hd25-1 impressions thread
Apr 2, 2011 at 8:54 AM Post #1,189 of 3,351
After two months of listenimng to HD 25-1 I can say I love them a lot. There is something magical about the sound they deliver, clarity, softness, detail.. eargasmic probably is the word to use. I have auditioned HD 650 paired with a nice amp too and was not so very impressed, I love HD 25-1 more, it's a flavor that cannot be forgotten once you tried it. Also HD 25-1 benefit from amp and good source quite a lot. But at the same time I can listen to some good quality mp3 128kbs radio stations and feel no distress, unlike with HD 595s and HD 650s. It's like they smooth it out somehow yet maintaining clarity and some punch. That is magic. With brake-in they got smooth sounding and clarity is simply amazing, the initial harshness went away and now my ears relax listening to music.     
Apr 3, 2011 at 5:32 PM Post #1,190 of 3,351
I'll agree to that! They're just wonderful cans and they do so many things right, it's hard to find a better overall package. I have them for 4 months now and they just keep getting better and better to my ears. Maybe it's time to quit Head-Fi already.

Apr 7, 2011 at 9:27 PM Post #1,192 of 3,351
I've been spending time with the HD25-1 II driven by the FiiO E7 fed by a MacBook Air with Apple Lossless files. What an amazing combo!!
This may be blasphemous but I put an SP band on them and I find them much more wearable & comfortable. Also using and HD650 cable & will re-terminate when my ViaBlue mini plugs come in.
I just seem to enjoy them more & more as I spend more & more time listening.
Update 4/13 ~ Did a recable with my Senn HD600 cable.. Little thinner than the HD650 cable and better suited to the HD25's.  Shortened it and put a ViaBlue mini-plug on it (what a PIA) but now I have the perfect walk around headphones.
The sound is pretty good right into the iPhone4, really not that much better with LOD into the E7.. perfect with the  Mac->E7->HD25.
Apr 7, 2011 at 10:41 PM Post #1,193 of 3,351
my pair is losing some isolation.  It seems like my big head has caused the band to lose it's elasticity.
Any tips on how to fix this?
I might go back to the vinyl/leather/pleather (whatever it is) pads.
Apr 14, 2011 at 4:47 PM Post #1,195 of 3,351
just joined the hd-25 club!
i've been debating the aiaiai tma-1 and the hd-25 for a while now, read the entirety of both appreciation threads, and finally wound up with the hd-25.
i only have about 30 minutes listening time, but i'm pretty happy with the purchase! now back to music...
Apr 14, 2011 at 8:29 PM Post #1,196 of 3,351

just joined the hd-25 club!
i've been debating the aiaiai tma-1 and the hd-25 for a while now, read the entirety of both appreciation threads, and finally wound up with the hd-25.
i only have about 30 minutes listening time, but i'm pretty happy with the purchase! now back to music...

Yeah, they're one of those headphones that you instantly will know if you like it or not.
Apr 14, 2011 at 8:48 PM Post #1,197 of 3,351
So just ordered a pair...Thanks for the thread! So are most people amping these? I don't have a portable amp yet, but am willing to getting one. Should these be amped? How much juice do they need?
Apr 15, 2011 at 1:27 AM Post #1,198 of 3,351
Actually I run them unamped right out of the Rockboxed Clip+ :). And the sound is really good IMO. In my office I run them with either the Stepdance or the Meier Audio Cantate.2.
To sum up a portable amp is not needed in my opinion unless you have a mp3 player with a real line out and you are willing to improve the SQ. 
Apr 15, 2011 at 12:18 PM Post #1,199 of 3,351

What are some of the differences between how it sounds amped, for example, through the stepdance, and unamped? Is it just bass quanity that is being added or does it respond well to the qualities of the amp?
Apr 15, 2011 at 12:38 PM Post #1,200 of 3,351
This is difficult for me even though I ve walked home frome my office right now with the Clip+ and the Stepdance. I ve had the feeling that the bass was better pronounced and I could get higher with the music and the sound was still really good. But I can do an A/B comparison this evening and post here.
I hate doing comparisons because I become unconcentrated really fast. All in all with the Stepdance the music is fuller and not so "pressed" as with the Clip+ only. Even though the Clip+ can go also very loud and the SPL as really sufficient, the Stepdance seems to make it more without great efforts, just as he does it everyday whereas the Clip+ sounds stressed. Concerning the SQ, in my opinion the Stepdance sounds also warmer and smoother all in all. So, as I mentioned, my concentration is over :)

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