ Linsoul. Price will be $49,90.

They just anounced it on their twitter:

it's HBB. it's going to be a basshead bassy DD, V-shaped with bright leaning treble, just like he loves it. That's why he was enamored by the VE Bonus. PASS.
Aug 12, 2021 at 8:11 PM Post #59,043 of 104,726
Why on god's green earth would be tune an iem NOT to his preference? if he did, he'd be a sell out. HBB likes lots of bass and lots of treble (with realistic timbre). I've tried several of his recommendations, and they are always gobbed in bass. i'm not a basshead, but you bassheads should expect a treat with his new offering. get excited!
Aug 12, 2021 at 8:54 PM Post #59,044 of 104,726
A few new iems:

graph (3).png

graph (4).png

graph (5).png
Aug 12, 2021 at 9:05 PM Post #59,045 of 104,726

That was the first word I heard as I arrived at the bar, "welcome"......Jeff, "what is yours"? "A cold beer please", I answered. Jeff bellowed out in laughter, "I meant what is your name?" "Oh", I said, "I thought I was being offered a drink". "Is that it or is that short for something?" Jeff asked. "What?" I said. Your name O....,Oscar, Oliver.... "Oh, Oh, no, no", I said, "my name is Jack, Oh was just....not to worry". "Can I offer you a drink Jeff?"

We sat on the wonderful sun drenched balcony, which seemed to be the social focal point for the residents. Yes, finally, I have become a resident of this beautiful hotel. "I often drove past as I went about my uninspiring job, from one day to the next, dreaming of visiting this grand hotel with everything I could wish for". "..And now you are here", Jeff said. "I finally made it to stay at the Grand Hotel", I said, "but not for long, it is only for a short break, "a couple of days, just to spoil myself". "This hotel has everything you could wish for and it is all" Jeff finished my sentence, "GRAND!" "Exactly", we both laughed.

"The hotel has rooms with gorgeous views" Jeff said. On the Eastern side you get the beautiful rising sun overlooking trees with lovely birds singing in the trees". "Can you imagine how life affirming, bird song to wake you up each morning?" "On the Western side even more glorious, you wake up as you please, with no disturbance from the sun or the persistent little creatures, robins chirping away." I thought to myself but you just told me the birds are life affirming. "You know what is best on the Western side?" "No", I said. "The enchanting sunsets, you will love it. It is a bit more expensive but I can arrange it for you". My words, "I just came here for what I could afford", were stuck in my throat.

"Oh, it is kind of you but I have already booked into a room on the North end". "Dreadful, Jeff said. The north, that is for the plebs...dull you see, no sunshine, even the mice have better accommodation". "Not at all, that is what I can afford". "I wanted a break from the burdens of my life, not another mortgage".

"Not to worry Jeff said in a whisper, "Jack, if you want something just ask me, the finest cheese, the best wine....even night visitors, wink wink".

"Jeffrey", came a voice from behind me. I turned round to find a well dressed man with lots of jewellery. I politely got up to shake hands but he walked right past me, as though I did not exist. Jeffrey you surpassed yourself yesterday, that foie gras was exquisite. Jeff kindly introduced me to the man I now know is James and he resides in the Penthouse.

"You must stay in the penthouse, you could not get better", James said, never looking my way but who else could he be addressing, not Jeff because Jeff can do anything,...Jeff can get anything, and he can make anything happen. I said, almost inaudibly, "I just got the room I could afford....but my words were lost....they cannot hear me...they would not hear me"

I spent the evening being told all the wonderful things that had happened at this well appointed hotel.

It was now late and I decided to call it a night. "Goodnight gentlemen", I said, I shall retire and I hope to see you in the morning before I leave.

For the first time, James looked me in the eye and uttered the words, "you mister, are in the Hotel California". "You may check out at anytime but you CANNOT leave"!

Welcome to, the Hotel California!

"we are all prisoners here of our own device".


All names and characters in this short piece are fictional. This is a fictional story entirely of my making, inspired by life events.

