The discovery thread!
Mar 5, 2014 at 4:24 PM Post #22,816 of 106,418
Yup took 5min tops and 64gb is up and running.. there are 2 programs on the fiio site that can format the card. Im not 100% sure but I think u have to use one of them and not the player itself . Card can be in player, but connected by usb to comp....
Mar 5, 2014 at 4:57 PM Post #22,817 of 106,418
Having trouble with upgrade, did the first part, copied file and X3 did upgrade. The next part, upgrading the drivers, has me confused-the extracted folder with the drivers has 2 exe and many other files, not sure what to do with I just copy it on the card as well? (tried looking through the help file included, and X3 forums here, must be too basic, don't see it anywhere). A link would be fine if someone knows it,thanks.
Mar 5, 2014 at 5:48 PM Post #22,818 of 106,418
Took the H3 out today. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!
Mar 5, 2014 at 6:13 PM Post #22,819 of 106,418
(that'd be a great name for a movie!!!!!)

Speaking of wonderful, new Keith Jarrett album, solo piano live recording (Bregenz, Munchen), hi-rez, X3 (guess I don't need to add any drivers... :confused:.....Mikros 90, really beautiful. Only listened to the 1st track (lasts 20+ minutes!), very lovely. Always had a thing against Jarrett, went to see him once at the Village Vanguard. H came out, sat at the piano, played for about 5 minutes, let the audience know he was unhappy because there was some noise/talking, played another few minutes, got up, left the stage, and didn't come back. I was really ticked! Have heard some recordings that are great, though, lean to his 70's quartet (American) recordings. Nuff ranting, this is sweet...(no Kanye West, of course, but, who is?)
Mar 5, 2014 at 6:25 PM Post #22,820 of 106,418
(that'd be a great name for a movie!!!!!)

Speaking of wonderful, new Keith Jarrett album, solo piano live recording (Bregenz, Munchen), hi-rez, X3 (guess I don't need to add any drivers...
.....Mikros 90, really beautiful. Only listened to the 1st track (lasts 20+ minutes!), very lovely. Always had a thing against Jarrett, went to see him once at the Village Vanguard. H came out, sat at the piano, played for about 5 minutes, let the audience know he was unhappy because there was some noise/talking, played another few minutes, got up, left the stage, and didn't come back. I was really ticked! Have heard some recordings that are great, though, lean to his 70's quartet (American) recordings. Nuff ranting, this is sweet...(no Kanye West, of course, but, who is?)

Keith Jarrett "The Köln Concert" is a rather amazing set of improvisations. Huh! From wikipedia...:  "It was released in the autumn of 1975 by the ECM Records label to critical acclaim and went on to become the best-selling solo album in jazz history, and the all-time best-selling piano album,[3] with sales of more than 3.5 million."
Looking forward to checking out his latest!
Mar 5, 2014 at 6:28 PM Post #22,821 of 106,418
It's along the same lines, solo improv, hits many genres, very fine recording...
How's the Mikros mod going, Wayne, you ever take them off since then? :beerchug:
Mar 5, 2014 at 6:45 PM Post #22,822 of 106,418
It's along the same lines, solo improv, hits many genres, very fine recording...
How's the Mikros mod going, Wayne, you ever take them off since then?

They're going lol. Haven't hit the sweet spot quite yet.
Mar 5, 2014 at 7:02 PM Post #22,823 of 106,418
Stname="amigomatt" url="/t/586909/the-discovery-thread-new-zero-audio-doppios-pg1197-km200-pg835-philips-fidelio-s2-pg-724/22815#post_10332371"]
My take as well, the Raps/Rants just serve to hold it together as far as I'm concerned, nothing at all lyrically but nastiness, not even clever nastiness (tend not to even follow them closely). On the other hand, his MUSICAL mind is amazing, things he throws together into a fascinating whole are a whole different thing. Unlike others (and, again, I'm no expert, gonna listen to the above music videos after the dog walk), who may rap better over electronic beats and pieces of old recording background tracks looped (and I do like figuring out what was sampled, and it can make for great music), the MUSIC of Kanye's work is original, his creations. Of course, his public persona and nastiness is bound to turn many people off.

Should that be impressive? That should be a prerequisite of any artist with their mettle.

I do respect your opinions on here and enjoy your posts, but on the grand scale of talent, I'm afraid Kanye West doesn't even make the list, in my musical opinion.

