The discovery thread!
Apr 18, 2014 at 12:49 PM Post #23,941 of 106,574
  DS where are these two gems available to us market now? ibasso isn't selling dx90 till may off their web site , L2 not listed anywhere for sale yet. curious....thanks

The L2 is not available yet in the Northern hemisphere. Which is odd to me. It has been sold in Europe and Japan. So over seas online will be the only way to get one. But I did see a headfier offering to sell his new L2 on the L2 thread. So I would check there. The Ibasso DX90 thanks to the headfi effect have sold out of their initial 1000 batch of DX90s. I would check often on their website. for availability. I assume they are in a frantic pace to meet demand for the player.
I have the H3 using the DX90 this morning and the pairing is unbelievable.. This player makes everything sound their absolute best. Sell off your old daps, sell your old phones. Get a DX90 and be completely content..Highly recommended.. I am also looking forward to my Geek out I got a tracking number for. Exciting times in deed.
Apr 18, 2014 at 1:17 PM Post #23,943 of 106,574
Would the M8 (sounds funny for the name of a phone as it's the name of the motorway (UK)/highway? that runs through my home city Edinburgh lol) be good enough to be a daily/main driver?

I just started reading this thread, but it sounds like it might!:
Apr 18, 2014 at 2:15 PM Post #23,944 of 106,574
[COLOR=FF00AA][COLOR=FF00AA]Exciting, somewhat crazy, very expensive! DX90 definitely tempting, loving the Geek Out but tethered to the computer when I use it. I have committed to most of the Geek Gear, like the operation for some reason (I know many are ticked off at them). Just got me a used Ray Samuels HR-2 amp, not why or what to do with it (inputs are R/L RCA connectors, would use interconnects from home source, or need converter cable to use with DAP). Orders the cable so I can use it in my bedroom. Really should have gotten Ray Samuels portable amp, saw a decent deal on this one. Lol. [/COLOR][/COLOR]
DS where are these two gems available to us market now? ibasso isn't selling dx90 till may off their web site , L2 not listed anywhere for sale yet. curious....thanks

The L2 is not available yet in the Northern hemisphere. Which is odd to me. It has been sold in Europe and Japan. So over seas online will be the only way to get one. But I did see a headfier offering to sell his new L2 on the L2 thread. So I would check there. The Ibasso DX90 thanks to the headfi effect have sold out of their initial 1000 batch of DX90s. I would check often on their website. for availability. I assume they are in a frantic pace to meet demand for the player.

I have the H3 using the DX90 this morning and the pairing is unbelievable.. This player makes everything sound their absolute best. Sell off your old daps, sell your old phones. Get a DX90 and be completely content..Highly recommended.. I am also looking forward to my Geek out I got a tracking number for. Exciting times in deed.
Apr 18, 2014 at 2:21 PM Post #23,945 of 106,574
Curious what others feel about the Geek Out, I believe the 1000's are shipped, and the others will be shipping soon. The Awsomfier circuit, or whatever they call it, sounds OK, but I think sound is much better without it.
Apr 18, 2014 at 2:23 PM Post #23,946 of 106,574
Curious what others feel about the Geek Out, I believe the 1000's are shipped, and the others will be shipping soon. The Awsomfier circuit, or whatever they call it, sounds OK, but I think sound is much better without it.

I'm giving mine a run through tonight.
The awesomeifier is just a type of crossfeed. I prefer untouched audio myself.
Apr 18, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #23,947 of 106,574
Yup, I know, had a similar circuit on the old Headroom amps, didn't like it there either. This is implemented better, from memory, but still better sound without it.
Apr 18, 2014 at 3:14 PM Post #23,948 of 106,574
  So I am trying out the DX90 with the L2s. The stage is so wide and airy. Both components here are wide and when you add the other it is widerer,?..The sound quality of the DX90 and L2 are both sound stage whores so we got an expansive wide open sound with astounding detail and clarity.
This combo has to heard to believed..