The copyright belongs to ChrisOc 2021. This article may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent and authorisation of the author.
Aug 12, 2021 at 9:51 PM Post #59,046 of 104,726
This review is on a new startup company I discovered on Taobao!
…Can this be the beginning of the budget take over?

Introducing Bamboo Forest Bird, ridiculous price for such Hi-Definition sound!

About Bamboo Forest Bird
Bamboo Forest Bird is a fairly new company. They first came out in public with their own exclusive in-ear earphones in 2020 and started selling them through their own webpage on Taobao, one of China’s biggest shopping websites. For now, they only carry two in-ear earphones to their name, but they’re gaining quite a following lately ever since the words been out in China that who’s ever tuning their earphones is “a force to be reckoned with” for the high quality tuning of their 8mm + 6mm micro DD on the “BFB Amazing” and their later model’s incredible tuning of their 6mm “BFB Lark”. Since last year, they’ve gained a lot of recognition through a partnered website on Taobao with many people buying the BFB Amazing at that website first instead of other branded names. Then after, BFB started seller the BFB Lark on their own website later that year. By this year, both the BFB website and its partner website have been selling both models with almost excellent feedbacks. And, just recently BFB is leading the way on best-selling earphones at their partnered website at almost 3,600 reviews to date with countless buyers after releasing the BFB Lark. So, I found it suspicious that the BFB Lark was gaining so much popularity, so I decided to buy them at only a mere 89 yuan, which translates to only $14 dollars. Who would have known that the price would be as low as to say, “lunch for two?” So, let’s see what’s separates both of them and what makes them unique in their own rights for many buyers in China. We’ll start with the BFB Lark first, then continue with the BFB Amazing.

NOTE: Just a reminder, the earphones spoken of below are mostly Chi-Fi branded IEM's and some people might be judgmental on quality rather than just sound alone. So, note that the comparison below will be based more on sound impression with a budget expense in mind for those looking for an opportunity of a hi-definition and mature sound.

My first encounter with the BFB Lark
*Picture is Courtesy of BFB for the BFB LARK

More than a month ago I was seeking for a micro DD that could perform like no other micro DD that could provide a long excursion sub-bass, transparent and natural MID’s, and micro details without ever sounding harsh and while searching on the Taobao website that’s when I stumbled onto the BFB Lark. I didn’t merely get them only by the reviews astonishing high purchase rate, or the detachable cables, and nice accessories and package, but because the Frequency Graph was driving me nuts. I couldn’t believe the frequency graph that I was looking at. For a micro DD, it sure had the graph of a champion! I’m sure it must have been a hard feat to accomplish coming from the tuning department on a 6mm micro DD. It finally had the similar “Harman curve” that I was looking for with just the right bump in the sub-bass, MID’s, and highs. Now, when I finally received them at my door step after purchasing them, I was astonished! But, not so much on just the looks and the package alone, but the sound according to the graph that I was hoping to hear was justified. I felt like I found a “diamond in the rough”. The details sounded very similar and reminded me of two of my favorite earphones; the retro KOSS KSC35 and the SR MT300 IEM. First, it completely almost mirrors the KSC35 in overall sound, but knowing that the KSC35’s is sort of open sounding on-ear headphones, the LARK’s are in-ear and sealed. The Lark’s digs deeper in the sub-bass department leaving me dumbfounded and speechless, while it provided an exact similar soundstage to the KSC35, which practically makes the LARK’s one of the widest soundstage listening experience I’ve ever heard coming from any micro DD. Separation and imaging is also spectacular and unmatched by many earphones I personally own. The Midrange is incredibly clear, lively, and natural to the point that I can hear pin drops and breathing with many of my songs that I’m only able to pick up with my IEM’s and headphones that range around $150 dollars and above. With the treble, I was just as surprised because it has a similar and precise definition towards details as the MT300’s EST drivers. The treble from the LARK’s micro DD’s are so detailed that it was really hard to tell them apart from the EST drivers coming from the MT300. Now, I know it sounds too good to be true, so I decided to invite my wife to listen to them and compare them to the KSC35 and the MT300’s. What I didn’t expect next was that she would overpower me just to keep them for herself! So, as the good gentle man that I am, I decided to order two (2) more. Once I received them, it was the same as the first. So, to me it looked like QC wouldn’t be a factor for the BFB Larks. Now, for those who prefer DF neutral target, you won’t find it here. They will definitely compete more within the Harman Curve audience with an enjoyable balanced sound signature with extended lower bass, transparent MID’s, and extended treble providing plenty of micro-details.

