Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)
Jul 17, 2011 at 3:22 AM Post #1,187 of 4,748

You can't just lay uncorrected FR graphs from different makers over each other and expect them to be absolute for comparison sake though.  I can compare 3 different measurements of the same phone from the same person though.  Like I said, the only thing I'm happy about from that is not being delusional.  Not completely anyway.  
That being said I did rank the EX1000 as #1 overall for comprehensive SQ in universals so far and learned to 'manage' the spike to a degree.  Now managing the price is something else, heh.

True, I realise the Sony EX700/600/800/1000 all share a very similiar FR graph and all sound 'very' different Lol, and I do take in listener impressions like yours and music_4321 more than a few lines on a piece of paper, but the EX700/600/800/1000, Rooth LS8 and UM Miracle all share a common emphasis in their sound presentation.
Jul 17, 2011 at 3:24 AM Post #1,188 of 4,748

True, I realise the Sony EX700/600/800/1000 all share a very similiar FR graph and all sound 'very' different Lol, and I do take in listener impressions like yours and music_4321 more than a few lines on a piece of paper, but the EX700/600/800/1000, Rooth LS8 and UM Miracle all share a common emphasis in their sound presentation.

And both cater to Asian markets first and foremost ironically.  Coincidence I'm sure.  

Jul 17, 2011 at 3:55 AM Post #1,189 of 4,748
Wow, look at those upper mid spikes!  So much for my vivid imagination.  =P


The graph says there is a +1 dB 5.5kHz spike out of the A845 and the only thing this tells me is Sony is fascinated with ~5.5 - 6.5kHz spikes.
The original(?) Sony product with that spike is the EX700, which was erroneously attributed to it's harshness and "sibilance"(imho it's not), so people got an equalizer out and toned down the highs which only makes it sound even worse!! and then it became garbage can material.
Some of the first reactions to the EX1000 were "oh no not again!", but as Sonove has pointed out 6kHz boosting really is quite a nice sound.
I'm not recommending the EX700 to EX600/800/1000 collectors, I just want to point this out, and that Unique Melody and Rooth have embraced the 6kHz sound as well, perhaps to an even higher extent than Sony has if you look at the FR graphs.

Let's not repeat my initial error and mix up FR graphs for the phones and the DAPs. These are FR graphs for Sony DAPs driving the EX1000. The +1 dB spike out of the A845 should be more or less indiscernible, but it implies (according to the OP) that the EX1000 have an impedance peak in that range. In my understanding that spike could possibly even be more pronounced with some DAPs, so source may well play a role in how different people perceive the EX1000 in that range.
Jul 17, 2011 at 6:55 AM Post #1,190 of 4,748

I'd take the EX1000 mids over the SM3 & SE535 mids any day. Seriously.
I still find the EX1000s mids great and I've said so before. The 7550 is not exactly mid-centric per se, but mids are a little more forward, which is more my thing. Those who find the EX1000's bass & treble their thing (like I do) may not enjoy the 7550s as much - there seems to be just a little more rumble (sub-bass) on the 1000s as well as a little more sparkle at the top. Soundstage is a little smaller, too, on the 7550s. So, be very careful what you wish for.

Spot on concise comparison IMHO.  You won't be missing those subtle micro details and nuances from the air of the EX1000?  Sounds like the ES3X will be your 'neutral' phone and the 7550 your 'fun' phone?

True, I realise the Sony EX700/600/800/1000 all share a very similiar FR graph and all sound 'very' different Lol, and I do take in listener impressions like yours and music_4321 more than a few lines on a piece of paper, but the EX700/600/800/1000, Rooth LS8 and UM Miracle all share a common emphasis in their sound presentation.


