The discovery thread!
Apr 5, 2014 at 5:24 PM Post #23,686 of 106,544
Apr 5, 2014 at 6:06 PM Post #23,687 of 106,544
  doctorjazz, if they are %20 off now, they will most likely be %20 off later, it is not like it will be the only time. There's a lot of competition out there. This gives you time to think about it outside of your immediate adrenaline rush and excitement, so more clearly. And also give you some more time to consider similar options.
After hearing some of waynes world's stuff i nearly went out and spent a few hundred $ right away, but took a step back. It's still all amazing stuff, BUT also still available for me to get should the urge arise at any time.
Be careful! And hope you are enjoying yourself.  How many people are there?
That $999 can  nearly get you the new oppo fullsized :), or the next model soon to be out with cash to *spare*
BUT HEY if you want them don't let my ideas there stop you! It's all up to you!

^ yeppp the hype is adding up nicely on those Oppa cans, can't wait to document it. hoho
Kinda interested to hear the hype for myself as well but those only like it's $700 to me on a personal level. $1000 is a bit overpriced but they gots to play the TOTL $1000+ flagship price tag thang so i understand. Now if they REALLY blows the rest of the competition outta' the water then it's another story. 
edit: and agreed with nick on this one doc, cuz show room environments you can't really judge how the gear truly performs, so don't let them pressure sell you stuff and stand firm. There are just too much competition and new tech coming out right now to settle for some "TOTL" custom that might soon be dethroned in a matter of months. So...... just go with your gut on this one meng.  
Apr 5, 2014 at 6:57 PM Post #23,688 of 106,544
Thanks all, managed to get out of there with my wallet lighter by only the price of 2 slices of pizza and a diet coke! Really tempting, though, the AK240/UERM combo was killer sounding there (and the customs aren't customs for the show, they bring a set that takes Comply tips). I go through this periodically...the time from Black Friday until holiday sales run out is a hard one, and you can't audition headphones then, just go on reviews and price (Wayne may remember me whining then :wink:. Shows have the added lure of being able to listen, though it's true that conditions for listening are far from ideal. Heard the Oppo for just a very short time, someone was with them almost all the time, didn't WOW me (but again, not great conditions for evaluating), Liked any Audeze i heard (most were there, listened to them for a decent amount of time). They could do with a bit more high end, but the rest is outstanding. Sennheiser was there, listened to the HD700, HD800, and the IE800. Liked the 700 better than the 800 (but open phones don't do well in a noisy environment), and thought the IE800 don't get as much love around here as they should, they are really nice sounding, not all bass, which was the sense I get reading about them (but the bass IS REALLY GOOD). Think it's the high price that has them judged harshly.
Anyway, I actually did have fun, despite the way it may have seemed from the posts, and, like around the holidays, it's a reminder that I may need to work on this stuff (.....nah!!)
Apr 5, 2014 at 9:05 PM Post #23,689 of 106,544
Apr 5, 2014 at 11:13 PM Post #23,690 of 106,544
Nice review, D, are you preferring it to the H-200?
Apr 6, 2014 at 5:51 AM Post #23,692 of 106,544
I doubt anyone in this thread have tried this unknown gem or it is suitable to post here ,but can anyone skim some reviews and decide for me if it can be an upgrade to something like MA750 or DN1000 . I know their sound signatures can be very different , but still , is it worth buying (compared to other of the same league) dont know if you guys care about this price bracket at all lol :))

SD-2 that is
Apr 6, 2014 at 6:22 AM Post #23,693 of 106,544
  I doubt anyone in this thread have tried this unknown gem or it is suitable to post here ,but can anyone skim some reviews and decide for me if it can be an upgrade to something like MA750 or DN1000 . I know their sound signatures can be very different , but still , is it worth buying (compared to other of the same league) dont know if you guys care about this price bracket at all lol :))
SD-2 that is

Members in threads below have done some reviews and comparisons to other IEMs check them out
Apr 6, 2014 at 7:09 AM Post #23,694 of 106,544
I actually have read those links (still working through other pages though)
I just want to know more opinion (lol so greedy) , especially for the case I mentioned here , and because guys in this thread have gone through a lot of mid-range IEMs , I think you guys are most capable of determined if something could be consider such an upgrade, aka worth it compared to others of the same price range
Apr 6, 2014 at 11:43 AM Post #23,695 of 106,544
Nice review, D, are you preferring it to the H-200?

thanks mate!
Yes I prefer the H300 for most genres but with Heavy Metal the H200 is still my favourite.
Apr 6, 2014 at 12:01 PM Post #23,696 of 106,544
Back to having fit/seal problems with the AT IM70...I'm generally an AT fan in terms of sound, but I'm a hard fit in general, and AT, with the odd bodies/insertions, usually are harder than most. Thought I had it covered with the UE tips, not feeling right any more, more rolling ahead, I'm afraid.
Apr 6, 2014 at 12:16 PM Post #23,697 of 106,544
(copied from Head-Fi Meet Impressions...)
Not sure if I should post, think people have posted pictures of most of the stuff already.
Nice set ups at the tables, not just the vendors...I brought a bunch of headphones with me, but I felt intimidated by the 1st tier headphones and sources everyone had there, looked much more on point than my poor source material (Fiio X3, 2 iPod Touches, ALO National) and mid level headphones. This is actually the way I listen, with portable rig, if I want to use big set up, usually use speakers, but walking around, laying in bed, other times, always on the DAPs.
Loved the Audeze comparisons, agree with above, all nice sounding, house sound, could use slightly more on top imo, but really enjoyable.
Loved Alpha Dogs
Lots of other nice set ups/cans/sources/amplficartion

OK, what the heck, you can always scan past...

the wood headphones were demo'd by David, if I remember correctly (apologies if I didn't), Sony MDR-R10, I believe (no, the devilishly handsome model with the headphones is not some movie star you can't place...)
Apr 6, 2014 at 1:36 PM Post #23,699 of 106,544
Been wanting to, some stations were regularly crowded and the cans were always in use, didn't get to hear the Fostex. Next meet, maybe...
Apr 6, 2014 at 4:15 PM Post #23,700 of 106,544
OK, just saying, recently have gotten many of the highly regarded headphones I've read about on this thread...JVC Woodies, AT IM70, DUNU 1K, Sony H3, more I won't bother to list. Most of them are still works in progress on my end, getting fits for some of these large body iem's, for instance, often takes a long time, if I ever get it right at all. Having said all that, I just popped in the burned in Doppio, and was surprised how much I loved them. They have the good qualities of the previous model Tenore, which I have (think Tenore still has somewhat wider soundstage), adds more body to the music (my complaint with the Tenore is that is slightly "bleached" instrumental color/tambour out), really enjoyed my first post burn in listen to them (easy fit for me, too). DrBluenewmexico (say that 5 times fast, I dare you) had PM'd me that these were the real deal...know what, I believe he was spot on!!! :)
OK, you may resume your previous activities...

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