My second encounter, the BFB Amazing

*Picture is Courtesy of BFB for the BFB Amazing

The story for the BFB Amazing is interesting, since they were actually the first model to come out on Taobao from the BFB company in 2020, and it was because of my purchase of the BFB Lark that lead me to the BFB Amazing. So, I decided to contact the main company to see if they can send me the BFB Amazing in return for an honest review for both in which they did. After receiving the BFB Amazing, I noticed it was a dual DD unit with one 8MM for bass and 6MM for the MID’s and treble. The second thing I noticed was that it had a true 2-way crossover dividing the lows to the 8MM, and the MID’s and highs to the 6MM micro DD’s. Usually, you will find a combination of two (2) DD’s with no need of a crossover, but this was really a smart move from the tuning expert here to install one, so that the sound will generate in a more natural and coherent way. Good job BFB team! Now, the look of the BFB Amazing is beautiful to look at with white pearl design on the outside plus detachable cables with nice accessories and package. But, once I tried them on for a listen, it was actually like the name says, Amazing! They have a similar tuning with the BFB Larks, but with more emphasis on the midrange. It’s slightly more forward compared with the Lark providing an airy and more spacious sound. They provide an enjoyable 3D-like balanced signature with extended bass, extended treble, but the MID’s are more forward and life-like, which brings it to life. “No kidding” when I say that they sound like they have built in BA’s for the MID’s, so eventually it took me by surprise at first. They can easily compete with much higher costing IEM’s and punches way above its’ price point. Since, the 6MM micro DD is providing all the highs and details, while the 8MM DD’s maintains the lower bass, it’s no wonder they can rival almost any DD in existence on transparency and details, and may I dare say to the likings of Tanchjim Oxygen, KB EAR Diamond, BLON BL03, KZ DQ6, etc…So, let’s not forget the tuning! I can imagine, there is a very good tuning expert tuning these IEM’s not just for enjoyment, but to compete with much higher tier, and overall I can say that they follow the Harman Curve for those who enjoy this type of tuning.


The BFB LARK comes in a beautifully displayed white box with birds pictured on the box with plenty of accessories inside, which includes the main metal-alloy IEM units in black, MMCX detachable cables with MIC, two (2) sets of “white” and “black” S-M-L silicone ear tips. The white “wide-bore” set of ear tips plays “transparently”, while the black “narrow-bore” set of ear tips plays “balanced”. The package also includes a set of sponge ear tips in its own plastic case, a shirt clip, one metal round storage case, plus a gray carry case for those on the go.


The BFB AMAZING also comes in a beautifully displayed white box with birds pictured on the box with plenty of accessories inside, which includes the main IEM units in a white pearl resin finish (or optional in black, or mixed), MMCX detachable cables with MIC, back/forward, and volume controls, two (2) sets of white and black S-M-L silicone ear tips. The white “wide-bore” set of ear tips plays “transparently” while the black “narrow-bore” set of ear tips plays “balanced”. The package also includes a set of sponge ear tips in its own plastic case, a shirt clip, and a gray carry case for those on the go.

If you are looking for a listening experience similar to the standards of the KOSS KSC35, or SR MT300, then I suggest you buy the BFB LARK. But, if you’re looking for a listening experience to the likings of the Tanchjim Oxygen, KB EAR Diamond, BLON BL03, KZ DQ6, or other similar DD’s, then I suggest you buy the BFB AMAZING. My last suggestion would be to use “wide-bore” silicone ear tips for both the LARK and AMAZING. They bring out the best precision and musical sound possible out of both of them, IMHO!

