Grado sound, Bose comfort and Ultrasone S-Logic surround and EMF shielding to reduce 98% of emmissions. Does it exist ?
Dec 6, 2010 at 3:47 PM Post #91 of 108
Ok I got Philips SHP 5401 today, super comfortable (the most comfortabe headphones I have seen), no heat, no fatigue whatsoever. Great sound for $50. Now for the sake of experiment I will put iGrado drivers there. Don't get me wrong I love the Grado sound. So we will see what will come out of it.I'll probably end up breaking these great headphones cause I'm really bad with any types of mode. The good thing is that these are open.
The funny thing is that these are indeed as comfortable as Bose if not more and sound almost like iGrado. Almost .. Somebody on this forum said that they even sound better than iGrado. I don't think the sound is as good but very close, the bass is great, its soft and very pleasant. The highs and mids are not bad even though I can hear some distortion. If iGrado drivers fit it will make perfect portable headphone, at least for me.
Dec 6, 2010 at 3:55 PM Post #92 of 108

Ok I got Philips SHP 5401 today, super comfortable (the most comfortabe headphones I have seen), no heat, no fatigue whatsoever. Great sound for $50. Now for the sake of experiment I will put iGrado drivers there. Don't get me wrong I love the Grado sound. So we will see what will come out of it.I'll probably end up breaking these great headphones cause I'm really bad with any types of mode. The good thing is that these are open.

The SHP5401's driver chambers (cavities) are probably tuned to Philips' own drivers, or they might not be tuned at all. You go ahead and experiment, then shoot us the results. Anyway there's a massive difference between the cavities of iGrado and these SHP's.
Dec 7, 2010 at 2:15 PM Post #93 of 108
iGrado clap very firmly, while Philips fit is very soft, you barely feel it, I suspect that I feel fail getting good sound putiing iGrado drivers into these, but I will try regardless.
Dec 8, 2010 at 11:31 AM Post #95 of 108
I'll use them only when I want some extra EMF in my ears. 
Dec 8, 2010 at 2:37 PM Post #96 of 108

you're testing Grado drivers for emf?
how you gonna do that? plug in the headphones, then sit in silence until you think your head is warm?

