May 5, 2022 at 3:24 PM Post #2,251 of 2,286
Part of the reason I love Shure SRH1540 headphones is that they sound great at lower volumes, thus helping to preserve my hearing.

Jun 21, 2022 at 9:31 AM Post #2,252 of 2,286
Is 1840 hard to drive? Would it be suitable for all sorts of music? How thick are the pads? How large is the opening?

Thanks a lot!
Jun 21, 2022 at 10:26 AM Post #2,253 of 2,286
Is 1840 hard to drive? Would it be suitable for all sorts of music? How thick are the pads? How large is the opening?

Thanks a lot!
They're harder to drive than SRH1540. I use SRH1840 with Lotoo Paw Gold Touch because it is 500mw/32ohms. Sony NW-WM1Z doesn't power it as well, but is sublime with SRH1540. I would order oem pads at Shure website.
Jul 6, 2022 at 4:17 AM Post #2,255 of 2,286
Thanks for sharing. I noted the brief discussion specifically of the 1540 pads on the 1840.

What about any experience with ZMF pads (eg hybrid or perforated leather)? Are there any models that even fit the 1840?

Following up -- I put a set of spare ZMF Ori Lambskin perforated pads on my 1840s. They fit pretty well, a touch large, but no surgery required to get them to stay on. However they do slide around a little bit on the mounting "bracket" (or whatever the piece is called that the pads fit over).

Initially I was let down. The Oris have a reputation for boosting bass, but they didn't seem to make a difference on the 1840s. In fact the midbass seemed to be even lighter than with stock valour, if that's even possible! However, after reading some other pad mod threads which discuss ZMF pads, I saw suggestions for adding an attenuator ring. So I made myself some attenuator rings out of semi-rigid paper used for a magazine cover using a template for the Fostex biodynamic drivers (just for the rear half of the pad, I cut off the front half of each ring, per several suggestions). The outer contour of the Fostex template fits the 1840 driver and Ori pad well, but the inner contour is a bit too thick, so I cut it back until the rings slide easily in between the driver and the pad and don't stick out beyond the inner edge of the pad. The rings make a huge difference. Now I'm hearing low electric bass guitar and tubas, and they have a touch of slam (which I never heard with stock pads). Sub-bass is still pretty much missing -- you can't add what isn't already there -- but the mid bass is definitely more present than stock. Finally, these pads are seriously comfortable, in my opinion.

I will likely experiment with different attenuator rings, both material and shape. They are easy enough to make, the the Fostex biodynamic template makes for a good starting place. If anyone else is looking for a pad mod, IMO this one is worth doing (but only with the rings).
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Jul 6, 2022 at 11:43 AM Post #2,256 of 2,286
Following up -- I put a set of spare ZMF Ori Lambskin perforated pads on my 1840s. They fit pretty well, a touch large, but no surgery required to get them to stay on. However they do slide around a little bit on the mounting "bracket" (or whatever the piece is called that the pads fit over).

Initially I was let down. The Oris have a reputation for boosting bass, but they didn't seem to make a difference on the 1840s. In fact the midbass seemed to be even lighter than with stock valour, if that's even possible! However, after reading some other pad mod threads which discuss ZMF pads, I saw suggestions for adding an attenuator ring. So I made myself some attenuator rings out of semi-rigid paper used for a magazine cover using a template for the Fostex biodynamic drivers (just for the rear half of the pad, I cut off the front half of each ring, per several suggestions). The outer contour of the Fostex template fits the 1840 driver and Ori pad well, but the inner contour is a bit too thick, so I cut it back until the rings slide easily in between the driver and the pad and don't stick out beyond the inner edge of the pad. The rings make a huge difference. Now I'm hearing low electric bass guitar and tubas, and they have a touch of slam (which I never heard with stock pads). Sub-bass is still pretty much missing -- you can't add what isn't already there -- but the mid bass is definitely more present than stock. Finally, these pads are seriously comfortable, in my opinion.

I will likely experiment with different attenuator rings, both material and shape. They are easy enough to make, the the Fostex biodynamic template makes for a good starting place. If anyone else is looking for a pad mod, IMO this one is worth doing (but only with the rings).
The source can make a big impact. Lotoo OS PMEQ is the first useful equalizer I have ever used. The bass is a delight.
Jul 7, 2022 at 4:56 PM Post #2,258 of 2,286
PMEQ does matter the brand name? I thought '+5dB on 80Hz' is everywhere the same .... isn't it?
Lotoo has a particularly well implemented DAP PMEQ. No distortion is ever added
Nov 18, 2022 at 10:41 AM Post #2,259 of 2,286
Litz is a style (many fine strands). So I'm not sure what I bought because it was so long ago, but I will post a couple as examples (not endorsing but showing the various kinds)


But if you get a 6 9s copper that is silver plated, should be much better than what comes with. You hear more detail, more extended high frequencies.

This is also true for the Shure IEMs. The evidently don't put much effort into the cables.
How are the connectors on these custom cables? I just got a pair of the 1840s a couple days ago and there are already issues with the channels dropping out if I move my head even slightly sometimes (but not all the time) using the stock cables. And if I touch near where the cable connects to the ear cups, I can cause it to crackle and momentarily drop out by slight pushing, pulling, and twisting of the connector. I swear I read other people having this issue as well but am not finding posts corroborating that anymore...
Nov 18, 2022 at 12:08 PM Post #2,260 of 2,286
How are the connectors on these custom cables? I just got a pair of the 1840s a couple days ago and there are already issues with the channels dropping out if I move my head even slightly sometimes (but not all the time) using the stock cables. And if I touch near where the cable connects to the ear cups, I can cause it to crackle and momentarily drop out by slight pushing, pulling, and twisting of the connector. I swear I read other people having this issue as well but am not finding posts corroborating that anymore...
Are you shure you clicked well, otherwise no issue is possible.
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:14 AM Post #2,261 of 2,286
Did shure release the 1840 in black, since they refuse to answer me. I'd like to know .. since the used pair I bought... are black not gunmetal
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:32 AM Post #2,263 of 2,286
Are you able to post pictures? This is my pair. The hinge part ( that attaches to the cups) look almost black/dark gray in person
Yours are the same as mine, did yours come in a generic clam case, no extra pads or cable like mine did?

When I owned these a few years ago they were gunmetal and had extra pads, cable, box etc.
Nov 21, 2022 at 10:49 AM Post #2,265 of 2,286
Interesting, then sounds like they changed the color scheme at some point. Yours are probably 100% legit. Still have doubts about mine so will have to send them home to check authenticity

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