Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:05 PM Post #1,651 of 6,388
I'd say the PWD2 and GS-X mk2 work for me but not other rigs.  The Senn distributor tried to talk me out of getting a third because in their opinion how I feel about the HD800 is just the way it is.  Some love it, some hate it.  Just the way it is.

For the type of music you listen to I would say the HD800s is a no go.  IMO that could be the main point here.  Your music of choice - correct?   You don't do classical right?  As for me "before" if I'm not listening to classical I'm not listening to the HD800s.  I've since found the HE-6 can take on the classical role with no problems what so ever..  So for any other music the LCD-3s are much better suited.  IMO that is.
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #1,652 of 6,388
  I don't really blame others who don't have the time/$$/patience to make it all come together with this finicky headphone though either.

And that be the rub.  I don't like to spend any free time not having fun so trying this or that isn't something I would do.  I have no doubt though that if I brought in an amp with massive output impedance and smoothed treble things would be different.  But then I'd be pooched going forward on cans that need low output and sharp transient.  No free lunch.
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:11 PM Post #1,653 of 6,388
  For the type of music you listen to I would say the HD800s is a no go.

Also true.  I listen to ZERO classical, damn near no jazz or soul.  Nearly entirely rock genres, alternative to metal and back again.
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:25 PM Post #1,654 of 6,388
And that be the rub.  I don't like to spend any free time not having fun so trying this or that isn't something I would do.  I have no doubt though that if I brought in an amp with massive output impedance and smoothed treble things would be different.  But then I'd be pooched going forward on cans that need low output and sharp transient.  No free lunch.

OTOH you might not need a second pair of cans...

Sep 21, 2013 at 2:33 PM Post #1,657 of 6,388
Based on what?  Speculations again?   To cure all speculations I suggest getting your hands on the amp so your ears can be the judge.  

Hell I'm sure the M7/M8/LCD-2 combo sounds awesome.  IMO the bottle neck on that rig would be the LCD-2s and not the amp or DAC..

A pretty good comparison would be the M7/M8/HD800 vs. PWD2/GS-X mk2/HD800.  I compared every device there except the M8.  IMO the M7/HD800 is a good combo.. For the music I liked the HD800s for.
Well, it is probably a preference thing, the fact that Solude's commented that LCD-2 on conductor approaches PWD2/GS-X/HD800 and that HD800 on that rig merely makes HD800 listenable by his standard, seriously doesn't make that combi sound that spectacular at all. My aim is to make HD800 sound more organic and natural, or in other words, making HD800 sounds a bit more more Audeze. I ordered the GS-X MkII, then some of you started speculating how close M8 could sound next to GS-X. Yes, you mentioned at that point that I may not like GS-X at all and you could be right. The M7/M8/HD800 is not the sound I want, and gathering from all your comments, GS-X/HD800 could possibly produce similar sound with just greater transparency and dynamism. That was why I pulled the plug on GS-X and just received my refund from Justin last week.
Anyway, I always wonder given how different LCD-3 and HD800 sound, how can the same set of DAC and amplifiers produce optimal sound for both headphones? Even on a equally versatile amplifier DNA Stratus, users have to use different sets of tubes to optimize the performance of LCD-3 and HD800. Yes, while I have no doubt that GS-X is a very versatile amp, I don't think it is able to produce the best synergy with each and every pair of headphones.
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:38 PM Post #1,658 of 6,388
Well, it is probably a preference thing, the fact that Solude's commented that LCD-2 on conductor approaches PWD2/GS-X/HD800 and that HD800 on that rig merely makes HD800 listenable by his standard, seriously doesn't make that combi sound that spectacular at all. My aim is to make HD800 sound more organic and natural, or in other words, making HD800 sounds a bit more more Audeze. I ordered the GS-X MkII, then some of you started speculating how close M8 could sound next to GS-X. Yes, you mentioned at that point that I may not like GS-X at all and you could be right. The M7/M8/HD800 is not the sound I want, and gathering from all your comments, GS-X/HD800 could possibly produce similar sound with just greater transparency and dynamism. That was why I pulled the plug on GS-X and just received my refund from Justin last week.
Anyway, I always wonder given how different LCD-3 and HD800 sound, how can the same set of DAC and amplifiers produce optimal sound for both headphones? Even on a equally versatile amplifier DNA Stratus, users have to use different sets of tubes to optimize the performance of LCD-3 and HD800. Yes, while I have no doubt that GS-X is a very versatile amp, I don't think it is able to produce the best synergy with each and every pair of headphones.

