Mid-centric headphones for indie rock?
Jul 30, 2012 at 6:55 PM Post #16 of 37
I really can't imagine a headphone doing those artists better. The CD900ST's have such a natural sounding mid range it's almost like the singer is sitting the the room with you. I once jokingly said it was like the singer was sitting on your lap singing to you, and as I thought about it I realized that it's a pretty accurate description.
The balance of the vocal range is particularly impressive. They don't have spiked upper mids like most other mid-centric headphones have, so they are never sibilant, but they also don't have a lower-mid bump, so they never sound lazy. It's just... Exactly as the singer sounds, so they can be thick sounding (when listening to something like Johnny Cash) or light and effortless (when listening to something like Nick Drake), and everything in between.
Nick Drake's Pink Moon in particular plays well to the headphones' strengths. The vocals and guitar are just so intimate and real sounding, it's really hard to top.
Jul 30, 2012 at 7:42 PM Post #18 of 37
The K240MKll, and the K271Mkll are mid centric and great for rock. Also the RS-1 are rock hp, but is more expensive.

The k240 sounds very nice, but it's not nearly as clear and detailed as some of those mentioned. It definitely can't compare to the k702....noticeably less clarity and detail and high end and more bass bloat. They'd be a definite let down compared to his hd600. I listened to both last night, though it was the hd580 not the 600(same drivers). They easily beat out the k240S in almost every area. The mkII is the identical driver to the 'S', FWIR.  
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:29 PM Post #19 of 37
I really can't imagine a headphone doing those artists better. The CD900ST's have such a natural sounding mid range it's almost like the singer is sitting the the room with you. I once jokingly said it was like the singer was sitting on your lap singing to you, and as I thought about it I realized that it's a pretty accurate description.
The balance of the vocal range is particularly impressive. They don't have spiked upper mids like most other mid-centric headphones have, so they are never sibilant, but they also don't have a lower-mid bump, so they never sound lazy. It's just... Exactly as the singer sounds, so they can be thick sounding (when listening to something like Johnny Cash) or light and effortless (when listening to something like Nick Drake), and everything in between.
Nick Drake's Pink Moon in particular plays well to the headphones' strengths. The vocals and guitar are just so intimate and real sounding, it's really hard to top.

That's a great description and sounds like what I'm looking for. Glad it sounds good with "Pink Moon," that's a fantastic album.
The k240 sounds very nice, but it's not nearly as clear and detailed as some of those mentioned. It definitely can't compare to the k702....noticeably less clarity and detail and high end and more bass bloat. They'd be a definite let down compared to his hd600. I listened to both last night, though it was the hd580 not the 600(same drivers). They easily beat out the k240S in almost every area. The mkII is the identical driver to the 'S', FWIR.  

I am curious about the different AKG models, but I've heard that they are very picky about amps. I'll definitely look out for them.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:41 PM Post #20 of 37
That's a great description and sounds like what I'm looking for. Glad it sounds good with "Pink Moon," that's a fantastic album.
I am curious about the different AKG models, but I've heard that they are very picky about amps. I'll definitely look out for them.

I wouldn't necessarily believe all the hype you read here on head-fi. At least some of it is just subjective bias of one sort or another. One forum member I correspond with claims the k601 sounds just fine out of his DAP with no external amp. Most ss amps are basically 'wire with gain' type amps. What you get out is exactly what you put in, only louder.....they add gain, but no significant color to the original signal. As long as the output impedance is fairly close to zero, they shouldn't color the signal at all, FWIR. I like the k240DF which is discontinued. It's more clear and transparent than the newer k240's and imo, the midrange rivals that of the hd600 and some may even prefer it over the Senns. The akg's have a very seductive midrange for vocals, and the 240DF is the best of the bunch that I've heard personally. They're a bit on the bright side with more treble than the hd600....but less bass....and a great clear mid range.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:44 PM Post #21 of 37
I wouldn't necessarily believe all the hype you read here on head-fi. At least some of it is just subjective bias of one sort or another. One forum member I correspond with claims the k601 sounds just fine out of his DAP with no external amp. Most ss amps are basically 'wire with gain' type amps. What you get out is exactly what you put in, only louder.....they add gain, but no significant color to the original signal. As long as the output impedance is fairly close to zero, they shouldn't color the signal at all, FWIR. I like the k240DF which is discontinued. It's more clear and transparent than the newer k240's and imo, the midrange rivals that of the hd600 and some may even prefer it over the Senns. The akg's have a very seductive midrange for vocals, and the 240DF is the best of the bunch that I've heard personally.

