flinkenick's 17 Flagship IEM Shootout Thread (and general high-end portable audio discussion)
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:43 AM Post #33,961 of 39,419
From your description, I think I sorta like VX more now. Which one get a larger and deep soundstage? To spend 2k. Out of my head typed of sounding is kind of a must as I more or less use IEM as an ambient device. So the biggest factor would be out of my head sounding. For reference, M9 basically stick in my head, I don't like that while coding

MEST MKII while not my favourite IEM, are my top choice for ambient, modern classical etc - I love the big soundstage and they are very much out of my head.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:46 AM Post #33,962 of 39,419
From your description, I think I sorta like VX more now. Which one get a larger and deep soundstage? To spend 2k. Out of my head typed of sounding is kind of a must as I more or less use IEM as an ambient device. So the biggest factor would be out of my head sounding. For reference, M9 basically stick in my head, I don't like that while coding

If you’re after a deep stage VX is a very solid rec.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:47 AM Post #33,963 of 39,419
MEST MKII while not my favourite IEM, are my top choice for ambient, modern classical etc - I love the big soundstage and they are very much out of my head.
That's the thing, put me keep Mest mkii on the list. Big soundstage and out of my head.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:48 AM Post #33,964 of 39,419
If you’re after a deep stage VX is a very solid rec.
will VX be like Mest to create an out of head sounding? Let's say IEMs for me: out of my head staging, good depth> imaging>> tonlity> resolution, details.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:49 AM Post #33,965 of 39,419
Decided to jump in the rabbit hole of high-end items after found I use my Arya way less than it suppose to be. I mainly listening to Classical, Acoustics Jazz, Ambient, etc. Basically no vocal. I really appreciate wider soundstage, out of my head feeling, and great imaging. For tuning, I prefer neutral, it can be a bit warm or clinical. Slightly prefer a warmer sounding. Currently using IER-M9 and Arya. Used to own T1. I feel I am more towards something in between Sony's warmth and Arya. Although Arya is totally acceptable. In this trade-off, soundstage and imagining is kinds king for my consideration.

Looking for a sub 2k iems. Current candidate: Mest2, VX, V14, U12T. Help me to decide!
VX would probably be the most resolving, meanwhile V14 is a bassier, more fun-tuned version of it so probably not what you're looking for. Have you considered Z1R for the soundstage & DD timbre? I would call it relatively neutral. Treble is a bit active but countered by solid warmth in the lows. Slight mid-recession could hit some of your genre instruments, however.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:51 AM Post #33,966 of 39,419
From your description, I think I sorta like VX more now. Which one get a larger and deep soundstage? To spend 2k. Out of my head typed of sounding is kind of a must as I more or less use IEM as an ambient device. So the biggest factor would be out of my head sounding. For reference, M9 basically stick in my head, I don't like that while coding
I would like to chime in. Having heard both V14 & VX, I feel V14 has a more holographic soundstage and extended sub-bass. There is a fuller feeling on the V14.
Jul 16, 2021 at 10:55 AM Post #33,967 of 39,419
VX would probably be the most resolving, meanwhile V14 is a bassier, more fun-tuned version of it so probably not what you're looking for. Have you considered Z1R for the soundstage & DD timbre? I would call it relatively neutral. Treble is a bit active but countered by solid warmth in the lows. Slight mid-recession could hit some of your genre instruments, however.
yes, Z1R shall also be on the list.
Jul 16, 2021 at 12:11 PM Post #33,969 of 39,419
Just caught up on 6 pages of this thread, as I skipped reading it for a few days... looks like i missed the bus on the reviewer conversation a few pages back. Had a few belated thoughts I felt like sharing, so here goes..... (these are, as usual, not aimed at anyone specific - just general comments triggered by my own thoughts as well as some comments made along the way in this and other threads.

What is "a review"? and what is a "reviewer"?

As hobbyists and music junkies, we post our thoughts here, to share and be helpful to others who have not had the opportunity to hear specific gear that we've oursleves heard. We are, in this specific context, sharing our (subjective) thoughts.

There are also review sites, which publish reviews written by 'professional' reviewers, that is, the sites charge for advertising, and pay the reviewers who write the reviews. The gear being reviewed is either loaned or given for free to the reviewers. The presumption is that these opinions are expert, in some form or fashion, and not finanicially biased.

