Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread
Jan 2, 2012 at 8:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6,396


Headphone.Guru Editor
Feb 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
As the other LCD-3 thread has kinda gone down the toilet so to speak, I'd like to kick off this thread for LCD-3 owners / potential owners / fans to discuss these amazing headphones.

Here are my thoughts on how they compare to the LCD-2 r.2s:
And a few other notable reviews from some very distinguished members who's ears I trust:
My comparisons to the LCD-2 rev. 2:
AVG Guide:
Sound and Vision:,0
Discuss amongst yourselves.

Jan 3, 2012 at 12:48 AM Post #2 of 6,396
Thanks for grouping the info together. Still trying to decide if I want to buy a set.
Jan 22, 2012 at 12:56 PM Post #3 of 6,396
Hi Peter
I always like your review and Skylabs review and Curawong
I have now my lCD 3 also since 2 weeks , below is my personal impression :
After one weeks of marathon hearing from LCD 3 , at the end i bought my LCD 3 for my Headphone Collection.
LCD 3 is the best natural Headphone i ever heard to date.

My Headphpone Collection are : HD 800 , T 1 ,ED 8 Ruthenium , LCD 2 rev 2 , ATH WQ 1000 X , HD 650

My Souce are : Imac 27" with WAV File Music

CD Player April Music Stello CDA 500

DAC : Stello CDA 500 as stand alone DAC

Cable : RCA Cable ACR Reference Silver Cable 
           USB Cable ACR Reference II 

Head Amp : Pre Amp from T + A P 10 - 2 from Germany
                  Website from T + A Pre Amp P 10 - 2  :

Music genre : Jazz, Audiophile , Blues , Slow Rock , Classical Music.

High : more open anbd detail compare to my LCD 2 rev 2

Mid : more sweet and natural compare to my LCD 2 Rev 2

Bass : the Bass Quantity LCD 2 rev 2 more than my LCD 3 , but the LCD 3 Bass Quality is better and deeper Bass and more Detail.

Separation : much better than my CD 2 Rev 2 , i can hear the instrumental placement better than my lCD 2 Rev 2

Sound Staging : wide and very good in Depth Layering compare to my LCD 2 Rev 2.

                         only my HD 800 is more wider sound stage than my lCD 3.

Conculsion : LCD 3 is the best Headphone in my Collection, is very natural sounding Headphone.

                   If your Source and Amp very bad , your LCD 3 become very bad Sound Quality.

                   Now with my set up above , in my personal opinion is the best set up for LCD 3.
Jan 22, 2012 at 1:10 PM Post #4 of 6,396
Personally, I'm a bit dubious of the titling of these so called "Appreciation" threads. I think there should rightly be official threads, but similar to that of other forums, they should just be named "Official thread". In this instance for example, "Audeze LCD-3 Official Thread of taking Orthos to the limits" or something similar. Whatever is discussed in the thread should cover all aspects of the cans, from reviews, impressions, negatives, customer service reports and so on. Whilst I very much appreciate the thread you've created, I don't think new threads need to be made just because too much negativity occupied the prior. Headphones, and any product for that matter, and everything they entail, should be liable for both appreciation and criticism. 
Jan 22, 2012 at 8:36 PM Post #6 of 6,396

Hi Peter
I always like your review and Skylabs review and Curawong
I have now my lCD 3 also since 2 weeks , below is my personal impression :
After one weeks of marathon hearing from LCD 3 , at the end i bought my LCD 3 for my Headphone Collection.
LCD 3 is the best natural Headphone i ever heard to date.

My Headphpone Collection are : HD 800 , T 1 ,ED 8 Ruthenium , LCD 2 rev 2 , ATH WQ 1000 X , HD 650

My Souce are : Imac 27" with WAV File Music

CD Player April Music Stello CDA 500

DAC : Stello CDA 500 as stand alone DAC

Cable : RCA Cable ACR Reference Silver Cable 
           USB Cable ACR Reference II 

Head Amp : Pre Amp from T + A P 10 - 2 from Germany
                  Website from T + A Pre Amp P 10 - 2  :

Music genre : Jazz, Audiophile , Blues , Slow Rock , Classical Music.

High : more open anbd detail compare to my LCD 2 rev 2

Mid : more sweet and natural compare to my LCD 2 Rev 2

Bass : the Bass Quantity LCD 2 rev 2 more than my LCD 3 , but the LCD 3 Bass Quality is better and deeper Bass and more Detail.

Separation : much better than my CD 2 Rev 2 , i can hear the instrumental placement better than my lCD 2 Rev 2

Sound Staging : wide and very good in Depth Layering compare to my LCD 2 Rev 2.

                         only my HD 800 is more wider sound stage than my lCD 3.

Conculsion : LCD 3 is the best Headphone in my Collection, is very natural sounding Headphone.

                   If your Source and Amp very bad , your LCD 3 become very bad Sound Quality.

                   Now with my set up above , in my personal opinion is the best set up for LCD 3.

Great write up...I agree on all your comments. I don't find the differences huge, but still there and enough for me to put these at the top of my collection as well. I liked them so much that I recently sold my HE-6s as I was barely using them after the LCD-3s arrived.
Mar 14, 2012 at 4:34 PM Post #8 of 6,396

I recently heard the HE 6 over the weekend at the Texas meet. I preferred my Rev 2 to be honest. I am really curious about the LCD 3 though...I really want to hear it.
I love my LF / Rev 2 combo and I've only heard good things about the 3 (other than the various issues, but that's why I'm not an early adopter). I could see myself picking up a used pair later in the year if I don't decide to invest in an 007 rig.
Great write up...I agree on all your comments. I don't find the differences huge, but still there and enough for me to put these at the top of my collection as well. I liked them so much that I recently sold my HE-6s as I was barely using them after the LCD-3s arrived.

Mar 14, 2012 at 8:36 PM Post #9 of 6,396

I recently heard the HE 6 over the weekend at the Texas meet. I preferred my Rev 2 to be honest. I am really curious about the LCD 3 though...I really want to hear it.
I love my LF / Rev 2 combo and I've only heard good things about the 3 (other than the various issues, but that's why I'm not an early adopter). I could see myself picking up a used pair later in the year if I don't decide to invest in an 007 rig.


Here are my thoughts on the differences between the LCD-3 and LCD-2 r.2:
I have since sold my HE-6s as I much preferred my LCD-3s.

Jun 17, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #13 of 6,396
I got the LCD-3 two days ago. It's frequency response graph is dated 4-06-2012 so hopefully it's the unveiled version.
It sounds incredible and is actually quite comfortable.
Now, my two favorite headphones are also the two ugliest (LCD-3 and Stax Lambda Signature).
Jun 17, 2012 at 9:50 PM Post #14 of 6,396
I got the LCD-3 two days ago. It's frequency response graph is dated 4-06-2012 so hopefully it's the unveiled version.
It sounds incredible and is actually quite comfortable.
Now, my two favorite headphones are also the two ugliest (LCD-3 and Stax Lambda Signature).

You're good with that date. Enjoy!

FWIW, beauty is the eye of the beholder and I really like how the LCD-3s look.

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