Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Aug 28, 2013 at 3:56 PM Post #27,168 of 42,332
Hey DG, I knew you just graduated but you really should hide what you like.  

Beyerdynamic T1  //  Fostex TH-900  //  ​
Audeze LSD-3
 // Sennheiser HD 800  //  HifiGirl HE-500  //  Grado PS1000​

Aug 29, 2013 at 8:30 AM Post #27,171 of 42,332
Aug 29, 2013 at 10:29 AM Post #27,173 of 42,332
anyone know if the woo WA5 would be a good pairing for the Klipsch RF-7 11? Just thinking about the future


Aug 29, 2013 at 5:22 PM Post #27,175 of 42,332
Anyone out there using a WA5 with Zu Audio speakers?  I'm starting to save my pennies for a better speaker system, and was thinking about this combo as a possibility.
Aug 30, 2013 at 10:31 AM Post #27,177 of 42,332
Got my WA7 in last night and WOW is this thing amazing.  The build quality would leave Steve Jobs speechless, yes it's that good!  The shipping weight is 14lbs, that alone should tell part of the story.  No corners were cut, or as John Hammond might say: Spared no expense.  It will be hard to upgrade someday, if I so choose, because I've seen few other designs that look this good.
Luckily I don't think I'll need or want to upgrade for a long while.  I haven't had much time to listen, I've been sick this week, but what little I have heard has been excellent.  It has really made my HD800s sound fun while still retaining that huge soundstage and hyper-detailism that makes the HD800s...well, HD800s.  But now I don't have piercing siblance, or those moments of aural flinching when some poorly recorded treble spike comes slashing into my ear drums.  The coldness of the HD800 is warmed just enough to make them extremely fun, but not so much to cause harm to the sound they were made for.
If I had to make a complaint, about the only thing I would suggest is that the glass block have some sort of metal lip it fell into so that it was secured from sliding around the top.  I mean, that block of glass isn't going anywhere, but it will shift around a little when you are wiping your fingerprints off of it, and your OCD will kick in trying to center it back on the amp.  I suppose too, that some will be put off by the fake LED tube glow and the USB powered DAC, but neither of these things bothered me.  The sound quality will speak for itself.
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:00 PM Post #27,178 of 42,332
Got my WA7 in last night and WOW is this thing amazing. <edit> The sound quality will speak for itself.

Congrats on the new Woo! The WA7 is amazing. I have heard many high end rigs now at local meets and the WA7 holds its own. At this level the various head amps sound different, but not necessarily better. I will soon have a Zana Deux SE, which I also heard at a meet. It has a different sound that I like, but it won't displace my WA7, nor even my WA3+. They each have their place in the collection.
Aug 30, 2013 at 1:19 PM Post #27,179 of 42,332
Congrats on the new Woo! The WA7 is amazing. I have heard many high end rigs now at local meets and the WA7 holds its own. At this level the various head amps sound different, but not necessarily better. I will soon have a Zana Deux SE, which I also heard at a meet. It has a different sound that I like, but it won't displace my WA7, nor even my WA3+. They each have their place in the collection.

Indeed.  My favorite thing about the WA7 is that you really feel you got every penny worth of value from your money.  The same cannot be said about all equipment, even at that price point.  But yeah I was dead set on a Schiit Bifrost/Lyr stack for a long time until I came across the WA7.  Very happy with my decision, although I won't turn down an audition with the Schiit stack and my HD800s if the opportunity ever arises.  Really need my ears to unplug from this congestion now :frowning2:
Aug 30, 2013 at 2:58 PM Post #27,180 of 42,332
Are your impressions based on using it as a USB DAC and amp or are you using a separate DAC?
Indeed.  My favorite thing about the WA7 is that you really feel you got every penny worth of value from your money.  The same cannot be said about all equipment, even at that price point.  But yeah I was dead set on a Schiit Bifrost/Lyr stack for a long time until I came across the WA7.  Very happy with my decision, although I won't turn down an audition with the Schiit stack and my HD800s if the opportunity ever arises.  Really need my ears to unplug from this congestion now :frowning2:


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