The discovery thread!
Oct 20, 2012 at 8:31 PM Post #3,946 of 106,544
I want to know where the $100 XBA-3's are (I suspect were is now the correct tense)...I see them around $300+ for the most part, putting them close to the Shure 535 (at least sometimes, list is higher, of course). Anyone do that comparison? Are they worth the $300+, or is it more that the $100 price/performance ratio is great (from the write ups), but at what they mostly sell for, not so much? (of course, I'm jealous, wallet is relieved for now).
Oct 20, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #3,947 of 106,544
Ya futureshop in Canada had a crazy blow out sale of the XBA-3s last week. They didn't seem to have much in their stores but for the guys that nabbed them. I have to say it was one of the best deals I have ever seen for these. Carlsan yesterday bought one for around $190 or so on ebay and even that is a good deal. This being said.
You just got your FXD80s. I will tell you that those FXD80s once proper will immerse you with some of the best imagery for music you have ever heard so. One thing at a time. I love my FXD80s and all my JVC carbon nanotube headphones. I would simply enjoy your FXD80 for now. I hope there will be another sale one day for these as they have to be one of the better phones for around $200 I can think of. At current retail price I don't know if it will be worth that but for $200 I think they are definitely worth it.
Oct 20, 2012 at 10:08 PM Post #3,948 of 106,544
DS, I had tried a wide mouth tip the other day and didn't like it so had gone back to the hybrids. But you comments made me decide to try again and the tips I used this time have been better. The first pair had impacted the treble and upper mods to much making them to delicate. The current tip is right in between the hybrids and the other tips adding some extension and delicacy and opening the sound stage and adding more instrument separation, very nice indeed.

I am glad I got these for $99 but do they think they are worth up to around the $200 mark.
Oct 20, 2012 at 10:48 PM Post #3,949 of 106,544
I think we will have different results using wider tips because all of us have different shaped ears and such but at least for me. While I have normal sized ears my inner ear canal is a bit bigger so I usually use large sized tips. When I use wider tips it just expands the sounds inside my ears better than Sony Hybrids which have one of the smaller opening for sound to channel out of. My JVC tips, the same tips that are on the FX101, FX40 are about 2X wider than Sony hybrids and I notice this opens up the sound for me much better. I get that out of head sound all the time using these and the balance is perfect for me. I agree with your take on the bass end of these. Love the bass end I think it is perfect with how detailed the sound is over all.
Oct 21, 2012 at 3:26 AM Post #3,950 of 106,544
I think we will have different results using wider tips because all of us have different shaped ears and such but at least for me. While I have normal sized ears my inner ear canal is a bit bigger so I usually use large sized tips. When I use wider tips it just expands the sounds inside my ears better than Sony Hybrids which have one of the smaller opening for sound to channel out of. My JVC tips, the same tips that are on the FX101, FX40 are about 2X wider than Sony hybrids and I notice this opens up the sound for me much better. I get that out of head sound all the time using these and the balance is perfect for me. I agree with your take on the bass end of these. Love the bass end I think it is perfect with how detailed the sound is over all.

I guess we both have the same kind of ear shape, because I too have medium sized ears but usually use large tips (or mediums, if they go deeper) and always wider bored tips gave me better results compared to narrow ones... and I really did want to like sony hybrids, because they are quite comfortable and xb90ex came with lots of them XD
Oct 21, 2012 at 8:50 AM Post #3,951 of 106,544
Eric, if you haven't tried the XBA3, they might be worth a listen. From what I read they are a better balanced IEM than the XBA4 while still having good bass. While I can't comment directly on the XBA4 I can talk about the XBA3 and I do think they offer nice mids while offering a lot in the bass end. They easily have the best bass I have heard in a BA based headphone (TF10, SM3, HF3, PFE121, Rockit R50 etc.). I know there probably better BA IEM's than I have owned especially in the customs realm, but for a universal these do a very good job in my opinion.
DS, I am hoping the MDR-1R is a similar sounding headphone to the XBA3 but with a bigger sound and even a bit more midrange and treble detail along with a similar type of bass. If they are what I hoping for I am going to have to ban myself from Head-fi and just be happy with them LOL. I will certainly be posting my initial impressions and doing up a full review. I will also likely do a bit of a Shure 940, 1440, MDR-1R comparison and may include the XBA3 in that mix just so people can have a point of reference between the IEM from the headphone.