Personally, I think the BFB LARK and BFB AMAZING are one of the better IEM’s I’ve ever come across from a startup company that outperforms many other IEM’s in its price range. The AMAZING has a comfort fit, while the LARKS has a compact size and comfort fit as well. Both can easily satisfy many for their mature tuning and easy going appearance. So, in my honest opinion I can easily recommend the BFB LARK to be an incredible deal for its natural and very wide soundstage and sonic-like signature, while the BFB AMAZING for its luscious presentation of its forward MID’s with a 3D-like holographic signature. You can purchase the BFB LARK at around 89 yuan, which translates to $14 US dollars, while the BFB AMAZING can be purchased at around 159 yuan, translating to $25 US dollars. Finally, I would like to thank the owner of Bamboo Forest Bird and his team for providing the BFB AMAZING in return for an honest review, while the BFB LARKS, in this case, was my own personal purchase.

Check out the BFB LARK and BFB AMAZING by searching at any of the two stores below. In the case of this seller, you can register and buy any of them globally.


Reviews for the BFB Lark: If you want to see the many positive Chinese reviews for the LARK, please check out the link below…

Hope this helps anyone in their personal choice of whether the BFB LARK or BFB AMAZING is right for you!


Wow! The BFB LARK is selling like hot cakes! How can this new company keep up with demand? When I wrote this review, the LARK'S hadn't reached 3,600 reviews in Taobao. But, now at this moment, it's at 3,735 reviews and counting! I can also see that there was at least 1,000 more people that purchased the LARKS's as well. Coming out of China, this is crazy. But then again, for those that bought them and reviewed them, I can honestly vouch for them. Because, what I hear coming from mine is what they hear. They are practically the best Micro DD's I've ever heard 'till today! They punch way beyond their weight and price and sound really mature with excellent accuracy and clarity! Don't believe me? Personally, this is one of my favorite all-time FR Graphs!

BFB LARK (2).png

Reviews for the BFB Lark: If you want to see the many positive Chinese reviews for the LARK, please check out the link below…


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Aug 12, 2021 at 11:33 PM Post #59,047 of 104,726
Wow! The BFB LARK is selling like hot cakes! How can this new company keep up with demand? When I wrote this review, the LARK'S hadn't reached 3,600 reviews in Taobao. But, now at this moment, it's at 3,735 reviews and counting! I can also see that there was at least 1,000 more people that purchased the LARKS's as well. Coming out of China, this is crazy. But then again, for those that bought them and reviewed them, I can honestly vouch for them. Because, what I hear coming from mine is what they hear. They are practically the best Micro DD's I've ever heard 'till today! They punch way beyond their weight and price and sound really mature with excellent accuracy and clarity! Don't believe me? Personally, this is one of my favorite all-time FR Graphs!

Reviews for the BFB Lark: If you want to see the many positive Chinese reviews for the LARK, please check out the link below…


Really interrested to get BFB Lark..

I still have Yamaha EPH100, one of the pioneer on microdriver DD beside JVC. I had a chance to loan JVC for a week, many years ago. They were really promising alternative compared to DD only, BA only and hybrid when introduced at that time. Unfortunately seemed that microdriver development is pretty slow, with the only viable lately is the venerable ER2 family with love or hate fitting. So it's good to see a new comer with this approach again..

Edit: cleanup clutters
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Aug 13, 2021 at 12:35 AM Post #59,049 of 104,726
Really interrested to get BFB Lark..

I still have Yamaha EPH100, one of the pioneer on microdriver DD beside JVC. I had a chance to loan JVC for a week, many years ago. They were really promising alternative compared to DD only, BA only and hybrid when introduced at that time. Unfortunately seemed that microdriver development is pretty slow, with the only viable lately is the venerable ER2 family with love or hate fitting. So it's good to see a new comer with this approach again..

