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  • Users: Punky
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  1. Punky

    Etymotic HF5 cable starting to split! Help!

    Hey guys,    So I've got a pair of Etymotic HF5s that are about 3 years old or so. The cable insulation right near the IEM housing has split open. It's not bad now, and it still works, but it's clear that this is going to be a problem (the same thing happened to my wife's Etyomtics). Is there...
  2. Punky

    Etymotic HF5 vs. Shure SE215

    Hey guys,    So my Etymotic HF5s are starting to give up the ghost (the wire insulation is starting to split right next to the actual IEM housing on the left ear - it's taped up for now and still working, but it's probably only a matter of time) so I'm considering jumping over to Shure SE215...
  3. Punky

    Etyomtic HF5s vs Shure SE425s

    How would you say that these two IEMs stack up against each other? I'm pretty happy with the Etys, though I sometimes wish there was a tiny bit more bass (though the bass is very controlled, which I like). I have a chance to pick up the Shures for around $200, so do you think they're worth it...
  4. Punky

    I need new IEMs! ~$100

    Hey folks, I was hoping to pick up some new IEMs. My last pair of MC5s broke on me, but luckily, J&R gave me a refund. So I've got a $70 gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket. Here are my priorities, in order of importance.   - Sound quality. I realize that I'm somewhat limited at...
  5. Punky

    How's Etymotic's customer service? My MC5s broke!

    Hey guys,   I was trying to use some Ety phones with Shure tips, and in the process of taking the tips off (they were too big for my ears), the shaft of the MC5s broke. The MC5s I had were less than a month old and I'm hoping to return them to Ety. Does anyone have any experience dealing...
  6. Punky

    Has the iPod Classic's sound chip changed?

    Hey guys,   So I just replaced my 2009 iPod Classic with another 2010 iPod Classic. The last one got some cider on it, and the click wheel wasn't working right, so I had a friend at the Apple stores switch it out for me.   Now this is probably my imagination but it feels like the 2010...
  7. Punky

    OUCH! I need better tips for my Ety MC5s!

    Okay so I exchanged my Klipsch Image S4s yesterday for Etymotic MC5s. The S4s had a weird angle that rubbed my ear the wrong way, so after about five hours (before my workday ends) it starts to hurt my ears.   However, the Etyomtic MC5s are even worse! The triflanges are too small, and the...
  8. Punky

    Klipsch S4 replacement tips

    Does anyone know where I can find a good set of replacement tips for my Klipsch S4s? I like them, but the mid-sized gel tips are just a little too big while the small biflanges that are included are way too small. I need something in the middle. Also, is there any tip that improves the clarity...
  9. Punky

    A Quick Klipsch S4 Review

    Hey guys,   So I finally broke my V-Moda Vibes the other day at the gym. It was my own stupid fault - I was jogging and I violently slammed the wire with my hand, which messed up the right side earbud. It was pretty stupid of me, and I should've had my iPod on my belt. So don't take that as...
  10. Punky

    iPod acting really weird

    Hey guys,   So I've got the iPod classic (latest generation - 160 gigs) and the volume control is acting really strange. Instead of smoothly rising and lowering when I circle the touch control with my thumb, it jumps up in huge increments unless I move my thumb really slowly. Why the heck is...
  11. Punky

    iPod / iTunes won't let me re-order tracks!

    Hey guys,   So I've got an album ("American Slang" by The Gaslight Anthem) on MP3 and I've got a special iTunes only track for that album. The main album is tracks 1-10. The special iTunes-only track is supposed to be track 11. Even though the ID3 tags are all identical except for track name...
  12. Punky

    Loving my new iPod!

    Hey guys, Just wanted to let you know that I got the latest (as of December 25, 2009) black iPod Classic (160 gig) and I have to say that I'm really impressed. While this isn't meant as a full review, I wanted to counteract the "positive experience - no post" effect that creates a very poor...
  13. Punky

    What's the difference between a 5th Gen and 6th Gen iPod Classic?