Hello dweaver. Yes, I hope to try the XBA3 one day, but I never thought the XBA4 was a bad sounding iem. I always imagined the two sounding the same, but with the XBA4 just having that extra sub-bass boost.But even the sub-bass in the XBA4 isn't too overwhelming. Maybe I'll trade with Dsnuts one day for a week and we can hear the differences between the two. Enjoy. You my mind is concentrating on the V6 and that new JVC.
Oct 21, 2012 at 9:56 AM Post #3,952 of 106,544
Was curious about the Monoprice 'phones, cheap as noted, what the heck. These things are stupid good! Listening to my iPad with them now...had them burn in overnight. Feel/look like crap, not sure they'll last long, but amazing, slightly bright/harsh upper frequencies to my ears (doesn't bother me, though), do the mid/bass/imaging stuff incredibly well for what they are. I can see people just using these and dropping the whole searching thing (not me, though, got the bug for now). Got extra pairs for my girls. Thanks for the tip, love this thread.
Oct 21, 2012 at 10:02 AM Post #3,953 of 106,544
Not as refined as the JVC's, but still, for the price...was shocking at first listen, as I listen longer, I know I'm not throwing out my other iem's, but, again, at this price, amazing
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:17 PM Post #3,955 of 106,544
LOL. Thanks Ds, will buy a few of those just because they are cheap and i can give them as gift, they have some woods , so time for some "cheap fun"
Oct 21, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #3,956 of 106,544
After some time with Sony XB90EX, I'd like to share my thoughts on them.
Build Quality
Build quality is very good. housings seem solid and are made from aluminium and ABS plastic (which is supposed to refine the sound). housings have pretty good and flexible strain reliefs, but they could be a little longer and more flexible. They are adequate imho and should be able to withstand daily abuse with ease - design of the reliefs is pretty good and they don't create any "hot spots" in the wire, in other words - they work as they should :) also, they are finished beautifully and just scream classy :) that's a definite plus to me.
cable itself is pretty thick, flexible rubbery cord with some grooves along the length. I don't really remember what these grooves are supposed to do, but I'm pretty sure they either lower microphonics, or prevent tangling. Truthfully, tangling is almost non-existent, but microphonics are sometimes annoying. they can be lowered by using the cable cinch, but it doesn't solve the problem entirely :frowning2: It's not that bad, but still, it exists. good thing about the cable is that it is same thickness from the jack, to the housings, and inspire confidence. jack is really small, plastic, but has good strain relief and is L shaped, which I prefer to straight or 45 degree ones. 
All in all, I'd say build quality is really good.
although the drivers are one of the largest dynamic types used in iems (16mm) the design is really good and enables them to be really comfortable and don't cause any kind of fatigue in the ears even after long sessions of listening (I've had them in ears for 4-5 hours straight, without any issues with comfort whatsoever. stock, tips, while do not sound that good, are definitely comfortable.
Bass - members here named these iems the bass kings and I have to agree. bass is the foundation for the sound here, but it is not the regular kind of bass. there is no mid-bass hump, only the sub-bass is accentuated. the result of such tuning is that the bass never bleeds into the mids, and isn't bloated or offensive. I'm no basshead, but these sound pretty good to me. almost every other iem I've had, (except for meelec m21) had quite a big mid-bass hump and I always eq-ed it down. I don't have to do the same here. bass is controlled, and quite tight. it can become rumbly, but only when the recording calls for it. extension is the best I've heard so far, and can actually feel it vibrate to 15 hz or so, but at about 20 hz it is there sonically. As I've already said, the bass is big, but very controlled. it really feels like a subwoofer at times :) I would suggest this iem to non-bassheads because while they are really bassy, they aren't offensive in any way. 
Mids - these Iems are bass iems, but I actually love them because of their mids first, then bass :) mids are smooth and quite detailed. they reproduce strings, piano and vocals really good. mid section is pretty flat, but there is a slight bump at around 6-6.5khz area. I would say that it is maybe 2-2.5 dbs, not more. One can always eq it out, and unlike many other iems, sound can be tweaked without much hassle on these. I just left it as is - it's not that noticeable or in any ways offensive. these will never get shouty or sibilant, so no problems there. nothing sounds unnatural, metalic, plastic or anything - timbre is really good and natural, well suited to acoustic music. I'm bad with all the terminology and describing the sound, but I'd say the mids are not thick, nor thin, quite detailed and transparent (if I can even use this word describing the mids). but this I can say for sure - the best and most enjoyable mids I've heard from anything, not only iems or headphones :)
Highs - highs to my ears are pretty sparkly, but there could be more sparkle I guess... they extend pretty good and then roll off. highs are detailed and never sibilant. this is a definite plus, because the thing I hate the most is sibilance. whole sound can be ruined for me just by that. not an expert on highs, so I can't add anything more. all I can say is that highs are more than enough for me and adequately detailed. they say that JVC FXD series are better in this regard, but I haven't heard them, so...
Sound stage, presentation
sound stage is big. I would say too big for some recordings :) just try and listen to Dr. Cheskys new album, the drum and flute piece, and You'll understand what I'm talking about - it feels like I'm listening to the single drum and flute from far away. it could be described this way - imagine you are sitting in the middle section of a stadium and the flute and drum are positioned in the opposite ends of the field. they sound distant in this piece. Don't get me wrong - it really depends on the recording, because these can get really intimate and bring some instruments up close, but they can also send them to rare plains, far, far away :D this works great with  classical orchestra music, jazz and everything, except for weird recordings like the one I mentioned above :) instrument separation and detailing is really good, and the wide and high Sound stage helps with it even more - sometimes I feel like I'm sitting in a concert hall while listening to dvoraks 9-th symphony, or I'm in the same room and sitting in the front rows on Art Blakey and the jazz messengers' jazz session. Instrument positioning is good, but still it depends on the recording. The drivers feel fast, fastest I've heard. busy rock passages are well reproduced and you can tell every string from each other.  
overall, these are bass iems, but I actually prefer listening to non-bassy music with these. This is mainly due to its relaxed and laid back, immersive presentation and excellent mids, but also for the simple fact that majority of hip-hop recordings is of low quality and the bass sometimes is bloated. but good quality hip-hop sounds excellent! (nujabes, DJ Okawari, Tsuchie, Tech N9ne). great bass extension also helps with some classical pieces, like the Bach toccata and fugue, that really needs good bass extension for the organs, is really enjoyable with sonys.
I would say that these are quite good and at about 90-100$ are a good buy. I enjoy the hell out of them even now, as I'm typing :)
oh, btw, listen to this excellent piece with your XB90EX:

