Most overrated headphones?
Jun 4, 2011 at 8:22 AM Post #286 of 1,490

AD700's are crazy underrated if anything. At $80, they're one of the best cans for classical and top tier for competitive gaming.

You missed out when they were being recommended to everyone and their dog. I would agree that they were one of the most overrated headphones, at least that I've heard. Grainy, not all that detailed, uncomfortable (far too loose-fitting), and ugly as sin. Not good for music listening, IMO. 
I disagree with the labeling of the K701/K702 as overrated, being that about 60% of the population here HATES them and just will not shut up about it (even those who may not have heard them). Any headphone with such a negative following can be the most overrated.
Buff, I see you hating on customs, but you just had a bad experience with one set!
Jun 4, 2011 at 9:27 AM Post #287 of 1,490
custom IEMs

I've already seen this fight brewing on the forums.

You missed out when they were being recommended to everyone and their dog. I would agree that they were one of the most overrated headphones, at least that I've heard. Grainy, not all that detailed, uncomfortable (far too loose-fitting), and ugly as sin. Not good for music listening, IMO. 
I disagree with the labeling of the K701/K702 as overrated, being that about 60% of the population here HATES them and just will not shut up about it (even those who may not have heard them). Any headphone with such a negative following can be the most overrated.

Ha! I owned them. Biggest purchase mistake ever, though I didn't know what I was doing at the time. I tried them again at a meet. Nice with vocals, useless with much else that I tried. I don't see that much mention of them any more though.

I forsee the king of overrated (or is that overpriced?) will be the Ultrasone Edition 10s. Thankfully we've had confirmation early on that cans at 1/10th their price distort less, but that hasn't stopped at least one owner going off his nut whenever someone posts about the 2% distortion. Fun times.

I think the overrated tag will haunt the M50s from now. With all the higher-end headphones there is enough gear around now that with a bit of research, one can get good results unless the tonal balance is totally disagreeable.
Jun 4, 2011 at 1:02 PM Post #288 of 1,490
From the few ones I've heard:
  1. Sennheiser HD485 not sure if famous enough, but this is one hell of a dark and veiled headphone.
  2. Audio Technica M50 too much hipe and there are better headphones for the price and below. I wouldnt be complaining if it wasnt so recommended int he forums, also I might be pissed because i got trapped in the hipe and bought it. and the most displeasant thing is there are 50+ reviews about them and most are full of false statements, mostly about the bass. some call it "bassy" and some say it isnt. If a person asking for recommendations doesnt let the 10 guys in a thread saying "M50!!" take over his reasoning and do some research said person would find a crapload of descriptions that wont match from review to review, more than the usual "my ears my point of view" differences, and to sum it all to a mess there are who said and afirm that the two versions (and box color) are different in sound signature, while there are even professional comparisons that say the change is minimum.

 I forsee the king of overrated (or is that overpriced?) will be the Ultrasone Edition 10s. Thankfully we've had confirmation early on that cans at 1/10th their price distort less, but that hasn't stopped at least one owner going off his nut whenever someone posts about the 2% distortion. Fun times.

I'm shocked.
Jun 4, 2011 at 1:21 PM Post #289 of 1,490
  1. Audio Technica M50 too much hipe and there are better headphones for the price and below. I wouldnt be complaining if it wasnt so recommended int he forums, also I might be pissed because i got trapped in the hipe and bought it. and the most displeasant thing is there are 50+ reviews about them and most are full of false statements, mostly about the bass. some call it "bassy" and some say it isnt. If a person asking for recommendations doesnt let the 10 guys in a thread saying "M50!!" take over his reasoning and do some research said person would find a crapload of descriptions that wont match from review to review, more than the usual "my ears my point of view" differences, and to sum it all to a mess there are who said and afirm that the two versions (and box color) are different in sound signature, while there are even professional comparisons that say the change is minimum.

Agreed. I can never understand how the M50s can ever be basshead cans...
There has also been a lot of conflicting reviews, from being bassy to being almost neutral (I'm in agreement to the "almost neutral"), but I do sense a difference in the blue and white box variants. The M50's bass is so tethered between bassheadedness and neutrality, the difference is pretty noticeable at least the lower frequencies where the M50 seem to have changed the most. Mids wise, there is a difference, but is very tiny and only noticeable through quick A/B tests.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:00 PM Post #290 of 1,490
It depends on your ears.  They're the best I've heard for metal...but I can't stand excess treble at all, so the LCD-2s work perfectly for me, since they don't inflate treble at all.  A lot of other people think they're too dark; understandable, especially if something like the DT-880 or the HE series of headphones have treble more in-line for what they like.
i thought the lcd 2 was supposed to be godly for metal

Jun 4, 2011 at 7:18 PM Post #291 of 1,490

I think a can like the D7k would be a better option for metal. The LCDs are superlative for classical, rock, jazz, fusion, country, instrumental etc but not for head-banging genres.

Oh it is, and by an enormous margin. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the LCD-2 reviews citing how amazing it is for Metal. I mean, I guess if you only listened to Metal with like a K701 or HD650 then yea LCD-2 would seem godlike. But it has nothing on the D7000 for Metal or anything fast and aggressive. As for those genres that you mentioned, the T1 is superior for all of those, at least to me, with the exception of possibly fusion because I have no clue what it sounds like.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:19 PM Post #292 of 1,490

It depends on your ears.  They're the best I've heard for metal...but I can't stand excess treble at all, so the LCD-2s work perfectly for me, since they don't inflate treble at all.  A lot of other people think they're too dark; understandable, especially if something like the DT-880 or the HE series of headphones have treble more in-line for what they like.


