Feb 13, 2024 at 7:50 AM Post #8,971 of 9,039
Have a look at the pads of my SR80x. You can buy these pads quite cheap (couple of bucks incl. shipping) at Aliexpress. These are one of the best that I know of for the SR80x; not comfortable, not really uncomfortable either. I tried the deep leather and protein pads (see picture in post 8947). I wouldn't use them. The pads przem recommends you might have similar problems because of too much depth, but I'm not sure about that. They definately have the comfort you want, but with the SR80x these pads resulted in way too much bass. I'm not familiar with the 225x and 325x, how these pads interact with them I wouldn't know (you might have a look at measured frequency plots though).
przem already described how to mod them to a removable cable; I buy such female connectors at €1,50 each, they are german quality but I forgot the name of the manufacturer (contrary to the nice connectors przem recommends, the hex nut can be used with these). There's a lot of garbage in these connectors and if price is no obstacle, you might follow przem's recommendation but then make sure they are well fixed and cannot easily be pushed inwards, especially when plugging in and out of jacks more frequently.
You might have a look too how I modded the SR80x behind the drivers. It will result in a seriously good headphone (expect a detailed, balanced sound).

In case you go for the pads in the attachment, let me know and I let you know how to attach them to your headphone without them ever falling off. Here you have a link: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000...t_main.21.21ef79d2K0jkZo&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld
I just saw these new pads that you might try as well, angled pads often have acoustic advantages and can be more comfortable. Have a look: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006508796539.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller.16.32198uH18uH1HN&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.40000.326746.0&scm_id=1007.40000.326746.0&scm-url=1007.40000.326746.0&pvid=86416b70-5c2c-4d25-9ad5-84499ef542f5&_t=gps-id:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.40000.326746.0,pvid:86416b70-5c2c-4d25-9ad5-84499ef542f5,tpp_buckets:668#2846#8107#67&pdp_npi=4@dis!EUR!5.16!3.40!!!5.43!3.58!@210387a117078404526982608ecdbb!12000037458291865!rec!NL!117337199!&utparam-url=scene:pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller|query_from:
Good luck.


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Feb 14, 2024 at 10:28 AM Post #8,973 of 9,039
These are about exactly the same pads as I bought in leather and protein (fake) leather - very high quality, just much less expensive. Probably similar material in- and outside, the same hight and diameter. Unless your only care is comfort, these are definately a no-go in combination with the SR80x or an old SR60. I don't have any comment related to other headphones.
Feb 15, 2024 at 6:14 AM Post #8,974 of 9,039
These are about exactly the same pads as I bought in leather and protein (fake) leather - very high quality, just much less expensive. Probably similar material in- and outside, the same hight and diameter. Unless your only care is comfort, these are definately a no-go in combination with the SR80x or an old SR60. I don't have any comment related to other headphones.
Thanks for letting me know. Are there any other good pads for grados that are made from leather? If yes let me know. Im using a SR325x
Feb 15, 2024 at 5:13 PM Post #8,977 of 9,039
They first ones are exactly the same as these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004637698804.html (sheepskin variant), so you can save yourself a couple of bucks if you want to try them, but leather earpads don't go well with Grado open-back design as they tend to add a lot of bass and cut the highs, making the sound veiled and boomy. If you really want the leather, go with perforated one. Another brand that does these is Beautiful Audio: https://www.beautifulaudio.biz/products
You can also check these out: https://www.nyczaj.audio/product-page/nyczaj-earpads-for-Grado-headphones - they're non-leather, but offer great comfort and go very well with SR325x sound.
Feb 16, 2024 at 1:01 AM Post #8,978 of 9,039
They first ones are exactly the same as these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004637698804.html (sheepskin variant), so you can save yourself a couple of bucks if you want to try them, but leather earpads don't go well with Grado open-back design as they tend to add a lot of bass and cut the highs, making the sound veiled and boomy. If you really want the leather, go with perforated one. Another brand that does these is Beautiful Audio: https://www.beautifulaudio.biz/products
You can also check these out: https://www.nyczaj.audio/product-page/nyczaj-earpads-for-Grado-headphones - they're non-leather, but offer great comfort and go very well with SR325x sound.
I already knew about these and im considering buying from them and i maybe will try out the cheap aliexpress ones. :)
Feb 16, 2024 at 7:06 AM Post #8,979 of 9,039
They first ones are exactly the same as these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004637698804.html (sheepskin variant), so you can save yourself a couple of bucks if you want to try them, but leather earpads don't go well with Grado open-back design as they tend to add a lot of bass and cut the highs, making the sound veiled and boomy. If you really want the leather, go with perforated one. Another brand that does these is Beautiful Audio: https://www.beautifulaudio.biz/products
You can also check these out: https://www.nyczaj.audio/product-page/nyczaj-earpads-for-Grado-headphones - they're non-leather, but offer great comfort and go very well with SR325x sound.
Like I wrote before, I have both these leather and protein pads and though they give good comfort, soundwise it is exactly how you describe it. So save your money and buy something else. I cut about a centimeter off of the foam that's inside the protein pads, highs were then fine, but bass was still way too much.
All the open cell types do well; perhaps you can find very soft ones for the comfort and you're there. Have a look at Aliexpress, it will be the same stuff Grado sells you.
I personally wouldn't spend good money if it worsens the performance. Grado doesn't use open cell pads for nothing; even their Reference and Statement line has them.
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Feb 19, 2024 at 7:14 PM Post #8,981 of 9,039
So after a long time in the audio world I have just discovered Grado.

