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    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to Lindholdt's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      Where does that information come from? And how is it relevant to end users, as you can't change the firmware, as far as I know?
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      Perfectly fine.
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      It is a true sign of admiration for the S17 that anyone would even bother comparing it to another amp that costs twice as much, has no...
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      PC - SMSL SU10 - S17 - ATH R70X What more could anyone possibly want? It sounds fantastic.
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to ngohw's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      Adding onto this, I did manage to try the Holo Audio Cyan 2 R2R Ladder DAC amongst other R2R DACs. While it undoubtedly provided a nice...
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to MiguelP's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      It's commom to enjoy music a lot more during the night - the environmental noise is way lower and there's less ambient light so your...
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to MaxMini's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      unbalanced: - cream, - homogeneous, - synthetic (the opposite of analysis), - liquid, - more focused in the center, - closer, -...
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to D1N0's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      If he thinks it has grainy treble he probably did not let it burn in properly and/or was listening with the wrong type op headphones. I...
    • Hooster
      Yeah these are seriously underrated headphones. I have found some recent headphones I tried are seriously lacking bass power and...
    • Hooster
      I have had a pair of these for years now. A few months ago I got some Hifiman Sundaras, thinking that was an upgrade. To me it is not...
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      What does that achieve?
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      That is such a great post and it really speaks to me. I hear very quickly if something is worth it to me or not. I have loved the S17...
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to Dimitry188's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      I have both of these amplifiers. In 50mA mode, they are close in sound. But in 100mA mode, Aune is noticeably better in all respects.
    • Hooster
      Hooster replied to the thread Aune S17 pro.
      Using a Cayin RU6 DAC with the S17 now. I really do like it. Natural, musical and voices sound real. I also have an SMSL SU-10 and it is...
    • Hooster
      Hooster reacted to lucanato's post in the thread Aune S17 pro with Like Like.
      hi guys my s17 has arrived yesterday.. o gosh this is the amp, i love it from the 10 second i listened. i'm a musician and an audiophile...
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