Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)
Sep 18, 2011 at 1:33 PM Post #4,216 of 16,931
I'm not sure I follow. I understand it won't sound as "powerful" as IEMs that possess some coloration (at lows and highs, I presume?), but the PFE also being "thin" (apparently a bit more bass-light than the DBA-02), how can it be superior in this aspect? Does the PFE extend farther than the DBA-02? Because that would be unexpected considering how higher the DBA-02 scored on the multi-review.
Alas, I am nothing but a head-fi n00b, so I may be messing up with some terms.
Sep 18, 2011 at 1:43 PM Post #4,217 of 16,931
Because the PFE has a bigger dynamic range, it will portray loud passages more loud than the DBA and soft ones, softer. The DBA02 actually extends farther at both ends, but the dynamic range of the PFE is big and thus swings more energy. 
Sep 18, 2011 at 2:00 PM Post #4,218 of 16,931
Actually I may have misinterpreted the reviewer's words:
But, to me, it’s never the individual traits that make or break an IEM, rather the overall presentation. DBA-02 does not force me to focus on any one aspect particularly. It just resolves things quickly and stands out of the way. At first, it felt like before you can think “This is…” …. “great!”, it has already moved up two notes ahead. It’s a bit confusing and complex passages seemed a bit congested. Instrument Separation does not strike you at all. With time, I realized it’s more natural and dare I say a bit musical.

Going back to RE0, I still like how it pauses on a few milliseconds, allowing me to enjoy a note. PFE, being a BA has similar speed, but due to it’s smoother presentation, it never struck me as much as DBA-02. With more listening across genres, there were smaller nuances that keep hitting me now and then. A few things that I’ve not observed in other IEMs came out clearly to the fore front as a result of DBA-02’s presentation.

BTW, this is the link:
He may have referenced to the *extra* detail being somewhat confusing *to the listener*, in a way an IEM that "melds" such complex passages wouldn't be. OMG, he's actually praising it for micro detail! If that's the case, this may well be the *perfect* IEM for my needs/budget. I think I now understand your comparison, Inks. Thanks
Now, could someone clarify the bass performance of the Soundmagic PL30? ljokerl commented on it being "tight and accurate, but not particularly impactful. Switching to the bass-heavy setting bumps up the bass very little."
I am asking because I thought about convincing my sis to buy a pair, being dirty cheap and easier for us to get (Brazil) than other options thanks to Focal Price. She used to have  a pair of Skullcandy Ink'ds which she claimed to enjoy because of the bass and used to say that my ADDIEMs "sound too much like a cheap radio" (you may mentally kill her in various ways, if you please), but lost, I mean, "misplaced" one of her tips.
Now she doesn't want the PL30's because I told her the sound was more balanced. The strange thing is, though, that she claims to like punchy bass yet the Ink'd had, to my memory, smooth, boring bass. Are the PL30's punchier in any way? Even if she doesn't end up liking them I can still steal the accessories *grin*.
Sep 18, 2011 at 2:07 PM Post #4,219 of 16,931

I've read another review that was also extremely positive of the DBA-02, yet it remarks that it can "sound congested" in busy parts. AFAIK he was testing it unamped This has me worried. How true do you find this claim? Can this be rectified with an amp? Would the PFE be any better than the DBA-02 in this respect?

DBA is one of the fastest IEM's I've heard

Sep 18, 2011 at 2:14 PM Post #4,221 of 16,931
I think the DBA's may sound 'thin' at first, depending on what IEM's you're used to - I came straight from the Klipsch S4 - Once you get used to them they are fantastic though, I kinda wish I still had mine - But I think the RE262's do a better job for me

Sep 18, 2011 at 2:19 PM Post #4,222 of 16,931
I posted this in the IEMs/portables advice thread, but this thread seems much more active so hopefully it's okay to repost here.
I'm looking for some IEMs to replace my Sleek Audio SA6s. Budget is $200-250 shipped (but I can go up to ~$300 for the right deal), use will be split between at home and commuting to work so I need decent isolation, and I'll be listening to a mix of rock, electronic and rap. In terms of sound signature I'm looking for something similar to the SA6s (ie mid-centric to warm+sweet), but I'm open to anything that isn't cold and analytical or overly bass-y. Good unamped performance is key as well, as I'll be running them straight from my old first-gen Zune or Nexus S when commuting.
Finally, Build quality/warranty is a priority. I take good care of my equipment but accidents happen, and between my SA6s' less-than-durable construction and a family member's TF10s recently biting the dust I'm looking for something I can use day-in day-out for years without worrying about them being turned into $200+ earplugs. In that same vein, a replaceable cable is a big plus.
I'm currently leaning towards either the Ortofon e-Q5s or MTPCs (big thanks to ClieOS and ljokerl for their threads). I'd prefer the Ortofons as I find the MTPCs to be more than a little gaudy (and after years of telling people "monster cables=monster rip-off, it's hard to wrap my head around dropping $200+ on their earphones), but the MTPCs have a hell of a warranty and I like the pile of accessories it comes with (I've never really been able to find the right tips for my SA6s and hate the idea of $200+ earphones being hampered by the lack of proper-fitting tips that probably cost the manufacturer less than $0.10, so the big selection is welcome).
Other models I'm considering are TF10s (unfortunately I never got the chance to really experience my family member's pair, but he loved them and the replaceable cable is a plus), GR07s (I keep reading the build quality is great but they always look cheap in pictures, and the price seems to be creeping up from the old $150-170), SE215s (the price is right and I like the replaceable cable and olives, but the sound quality might be a bit below what I'm looking for) and Westone 2s/UM2s (can't get a good read on these either way -- seem to be very love-it/hate-it). I've also just found that the Audio Technica ATH-CK10s are still available and mostly like what I've read, but they're a little on the pricey side and sound like they might be a little on the cold-sounding side.
Any help/suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Sep 18, 2011 at 2:46 PM Post #4,223 of 16,931

