Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Sep 3, 2013 at 10:02 PM Post #14,926 of 41,459
  I'm surprised that so many of you have antagonistic relationships with your significant other in terms of this hobby.
If I had a significant other who gave me half as much grief as I've read in posts here, I'd tell them to go bang rocks together or get out of my house.

While I would tend to agree with you on this(which I think may be a first on that front), I think most on this site would wish us luck finding a significant other
Sep 4, 2013 at 6:42 AM Post #14,929 of 41,459
Sep 4, 2013 at 7:47 AM Post #14,930 of 41,459
My SO is fairly receptive to the hobby; she's bought an M50 and an RE-400 for herself based on my advice. She'll never be as dedicated to it as I am, but at least she understands.
Sep 4, 2013 at 8:30 AM Post #14,932 of 41,459
Yes they are! Got the idea from someone who had done it with J$ pads. Was fun, a challenge and sound great with great comfort.

And if I gave the impression my wife and I are at odds over audio in general, we are not. All she asked is keep it off the top of the table, a reasonable request. I have three other systems in the house and no complaints.

She does think :pI listen to my headphones to not listen to her..........and she's right at times. After 25 years of marriage, I don't want to hear her at times, and she doesn't want to hear me at times. That's how life is folks. We have a great marriage and part of the secret to our success is time to yourself.

Sounds very similar to how it works in my house as well. 

Talking about 25 years together, September 10th is my parents 25th anniversary!

Congrats to them!! I would love to see more couples committed to working out problems and staying together and cut down on the divorce rate, especially when there are children involved. 
Sep 4, 2013 at 12:53 PM Post #14,933 of 41,459
I'm surprised that so many of you have antagonistic relationships with your significant other in terms of this hobby.

If I had a significant other who gave me half as much grief as I've read in posts here, I'd tell them to go bang rocks together or get out of my house.

Its not that bad..we just have to be carefull not to tell her/him everything..thats all...and u know what they say..keep ur enemy's close..hehehehe
Until now i have to find a woman that agrees in spending more then 1000usd (if she is not rich ofcourse!) for a component..but on the contrary most of them find it normal to buy a 400usd worth of bag or 250usd worth os shoes (on sale ofcourse..lolz).... I once had a extreme car fetish before i became a dad..and i spent at least 2000usd monthly on my cars back then... And until now..only girls who were actively driving on tracks would consider that they understood why u do it..most even asked why i spent so much money on a japanese car instead of buying a fast audi or beemer for same even said she preferred the prius!!....the thought alone...the horror..having something all those salesreps use for their day to day business...Hehehehe

One even broke up with me when she found out i actually had bought a plus 1000euro titanium exhaust on my car...couldnt hide the noise got a bit..well..agressive all of a sudden..lolz.

We just have to accept women think differently (dubstepgirl?i know ur different!) then us simple minded men...

so we lie..but i think its better to lie about cars,pc's or audio then about having an affair/secret offspring etc. and spending money on that..lolz :D
Sep 4, 2013 at 1:07 PM Post #14,934 of 41,459
Its not that bad..we just have to be carefull not to tell her/him everything..thats all...and u know what they say..keep ur enemy's close..hehehehe
Until now i have to find a woman that agrees in spending more then 1000usd (if she is not rich ofcourse!) for a component..but on the contrary most of them find it normal to buy a 400usd worth of bag or 250usd worth os shoes (on sale ofcourse..lolz).... I once had a extreme car fetish before i became a dad..and i spent at least 2000usd monthly on my cars back then... And until now..only girls who were actively driving on tracks would consider that they understood why u do it..most even asked why i spent so much money on a japanese car instead of buying a fast audi or beemer for same even said she preferred the prius!!....the thought alone...the horror..having something all those salesreps use for their day to day business...Hehehehe

One even broke up with me when she found out i actually had bought a plus 1000euro titanium exhaust on my car...couldnt hide the noise got a bit..well..agressive all of a sudden..lolz.

We just have to accept women think differently (dubstepgirl?i know ur different!) then us simple minded men...

so we lie..but i think its better to lie about cars,pc's or audio then about having an affair/secret offspring etc. and spending money on that..lolz

Thats a good point, and at least they know where we are when we are playing with our amplifier knobs...  
Sep 4, 2013 at 7:08 PM Post #14,935 of 41,459
This is still totally on topic, right?
On a note of spouses, I thought I would add this to it all.  I ordered a Bottlehead Crack on the weekend.  I was unsure if it was the right amp for me, but it has lots of great reviews so I thought, what the heck.  Go for it.  After a little buyers remorse I decided to bounce my situation off my wife.  She looked at me square in the eye and said, "Why are you fussing with the less expensive amp when you know you'll end up getting the more expensive one down the road.  Just get the good one."
I'm placing my order for my Sonett 2 later this week.
We support each other's crazy hobbies (she has weird ones too) because it makes the other person happy.  That's been our attitude and it has worked well for us.  We celebrated our tenth anniversary last month (I know, it ain't no 25, but give us time
Sep 4, 2013 at 7:26 PM Post #14,936 of 41,459
This is still totally on topic, right?

On a note of spouses, I thought I would add this to it all.  I ordered a Bottlehead Crack on the weekend.  I was unsure if it was the right amp for me, but it has lots of great reviews so I thought, what the heck.  Go for it.  After a little buyers remorse I decided to bounce my situation off my wife.  She looked at me square in the eye and said, "Why are you fussing with the less expensive amp when you know you'll end up getting the more expensive one down the road.  Just get the good one."

I'm placing my order for my Sonett 2 later this week.

We support each other's crazy hobbies (she has weird ones too) because it makes the other person happy.  That's been our attitude and it has worked well for us.  We celebrated our tenth anniversary last month (I know, it ain't no 25, but give us time:wink_face: ).

As long her hobby doesnt concern weapons or any other dangerous stuff..cherish her.. :D

and celebrations for u..up to the next 10!:p

And yep..i get a feeling we are a bit offtopic back on it guys and girls..we Had our fun about the wifes/girlfriends etc...lolz
Sep 4, 2013 at 7:47 PM Post #14,938 of 41,459
^ Oh my gosh I am so jealous....

The girl in going after right now has a HTC One, and says it was a phone 'made for audio' :frowning2:
Sep 4, 2013 at 10:08 PM Post #14,940 of 41,459
  Please we need to transition back on topic so my girl (woman really) listening to my office head-fi rig...

Love this! Thanks for sharing this moment - well captured 

Everything about your setup seems like a wonderful haven. Could you please share some info about your shelving/LP boxes?

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