you can thank me later :)
I just discovered that youtube is an *******. I uploaded this yesterday, and it sounded almost as good as it sounded in the source flac, but just now I've listened to it again and it sounds like **** :frowning2: could they process it more after uploading to reduce the size even more? 
Oct 21, 2012 at 3:00 PM Post #3,958 of 106,544
Dont know. but i can imagine all of them sounding similar. All of them say bass enhanced in one form or another. I wouldn't be surprised if they us the same drivers for all the earphones but in different housing. They aren't bad. I burned them in overnight and they seem to be tightening on the sound a bit.Less bloaty this morning for certain..
@nihontoman. Nice impressions of the XB90EX. I agree with your take on how they sound with non bassy music. Steve Miller Band has to be heard on them. You can make out Steve Miller clearly up front and with all the instruments behind him with no congestion it is crazy sounding actually.
Oct 21, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #3,959 of 106,544
@nihontoman. Nice impressions of the XB90EX. I agree with your take on how they sound with non bassy music. Steve Miller Band has to be heard on them. You can make out Steve Miller clearly up front and with all the instruments behind him with no congestion it is crazy sounding actually.

yeah, good recordings, especially live jazz sessions just sound unbeliavebly lifelike and real. there is so much sense of space, that I feel like I'm sitting at a table and talking to people while listening to music :) things like this are not often with headphones, especially with iems...

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