More recently, there also seems to be a trend for retail web sites to 'publish' written or video reviews of gear that the shop sells, reviewed by employees and/or owners of that very shop. Here I am referring to content that goes beyond stating the facts and features, specs, etc of the prouct under 'review'.

Much the same, or exaclty the same stuff applies in other hobby areas - I've been espresso grinder shopping lately- and lots of vendors publish reviews of thier own products. Is this just confusing to boomers (which I asm one), or has the boundary changed? (editing to add the follwing content:)

I taught business ethics at the university level for 18 years, so I tend to think this way, and perhaps approach things from a different perspective. Now I am in retail, so feel free to call me hypocritical. I will say that part of my sales technique is to start my discussions with customers by listing all of the reasons/features/characteristicsa of a product that I think would prevent them from ordering one). People often acuse sales folks of being manipulative/dishonest and/or pushy. But proper retailers are the ones who give you back your money if you don't like what we've recommended.
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Jul 16, 2021 at 1:52 PM Post #33,970 of 39,419
Decided to jump in the rabbit hole of high-end items after found I use my Arya way less than it suppose to be. I mainly listening to Classical, Acoustics Jazz, Ambient, etc. Basically no vocal. I really appreciate wider soundstage, out of my head feeling, and great imaging. For tuning, I prefer neutral, it can be a bit warm or clinical. Slightly prefer a warmer sounding. Currently using IER-M9 and Arya. Used to own T1. I feel I am more towards something in between Sony's warmth and Arya. Although Arya is totally acceptable. In this trade-off, soundstage and imagining is kinds king for my consideration.

Looking for a sub 2k iems. Current candidate: Mest2, VX, V14, U12T. Help me to decide!
Why don’t you consider Aroma Audio thunder?

Jul 16, 2021 at 2:14 PM Post #33,971 of 39,419
Gentlemen (and ladies), my FULL REVIEW of the IE 900 is now live HERE. Make yourselves some coffee, maybe some lunch, plus a snack or two...it's a big one! I hope you find it useful. Feel free to hit me up in the comments, on this thread, or by PM. Enjoy!

Jul 16, 2021 at 2:30 PM Post #33,972 of 39,419
Just caught up on 6 pages of this thread, as I skipped reading it for a few days... looks like i missed the bus on the reviewer conversation a few pages back. Had a few belated thoughts I felt like sharing, so here goes..... (these are, as usual, not aimed at anyone specific - just general comments triggered by my own thoughts as well as some comments made along the way in this and other threads.

What is "a review"? and what is a "reviewer"?

As hobbyists and music junkies, we post our thoughts here, to share and be helpful to others who have not had the opportunity to hear specific gear that we've oursleves heard. We are, in this specific context, sharing our (subjective) thoughts.

There are also review sites, which publish reviews written by 'professional' reviewers, that is, the sites charge for advertising, and pay the reviewers who write the reviews. The gear being reviewed is either loaned or given for free to the reviewers. The presumption is that these opinions are expert, in some form or fashion, and not finanicially biased.

More recently, there also seems to be a trend for retail web sites to 'publish' written or video reviews of gear that the shop sells, reviewed by employees and/or owners of that very shop. Here I am referring to content that goes beyond stating the facts and features, specs, etc of the prouct under 'review'.

Much the same, or exaclty the same stuff applies in other hobby areas - I've been espresso grinder shopping lately- and lots of vendors publish reviews of thier own products. Is this just confusing to boomers (which I asm one), or has the boundary changed? (editing to add the follwing content:)

I taught business ethics at the university level for 18 years, so I tend to think this way, and perhaps approach things from a different perspective. Now I am in retail, so feel free to call me hypocritical. I will say that part of my sales technique is to start my discussions with customers by listing all of the reasons/features/characteristicsa of a product that I think would prevent them from ordering one). People often acuse sales folks of being manipulative/dishonest and/or pushy. But proper retailers are the ones who give you back your money if you don't like what we've recommended.

If you're looking to spend under $1K, I recommend Eureka grinders. :)
More than that, Mazzer or Mahlkonig but they're kinda large.

