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  • Users: Kenix
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  1. Kenix

    Best headphones for under $100? Sennheiser HD 280?

    I got my M50s on E-bay about a year ago for $90. The seller lists at $159 but accepts offers. I'm not too sure what the stance on linking to ebay is here, but if you are interested, PM me and I'll give you the seller's name.   I had HD555s before the M50s and was completely blown away by how...
  2. Kenix


    Quote: Originally Posted by drewfus420 good eye... I got that can for $25 when some noob looped out on his just finished custom CBR600 and dumped the bike off at the local Honda dealer not wanting it back. i HAVE DONE A LOT MORE SINCE THESE PIX, IF THE BIKE WAS IN ONE PIECE (oops) i...
  3. Kenix

    Flashlight-Fi (LED & Conventional)

    Because we're expecting a beach assault at Seattle any day now...
  4. Kenix

    Looking for portable closed cans that sounds like open ones

    Well I went with the Ath-M50s in the end. They just came in the mail and even without burn-in, they sound great. They're surprisingly similar to my 500+ hour HD555s, but with more bass. Very noticeable on songs with dragging bass lines, less so with drums. Sound stage, detail, and highs are all...
  5. Kenix

    Sennheiser HD448 ($100) vs ATH-A700 ($110)

    Shure SRH-440, AT ATH-M50, and Denon D1001 are also commonly recommended for closed phones in that price range.
  6. Kenix

    HD 555 vs. HD485

    This is just a general observation about the HD555...they seem to have gotten A LOT more popular in recent months. About a year ago, when I was researching HD555 vs. AD700, the overwhelming response was that both are great phones, but the AD700s will edge out the HD555s just slightly in every...
  7. Kenix

    HELP!!!! M50s or DT770 PRO

    In that comparison, considering the M50s can be had for $90, they are the clear winner for me.
  8. Kenix

    Sennheiser HD485 vs Sennheiser HD555

    Some people have tried turning their HD555s into pseudo closed cans by filling the housing with blue tac. Not my cup of tea, but supposedly the results aren't bad. I'm sure "HD555 mod" will come up with threads about it and more.
  9. Kenix

    Sennheiser HD485 vs Sennheiser HD555

    Never heard the HD485, but I do enjoy my HD555s very much. However for metal and dance, you may be better served by a closed back headphone that offers more bass. I wouldn't say the bass is lacking on the HD5xx series, but it is very tight and focused. Dance/house/electronica sounds fine through...
  10. Kenix

    Looking for portable closed cans that sounds like open ones

    Quote: Originally Posted by st4r0c3an Having tried a few closed cans and the only one that actually sounds closed to an opened one is SRH840. Classical music sounds pretty good on those, and they are usually closed cans' biggest weakness. While they sound amazing out of my amp, they...
  11. Kenix

    Looking for portable closed cans that sounds like open ones

    Yup, definitely looking for second hand. Can someone measure their D1001 cups for me? Pretty please
  12. Kenix

    Looking for portable closed cans that sounds like open ones

    Quote: Originally Posted by kunalraiker I don't know much, but I don't think this can be achieved after comparing my Grado's with my HD 25-1 II I know it's a long shot, but the sound doesn't have to be spot on with the open cans so long as it's still enjoyable. Top contenders...
  13. Kenix

    Looking for portable closed cans that sounds like open ones

    I've been searching for portable headphones (no IEMs or buds) that will replicate the sound out of my Sennheisers (HD555, PX100) without leaking large volumes of sound. - Closed - Isolation not so important as just not leaking sound. - Exceptional comfort is a must. I have medium sized...
  14. Kenix


    I've now seen pens and flashlights with tritium inserts. Who's got a blade with one (or 10)?
  15. Kenix

    Flashlight-Fi (LED & Conventional)

    Quote: Originally Posted by music_man yeah, we need lighter-fi as well! i got some duponts and dunhills! music_man music_man, you and I seem to share quite a few interests, gadget-wise. I look forward to future discussions about all things fast, pointy, shiny, and hot
  16. Kenix


    Oh yeah definitely. To be honest, I didn't know the first iteration of the CTS-V even existed before the current one came out and got rave reviews from everyone.
  17. Kenix


    Quote: Originally Posted by Silencer23 Is this a good durable knife ? Smith & Wesson Homeland Security Smith & Wesson make good revolvers, but look elsewhere for knives. My favorite production folders are almost all from Spyderco, Benchmade, Kershaw, and Emerson. Mozy...
  18. Kenix

    Flashlight-Fi (LED & Conventional)

    Quote: Originally Posted by marvin It's just another form of Gear Acquisition Syndrome. I buy some because they're all around useful, some because they're nice pocket jewelry, some for specific applications, some to see what a certain manufacturer is up to, and some just to see what the...
  19. Kenix


    Quote: Originally Posted by mrarroyo If I had the money I would trade my 370Z for a CTS w/ the Vette engine in a heartbeat! Haha most people would! The CTS-V is a huge step up from a 370Z in pretty much all categories in my opinion.
  20. Kenix


    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule A few weeks ago, I was finally rewarded for carrying a knife around every day. A baby bird was trapped in some netting on a fruit bush, and it was freaking out. The netting it was tangled it was a double layer or something, so it was...
  21. Kenix

    TripleFi.10s didn't do it for me, going cheaper

    Quote: Originally Posted by what Watch out they are banning people who are selling them for anything over $100 here No worries, I'm not looking to make a profit flipping these. Perfectly happy letting another audiogeek have a go at these at the discounted price I was fortunate...
  22. Kenix

    TripleFi.10s didn't do it for me, going cheaper

    I am grateful for the chance to test drive the pinnacle of IEMs on the market today, and at virtually no cost to me. To those who are interested in purchasing the TF10s off me, I've already received a couple of PMs with offers. These go fast on head-fi considering Ebay prices are still hovering...
  23. Kenix

    TripleFi.10s didn't do it for me, going cheaper

    I tried the complys, the ety insertion method, and the flip method, with negligible difference from all three. I think bjaardker is right, I'm just not cut out to enjoy these beauties Cable thump is practically a deal breaker on its own, I mean what's the point of good music if you can't move...
  24. Kenix

    TripleFi.10s didn't do it for me, going cheaper

    Thanks for the replies everyone, I guess I should clarify some things. 1. I found the soundstage and separation good, but that was only to be expected. The reason I am unimpressed is that the TF10s only managed to meet my expectations in those two areas and absolutely failed all others save...
  25. Kenix

    HD 555s and HD 448s for the same price...advice welcome

    I can only comment on the HD555s but in my experience, I cannot hear a word of anything anyone is saying to me with music playing at moderate volumes. They are very comfortable to wear for hours on end after you stretch the headband out.