Got the 80x , 225x and 325x.

Can someone recommend other ear pads, can't bare the feeling of the cup touching the ear in the inner part.

Also would like to mod them to a removable cable, I mostly have cables for Hifiman which are dual 3.5mm, what parts do I need to do a removable cable mod?
Personally I've found these to be my favorites on my PS500e https://shop.zmfheadphones.com/collections/pads/products/ori-pads
use these in combination with their small Grado Earpad Adapter - $70.98 shipped to my door. Fit great and easy to install. The Nyczaj pads are decent (I still have a set lying around) and I liked those better than the dekoni ones. Just my preference.
On my lighter woody customs, it was driving me nuts that I couldn't get a simple pad that I thought was comfortable - I ended up taking the L cush pads and reversed them on the earpiece. Et voila - couldn't be happier with them. I found the G-cush changed their sound and I didn't like the S pads with my ears right on the driver, but turning around the L pads kept my ears the same distance from the driver and, for whatever reason, more comfortable. Again, personal preference.
Feb 24, 2024 at 5:22 PM Post #8,982 of 9,039
Personally I've found these to be my favorites on my PS500e https://shop.zmfheadphones.com/collections/pads/products/ori-pads
use these in combination with their small Grado Earpad Adapter - $70.98 shipped to my door. Fit great and easy to install. The Nyczaj pads are decent (I still have a set lying around) and I liked those better than the dekoni ones. Just my preference.
On my lighter woody customs, it was driving me nuts that I couldn't get a simple pad that I thought was comfortable - I ended up taking the L cush pads and reversed them on the earpiece. Et voila - couldn't be happier with them. I found the G-cush changed their sound and I didn't like the S pads with my ears right on the driver, but turning around the L pads kept my ears the same distance from the driver and, for whatever reason, more comfortable. Again, personal preference.
And what about the other ZMF pads how do they change the sound quality? Do they keep the signature grado house sound or make them way more bassy and boomy like some other leather pads?
Feb 24, 2024 at 6:12 PM Post #8,983 of 9,039
I didn’t find the sound signature changed from the Nyczaj pads I had on there. Both were solid but I found these more comfortable. I think the distance from the drivers probably makes the most difference with sound on these and the Nyczaj ones. With these pads, with these cans anyway, it is very much still the Grado sound we all presumably love. Tried this setup based on someone saying more or less the same thing which i found to be true. To me anyway, these pads with the PS500e are my go to rock cans. Love the custom woodies with L pads for acoustic and jazz though. Others mileage may vary.
Feb 25, 2024 at 6:17 PM Post #8,984 of 9,039
I decided to rid my RS-1x of the 3.5mm plug which frustrated me to use along with the 6.5mm adapter.


Now have had to finish it. First, I needed to identify the conductors...

Red = Left channel +
White = Right channel +
Blue = ground side of the channels

I checked how the 4 blue conductors are paired off, and then which of the blue pairs belong to each channel.


Here is a 4-pin male XLR connector pin diagram. The view is the same as looking at the front of the female connector. L- and R- are the blue conductor connections. L+ is red and R+ is white.

Screenshot 2024-02-25 183633.png


Solder it together, and presto!

A Grado RS-1x with XLR connection


Now I can use it with amps featuring a balanced output, or single-ended ones with an adapter.

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