Yeah, I've definitely heard good things about the AKGs, but I've only heard one person speak about the Asgard/K601 combo, while I've heard multiple accounts of the Asgard/K701 being poor. I guess I'm not quite willing to take that risk, especially since the K601 might be a bit out of my budget to begin with. I will consider the 240s and 272s though.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:48 PM Post #22 of 37
I used to own the K601's, and I gotta say, the CD900ST's still best them in the mid range. Not to say the K601's have poor mids or anything, but the CD900ST's are in a whole other class. They really hold their own against my friend's HE-500's, which should really say something.
To compare them to the K601's though, they are a little different overall. The K601's obviously have bigger soundstage, and also have better bass extension. The CD900ST's have a little better bass impact, so that might be something that's more desirable for your taste in music. The CD900ST's also have more treble presence, but not so much more that they become harsh or anything.
Not sure how the CD900ST's scale from amp to amp though. On all my gear they sound pretty much the same, but I have a pretty limited selection.

it scales very well, as far as i can tell. just like those akg 600ohm monsters. i tried it from no amp to porta amps to 1000+usd diy amps here and they sound fantastic. im not hyping it but the cd900st is THAT transparent. so if the cd900st is used with a tube amp, they will sound warm, very different from the stock.
i personally use a modded indeed G2 amp paired with teclast T51 and the cd900st sounds... open.
there is a CD900st @ 160usd at this forum's FS section if you are interested in buying one. just dont use the velour pads included since it will ruin down the overall sound signature of the cd900st.
back to topic, i would say a modded t50rp will do. if you have time modding, the better since you can tune it how you like it. stock form it is already midcentric.
Jul 30, 2012 at 8:49 PM Post #23 of 37
Yeah, I've definitely heard good things about the AKGs, but I've only heard one person speak about the Asgard/K601 combo, while I've heard multiple accounts of the Asgard/K701 being poor. I guess I'm not quite willing to take that risk, especially since the K601 might be a bit out of my budget to begin with. I will consider the 240s and 272s though.

If you're willing to buy used, the older k240M model turn up almost every day on ebay. They're 600ohms vs. the 55ohms of the newer models. They're generally considered to be noticeably better sounding than the new ones.  
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:02 PM Post #25 of 37
it scales very well, as far as i can tell. just like those akg 600ohm monsters. i tried it from no amp to porta amps to 1000+usd diy amps here and they sound fantastic. im not hyping it but the cd900st is THAT transparent. so if the cd900st is used with a tube amp, they will sound warm, very different from the stock.
i personally use a modded indeed G2 amp paired with teclast T51 and the cd900st sounds... open.
there is a CD900st @ 160usd at this forum's FS section if you are interested in buying one. just dont use the velour pads included since it will ruin down the overall sound signature of the cd900st.
back to topic, i would say a modded t50rp will do. if you have time modding, the better since you can tune it how you like it. stock form it is already midcentric.

Yeah, I was looking at that one actually. That's a second positive opinion on the Sonys, and I've done a bit of reading on them before, so they look good. I was also looking at the Mad Dog T50RPs and you mentioned that as well. I guess it's gonna be between those two.
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:03 PM Post #26 of 37
the k240m pretty much sounds like the cd900st, only cheaper but harder to drive.

That's a hell of a recommendation, since the cd900st are close to $300 new and you can only get them from Japan. I've seen some used 240M's in good condition go for around $60 on ebay. I'd think the OP's amp would be more than adequate to drive them. 
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:06 PM Post #27 of 37
back to topic, i would say a modded t50rp will do. if you have time modding, the better since you can tune it how you like it. stock form it is already midcentric.

How is the treble on the Fostex? I had a T20 v.2 that had great mids but the highs were too rolled off for my taste
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:07 PM Post #28 of 37
That's a hell of a recommendation, since the cd900st are close to $300 new and you can only get them from Japan. I've seen some used 240M's in good condition go for around $60 on ebay. I'd think the OP's amp would be more than adequate to drive them. 

Might stalk the 240s too. Lots of options...
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:08 PM Post #29 of 37
How is the treble on the Fostex? I had a T20 v.2 that had great mids but the highs were too rolled off for my taste

ah yeah.. they are pretty much the same. but as i said, if you have time to mod it, youll get that treble you want =)
Jul 30, 2012 at 9:26 PM Post #30 of 37
I wouldn't recommend the K701/K702 or any of the DT**o models if you're looking for mids. Maybe a used RS1 is a better option. The first headphone that comes to mid is the K601 and those are still on Amazon for $199.

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