OK, I think I need to clarify a couple of things.
First off, much like timbre (the dreaded T word) and audiophile (the dreaded A word), I have some (serious) issues with the term "micro details". I find the term used, often abused, thrown there randomly far too easily. In many instances it seems to me the term is used as an excuse to justify a more expensive and/or seemingly better product - often trying to give the impression one really is an 'audiophile'. As in the case of the T & A words, where I have no issues whatsoever when james444 (and a couple other members) use such terms, the same applies to "micro details", too many use the term, after all it's quite easy to understand (self explanatory), but very few are actually able to pick up on such sonic differences, and not exactly always those who tend to use the term more frequently.
In addition, while I appreciate looking at FR graphs, in my experience they don't often tell the whole story. I've seen impressive graphs for some phones I found pretty wrong sounding, and other graphs where I heard things were pretty close to what was claimed by the manufacturer. Different sleeves/tips, ear canal shapes, materials used in the housing, etc, all play a part, too. I sometimes wonder, in some cases, just how honest some manufacturers are when they make public such graphs...
OK, I'll try to clarify what I meant by "there seems to be just a little more rumble (sub-bass) on the 1000s as well as a little more sparkle at the top. Soundstage is a little smaller, too, on the 7550s."
I do think bass on the 7550s reaches as deep as the EX1000, yes to sub-bass level clearly discernible, including the rumbling. I find a very, very similar situation at the other end of the spectrum. I do NOT think the EX1000 offer more detail at either end of the spectrum, but because of the way both IEMs are tuned, the EX1000s give the impression of having better extension at both ends, when i fact I think they do not. So, in a way it would seem slightly easier to pick up certain details better with the EX1000s bacause of said tuning differences.
I don't want to use the term V-shaped loosely because I think it doesn't describe the EX1000 accurately. From the many posts I've read on the FX700s, I'd apply that term to the JVCs. While the EX1000 is not as V-shaped as other phones (CKM99, TF10 and apparently the FX700), the 7550s are flatter (or 'even less V-shaped') than the EX1000. I actually don't find my ES3Xs as flat as the 7550s, either, the former being a truly mid-centric phone, though considerably better than both SM3 & SE535 to these ears. The most neutral phone I've heard to date is the MDR-7550 - yes, more neutral than my customs.
The differences between the EX1000 & 7550 are not always so apparent. They are more so in the mid-range, but even there, it's not a night and day difference. Lower mids and upper bass seem to be EVER so slightly more present on the 7550s. The upper mids/lower treble peak on the EX1000s is less apparent/pronounced on the 7550s, but mid-mids seem a little more present on the 7550s. These differences give the impression the EX1000s extend both lower & higher but, like I said, I don't find that to be the case. On the whole, I think most people would prefer the EX1000 sound because it is slightly more exciting.
With regards to soundstage, the same thing applies. The 7550s have quite impressive soundstage, but the EX1000's soundstage seems a little wider and with slightly more depth due to the difference in the presentation of all 3 frequencies. To simply say the EX1000s are airier, have a wider soundstage, and 'dismiss' the 7550s as narrow sounding, would be quite wrong.
It would be wrong to suggest the 7550s are just some kind of boring, flat & neutral IEM. I do think they're the best for professional use, but their 'flatness' & 'neutrality' are so good that I personally find them tremendously exciting. Like I said, I think less people would share my excitement for such sound presentation than that found on the truly excellent EX1000.
I often find posts here on HF where people seem to look for a neutral, flatter sounding IEM - that seems to be the case with many who have spent some time here where is sounds 'appropriate' to look for such neutrality/flatness. The truth of the matter is that most people really prefer some kind of V-shaped type of sound. And very few really value a good flatter sounding phone. Neither group has the last word when it comes to sound preferences. When using an IEM for monitoring and/or mixing purposes, then the 7550s would be the better choice.
Jul 17, 2011 at 8:17 AM Post #1,191 of 4,748
^ The EX7550 are tuned for stage use and it's not hard to see how that may suit a declared mids-lover. Are they flatter than the EX1000? I don't know, I haven't heard them. Are the EX1000 v-shaped? Not to my ears, but everyone hears differently. Let me put it this way: if the EX1000 are v-shaped, than a good many phones I've heard must be v-shaped too.

Jul 17, 2011 at 8:43 AM Post #1,192 of 4,748

^ The EX7550 are tuned for stage use and it's not hard to see how that may suit a declared mids-lover. Are they flatter than the EX1000? I don't know, I haven't heard them. Are the EX1000 v-shaped? Not to my ears, but everyone hears differently. Let me put it this way: if the EX1000 are v-shaped, than a good many phones I've heard must be v-shaped too. 