How would you know, if you have never heard the amplifier? You're assuming all of this on what? One person's opinion? 
IMO, there isn't one amplifier that has perfect synergy with all headphones, but the GS-X mk2 is probably the closest I've heard to that sentiment. 
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:45 PM Post #1,659 of 6,388
Well, it is probably a preference thing, the fact that Solude's commented that LCD-2 on conductor approaches PWD2/GS-X/HD800 and that HD800 on that rig merely makes HD800 listenable by his standard, seriously doesn't make that combi sound that spectacular at all. My aim is to make HD800 sound more organic and natural, or in other words, making HD800 sounds a bit more more Audeze. I ordered the GS-X MkII, then some of you started speculating how close M8 could sound next to GS-X. Yes, you mentioned at that point that I may not like GS-X at all and you could be right. The M7/M8/HD800 is not the sound I want, and gathering from all your comments, GS-X/HD800 could possibly produce similar sound with just greater transparency and dynamism. That was why I pulled the plug on GS-X and just received my refund from Justin last week.
Anyway, I always wonder given how different LCD-3 and HD800 sound, how can the same set of DAC and amplifiers produce optimal sound for both headphones? Even on a equally versatile amplifier DNA Stratus, users have to use different sets of tubes to optimize the performance of LCD-3 and HD800. Yes, while I have no doubt that GS-X is a very versatile amp, I don't think it is able to produce the best synergy with each and every pair of headphones.

Do what you can to track down a Luxman P1u or P1, trust me. Especially since you still have the Eximus I presume...
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:55 PM Post #1,660 of 6,388
froger said:
Yes, while I have no doubt that GS-X is a very versatile amp, I don't think it is able to produce the best synergy with each and every pair of headphones.

Compared to what amp?  That is the question here.  Compared to any amp I've own, auditioned, or borrowed it does.  That's just in my experiences.  I sure would like you to give some examples of amps that could.  
"Well, it is probably a preference thing, the fact that Solude's commented that LCD-2 on conductor approaches PWD2/GS-X/HD800 and that HD800 on that rig merely makes HD800 listenable by his standard, seriously doesn't make that combi sound that spectacular at all."
Solude has a very hard time liking the HD800s from the start for the type of music he listens to.  So not the best place to look for HD800 support.
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:57 PM Post #1,661 of 6,388
I ordered the GS-X MkII, then some of you started speculating how close M8 could sound next to GS-X. Yes, you mentioned at that point that I may not like GS-X at all and you could be right. The M7/M8/HD800 is not the sound I want, and gathering from all your comments, GS-X/HD800 could possibly produce similar sound with just greater transparency and dynamism. 

You took my comments incorrectly.  The M8 is at the same level as the GS-X mk2.  I would not expect them to sound similar.  Krell v Pass type thing.  Both great designs, wildly different though.
As for the HD800 you have to keep in mind that on my other rigs, AMB B22, Stello DA220, Burson HA-160D, W4S DAC-2, Apex Peak... sure there are others I am forgetting... the HD800 was a very fast 'no thanks' 'I'll pass' 'door is over there' type results.  That the PWD2 and GS-X mk2 made the HD800 something I used for months is impressive... to me.
Sep 21, 2013 at 5:52 PM Post #1,662 of 6,388
Also true.  I listen to ZERO classical, damn near no jazz or soul.  Nearly entirely rock genres, alternative to metal and back again.

Usually metalheads/headbangers like to listen to classical and jazz.
I've heard the LCD-2's they're plenty enough for classical music, yes, the sound signature is dark and that might not give out too much feeling in the strings section, but with a proper tube amp like the Leben, it's plenty good.
Sep 21, 2013 at 5:52 PM Post #1,663 of 6,388
When I heard the GS-X, I thought it was a bit leaner and more forward sounding than the M8. Does that make sense?
I've got preproman's LCD-3 hooked up to my M8 right now and it sounds lovely. It's not as spacious sounding as HE-6, HD 800, or SR007MKI, but it's definitely an improvement over the LCD-2, which was too dark and claustrophobic. It's got that warm and forgiving sound with great bass slam. 
Pads and headband are plusher than I remember on the LCD-2, but comfort is still lacking. I've got the yokes pulled out all the way, but the headband is still a bit tight. I'll be ordering a set of extended yoke rods from Audeze ( to see if it helps.
Sep 21, 2013 at 6:14 PM Post #1,664 of 6,388
It does as does placing the headband towards the rear of the head.  That said... long posts should be the standard since the lower choices aren't omitted.  Save them having to stock both and spend time preparing $30 shipments too :p
Sep 21, 2013 at 7:37 PM Post #1,665 of 6,388
You took my comments incorrectly.  The M8 is at the same level as the GS-X mk2.  I would not expect them to sound similar.  Krell v Pass type thing.  Both great designs, wildly different though.
As for the HD800 you have to keep in mind that on my other rigs, AMB B22, Stello DA220, Burson HA-160D, W4S DAC-2, Apex Peak... sure there are others I am forgetting... the HD800 was a very fast 'no thanks' 'I'll pass' 'door is over there' type results.  That the PWD2 and GS-X mk2 made the HD800 something I used for months is impressive... to me.

How would you describe their differences in regards to the HD800 in particular? Myself and Froger were both completely unimpressed with the combo-but we both used an M7 at the time which has a somewhat distant presentation-which imo sucks with the Senn (classical notwithstanding). I have a feeling that I tried the M8 again (I'm thisclose to pulling the trigger again) that I would have quite a different result using the much more intimate, holographic DP-1 in the chain this go round...

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