Edit: cleanup clutters
Yea, these are crazy good and sounds downright "BIG" for such tiny drivers, as if you're listening to true hybrids. Not kidding!
If you noticed, I compared them to the retro KOSS KSC35 and surprisingly the SR MT300, which is a hybrid. This was a ridiculous, but very close sounding comparison!

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Aug 13, 2021 at 1:27 AM Post #59,050 of 104,726

So it turns out the reasoning for the price on these. Your buying a base unit that accepts faceplates with different crossover configurations with actual tunings in them. 3 different plates 3 different signatures. I found out they plan to release more plates in the near future which will cost roughly $40 for a new set with new tunings. However the drawback is that your essentially getting the same 4 to 3 to 2 BA configuration to achieve the sound tunings. Which is OK

But do you really want a collection of all BA earphones using the same exact drivers. There is only so many ways to tweak and tune 4BAs. In the end it is a great sounding 4BA IEM I give them credit for maximizing these drivers. Somehow if they threw in a micro HD dynamic or a single powerful dynamic in there or even two of them with 4BAs now we are talking. But as they are. You can only boost BA bass to a certain extent and in the end it will still be BA bass. I get the idea of what these guys are going for but as good as these sound this one is going to be a tough sell.

I think if these guys came up with this about 4-5 years ago. It would have been the greatest thing on earth for enthusiasts and I think folks would have been all too happy to try it out. But today with the sheer variety and competition in the price segment. Their idea here might have not been worth all that work. I would like nothing more than to support innovation in our hobby and we certainly want to encourage something new. But $750 can buy you so many great earphones.
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Aug 13, 2021 at 2:38 AM Post #59,051 of 104,726
Welp, I took a blind leap and ordered a Japanese iem! Entry level model, though, as of the moment I do not have much excess cash. But 2 things got my attention: 1. Wooden housing, 2. Two adjustable bass settings with C ring. Coupled with the amount, around $160, and single 9.2 mm Titanium diaphragm DD - it became quite irresistible, and I gave in. After Unique melody 3DT and Fiio FD5, I did become more interested in pure DD iems.



Dynamic type driver x 1
Machined aluminum (anodized) + wood (selectable) The old SARN has been renewed as an entry model for 634ears.
Aiming for a sound that will be the standard for other models, the earphones have been redesigned and originally manufactured exclusively for this earphone, incorporating the selection of wood housing material, which is a feature of 634ears. ..

<< Characteristics of sound >>

・ Bright and energetic
・ Clear and clear sound that is easy to grasp ・ Stretchy
and glossy mid-high range
・ Volume and powerful low range
・ Speed and sharpness, attack
・ Natural sound distance
・ Bass by opening and closing the C ring Adjustment of the feeling of omission

There are no frequency response graphs provided in the product page, however, upon request, I was provided with a bar chart:

634ears SARN II.jpg

The black bars are the C ring closed condition, and the red bar are the C ring open condition. I guesstimated the values and tried to create a curve in excel, it turned out like this (for the Black bars):

634ears SARN II graph excel.png

Looking at the graph, I think it should have a strong subbass, and quite energetic mids and lower treble. Coupled with this information and the characteristics of sound provided, I asked him if it was possible to slightly reduce the upper-mid lower-treble attacks. He informed that the stabilised wood will make the sound slightly darker, and additionally he will reduce the highs a bit. So let's see how it turns out. He will share with me the new FR graph once done, so keeping my fingers crossed, but gonna have to keep them crossed for 2 weeks, which is a bummer.

Oh, and this one is the stabilised wood housing:

SARN-II Stabilised wood.JPG

Looks magical!
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Aug 13, 2021 at 3:10 AM Post #59,052 of 104,726
Why on god's green earth would be tune an iem NOT to his preference? if he did, he'd be a sell out. HBB likes lots of bass and lots of treble (with realistic timbre). I've tried several of his recommendations, and they are always gobbed in bass. i'm not a basshead, but you bassheads should expect a treat with his new offering. get excited!