No, I don't really think the EX1000 is V-shaped, and that's why I specifically said I didn't want to use the term loosely. I don't think the bass on EX1000s is boosted at all so, strictly speaking, V-shaped they are most certainly NOT. There's a spike in the upper mids /lower treble on the EX1000s. Either the mids may be ever so slightly recessed on the EX1000s or the 7550s mid-range (except upper mids) is ever so slightly forward - that's why, in that sense, I said the 7550s were 'less V-shaped'.
Also, as stated, the difference in the whole mid-range and upper bass regions make the 7550s slightly more 'mid-centric' or less 'V-shaped', whichever term sounds less 'offending'. I personally find the 7550s flatter along the whole freq range, whereas the ES3Xs - also "tuned for stage use" - clearly have more forward mids - more so than the 7550s - and both treble & bass are presented quite differently too. Like I said, I find the 7550s more neutral than the ES3X.
Jul 17, 2011 at 10:17 AM Post #1,193 of 4,748
I need to make a correction: The 7550s are not more sensitive than the EX600/EX1000. I'd previously A/B'd the 7550s & EX600s (same as the EX1000s) using my 4G Touch (with the Equalizer app) and it was harder to volume match both IEMs.
I've now done the same using my laptop and I don't notice a difference in sensitivity. I then tried the Touch's onboard music app and I can confirm there doesn't seem to be a difference.
Jul 17, 2011 at 10:22 AM Post #1,194 of 4,748
Ok, thanks for clarifying, I just sensed an increased use of the term "v-shaped" in your post :p
Tbo, I don't really care which one's "flatter", just trying to get an idea of the 7550's mids. Do you think they're also more forward than the EX600's? Just asking, since I hear the EX600 pretty similar to how 3602 describes them, with more upfront vocals than the EX1000 (from memory).
To my ears, the vocals of the EX600 are more up-front, while the treble is not as smooth.
The sound-stage is also different. It is not the same listening experience. Concert hall with you in front row seat (EX600) or a large outdoor performance will you somewhat further from the performers (EX1000).

Jul 17, 2011 at 10:46 AM Post #1,196 of 4,748

Ok, thanks for clarifying, I just sensed an increased use of the term "v-shaped" in your post :p
Tbo, I don't really care which one's "flatter", just trying to get an idea of the 7550's mids. Do you think they're also more forward than the EX600's? Just asking, since I hear the EX600 pretty similar to how 3602 describes them, with more upfront vocals than the EX1000 (from memory).


Agree 100% with you there - who cares whether they're flatter, more forward or less recessed? Flat, neutral & natural are other terms often misused and abused. Thing is, to me, the mids - the small difference - makes the already 'perfect' EX1000 mids even 'more perfect', if you like.
To be perfectly honest, I don't recall major differences in the mids between the EX600 & EX1000s - things were more apparent at both ends of the spectrum, and if I recall correctly maybe the EX1000s were ever so slightly fuller (but really just very very very slightly, from memory), but not more forward.
FWIW - and I know you don't have the 7550s -, here's a track where I hear the mids to be simply perfect with the 7550s, nailing them, so to speak. They're great on the EX600 (and probably slightly better on the EX1000s) but, to me, the difference is there with the 7550s. Again, the difference is NOT night and day, nor is it at both ends of the spectrum, but there is a difference, which is noticeable to these ears. Vocals, piano, guitar and other instruments 'visiting' the mid-range sound just right to these ears.
Jul 17, 2011 at 11:03 AM Post #1,197 of 4,748

For EX1000 fans, if you want to try a different cable, here's one
on "socket selection" you can select EX1000.

Good find. I may try one of their cables, since any of them can be selected with the EX1000 sockets. I still have fit issues because I can't get the chin slider to stay up tight (which exerts downward pressure on the ear loops, then keeping the earphones securely in place)- after a short while it keeps loosening and working its way back down the cable. Every few minutes I have to cinch it up again. Too bad fit has always been a bit of an issue with these for me. Maybe a different cable with better slider would help with a more secure fit (and a small boost in SQ would be an added perk of course). 
Jul 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM Post #1,198 of 4,748
More so than the micro details (
) I worry about people thinking the EX1000 is V or U shaped.  I really don't hear it w/ my synergy.  Could explain why I hear the 7550 as being more forward.  To better clarify why I preferred the EX1000, simply put, I felt at times listening to the 7550 I wanted it to take a breath every now and again.  Sometimes I began feeling overwhelmed where the EX1000 just had more space to breathe like a fine wine.  Of course we use different genres too.  Faster more complex stuff were just more enjoyable for me on the EX1000.  The FR balance on the 7550 was great though.
Music, do you hear the 7550 drivers closer to the 600 or 1000?  I thought the latter but it could just be good acoustic treatment.
Jul 17, 2011 at 12:49 PM Post #1,199 of 4,748

