Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite
Feb 28, 2021 at 6:20 PM Post #41,191 of 42,307
That's how I like to listen at night, lights off and just the glow of the tubes. I know science may disagree, but I could swear the glowing tubes make the music sound better. :jecklinsmile:
Feb 28, 2021 at 9:56 PM Post #41,192 of 42,307
Right now I am thrilled to have both the WA33 and the BHSE. Both are beautiful to look at and wonderful to listen to. Spent a few hours this past Friday listening to the BHSE and 009, very nice combo. I would guess from my experience with the WA33 and previous Woo amps, that the 3ES would be excellent as well.
What are your thoughts on the 009s vs the Voce?
Feb 28, 2021 at 10:36 PM Post #41,193 of 42,307
The 009 seemed more detailed and perhaps a tad faster. However it seemed very clinical. Also without EQ it was lite in the bass for my taste. It did respond very well to EQ however, and you could get pretty decent sub bass out of it. I felt the Voce was more balanced and full bodied. Also much more forgiving in the treble. Still detailed but not harsh at all. I thought the 009 was technically impressive, but I enjoy the Voce more. Just more musical.
Mar 4, 2021 at 3:22 PM Post #41,196 of 42,307
Wow, can You share a few words on differences? How different they are in terms of SQ?
To boil it down to the basic differences: WA6se is the sweet spot for cost/performance in my opinion. Plenty of power(it drove my LCD4 easily) and great sound stage. Really nice mids and decent extension in the treble and good bass punch.
WA5le: More control of the drivers, faster and more detailed. Sound stage opens up more and timbre is very accurate. More power than you will ever need. Drove Hifiman HE6se, LCD4, and Abyss TC with plenty of headroom.
WA33: Iron grip on drivers, speed and accuracy to rival very good SS amps. Huge soundstage. Extension in the treble goes on for days. Bass slam is visceral and deep. Still retains the sweetness of tube mids. (of course different tubes play a part as well.)
I like EML tubes, price to performance is very good. The Tak rectifiers are also very nice but expensive.
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Mar 4, 2021 at 3:47 PM Post #41,197 of 42,307
To boil it down to the basic differences: WA6se is the sweet spot for cost/performance in my opinion. Plenty of power(it drove my LCD4 easily) and great sound stage. Really nice mids and decent extension in the treble and good bass punch.
WA5le: More control of the drivers, faster and more detailed. Sound stage opens up more and timbre is very accurate. More power than you will ever need. Drove Hifiman HE6se, LCD4, and Abyss TC with plenty of headroom.
WA33: Iron grip on drivers, speed and accuracy to rival very good SS amps. Huge soundstage. Extension in the treble goes on for days. Bass slam is visceral and deep. Still retains the sweetness of tube mids. (of course different tubes play a part as well.)
I like EML tubes, price to performance is very good. The Tak rectifiers are also very nice but expensive.

Thanks. It seems that the difference between we6se i used to have and Ayon ha3 i have currently is just like between wa6se and wa5. My Meze Empyrean on Ayon are faster, clearer, soundstage is bigger and timbre is accurate. I guess my tubes are EML (ayon branded but produced by EML). I'd love to listen to Meze with WA5 if I have an opportunity..
Mar 7, 2021 at 12:21 PM Post #41,198 of 42,307
Picked up KR Audio 2A3 for my Elite. I'm waiting for my order of 300b 2.5 mesh. The KR sound really good but small compared to an EML tube. Here's pic of the Elite.


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Mar 7, 2021 at 3:23 PM Post #41,199 of 42,307
That is probably my favorite characteristic of the EML tubes, their large sound stage.
Mar 7, 2021 at 3:41 PM Post #41,200 of 42,307
I like the acme more then the KR tubes. Lucky me I'm attracted to cheaper tubes. All I can realize KR needs lots of burn in so hopefully they will get good. Right now they sound boring over all. I'm going to switch back and see if they improve.
Mar 7, 2021 at 3:59 PM Post #41,201 of 42,307
I don't own any, but I want the WA7 Fireflies so bad. I probably just want it because it's so damn pretty! Not sure I could even hear the difference, but SO PRETTY!
I have been using the WA-7 for 2 years now. Beautiful and sounds great for me, although I moved from the onboard DAC in part because my iphone or iPads weren’t powerful enough to drive it and I wasn’t satisfied with results from a powered hub. I use the Fireflies it to drive Sennheiser HD600, 6xx and, most recently 800S and all sound great. It looks fine too. I gather using the tube power supply is an improvement, but I currently only have the SS power supply
Mar 7, 2021 at 4:27 PM Post #41,202 of 42,307
I‘m an official member of the WA22 family. Placed my order on Friday afternoon with Audio Advisor and FedEx delivered today on a Sunday! My Auteurs seems to have better synergy with the WA22 and I suppose the amp will get even better. Something was definitely missing from the MJ2 that I had as to which was sold to a friend.
Mar 8, 2021 at 3:20 PM Post #41,203 of 42,307
Congats arftech. I'm into about 30 hours on my new Wa-22 and it gets a little better each hour. Mike at Woo Audio said that it could take as much as 150 hours to fully break in. I had a Wa6-SE previously and enjoyed that as well. I want to break it in a little more before I get too ambitious tube rolling...but I got the itch! Gets a bit more expensive because the better tube pairs can get very costly. Not sure what will give me more bang for the buck...rectifiers, drivers or power tubes. Any other WA-22 owner that than chime on or recommend from experience?

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