Honestly. Just stop trying. I feel for you. Sometimes I get that feeling of having to comment because people are being so ridiculously ignorant and dumb.
However, at this point its really not worth it anymore. ilia7777 clearly already knows he has absolutely no argument. Either hes just being stubborn and holding on to his opinion and doesn't like admitting he's wrong, or hes stubborn and doesn't think hes wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence. 
Either way, the discussion about EMF really ended about 2 pages ago.... 
Dec 8, 2010 at 3:06 PM Post #97 of 108
Hudamanium I was joking in case you didn't notice. On the serious note regarding EMF the answer is I don't know and I don't think anybody does. Everything else is just opinions. Who cares about my opinion anyway, its just another opinion as well.
Dec 9, 2010 at 10:53 PM Post #99 of 108
I work for Ultrasone. I love my job and the people I work with.  Florian (who wrote the paper on shielding) is this incredibly sweet, altruistic guy who is truly concerned about the health of the world. I fully expect some of the cynics on here to make fun of me for saying that but if you knew the man, you would know that it's not money that motivates Florian, it his research. As a younger man, my cohorts all had the "we can make the world a better place" attitude but as they grew older they lost that. Florian, on the other hand, still has that  attitude as well as "wide-eyed wonderment"...
Here is a link to a paper on the shielding:
For those who stated that Ultrasone headphones are not used by musicians or in the studio, please watch this video:
I hope this clears some of this up and I apologize in advance if my comments are too schmaltzy.
Dec 10, 2010 at 12:26 AM Post #100 of 108
Not to burst your bubble ultrasone.... 
Your article is about as credible as Airborne who cited their own "scientists" to claim that their products prevented colds. 
I wonder if there are more articles you can cite? I'm completely open to changing my opinion, but you have to present more credible sources than that. Just on the surface that article presents a huge conflict of interest,...
First off. Is that article peer reviewed? What journal did it get published in? Have the results been duplicated?
Not to mention half the health stuff seems either speculation or beating around the bush. I've presented credible sources. In my previous posts. If we are to remain in an intellectual debate please present yours. 
EDIT: Also, no one is arguing that Ultrasone is not used by professionals. I'm sure you guys have some great products. However, that is not the current topic. I understand, you like doing a little marketing and promotion. Doesn't really matter to me. 
Dec 10, 2010 at 2:48 AM Post #101 of 108
I am sure your collegue is a wonderful person and has the greatest intentions in writing this, but I seriously doubt the TCO restrictions he mentioned are of any consequence to the health risks of headphones. He does no experimentation to the brain, he merely records the emf of various headphones and determines a way to reduce it through shielding. This is nice, sure, but I have to be convinced of its necessity due to health risks. Until health risks are proven, the warning on the ultrasone headphones is unwarranted and only causes fear in consumers who do not know anything about electro-magnets (which is why this thread exists in the first place). 
back to my brain-frying sennheisers.
also I must add that I am sure ultrasones are excellent products, but they cost significantly more than I could pay for a headphone (especially the ED 7/8/9's, considering I have $370 in the bank). in fact I dont think I would buy a pair for 3,000 when I can get some great orthos for much cheaper.
Dec 10, 2010 at 9:03 AM Post #102 of 108
The purpose of his paper was not to prove headphone emf was dangerous to the brain. And there is no real "warning" about emf by Ultrasone, just some info on emf measurements and saying there are some organizations that limit emf emission. I admit what Ultrasone says might make some people scared, but that is not really Ultrasone's fault. The fact of the matter is, there is still a lot of controversy on this topic, with experts on both sides of the fence, and Ultrasone presented both sides fairly which you would notice if you read what they say carefully. If you don't read it carefully, or you don't take responsibility to understand this health-related topic, then it is your fault, not Ultrasone's, and I find it really funny some people here are of the opinion that Ultrasone has no right to say what they want on this topic.
An analogy, people attacking Ultrasone for fearmongering is kind of like people attacking someone trying to interview others to get information on a crime as if that someone was accusing the people he interviews of committing the crime. No, Ultrasone does not say that emf are dangerous as a fact, they say that it is suspected to be by some, and that it is not expected to be so by others.
I'll say again, a lot of countries especially in Europe, believe in the precautionary principle. Unless something is satisfactorily proven to be safe, it is not given to the public. It's a lot less deadly than giving something to the public until it has been satisfactorily proven to be dangerous, during which time there may be much suffering and little recourse to the law.
Dec 10, 2010 at 3:06 PM Post #103 of 108
I'm actually glad that we got Ultrasone's attention with this thread, I would love to hear from the guys from Grado and Bose as well :) My life was pretty good before my friend borrowed Monroe Institute hemi sync cds from me and brought up an issue about adequacy of my Grado SR 225 for hemi sync purpose. The reason was that that Grado frequency range starts from 20 Hz and some of the hemi sync cds actually went down all the way to 10 Hz. SR 225 were just lying next to my bed for years, used for listening to music may be few times a year. So that made me spend so many hours researching the net and eventually I went with Monroe Institute recommendation and bought HFI 780. Prior to that I wasn't even listening to music at work most of the days. Now what I find is that there is probably not a single portable headphone that would bring me SQ that I want. It would either be too big and require amp or cost thousands or be uncomfortable etc. I'm going to listen to AT M50, ESW9 and Beyers T50p this weekend. If I don't like either one I would just give up on the idea and enjoy music in my car or at home. It seems that no headphone unless it costs thousands can outperform my car Focal setup.
Dec 10, 2010 at 6:39 PM Post #104 of 108
So you found good headphones huh? Well, if you don't want your grados, you can give them to me

Dec 11, 2010 at 2:48 PM Post #105 of 108
Many companies care about EMF shielding, that's a T50RP:
And most companies simply put a metal grill before the drivers: (cd3k) (d2k)
OTOH the supercheap Superlux don't:
not sure about Grado's but you might have a point, as I briefly owned a MS1i and it seemed bare.

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