I guess that's why, but I don't know how you can enjoy Metal with that kind of laid back treble, especially anything fast. Just no energy at all. The only can that I've tried that has truly excessive treble to me is the DT990.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:26 PM Post #293 of 1,490

You missed out when they were being recommended to everyone and their dog. I would agree that they were one of the most overrated headphones, at least that I've heard. Grainy, not all that detailed, uncomfortable (far too loose-fitting), and ugly as sin. Not good for music listening, IMO. 
I disagree with the labeling of the K701/K702 as overrated, being that about 60% of the population here HATES them and just will not shut up about it (even those who may not have heard them). Any headphone with such a negative following can be the most overrated.
Buff, I see you hating on customs, but you just had a bad experience with one set!

Uh, no. At $80, the AD700 is the biggest bargain ever for Classical. Yes they're ugly, but the LCD-2 are 10x uglier and yet nobody is bashing on that. Even if I loved the LCD-2 I couldn't keep it because I refuse to be seen with that thing on my head. Of course the AD700 has issues, but comfort and grainy sound are most definitely not it. That thing feels like a cloud on my head and it certainly does not have grainy sound. If you want grainy, check out the HD598s. It's not like I don't know about their sound flaws, look at the other cans I own, but for $80 they are phenomenal for anything non bassy, and of course they are one of the best competitive gaming cans ever.
The K701/702 is disliked by some people because of the boring, cold, analytical, etc sound it has. However I have yet to see "60% of the population" hate them, I've barely seen them bagged on in fact.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:26 PM Post #294 of 1,490
Oh it is, and by an enormous margin. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the LCD-2 reviews citing how amazing it is for Metal. I mean, I guess if you only listened to Metal with like a K701 or HD650 then yea LCD-2 would seem godlike. But it has nothing on the D7000 for Metal or anything fast and aggressive. As for those genres that you mentioned, the T1 is superior for all of those, at least to me, with the exception of possibly fusion because I have no clue what it sounds like.

I completely agree. For metal and movie watching the D7k is the king. The lcd is better at pretty much everything else IMO.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM Post #295 of 1,490
It depends very much on the music and how much energy there is at particular frequencies. Violins have a range that is right in the middle of the dip for the LCD-2s (especially with the older, flatter pads) so they sound a bit "distant" with classical music, to give one example.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:32 PM Post #296 of 1,490
Uh, no. At $80, the AD700 is the biggest bargain ever for Classical. Yes they're ugly, but the LCD-2 are 10x uglier and yet nobody is bashing on that. Even if I loved the LCD-2 I couldn't keep it because I refuse to be seen with that thing on my head. Of course the AD700 has issues, but comfort and grainy sound are most definitely not it. That thing feels like a cloud on my head and it certainly does not have grainy sound. If you want grainy, check out the HD598s. It's not like I don't know about their sound flaws, look at the other cans I own, but for $80 they are phenomenal for anything non bassy, and of course they are one of the best competitive gaming cans ever.
The K701/702 is disliked by some people because of the boring, cold, analytical, etc sound it has. However I have yet to see "60% of the population" hate them, I've barely seen them bagged on in fact.

We're not bashing it because most of us feel the opposite, that they are fine looking cans. If you care what random people think about your choice in fashion then they're probably not for you though.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:37 PM Post #297 of 1,490

Uh, no. At $80, the AD700 is the biggest bargain ever for Classical. Yes they're ugly, but the LCD-2 are 10x uglier and yet nobody is bashing on that. Even if I loved the LCD-2 I couldn't keep it because I refuse to be seen with that thing on my head. Of course the AD700 has issues, but comfort and grainy sound are most definitely not it. That thing feels like a cloud on my head and it certainly does not have grainy sound. If you want grainy, check out the HD598s. It's not like I don't know about their sound flaws, look at the other cans I own, but for $80 they are phenomenal for anything non bassy, and of course they are one of the best competitive gaming cans ever.
The K701/702 is disliked by some people because of the boring, cold, analytical, etc sound it has. However I have yet to see "60% of the population" hate them, I've barely seen them bagged on in fact.

We're not bashing it because most of us feel the opposite, that they are fine looking cans. If you care what random people think about your choice in fashion then they're probably not for you though.

Random people? No, friends and family. I'm just pointing out that the AD700, while not good looking by any stretch, is still something I can wear at home without much issue, unlike the LCD.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:37 PM Post #298 of 1,490

Oh it is, and by an enormous margin. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the LCD-2 reviews citing how amazing it is for Metal. I mean, I guess if you only listened to Metal with like a K701 or HD650 then yea LCD-2 would seem godlike. But it has nothing on the D7000 for Metal or anything fast and aggressive. As for those genres that you mentioned, the T1 is superior for all of those, at least to me, with the exception of possibly fusion because I have no clue what it sounds like.

I completely agree. For metal and movie watching the D7k is the king. The lcd is better at pretty much everything else IMO.

King of Metal, Electronic, Gaming, and Movies, yep.
Jun 4, 2011 at 7:50 PM Post #300 of 1,490
To me, it's not laid back - it's a lot more neutral than most cans, but I can't call it laid back.  Occasionally I'll grab my 780s if I want a sharper, more colored sound when listening to metal - but the LCD-2s don't bother me at all.  I'll probably be labeled a heretic, but I can't stand Grados for metal - it feels like nails being driven into my eardrums with those.  If I want a more "blowing-your-eardrums-through-your-eyeballs live sound" metal, the LCD-2s aren't the cans for it, though.
I guess that's why, but I don't know how you can enjoy Metal with that kind of laid back treble, especially anything fast. Just no energy at all. The only can that I've tried that has truly excessive treble to me is the DT990.


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