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    • MattTCG
      MattTCG added classifieds listing Sony wh-xb910n to category Full-Size.
      Looking to trade this bass edition ANC for another ANC that is more neutral. Let me know what you've got.
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG added classifieds listing Senn hd660s2 to category Full-Size.
      Excellent condition hd660s2 with original box. Pads have lot's of life. I have a 4.4mm stock, a 2.5mm aftermarket braided, and the stock...
      Senn hd660s2
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG replied to the thread Introducing NOIRE X.
      Just wanted to chime in with a few thoughts after a few weeks of really enjoying this headphone. I spent the morning going through a few...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG added classifieds listing Audioquest Nighthawk OG to category Full-Size.
      These are in good shape for the age. No scratches or dings on the cups. Headband shows flaking. Includes: original leather case, both...
      Audioquest Nighthawk OG
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG posted a comment on classifieds listing Audioquest Nighthawk OG.
      For sale again...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG posted feedback on the classifieds listing Audioquest Nighthawk Headphones - Liquid Wood.
      This guy knows how to do business. He described the item accurately, shipped on time and offered a fair price. A+
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG posted feedback on the classifieds listing HD650+4.4/3.5/6.35 Cables.
      Good price, good condition and good seller. Could not ship right away but he was upfront about that. A+
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG posted a comment on classifieds listing Audioquest Nighthawk Earpads (wanted).
      Looking for the OG hybrids but let me know what you got.
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG reacted to mrspeakers's post in the thread Introducing NOIRE X with Like Like.
      I really enjoy my Mjolnir 3 and the TT2, those are my daily go-to units. I also recently have been spending time with my venerable Woo...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG reacted to Xinlisupreme's post in the thread The New Questyle M15i and M12i with Like Like. A portable HiFi DAC and headphone amplifier with the best sound quality and functions? Questyle M18i...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG added classifieds listing Questyle cma 18 portable to category DAC/Amps.
      This is an amazing sounding dac/amp. I may be partial because I really like the sound and build quality of most Questyle products. Comes...
      Questyle cma 18 portable
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG reacted to OneEyedHito's post in the thread Introducing NOIRE X with Like Like.
      Noire X makes an appearance here:
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG reacted to Kammerat Rebekka's post in the thread Introducing NOIRE X with Like Like.
      I must be mad…for someone who doesn’t listen to closedback headphones all that much, I still found myself ordering the Noire X with a...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG reacted to Nomax's post in the thread Introducing NOIRE X with Like Like.
      My conclusion on the NOIRE X For me, it is ahead of the Stealth and E3 in terms of balanced tonal performance Therefore an unreserved...
    • MattTCG
      MattTCG replied to the thread Introducing NOIRE X.
      Certainly not dark/warm like the 650 sound. Cleaner and more resolving. For a planar, I'd say it's slightly on the richer side.
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