Grado Fan Club!
Aug 21, 2013 at 10:49 PM Post #8,836 of 66,170

I'm good on amps for now. (saving for a Taboo MK III) I'd strongly advise you to keep the little dot if you like to fiddle... its a great little amp that can be modded easily (have you rolled an op amp?) and the amount of tubes to try is crazy!

i will hang on to the little dot i'm sure, the wife cut me some slack, and she is happy that i love the lyr, she's been hearing me talk about it so much
no, haven't really modded yet, thats why i was originally going to keep the g3 when i got the little dot, to practice on
so the only thing that probably not get much listening time, is the fiio ,
Aug 22, 2013 at 4:27 AM Post #8,837 of 66,170
After a day, my Grado sound much awesome and loving the brighter signature and they are really unforgiving! Tested it with some mp3 file and sibilants are pretty noticeable :xf_eek:

Tried removing the pads and listen to the sound with my hand pushing it away from my ears to avoid it touching my ears and it sound ted brighter, cleaner is it how it suppose to sound like with the Quater mod?

Billson :D
Aug 22, 2013 at 5:49 AM Post #8,838 of 66,170
"Until you’ve heard a headphone amp that’ll do 40V p-p into 32 ohms, you haven’t lived." !!! (from the schiit website)
seriously, i've just listened for about 45 minutes , there is plenty of control over the volume, seems normal , what's not normal, or at least i was unprepared
control of the bass, DYNAMIC, PRAT, gobs of it, now its a hybrid, it blows the LD1+ away, and its killer, wanna buy a little dot ?? lol
serious, i do need to sell some ( i now have 4 amps, 2 dacs), i'm relatively sure it WONT be the lyr

Hey Jay! Sounds like you really like the lyric. That's really interesting since there have been a number of comments how the lyr isn't really designed efficient HPs....will have to file that in my memory banks...what little is left
normal_smile .gif

Aug 22, 2013 at 6:29 AM Post #8,839 of 66,170
Hey Jay! Sounds like you really like the lyric. That's really interesting since there have been a number of comments how the lyr isn't really designed efficient HPs....will have to file that in my memory banks...what little is left

i love the lyr !
well, if you look at the specs , i'd say yeah, the lyr is for big hard to drive phones, it puts out 6 watts !
but in emails with jason stoddard, when i was inquiring about the vahalla, he said asgard 2 or even better the lyr
now i haven't heard the a2, i have heard the magni, and the magni is supposed to be similar
i'd say the lyr's sound is bigger,faster cleaner, with a tad of tube warmth on the side ! lol
the current and voltage it provides make the ps500 sound way better
oh, and its dead silent, no noise, blacker than the little dot, i still love the little dot, and plan to keep it
Aug 22, 2013 at 6:44 AM Post #8,840 of 66,170
here's the newest addition warming up !

Aug 22, 2013 at 4:09 PM Post #8,843 of 66,170
I just received my first set of Grado's (SR60's, not i) which I only paid $28 for and they are AWESOME!  Clear, crisp, love the mids, I think the hi's are just right, and the bass is tight and just right.  I like bass and I think these have just the right amount of bass but, more importantly, it's the quality of the bass. And that's stock.  Bottom line...I like the Grado sound.  It's fun and lively. My Brainwavz HM5's sound boring now.  I thought all this Grado love was just hype, but I'm a fan.  Needs a new cord though...
Aug 22, 2013 at 4:14 PM Post #8,844 of 66,170
I just received my first set of Grado's (SR60's, not i) which I only paid $28 for and they are AWESOME!  Clear, crisp, love the mids, I think the hi's are just right, and the bass is tight and just right.  I like bass and I think these have just the right amount of bass but, more importantly, it's the quality of the bass. And that's stock.  Bottom line...I like the Grado sound.  It's fun and lively. My Brainwavz HM5's sound boring now.  I thought all this Grado love was just hype, but I'm a fan.  Needs a new cord though...

Congrats....and welcome aboard!
Aug 22, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #8,845 of 66,170
I am planning to upgrade my HPs. I got ath m50s right now and planning to have my Grados. I have tried the sr325 as well as gs1000. but I am still new to this hobby and thinking how can i fully maximize these HPs by having the right amps/DACs. That's keep me undecided on upgrading but I really do like the Grados when i tested it. I usually listens to alternative/metal/edm music.
Any suggestions/help will do.
Thanks guys!
Aug 22, 2013 at 5:56 PM Post #8,846 of 66,170
I am planning to upgrade my HPs. I got ath m50s right now and planning to have my Grados. I have tried the sr325 as well as gs1000. but I am still new to this hobby and thinking how can i fully maximize these HPs by having the right amps/DACs. That's keep me undecided on upgrading but I really do like the Grados when i tested it. I usually listens to alternative/metal/edm music.
Any suggestions/help will do.
Thanks guys!

What kind of money are you looking to spend?
Which Grado are you planning on getting?
Aug 22, 2013 at 9:11 PM Post #8,847 of 66,170
I've had a bit of a revelation here as of late with my GS1ks. 
I still don't know if I believe in break-in, but I thought that since I had splitters on my Daccord running to two separate amps, Id  just go ahead and let the GS1ks play by themselves for several days just to see if it made any difference. I've been on record saying that I prefer both the PS500s and my T1s to them, but then I realized that I have far fewer hours on them than I do my other phones. 
Anyway, they've had an additional 200 hrs of burn in over the last couple weeks, and when I put them on tonight I could swear that they are sounding better. They aren't nearly as harsh as they were previously...they were't quite in the 325 area in terms of brightness, but still pretty bright. The top end is sounding quite smooth all of a sudden. I need to spend more time with them, but I think the GS1ks are the weirdo of the Grado line. Not only are these the only Grados I've had that really seem to need a little more juice from a decent amp to sound their best, but now it seems like theyre the only ones I've had that need a lot of burn in. 
One thing is for sure, Tyll was spot on when he said these are brilliant phone for low level listening...I've been having a blast on youtube tonight, and where I usually will reach for my trusty 80s, these woodies have been just fantastic for this application. 
So...bottom line...the GS1ks are weirdos. 
Aug 22, 2013 at 10:42 PM Post #8,850 of 66,170
I've got three days left on my audition with the RS1i but I just rang the dealer and told him I'd be in on Monday with my credit card.  The RS1i are staying at my house. :)

good choice! I love my RS1s, so much so that I have decided to sell my PS500 which were not going to get much time with the RS1 and AD2KX in the stable. I would rather put the money towards upgrading my amp. thinking of a WA6.

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