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  1. JohnFerrier

    Rolling Stones Still Life: American Concert 1981 on SACD

    releasing on Dec. 27     .
  2. JohnFerrier

    LP rip and burn. . . HELP !!! : )

    So, I won a LP on ebay (below) but am not really setup with one of those old fangled LP players.   Are there places to send this to have it ripped and burned to disc??? Thanks for any info!!!   15 famous Violins played by R. Ricci
  3. JohnFerrier

    Deep Listening: Why Audio Quality Matters

    Deep Listening (w/video) interesting panel discussion of industry professionals. Includes a wide range of opinions. Steve Berkowitz is Senior Vice President of Sony Music's Legacy Records. Greg Calbi worked on such 70's classics as John Lennon's "Walls and Bridges", David Bowie's "Young...
  4. JohnFerrier

    NY Film Festival--Island Empire

    US premiere of Island Empire October 8th and 9th. "Lynch’s first foray into high-definition video..." Film Society of Lincoln Center Wiki: Island Empire CONFéRENCE DE PRESSE INLAND EMPIRE - 63èME FESTIVAL DE VENICE 2006 Tickets long sold out. Anyone plan to attend?
  5. JohnFerrier

    Walt Disney Concert Hall first recording

    Available next week (Oct. 10). "Live performances of three pieces: Mussorgsky's St John's Night on Bald Mountain, Bartok's suite from The Miraculous Mandarin, and Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring), a Signature Piece for the L.A. Philharmonic that was also featured during...
  6. JohnFerrier

    Wolfgang Mitterer

    Interesting combinations of electronics and acoustic instruments (hotlinks below) Wolfgang Mitterer. The Klangforum Wien nears a release of a work titled coloured noise. - Direct links to sound... mimemata nu yamamoto/mitterer signation turmbau zu babel
  7. JohnFerrier

    Musical Texture

    I've noticed for some time that recordings I consider favorites have a quality I like (a texture) regardless whether I listen in the car, or with a home speaker system, or with headphones. I think that I can detect this same quality with online samples. Does anyone else experience something like...
  8. JohnFerrier

    Boulez and M2

    Looking at his itinerary, my guess is that Boulez will record Mahler’s Second this May in Vienna. M2 is about the only symphony of Mahler that he hasn’t recently recorded. However, until May, Boulez is busy conducting several concerts in Chicago, Berlin, New York, Cleveland, London, Budapest…and...
  9. JohnFerrier

    Obsure recordings unique amongst Head-fiers?

    Care to share an interesting title, or two, not found amongst Head-fiers? (Noble efforts are just fine, if someone else happens to have it... ) - I probably have one or two, but currently have on order the following from IRCAM (France's Institut de Recherche et Coordination...
  10. JohnFerrier

    Favorite Operas?

    Thinking DVDs here. Also, I haven't found many I like, but a few that I do really like are... Mozart - Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) Handel - Xerxes Rossini - La Cenerentola (really like the Houston Grand Opera rendition) Gilbert & Sullivan - The Mikado (VHS quality is...
  11. JohnFerrier

    Favorite Recipes?

    Tonight it's Sauerkraut and Spare Ribs...not necessarilly my favorite, but I haven't made them in awhile. Off the top, my favorites are Tacos, Shrimp Phad Thai, and Cincinnati Chile. Anyone else? If you don't like to cook, what's a favorite dish?
  12. JohnFerrier

    Dynamic Response of Headphones (...again)

    Which has a wider dynamic response...electrostatic or dynamic headphones? Does the name answer the question?
  13. JohnFerrier

    Orchestral Zappa

    Music By Frank Zappa arranged for and performed by the Omnibus Wind Ensemble (of Sweden) arrived today. Nice wind instruments and percussion. Recorded with a vacuum-tube stereo microphone and a vacuum tube mixer. It's fun and enjoyable. A London Symphony Orchestra performance of FZ's music on...
  14. JohnFerrier

    Benaroya Hall, Seattle

    ...I much prefered Nirvana and am still sad about the loss of Kurt...) Pearl Jam, "Live at Benaroya Hall" (Amazon) --- And again, *really* looking forward to a recording of the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the, even newer, Walt Disney Concert Hall. (Attended a wonderful performance of...
  15. JohnFerrier

    New Artists (for you) in 2004

    How many discoveries did you make this year? A few come to my mind. Tori Amos (yep, where have I been, but WOW). Kaija Saariaho (another women in contact with the muses) Philip Glass (kind of a rediscovery...knew he composed piano music but didn't know how good his orchestral compositions...
  16. JohnFerrier

    Wind Storm in Seattle

    Now if the electricity is out more than an hour at Starbucks, we qualify for some sort of disaster recovery, right??? JF
  17. JohnFerrier

    Head-Fi’ers from the Cleveland area?

    I’m interested in learning about the sonic characteristics of the Cleveland’s Masonic Auditorium. What are the acoustics like? I’m a fan of the work of conductor Pierre Boulez who has recorded with Cleveland, Chicago, New York, London, Berlin, etc. I own about ten CDs recorded at the Masonic...
  18. JohnFerrier

    $1,000 Microphone

    An interesting internal pic of an AKG C 414 microphone (those certainly aren't Blackgate capacitors...)... Recording Engineer, Mark Hawley uses three C 414's to mic Tori Amos's Bösendorfer grand piano. And a Neumann KMS 150 (or two) for vocals. JF
  19. JohnFerrier

    Dynamic Range of Headphones?

    I stumbled across the following diagram: It indicates that the dynamic range of a typical speaker is 75dB. Now I'm trying to decide if I need a 24-bit CD player that have dynamic ranges of 120+ db. However, I now wonder if headphones are capable of reproducing a dynamic range even close to...
  20. JohnFerrier

    Anybody notice?

    That with a really good quality system, well burned in, that if you put your headphone on backwards: left phone on right ear, right phone left ear, that it sounds like the band is playing behind you, or you're standing at the concert backwards? Also, maybe right-handed musicians turn into...
  21. JohnFerrier

    Boutique Amp

    Finished at midnight, showing at Adire Audio this afternoon. JF
  22. JohnFerrier

    Recording studio that uses tubes...

    This may interest those who like tube amplifiers: Not a big selection, but there are sample tracks. I'm kind of interested to know if there is a difference in sound. JF
  23. JohnFerrier

    Other weaknesses in the system...

    I've read about how good components reveal other weakness in the system. In anticipation of receiving an order for new Sennheiser HD: ), I've been using my old Sennheiser Ministar MS100 (and if anyone has info on these let me know--they seem to be in an internet black hole). Anyways, I...
  24. JohnFerrier

    Headroom Blockhead Question

    I noticed that it has a left and right volume control. How well does that work? Is it easy to balance left and right? Anyone have experience, or otherwise, know??? I suppose that the user could get used to making the adjustment, but it seems inconvenient. JF
  25. JohnFerrier

    Constant Current Class A Circuits?

    I think what I'm looking for is a Constant Current Class A design. In an Emitter Follow circuit, the Re is replace with a current source. This idea struck me when thinking about how people like to bias op-amps to class A with a current source. If I use an integrated buffer amplifier...