Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)
Intro: This thread contains my sound quality-focused reviews of In Ear Monitors (IEMs) in my possession. It is meant to be a quick reference for those in need of earphone recommendations or a start-off point for research into IEMs. A more up-to-date, interactive, sortable version of this...- ljokerl
- Thread
- skullcandy-inkd-earbuds-2009 meelectronics xears-td-iii-v2 tekfusion jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors soundmagic-e30 fischer-audio-dba-02 xears-xe200pro narmoo meelectronics-cx21p-in-ear-headphones in-ear custom-in-ear-monitors jvc-ha-fx34s-marshmallow-in-ear-headphones-silver spider-realvoice-vertical-in-the-ear-headphone dunu-dn-22m-detonator-headphones-earphones head-direct-re0-in-ear-headphones soundmagic-e10 visang-vs-k1 denon-ah-c360-advanced-in-ear-headphones soundmagic vsonic-vc02
- Replies: 16,930
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am so confused. Basically, which one in the title is the best for these things: 1) Have amazing sound quality (or best in their range,) 2) Have very good bass (huge, big bass so you can feel it but controlled, deep and defined at the same time if that makes...- havishpatel
- Thread
- sony-mdr-xb20ex-9mm-high-sensitivity-driver-extra-bass-ex-earbuds jays-a-jays-three xears-td-iii-v2 sony-mdr-xb20ex-headphones-in-ear-ear-bud jays-t-jays-three
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Not sure on the Xears TD III V2 PRO
Hi, I listen to rock and metal I also listen to lots of speech radio so I want something that will be good for both of theses situations. I want a bit of bass but not heavy extra boost bass. I only want in ear. I was looking at the Xears Turbo Devices TD III V2 PRO Blackwood but not...- TheCase
- Thread
- xears-td-iii-v2
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
With this sound, at this price, these Hisound iems should be very Popular
If anyone didn't notice it yet, hisound is having a promotional offer on their Popular iems http://www.head-fi.org/t/625100/hisound-s-popular-iems-80-off-for-supporting-our-dealer-s-new-ebay-store I kno some of you have ordered a pair of these earphones and I want to hear your...- gduck
- Thread
- meelectronics-m-11 hisoundaudio-popular xears-td-iii-v2 denon-ah-c551k-in-ear-headphone westone-2-true-fit-earphones in-ear atrio-mg7-pro-red-010-049
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
It's raining bang for buck IEMs!
Xears has been well known for their excellent bang for buck and their bass and clarity, but what if you could get the same product for even less? The Xears usually cost 30+8 shipping euro but these IEMs from dealextreme are available for around 7 euro and they have a mic. If they sound...- Majin
- Thread
- xears-td-iii-v2 in-ear
- Replies: 33
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Broke my hippo VB, new reccomendations?
so while i was walking through the door one of the wire got caught up and i didnt notice, and boom you got yourself a hippo VB with only 1 earpiece i really liked the hippo VB amazing for my rap music, but when i listened to trance the treble seemed a bit harsh to me i got my eyes on...- subxero
- Thread
- hippo-vb xears-td-iii-v2 in-ear
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Xears Resonance Deal
For anyone who is interested, just spotted what seems like a bargain. Quote from http://xears.com/en/ "Special price!! MEGADEAL!! forget the ******* Crysis! Enjoy Music for only 9,90€!!!! ( 8€ Airmail)"- dgriffter
- Thread
- xears-td-iii-v2 jvc-hafx67a-air-cushion-in-ear-headphones-blue in-ear
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
TRON T3, yes I know they are bad.....
Dont hate me too much, I wanted to try some in-ear and liked the look of the Monster Turbines, but just to try it's a lot of money. I have never been a fan of in-ear before. So I found some Monster TRON T3 on special and grabbed them. First listen I thought what a waste of...- Raymate
- Thread
- xears-td-iii-v2 tron-t3-in-ear-headphones-disney-tron-t3-in-ear-headphones monster-turbine-in-ear-headphones in-ear
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Xears TD-III V2
Revision to Xears' TD-III model