I'm in the funny position of championing Kanye, an artist I know mostly because my 20 year old daughter loves his music, so I've listened to a bit of it. I've not listened to tons of Hip-hop, and don't claim to be an expert on it, or even well versed. I have to take issue with the idea that originality is a prerequisite for an artist. My take is that 90-95% of what's out there is derivative, and true originals are rare, even in creative media. I probably have a different perspective on Kanye, not being a hip hop devotee, but to my ears, mostly primed by jazz, alternative music of all sorts, Americana, the MUSICAL creations Kanye puts together strike me as original, involving, and different from what other artists do. I had the thought after I posted, though, that saying a rapper is Great based on the music (not the raps) may be like saying a quarterback who's a great runner but can't throw is great (Tim Tebow, anyone), maybe if the rap is most important, how you Dress It Up is secondary. Not being a steady listener of hip hop, to my ears the music may take extra importance true fans may find besides the point. I do think what he does musically, in the genre, strikes this casual listener of hip hop as pretty amazing. It's all personal taste and background imo. :-D[/quote]

To be fair to KW and in respect of your reply, I haven't given his output enough of a listen to make a fully educated judgement, but that's maybe because besides all the massive range of music I'm deeply into, older, more authentic hip hop is something I used to and still do get a buzz from and nothing that he (and most other so called hip hop artists of today) have and are putting out hasn't simulated me to follow it up with more listening. I think the ultra commercial sheen that pervades them all puts me off. It all sounds very throw away to me. Could you point me to a tune or two I should give a further listen to? Sorry to be off topic, people. Back on topic, I was one of those people who was quite underwhelmed by the Pistons after all the hype on here. Vastly overblown bass and far from natural sounding. Certainly not bad for the price and the whole package is very attractive, but no giant killer there!
Mar 5, 2014 at 7:36 PM Post #22,824 of 106,418
I'm definitely with you on the Pistons, my first reaction to them here was, "I know why people are keeping them in their ears, they dread putting them back in that case".
The whole Kanye thing started when I posted a Youtube video of a song I really liked, I'll dig it up later and repost, now gotta get my exercise, hit the stationary bike, watch an episode of Supernatural or Dr Who with my daughter..:)

(people tend to like what they grew up listening to, I still think there hasn't been better rap than "Rappers Delight", the 1st wave in the early 80's, which I actually followed a bit). (Which brings me back to Daft Punk...still think they are Chic with a French Accent!)
Mar 5, 2014 at 7:37 PM Post #22,825 of 106,418
I do appreciate that it is hard to get into a particular artist's catalog if they don't grab you quickly and you listen to tons of music. I have trouble getting to know the cd's I order, things that I wanted, much less explore people I'm not sure I'll care for...
Mar 5, 2014 at 7:57 PM Post #22,826 of 106,418
This was it. (just happened to hear it out on my dog walk, usually take my iPod Touch, play it on random, hear what comes out. It's a good way to get to things you haven't gotten to on your own but have)..not necessarily the Greatest Piece Ever Done, but I really like the juxtaposition of the acoustic piano (outling chords, think basic I-2 minor-4-5 progression, like all those 50's songs, Sillouettes, etc), electronic beats, rap (nasty, vulgar, sure), the singing, and the mix of orchestra/electronics/beats at the end. Pretty wild imagination imo, even if you don't care for what he says.
Mar 5, 2014 at 7:59 PM Post #22,827 of 106,418
(I;m a bit hesitant to start this up again, but, oh well...)
Mar 5, 2014 at 8:08 PM Post #22,828 of 106,418
(that'd be a great name for a movie!!!!!)

Speaking of wonderful, new Keith Jarrett album, solo piano live recording (Bregenz, Munchen), hi-rez, X3 (guess I don't need to add any drivers...
.....Mikros 90, really beautiful. Only listened to the 1st track (lasts 20+ minutes!), very lovely. Always had a thing against Jarrett, went to see him once at the Village Vanguard. H came out, sat at the piano, played for about 5 minutes, let the audience know he was unhappy because there was some noise/talking, played another few minutes, got up, left the stage, and didn't come back. I was really ticked! Have heard some recordings that are great, though, lean to his 70's quartet (American) recordings. Nuff ranting, this is sweet...(no Kanye West, of course, but, who is?)


Mar 5, 2014 at 8:17 PM Post #22,829 of 106,418
  Dsnuts, what do you think of the Doppio now? It is by far my favorite universal multi-all-BA that I've heard at this point (yes, better than the SE535, SE530, and W4, etc.). As for favorite all BA period (universal), I think the Doppio and the Heaven V tie for me.

I use them all the time actually. Doppios are with me when I take the kids to the library and back. Buying groceries. Easy to listen to and easy to enjoy..Doppios have been steady for me the entire time I have had them. Actually I am glad I ended up with these because I am so satisfied with the Doppios I refrained from getting any of the ATH-IM0X phones and ended up with the FX850. Things happen for a reason I suppose.

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