Ok, thanks for clarifying, I just sensed an increased use of the term "v-shaped" in your post :p
Tbo, I don't really care which one's "flatter", just trying to get an idea of the 7550's mids. Do you think they're also more forward than the EX600's? Just asking, since I hear the EX600 pretty similar to how 3602 describes them, with more upfront vocals than the EX1000 (from memory).

Agree 100% with you there - who cares whether they're flatter, more forward or less recessed? Flat, neutral & natural are other terms often misused and abused. Thing is, to me, the mids - the small difference - makes the already 'perfect' EX1000 mids even 'more perfect', if you like.
To be perfectly honest, I don't recall major differences in the mids between the EX600 & EX1000s - things were more apparent at both ends of the spectrum, and if I recall correctly maybe the EX1000s were ever so slightly fuller (but really just very very very slightly, from memory), but not more forward.
FWIW - and I know you don't have the 7550s -, here's a track where I hear the mids to be simply perfect with the 7550s, nailing them, so to speak. They're great on the EX600 (and probably slightly better on the EX1000s) but, to me, the difference is there with the 7550s. Again, the difference is NOT night and day, nor is it at both ends of the spectrum, but there is a difference, which is noticeable to these ears. Vocals, piano, guitar and other instruments 'visiting' the mid-range sound just right to these ears.

Right -- I have just closed the EX1000 listing temporarily because, although I do prefer the 7550s over the EX600s, I did mention I personally heard roughly a 10% difference between the EX600 & EX1000 (the latter being better sounding).
I don't think it's really fair to be 100% conclusive at this stage (even if I trust my recent audio memory) about the 7550s & EX1000s. I should get my EX1000s tomorrow, and I'll do a serious head-to-head between both phones.
I really do love the EX1000s, and those who have seen my posts here know how much I've praised these IEMs. I've repeatedly said some of these differences are rather subtle - even with the EX600s at times - and I want to be 100% sure I've made the right decision, specially when I spent even more money getting the original EX1000 cable (I paid $500+ for my EX1000s).
Also, it's not fair if a prospective buyer suddenly sends payment only to find out a few hours later I've changed my mind. Yes, I can send a refund, but it's not fair to think you've purchased something and suddenly be told "Sorry, changed my mind".
While I'm really very impressed by the 7550's mids and other audio aspects, I was also very impressed by the EX1000's mids and the rest of the sound presentation. So, it's wiser to wait a few more days.
Jul 17, 2011 at 1:08 PM Post #1,200 of 4,748

More so than the micro details (
) I worry about people thinking the EX1000 is V or U shaped.  I really don't hear it w/ my synergy.  Could explain why I hear the 7550 as being more forward.  To better clarify why I preferred the EX1000, simply put, I felt at times listening to the 7550 I wanted it to take a breath every now and again.  Sometimes I began feeling overwhelmed where the EX1000 just had more space to breathe like a fine wine.  Of course we use different genres too.  Faster more complex stuff were just more enjoyable for me on the EX1000.  The FR balance on the 7550 was great though.
Music, do you hear the 7550 drivers closer to the 600 or 1000?  I thought the latter but it could just be good acoustic treatment.

Just noticed you post before I posted my last post.
I insist, I really don't think (from memory) the EX1000s are V or U-shaped - I really don't. I know myself and that is NOT my preferred type of sound gig. I just feel (right now) the 7550s may be a bit more neutral, having slightly better mids, while still having excellent bass & treble.
It's good you ask about the 7550 & EX600 drivers because I forgot to add in my 3-way comparison post that much like when I A/B'd the EX600s & EX1000s, at higher volumes both EX1000 & 7550s perform better than the EX600 - not significantly better, but I did notice a difference with both IEMs against the EX600s - both EX1000s & 7550s can be pushed and put to the test and they don't miss a beat. Not closer to either the EX600 or EX1000, they're all part of the same family, but on the whole the 7550 is closer to the EX1000, if only for performance and the mid-range.

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