    Hey guys, I just wanted to know how to tell the difference between a 5th Gen iPod Classic and a 6th Gen. My dad got me an iPod for Christmas, and before I rip into it on Christmas Day, I want to make sure it's the right one. Thanks! Justin
  14. Punky

    To iPod or not to iPod?

    Hey guys, So I'm thinking about finally picking up an iPod Classic after being an avid iPod hater for many years. I originally avoided the iPod because of the SQ, but I've heard they updated the DAC and things are sounding much snazzier. So should I get one? Here's some background: I...
  15. Punky

    How's the DAC on the iPod classics?

    ...with my Macbook. But the thing that steers me way, way, WAY far away from the iPod classic is the fact that I've always felt that iPods sound ****ing horrible. I don't know if it was the files, the DAC, or the headphones, but I've always hated the sound on iPods. Any thoughts on this? I...
  16. Punky

    How fast should my new Nomad Zen Xtra drive be?

    Hey, I'm replacing the bricked HD in my friend's Creative Labs Nomad Zen Xtra 40 gig MP3 player. I know that the drive has to be IDE, but how fast should it be? My gut tells me 4200 RPM, but I want to know what you guys think. Justin
  17. Punky

    Problems with Creative Labs Zen Xtra 40 gigs! Help!

    Hey guys, I'm trying to fix my friend's Zen Xtra. It won't boot up properly, and freezes at the EAX screen. She let it sit for a while with the battery dead and I wonder if that might have caused it. She's got it plugged in now, and I went to the troubleshooting menu. I tried to do a Clean...
  18. Punky

    SCL4, SE310, or Atrio M5?

    Hey folks, So I'm looking for IEMs for studio monitoring, DJing, and casual listening. Bass is important, but true sound is also important. Isolation is VERY important as I ride the subway every day. I've tried the Etymotic Er6is and the Shure SE210s and they were just way too bassless...
  19. Punky

    Suggest an IEM

    Hey guys, So I've haunted these parts now and again, looking for the perfect IEM. I've tried V-Moda's Bass Freqs and Vibes, Etymotic ER6is, and Shure E210s. The Bass Freqs are too overpowering and muddy for me (though for the price, they're pretty cool) and the Vibes, while better than the...
  20. Punky

    IEMs for DJing

    Hey folks, So I'm considering moving to IEMs for DJing, because there's a constant ringing in my ears after gigs. I use a pair of Sony MDR-7506s right now, and I love the sound quality on them, but I really have to crank them up to hear them over the PA. They don't really block sound well...
  21. Punky

    Decent speakers / amp for casual listening, movies, video games

    So in the process of moving, one of my beloved, almost 7 year old speakers for my Sony minisystem got a hole in the tweeter. I figure that's it for the speakers, and I don't know how to replace cones (and this unit is so old, I doubt they still have spare parts for it) so I figure this might be...
  22. Punky

    Best isolation and bass in an IEM?

    Hey folks, So I've got a pair of Sony MDR-7506s and a pair of V-Moda Vibes. I love the sound on the MDR-7506s, the V-Moda Vibes not so much. They're just a bit muddy, especially in the bass department. Also, the most frustrating part of it all is the fact that they don't isolate worth a...
  23. Punky

    Anything just for digital music? I don't care about video!

    So hey folks, I've currently got a 60 gig Zen Vision M and I'm pretty happy with the sound quality. However, I'm already out of space on this entire player! So here's what I'm thinking. I don't care about video. I don't care about photos. I don't care about the screen as long as the GUI...
  24. Punky

    A place in the NYC area to try Atrio M5s?

    Does anyone know where I can try a pair of Atrio M5s, preferably to compare against Superfi.5EBs, in the NYC area? I like everything I've heard about the Atrios, but I don't want to buy in blind. Please let me know!
  25. Punky

    Atrio M5/8 or Super.fi5EB?

    Hey folks, So I think I've got it narrowed down. I'm either going to get some Atrio M5/8 (I don't think there's a difference besides color...) or a pair of Super.fi5EBs. I love bass, but I want it to be controlled with clear highs and mids. Good isolation is a must, as I'm on the train...