Grado sound, Bose comfort and Ultrasone S-Logic surround and EMF shielding to reduce 98% of emmissions. Does it exist ?
Nov 22, 2010 at 1:04 AM Post #46 of 108

. As a matter of fact I was part of the team that developed first DSL modem in the world, the technology that many people today using daily. 

...and I was part of the team that created the H-Bomb. I told Einstein myself that Beryllium was the best fusion fuel. He didn't believe me at first, but, you know the rest...
Nov 22, 2010 at 1:19 AM Post #47 of 108
Hey, i discovered gravity. Seriously, can we ignore this OP? What a joke....
. As a matter of fact I was part of the team that developed first DSL modem in the world, the technology that many people today using daily. 

...and I was part of the team that created the H-Bomb. I told Einstein myself that Beryllium was the best fusion fuel. He didn't believe me at first, but, you know the rest...

Nov 22, 2010 at 2:21 AM Post #49 of 108
no... what happened?
. As a matter of fact I was part of the team that developed first DSL modem in the world, the technology that many people today using daily. 

...and I was part of the team that created the H-Bomb. I told Einstein myself that Beryllium was the best fusion fuel. He didn't believe me at first, but, you know the rest...

Nov 22, 2010 at 3:13 AM Post #50 of 108

no... what happened?
. As a matter of fact I was part of the team that developed first DSL modem in the world, the technology that many people today using daily. 

...and I was part of the team that created the H-Bomb. I told Einstein myself that Beryllium was the best fusion fuel. He didn't believe me at first, but, you know the rest...


We had ourselves a 'rootin tootin fun evening.
Nov 22, 2010 at 3:31 AM Post #51 of 108
EMF is just another way of saying voltage, so will high voltage (low current) hurt you? no, you might as well say that static electricity is a dangerous, brain-altering phenomenon. Now there is some research done in high voltage, high current areas (think power lines) where it does cause minor problems over time, but that is a huge amount of wattage (current*voltage=wattage). 
So if you are worried about headphones giving off "harmful EMF rays" (that line pisses me off, it is so scientifically incorrect), then put on your tin foil cap, I am not even joking here, there are radio waves and wifi waves and even microwaves GOING THROUGH YOUR BRAIN! Tin foil blocks all of these as well as any magnetic fields coming through your headphone, but dont blame me if your wifi is wonky and your cellphone cant get a signal when you put on your cap.
some people wear magnets because they think they adjust and balance the body, you might want to look into that too.
none of this is scientifically proven and is pure BS as far as engineering is concerned (take this from an EE student)
EDIT: I was thinking electro-motive force, not electromagnetic force, still, put on your tin foil caps
Nov 22, 2010 at 4:33 PM Post #53 of 108
Its good that we live in free country where everyone can choose what to do with his/her ears/brains. Who knows may be EMF in the headphones is decreasing IQ of some individuals to the point that amount of EMF coming into their brains becomes no longer relevant ?  On the serious note we know very little about human body to make any statements about EMF effects. In any case when I feel like having some EMF again in my ears I will go to Bay and Bloor radio and listen to some good old Grado RS1 for a while. Thank you everybody for participation. To those knowlegable in electrical engineering I suggest to get a degree in naturopatic medicine as well just to expand their horizons.
Nov 22, 2010 at 7:08 PM Post #56 of 108

I'm telling you, speakers are low emf :). I would sell the headphone rig and go speakers.

It seems to me that other stuff like constantly eating crap like Americans do is much more harmful than EMF from headphones. When  eat bad food I feel horrible and can tell my body is damaged, as my skin breaks out and itches and my head seems to spin around and i can't concentrate. Thank God I can fix those symptoms and get my body back in balance by going outside for a walk or run and eating some real food. If you are really concerned about it, only listen to Ultrasones or mod your headphones to make your own shielding. Americans have such a whacked sense of priorities it is crazy. You have to listen to your gut and do what it tells you, but Bose tells me they produce better sound from research and all I think they produce is overpriced poor quality plastic ornaments.
Nov 22, 2010 at 7:23 PM Post #57 of 108
In my opinion diet (or should I say avoiding eating toxins) is more important than avoiding emf. There is certainly a lot more evidence for a link between brain cancer and a certain sweetener than between brain cancer and cell phone emf. Now if you're trying to fight cancer under telephone cables I might say otherwise.
Nov 22, 2010 at 10:22 PM Post #58 of 108

He's right here guys.
It doesn't bother me with headphones, but it does with cell phones.  So I'd believe him when he says its the EMF thats doing this to him.

Cellphones don't radiate much magnetism. They're small radio transceivers that emit RF. Their RF isn't terribly different from a microwave oven (though much less powerful), and RF is well-known to cause health problems in large amounts. This has been documented for decades and you can find plenty of scientific research on it at

Magnets in a pair of headphones are quite different than something broadcasting RF to a cell tower.
Nov 22, 2010 at 10:32 PM Post #59 of 108
This thread really needs to end.

Theres really nowhere for these arguments to go. 
On one side there is a huge collection of journals and peer reviewed articles on the health and effects of EMFs, waves, etc. 
And on the other there is pretty much just speculation. Because god forbid, EMF and waves and everything sounds scary so it must be bad for you.
Nov 22, 2010 at 10:48 PM Post #60 of 108
This thread is making me lulz.
If you are afraid of headphones melting your brains, you may as well separate yourself from all electronic devices.
TBH, I don't think any headphones exist within your requirements. 
How about we stop arguing and just suggest what headphones he should try out and might like? Maybe he could try some laid- back Sennies and see if they still will cause him fatige/fry his brain.

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