Understand your point of view here, but I can't fully agree. His most rec'd IEM in the past months is Mangird Tea and it's far from bright or bassy, lol. His target curve is pretty close to Harman if you ask me, but to each their own.

Been seing bassheads EQing +15 dbs on the bass region so, I think calling us bassheads is a lil much, but ofc, if we compare it to neutal IEMs, will be bassy for sure.

Always good for new cheap IEMs to arrive in the market. Keeps the competion on their heels and prices dropping. win-win :)


He just posted the golden version of the plate.
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Aug 13, 2021 at 3:12 AM Post #59,053 of 104,726
Welp, I took a blind leap and ordered a Japanese iem! Entry level model, though, as of the moment I do not have much excess cash. But 2 things got my attention: 1. Wooden housing, 2. Two adjustable bass settings with C ring. Coupled with the amount, around $160, and single 9.2 mm Titanium diaphragm DD - it became quite irresistible, and I gave in. After Unique melody 3DT and Fiio FD5, I did become more interested in pure DD iems.



Dynamic type driver x 1
Machined aluminum (anodized) + wood (selectable) The old SARN has been renewed as an entry model for 634ears.
Aiming for a sound that will be the standard for other models, the earphones have been redesigned and originally manufactured exclusively for this earphone, incorporating the selection of wood housing material, which is a feature of 634ears. ..

<< Characteristics of sound >>

・ Bright and energetic
・ Clear and clear sound that is easy to grasp ・ Stretchy
and glossy mid-high range
・ Volume and powerful low range
・ Speed and sharpness, attack
・ Natural sound distance
・ Bass by opening and closing the C ring Adjustment of the feeling of omission

There are no frequency response graphs provided in the product page, however, upon request, I was provided with a bar chart:

634ears SARN II.jpg

The black bars are the C ring closed condition, and the red bar are the C ring open condition. I guesstimated the values and tried to create a curve in excel, it turned out like this (for the Black bars):

634ears SARN II graph excel.png

Looking at the graph, I think it should have a strong subbass, and quite energetic mids and lower treble. Coupled with this information and the characteristics of sound provided, I asked them if it was possible to slightly reduce the upper-mid lower-treble attacks. They informed that the stabilised wood will make the sound slightly darker, and additionally they will reduce the highs a bit. So let's see how it turns out. They will share with me the new FR graph once done, so keeping my fingers crossed, but gonna have to keep them crossed for 2 weeks, which is a bummer.

Oh, and this one is the stabilised wood housing:

SARN-II Stabilised wood.JPG

Looks magical!

Thanks for taking one for the team. I'm broke atm so I didn't pull the trigger. Can't wait for your impressions, they sure look good :)
Aug 13, 2021 at 4:12 AM Post #59,054 of 104,726
Listening to the BFB LARK scores a "win" for me when it comes to using the "white wide-bore" silicone ear tips that came in the package.

According to the Chinese writing on the ear tip holders, the white wide-bore silicone ear tips are the "transparent" sounding ear-tips, while the black/red are the "balanced" sounding ear-tips. Though, the black/red are balanced, the White ones brings out the very best from the micro DD's from the LARK's. What I like about this package is that you don't have to worry about looking for other aftermarket ear tips that might suit the sound better. The ones that come with this package really work well!

WeChat Image_20210813154338 (2).jpg Transparent "white" plays them right, IMHO!

PS. The white ones that come with the BFB AMAZING's package (same as above) really work well with them, too.

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Aug 13, 2021 at 4:19 AM Post #59,055 of 104,726
Really interrested to get BFB Lark..

I still have Yamaha EPH100, one of the pioneer on microdriver DD beside JVC. I had a chance to loan JVC for a week, many years ago. They were really promising alternative compared to DD only, BA only and hybrid when introduced at that time. Unfortunately seemed that microdriver development is pretty slow, with the only viable lately is the venerable ER2 family with love or hate fitting. So it's good to see a new comer with this approach again..

Edit: cleanup clutters
Zero Audio Tenore came the biggest buzz with micro drivers back in the day, but channel imbalance issues did that train in.

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