Testing audiophile claims and myths
May 20, 2018 at 2:08 PM Post #8,026 of 18,241
Maybe it's because I mainly use IEMs and listen predominantly to live albums, but the spatiality of binaural recordings I've heard felt amazingly lifelike to me.

Which binaural albums? I looked at Amazon and all I could find is one Pearl Jam album and a bunch of self hypnosis and sound effects records. Are there any binaural recordings of music with acoustic instruments you could recommend?

Thanks...but my point is when you come in here from the "outside"and read SS threads the first thing a lot of people do is check to see what equipment posters are using...for context.....when nothing is listed it's easy to assume posters are frugal or sour grapes ect.I think you might get more interest in here if "outsiders" could see thats not the case and perhaps even be familiar with reference equipment used by posters.

If someone is going to make assumptions based on equipment brands and model numbers instead of what the poster is actually saying, they will be making a huge mistake. Inside the box of the rest of head-fi, brand name fan clubs and cults built around specific models are common. But in here, it's different. I've never asked specifically what kind of system the various Sound Science regulars have. I learn more by hearing what they have to say.

I think analogue survivor is sharing his creative writing skills with us. I'm not here for that kind of bluff and fluff, so I skip over most of what he says. But this bit I found interesting...

And, please, do not try to teach me regarding analog record recording and frequencies that can be put on the analog disk master.

Have you ever been involved with a project from recording on 24 track tape all the way through mastering and pressing on LP? Some of us here have. You might learn something if you listen to those of us who have.

Then comes the totally irrelevant digression into propeller planes and rockets... I think he finds it difficult to keep his thought process going in a straight line. And he assumes all of our brains are making the loopdeloops right along with him.
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May 20, 2018 at 2:15 PM Post #8,027 of 18,241
@bigshot. I am not sure if you are really looking for binaural recordings or if you are trying to say that there are very few binaural albums, which I agree.

Just in case, hdtracks sells binaural recordings from Chesky Records: http://www.hdtracks.com/binaural.

Try, for instance, Macy Gray.
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May 20, 2018 at 2:27 PM Post #8,028 of 18,241
Are there no albums to be bought in regular online stores? I'm averse to giving a site my credit card just to buy one album, and I use Apple Lossless, which most small download services don't support. (I don't do FLAC). I really prefer to just stick a disc in my player and not have to fire up my computer first.
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May 20, 2018 at 2:38 PM Post #8,030 of 18,241
Sorry, should have said " approximation to the square wave" - with all the bandwidth limitation of ANY recording medium ...

Again, a whole post of nonsense and/or irrelevancies. Where's the evidence to back up all your past claims? You can't just ignore it and post more nonsense, that's TROLLING. Put up or shut up!!

As you're introducing yet another new bit of nonsense to deal with, answer this: Generate a 12kHz square wave. Record it with: PCM 44.1kHz, PCM 192kHz and DSD (or DSD wide if you prefer) and anything else you want (cassette, VHS or vinyl for example). Which of these recordings will provide the best "approximation" of this "square wave"?

May 20, 2018 at 2:59 PM Post #8,031 of 18,241
May 20, 2018 at 3:06 PM Post #8,033 of 18,241
I really don't want a laundry list. I want the best one to try out and see. Which one?

I have no dog in this fight yet. I just want to hear what the best sounds like. Then I may be interested in more.
May 20, 2018 at 3:21 PM Post #8,034 of 18,241
May 20, 2018 at 3:45 PM Post #8,035 of 18,241
I have recently suffered a personal loss in my family and I'm not in a mood to argue online with strangers about squarewaves. There are so much more important things in life and this last week has reminded me of it. All I say for now is that analogsurviver's attitudinal scepticism about 44.1 kHz PCM digital audio is comical. Visual shape of waveforms is not a precise indication of the perceiced sound. Bandwidth limitations and non-linear phase shifts can shape waveforms unrecognizable yet the perceived sound can be identical or near-identical to the original waveform. On the other hand noise, flutter and distortion etc. typical to analog formats may not be visually detectable, but are possibly perceiced by ears.

Even if we could reproduced near perfect acoustic sqaurewaves, by the time the sound enters our inner ear and stimulates the basilar membrane it doesn't "look" squarewave anymore.


I won't be very active here in the near future, but I probably visit where to take my mind off my sadness. Take care of people important to you.
May 20, 2018 at 4:15 PM Post #8,036 of 18,241
You will have to pick one.

You haven’t heard any of these?

I’m getting the feeling that no one actually listens to binaural recordings!
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May 20, 2018 at 5:24 PM Post #8,039 of 18,241
Macy Gray or Casey Abrams yes.

OK. I'll order Marcy Gray then. If I buy something no one has ever heard, it's
kind of pointless because we can't discuss it.
May 20, 2018 at 5:40 PM Post #8,040 of 18,241

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