Actually I may have misinterpreted the reviewer's words:

BTW, this is the link:
He may have referenced to the *extra* detail being somewhat confusing *to the listener*, in a way an IEM that "melds" such complex passages wouldn't be. OMG, he's actually praising it for micro detail! If that's the case, this may well be the *perfect* IEM for my needs/budget. I think I now understand your comparison, Inks. Thanks

The "reviewer" in question did not have a good vocabulary or better grasp of terms as now
. You should read his later opinion in another review to know what he now thinks of DBA-02.
Sep 18, 2011 at 3:00 PM Post #4,224 of 16,931

The "reviewer" in question did not have a good vocabulary or better grasp of terms as now
. You should read his later opinion in another review to know what he now thinks of DBA-02.

Oh hi there! Thanks for the review(s), but this only seems to make my doubts between the PFE and DBA-02 return =P. It seems that the PFE is a little lighter bass-wise, but it also seems that it can be corrected through an amp (and I intend to buy a Fiio E7). Considering an amped PFE and the DBA, we now have sheer extension and speed vs dynamic range. Since both share the same price and the PFE is prettier and comes with better accessories, unless the DBA captures considerably more detail, I seem to be leaning towards the PFE now.
EDIT: Or not...
The music flows a little bit more as opposed to the surgical precision of the ER4. Soundstage-wise, the Phonak is slightly wider compared to the RE-0 and ER4; however, imaging-wise, the sound is a bit diffused in the soundscape. You trade off some of imaging precision for soundstage width. I was listening to this choir track, and I had some trouble imagining the localization of the sound, the size of the room; it just doesn’t add up to a clear image.

Sep 18, 2011 at 3:00 PM Post #4,225 of 16,931

Yes, except the PL50 sounds like a dead fish.
What are the balanced armature's in existence under $75, anyway? ^^

Well, there's the's supposed to be quite good, better than the PL50 at least.  And yeah, I already have a pair of PL50s, but my brother's using them.  Not sure about the form factor GR07 just barely seemed to fit into the concha of her ear...something closer to, say, the HF5 in form factor would most likely be ideal.
Sep 18, 2011 at 3:02 PM Post #4,226 of 16,931

I think the DBA's may sound 'thin' at first, depending on what IEM's you're used to - I came straight from the Klipsch S4 - Once you get used to them they are fantastic though, I kinda wish I still had mine - But I think the RE262's do a better job for me

My current 'phones are ADDIEMs. It can't get much thinner than it. 

Sep 18, 2011 at 4:53 PM Post #4,227 of 16,931
Hm...I don't see if there's a way to get those in Canada though.  Their store seems to be amazon-based and only ships to the United States. Being in Canada is a pain...  
I noticed that something by Etymotic would probably be the perfect form factor, but they are rather pricey.

I guess if you really wanted to you could email db logic and ask. The Klipsch S2 has somewhat of an Ety form factor (more like MC5 in size than the ER6/HF5), with a thin nozzle.

Yes, except the PL50 sounds like a dead fish.
What are the balanced armature's in existence under $75, anyway? ^^

A151, Custom 1, Addiem, Auvio Armature, H2O Surge Pro Mini, UHP336/SuperFi3, SuperFi 4, SuperFi 5, Dunu Crius

And many I haven't heard - Elago E7, Brookstone Armature, Handstands Armature, Altec UHP606/MZX606, Creative Zen Aurvana,  Shure SE110, etc.

Now, could someone clarify the bass performance of the Soundmagic PL30? ljokerl commented on it being "tight and accurate, but not particularly impactful. Switching to the bass-heavy setting bumps up the bass very little."
I am asking because I thought about convincing my sis to buy a pair, being dirty cheap and easier for us to get (Brazil) than other options thanks to Focal Price. She used to have  a pair of Skullcandy Ink'ds which she claimed to enjoy because of the bass and used to say that my ADDIEMs "sound too much like a cheap radio" (you may mentally kill her in various ways, if you please), but lost, I mean, "misplaced" one of her tips.
Now she doesn't want the PL30's because I told her the sound was more balanced. The strange thing is, though, that she claims to like punchy bass yet the Ink'd had, to my memory, smooth, boring bass. Are the PL30's punchier in any way? Even if she doesn't end up liking them I can still steal the accessories *grin*.