Ds my man!! Any chance you'd do an A/B with the DX50 and DX90? I've been thinking about upgrading on the release of the DX90, but I need to be sold on it!

A comparison between the AD900X and L2 would be ******* awesome as well!! I've been waiting to hear more impressions on the L2 because I've been very interested in it!
Apr 18, 2014 at 3:47 PM Post #23,951 of 106,574
OK after a night if burning the AIAIAI iPipe has changed dramatically. The bass settle down and now is not overbearing but still very present and full, the midrange is balanced, and the treble while still not being bright is a bit more present. They have also gained a bit more air.

They are not neutral, but they are a bass heavy signature that leans towards neutral with a very nice musical fun sound that is a lot like the Momentum on ear.
Apr 18, 2014 at 4:40 PM Post #23,952 of 106,574
  Ds my man!! Any chance you'd do an A/B with the DX50 and DX90? I've been thinking about upgrading on the release of the DX90, but I need to be sold on it!

A comparison between the AD900X and L2 would be ******* awesome as well!! I've been waiting to hear more impressions on the L2 because I've been very interested in it!

Sold off my DX50 but from memory Ibasso tuning is in full force on their newest creation. Their house sound is more neutral than that of Fiios. The DX90 represents a complete and utter upgrade of the sound on the DX50. This being said. The DX50 is one of the best players money can buy at the price range. As a source the DX50 is excellent value and sonics.. I knew the DX90 would have been an upgrade but the DX90 is comparable to my 2Step amp with the DX50 at the other end, all in one unit. The stage is wider, deeper. Clarity of sound is tops, Great immersion factor because of how complete and pure the sound is. Dual sabre chips. Detail is greater.3D presentation because of its excellent layering of sound is out of this planet good, instrument separation is high class, black space the DX50 can't come close to, Much more powerful than the DX50. Sound is very true to the recording and if the recording has extra depth or more micro detail. The DX90 will reveal all that... A true testament of how good a source is when you throw everything you have at it and all of it sound amazing. I didn't hear one phone in my collection sound off. All of them synergize with the player like nothing I have used before it.
Case in point last night I couldn't figure out what sounded better to my ears the FX850 or the L2 on the DX90..As per the L2 and AD900X comparo. I will have to pull out the AD900X out the box and listen to them but from memory I can say the L2 has a more musical presentation and less lower mids emphasis with much better and stronger sub bass and extension. The L2 will have a more even mid range in comparison.. The AD900X will have more highs extension and highlights them female vocals.  The L2s are more smoother, sound has a warmer richer presentation vs  the highs enhanced sound of the AD900X., stage is a touch wider on the AD900X but not by a lot..
Comfort wise the AD900X is excellent but the L2 since it has an open grill in the cups is less prone to hotness on the ears. For guys that love that wide stage sound of something like a AD900X. The L2 is a more musical, richer sounding headphone and less analytical neutrally balanced AD900X...The L2s are more versatile to my ears over the AD900X. I like how great Rock vocals and instruments sound on the AD900X but for other genres needing more precision in stage and transients, bass the L2 has the edge here. Sounds excellent for every genre of music I listen to. The AD900X. Could use some more lower mids to bass grunt to be more versatile..  My IM03 is a better tuned AD900X but are in ears. It takes the minor flaws of the AD900X and fixes them all..But it don't have that open stage of the AD900X.
Apr 18, 2014 at 6:58 PM Post #23,954 of 106,574
  Spent about 30 minutes so far with the Geek Out 1000. Incredible. My headphones have never sounded better. Wow.
That's all I'm gonna say right now, I'm enjoying it too much. 
I'm gonna have some amp/dacs up for sale real soon :)

This is good news. It seems everyone is impressed by the Geeks. Can't wait to hear my 450s.
Apr 18, 2014 at 7:01 PM Post #23,955 of 106,574
If you thought the M500 was heavy at only 208g, the PHVI at 480g is gonna feel like a brick on your head... just a warning.

I must have a strong neck.... No issue.
And eric, you're in for a treat for sure. PHVI is a stunning phone. 

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