Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2
Sep 11, 2012 at 2:31 PM Post #5,026 of 9,210
You should use the least amount of gain that makes your cans play well / loud and not hurt your ears or damage you hearing....
The input source and headphone sensitivityhave to be considered when setting up the gain.
Most folks have no idea on how this really works...for most stuff the standard gain settings this amp is built with is fine.
You want to be able to be able to have your cans reach there full potential.
There are other places on the web you can read about gain, and volume and how they are related.
Sep 15, 2012 at 12:37 AM Post #5,028 of 9,210
Got my O2 about a week ago and had to wait a couple more days to receive the 1/8 to 1/4 adapter for the LCD-2. I also got a line out cable for my iPhone so that I could have an entire system that is easily moved and battery operated.

Anyways this thing sounds terrific. It has a very powerful yet clear sound which sounds great with every type of music. With my weakest source and quiet material, 2.5x gain was still more than I needed. So I clipped the resistors on the high 6.5x gain setting and made it 1x. This is perfect and I don't think I'll ever need more, even with the weaker iPhone as source. Most of the time I don't go beyond 50% volume even with unity gain.

Listening to Dire Straits in complete darkness while sitting in bed a couple nights ago was an amazing experience. I've heard these songs countless times, but never quite like that. I get a lot more out of music when I'm comfortable and it's dark, and that's a lot easier to accomplish with a transportable system like this. Truly desktop level sound quality without the limitations. Everyone should have one!
Sep 28, 2012 at 5:55 AM Post #5,030 of 9,210
Hi all,

I've been a hobbyist electronic music producer for quite a few years and have recently upgraded my old Beyer Dt770 headphones for Audeze's LCD-2.2. I'm absolutely blown away by the Audeze's, I never thought headphones could sound this good or mixes translate to monitors (KRK V8 mkII) so well. I've occasionally forgotten that I'm wearing headphones, incredible.

I'm currently driving them from Metric Halo's ULN-8 dac > built-in headphone amp which sounds stunning to me, but it leaves me wondering if there is still more potential to be had from the Audeze's by using a dedicated amp like the Bryston BHA-1 (or something similar with a neutral tonality).

So my question is, has anyone done a direct comparison between the ULN/LIO headphone amp and the Bryston or similar? How much of an improvement, if any, is to be had? And in which areas? 
I've done quite a bit of googling and can't seem to find much on the Halo's headphone amp compared to anything else.

Many thanks

Oct 8, 2012 at 1:55 AM Post #5,033 of 9,210
Can I use LCD-2 without an amp (e.g. plug it directly to an iphone or a computer)? OK, I know I can do it. What I mean is how it sounds without an amp?

Sounds like a giant iBud, a lot heavier too... Seriously though, I could live with the LCD-2 without amplification.
Oct 9, 2012 at 9:19 AM Post #5,034 of 9,210
Can I use LCD-2 without an amp (e.g. plug it directly to an iphone or a computer)? OK, I know I can do it. What I mean is how it sounds without an amp?

You could, but IMO it would be a huge waste of money.... it won't sound any better than say a good quality portable headphone that is designed for this.
Oct 9, 2012 at 12:26 PM Post #5,035 of 9,210
Can I use LCD-2 without an amp (e.g. plug it directly to an iphone or a computer)? OK, I know I can do it. What I mean is how it sounds without an amp?

I find my iPhone/iPad has never sounded better than with my LCD-2s when used « unamped ». Same could be said with a computer (mind you I have Macs and I use a software EQ to enhance the dynamics and bass when used without a DAC and amplifier). In my experience, it is still satisfying. My amps bring a lot to the table in both cases, but the LCD-2s sound very good to my ears directly plugged into stuff :¬)
Note: I have a lot of experience with various headphones plugged directly in my iPhone/iPad because of frequent night stays at the hospital (and no I don’t want to bring an amp - even a portable one). So between AKG 700s, Beats, Skullcandys, Koss Portapros, Senn 600s and of course the Apple earbuds, the LCD-2s gets the nod. But out of the lot they are probably the worst in therms of ease of movement, lightness and weird factor.
Oct 11, 2012 at 8:39 AM Post #5,037 of 9,210
Still sounded pretty good to me, better than the Grados i was using before on my STX.  You can always buy an uber powerful amplifier later.
Oct 15, 2012 at 11:17 AM Post #5,040 of 9,210
HA, what are the dimensions of the M8?

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