PL30 has a bit less bass than an Ink'd. The E30 has significantly more and the E10 has even more than that. The E10 is a fantastic "fun" IEM in its price category.

I'm looking for some IEMs to replace my Sleek Audio SA6s. Budget is $200-250 shipped (but I can go up to ~$300 for the right deal), use will be split between at home and commuting to work so I need decent isolation, and I'll be listening to a mix of rock, electronic and rap. In terms of sound signature I'm looking for something similar to the SA6s (ie mid-centric to warm+sweet), but I'm open to anything that isn't cold and analytical or overly bass-y. Good unamped performance is key as well, as I'll be running them straight from my old first-gen Zune or Nexus S when commuting.
Finally, Build quality/warranty is a priority. I take good care of my equipment but accidents happen, and between my SA6s' less-than-durable construction and a family member's TF10s recently biting the dust I'm looking for something I can use day-in day-out for years without worrying about them being turned into $200+ earplugs. In that same vein, a replaceable cable is a big plus.
I'm currently leaning towards either the Ortofon e-Q5s or MTPCs (big thanks to ClieOS and ljokerl for their threads). I'd prefer the Ortofons as I find the MTPCs to be more than a little gaudy (and after years of telling people "monster cables=monster rip-off, it's hard to wrap my head around dropping $200+ on their earphones), but the MTPCs have a hell of a warranty and I like the pile of accessories it comes with (I've never really been able to find the right tips for my SA6s and hate the idea of $200+ earphones being hampered by the lack of proper-fitting tips that probably cost the manufacturer less than $0.10, so the big selection is welcome).
Other models I'm considering are TF10s (unfortunately I never got the chance to really experience my family member's pair, but he loved them and the replaceable cable is a plus), GR07s (I keep reading the build quality is great but they always look cheap in pictures, and the price seems to be creeping up from the old $150-170), SE215s (the price is right and I like the replaceable cable and olives, but the sound quality might be a bit below what I'm looking for) and Westone 2s/UM2s (can't get a good read on these either way -- seem to be very love-it/hate-it). I've also just found that the Audio Technica ATH-CK10s are still available and mostly like what I've read, but they're a little on the pricey side and sound like they might be a little on the cold-sounding side.
Any help/suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I've never heard the SA6 but from your description I don't think the CK10 or TF10 are what you're after. The Westone 2 might be a touch too analytical as well. Not sure what the UM2 is like. The SE215 is a step down from the rest.
If you want to go dynamic I would definitely recommend the RE262 instead of the MTPC for what you want but of course it doesn't have that kind of warranty. The e-Q5 is very nice but it's only slightly warm. The e-Q7 is a bit warmer but its construction impressed me less.

The "reviewer" in question did not have a good vocabulary or better grasp of terms as now
. You should read his later opinion in another review to know what he now thinks of DBA-02.


Sep 18, 2011 at 5:31 PM Post #4,228 of 16,931

I've never heard the SA6 but from your description I don't think the CK10 or TF10 are what you're after. The Westone 2 might be a touch too analytical as well. Not sure what the UM2 is like. The SE215 is a step down from the rest.
If you want to go dynamic I would definitely recommend the RE262 instead of the MTPC for what you want but of course it doesn't have that kind of warranty. The e-Q5 is very nice but it's only slightly warm. The e-Q7 is a bit warmer but its construction impressed me less.


I'm probably overstating the warm+sweetness of the SA6s, as on second thought they're more of a mid/balanced; the main thing is I'm trying to avoid the cold, analytical side of things. Something musical and slightly warm without overdoing it, if that makes sense.
And yeah, that's sort of where I'm stuck in terms of e-Q5 vs e-Q7 -- the e-Q7 seems like it's a bit better suited signature-wise and it comes with that nice carrying case, but the e-Q5 is better built and about $50 cheaper.
Sep 19, 2011 at 1:00 AM Post #4,229 of 16,931
Originally Posted by lukeskymac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh hi there! Thanks for the review(s), but this only seems to make my doubts between the PFE and DBA-02 return =P. It seems that the PFE is a little lighter bass-wise, but it also seems that it can be corrected through an amp (and I intend to buy a Fiio E7). Considering an amped PFE and the DBA, we now have sheer extension and speed vs dynamic range. Since both share the same price and the PFE is prettier and comes with better accessories, unless the DBA captures considerably more detail, I seem to be leaning towards the PFE now.
EDIT: Or not...

  Why not get a ZO instead of an E7 to improve the bass? The accessories shouldn't be a deal-breaker as they aren't going to give you anything that stands out. The DBA02 does have better isolation and it is more detailed. Why not get a B2 instead? They're a bit cheaper and look "prettier" than the DBA02 while being pretty much the same product. 

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