I write reviews, but dont make money off of it. I have off and on put up google adsense but it makes about $3 a month. LOL. I have declined every offer for banner ads because I dont really want to deal with taxes and other implications of running a business, especially when I don't need the income. Doing it for fun. Anyway, I am pretty okay with most review sites, ads or not, as long as they disclose how they got the item being reviewed. Obviously bigger magazines dont really need that, but its always nice to know where conflicts of interest may occur, even if it is or not a real thing.

All of that said, EVERYONE has some level of bias. There is no such thing as an unbiased review, unless I guess you just publish raw data and no words associated with it besides the test setup. Even then, data can be manipulated, or only partially shared to show a side of an argument.
Jul 16, 2021 at 2:32 PM Post #33,973 of 39,419
Gentlemen (and ladies), my FULL REVIEW of the IE 900 is now live HERE. Make yourselves some coffee, maybe some lunch, plus a snack or two...it's a big one! I hope you find it useful. Feel free to hit me up in the comments, on this thread, or by PM. Enjoy!

Having tried the IE 900 myself, I 100% concur with your review. Excellent read.
Jul 16, 2021 at 4:04 PM Post #33,974 of 39,419
I taught business ethics at the university level for 18 years, so I tend to think this way, and perhaps approach things from a different perspective. Now I am in retail, so feel free to call me hypocritical. I will say that part of my sales technique is to start my discussions with customers by listing all of the reasons/features/characteristicsa of a product that I think would prevent them from ordering one). People often acuse sales folks of being manipulative/dishonest and/or pushy. But proper retailers are the ones who give you back your money if you don't like what we've recommended.

Really? I just take a genuine interest in understanding what my customer is trying to do and then applying my expertise to their particular problem to establish credibility and trust. At the end of the day, sales is not about features and functions. Its about selling enthusiasm and trust. That’s why the Traillii thread is the most effective sales tool in Oriolus’ arsenal. Its customers selling an experience, not a particular sound profile.
Jul 16, 2021 at 4:04 PM Post #33,975 of 39,419
If you're looking to spend under $1K, I recommend Eureka grinders. :)
More than that, Mazzer or Mahlkonig but they're kinda large.

I write reviews, but dont make money off of it. I have off and on put up google adsense but it makes about $3 a month. LOL. I have declined every offer for banner ads because I dont really want to deal with taxes and other implications of running a business, especially when I don't need the income. Doing it for fun. Anyway, I am pretty okay with most review sites, ads or not, as long as they disclose how they got the item being reviewed. Obviously bigger magazines dont really need that, but its always nice to know where conflicts of interest may occur, even if it is or not a real thing.

All of that said, EVERYONE has some level of bias. There is no such thing as an unbiased review, unless I guess you just publish raw data and no words associated with it besides the test setup. Even then, data can be manipulated, or only partially shared to show a side of an argument.
I agree-there is no such thing as complete lack of bias. Lack of awareness, on the other hand.... (LOL).

There is lots of talk today about brands, and it seems like things are now 'Brands' that were not before. IOW, 'brand' has become something of a synonym/surrogate term for 'image'?! Self-promotion seems to be at an all-time high (in general, not yours...) The internet has become the affordable Vanity Press of this age.... That's the backdrop for me, in terms of my curiosity about current sensibilities. In any event - I appreciate your comments, and sensibilities.

On a much more serious note, I have a customer who was raving about the Mahlkonig EK43, and I freaked out when I found out how much it cost. Then I saw one on a cafe countertop- it is friggin huge!, like Washington Monument huge - I have a small kitchen, and make cofeee only for myself- that thing would be stooopid in my kitchen!

I have a Eureka Atom 75 speicialista that i 'singler dose' for my Ratio 8 brewer (and a Kalita wave from time to time). I bought a Sette 270wi for the Breville Barista Touch I was using, but just bought the Breville Dual Boiler, and it is awesome. I also have a Baratza Forte BG, that i installed ceramic burrs in, and have it and the Sette dialed in for 9 bar, 1-2 ratio 30 second shots for latte a caps.... (I am applyinmg the audiophile/head-fi overkill to coffee as I also home-roast on a Quest M6.

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