Aug 16, 2012 at 7:37 PM Post #1,246 of 2,431
Yeah I'm a basshead, i've tried edge to away from it but coming from Atrio, IE8, FX700 and Pro900 it's a hard habit to break, I loved the quality of the SP bass but found the quantity a bit lacking for my taste.
Aug 17, 2012 at 3:29 AM Post #1,247 of 2,431
Is anyone wearing the Sig Pros with eyeglasses?  If so, how comfortable are they?
I'm curently using DT-770s and they are suprisingly comfortable with my glasses on.
My concern with the Sig Pros is that, if they have a lot of clamping pressure, they will be digging the arms of my glasses into the side of my head.  Which probably wouldn't be comfortable.

I wouldn't want to wear them all the time with glasses. I wouldn't say it puts me in pain, its just annoying. Compared to the pro900 they are a little better I feel.
Aug 17, 2012 at 7:04 AM Post #1,249 of 2,431
I wouldn't want to wear them all the time with glasses. I wouldn't say it puts me in pain, its just annoying. Compared to the pro900 they are a little better I feel.

Pretty much this.
I wear big nerdy glasses much of the time, and the Signature Pro is only about mid-tier in terms of how annoying it is with them.
The most annoying headphone for glasses is the Mur.... uh... that headphone I can't talk about publicly anymore. : P
Aug 17, 2012 at 9:11 AM Post #1,250 of 2,431
Pretty much this.
I wear big nerdy glasses much of the time, and the Signature Pro is only about mid-tier in terms of how annoying it is with them.
The most annoying headphone for glasses is the Mur.... uh... that headphone I can't talk about publicly anymore. : P

Aug 17, 2012 at 12:17 PM Post #1,251 of 2,431
Is that everything we know about the Signature DJ? No indication at all about a possible release date, having just sold my SP due to lacking a bit of bass for my tastes I'd be very interested if these were indeed tuned for a more bass heavy signature, which would be the logical assumption.

actually they have more bass.  interesting nobody there notice the headphone at all.  it was at last week's hifi audio show in Hong Kong.
Aug 17, 2012 at 3:23 PM Post #1,252 of 2,431
Pretty much this.
I wear big nerdy glasses much of the time, and the Signature Pro is only about mid-tier in terms of how annoying it is with them.
The most annoying headphone for glasses is the Mur.... uh... that headphone I can't talk about publicly anymore. : P

BTW MF, why can't you talk about it anymore?!? (shoot me a PM if you can :wink:).
My glasses are not super big, but like I said, I don't find it a game-ender...
 Your not suggesting that the Sig Pro is a mid fi headphone I hope.  Blasphemy if you are ..lol

... .... .... I didn't say anything...

Aug 17, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #1,253 of 2,431
Your not suggesting that the Sig Pro is a mid fi headphone I hope. Blasphemy if you are ..lol

... .... .... I didn't say anything...

Spoken like a politician or perhaps a lawyer...lol.  But seriously, looking at your profile you own the Sig Pro .. so we would both agree they ROCK.
Aug 21, 2012 at 11:04 PM Post #1,255 of 2,431
Wow, guys, I can't believe what I'm hearing. I've always considered my SA-500 as the authority for detail, transparency, and soundstage - especially when it comes to classical music. I just did some A/B with the 5K and the Sig Pro off my Beta-22 and the difference was literally laughable. The Sig Pro blew the 5K out of the water in every way. There was no listen-to-the-5K-for-a-while-and-adjust-to-the-signature needed. It was glaringly obvious. I was laughing out loud at how pathetic the 5K sounded against the Sig Pro. The Sig Pro was a pure joy to listen to with classical. It is indeed a special phone. 
Aug 22, 2012 at 5:33 AM Post #1,256 of 2,431
Wow, guys, I can't believe what I'm hearing. I've always considered my SA-500 as the authority for detail, transparency, and soundstage - especially when it comes to classical music. I just did some A/B with the 5K and the Sig Pro off my Beta-22 and the difference was literally laughable. The Sig Pro blew the 5K out of the water in every way. There was no listen-to-the-5K-for-a-while-and-adjust-to-the-signature needed. It was glaringly obvious. I was laughing out loud at how pathetic the 5K sounded against the Sig Pro. The Sig Pro was a pure joy to listen to with classical. It is indeed a special phone. 

Now thats what you call enthusiasim
, good to see.  I agree with you 100%.  The Sig Pro by no means deserves to be relegated to "Electronic" or upbeat trancey genres.  It most definately can hold its own when classical and large orchestral pieces are involved.  My opinion on it is that for a closed hp it offers a true sense of soundstage and micro detail that just works fantastic with classical.  Dare I say that it offers its own version of timbre usually found in a higher end woody.
The bonus to the Sig Pro is that when you want to dabble into some Industrial, Darkwave, (or any electro inspired sub genre for that matter) it offers the speed , PRaT and extended quality of bass that goes hand in hand with such formats.  
Aug 22, 2012 at 9:47 PM Post #1,257 of 2,431
A very interesting thread. I have some Sig Pros, and far too many other "high end" headphones (Senn HD800, Stax Omega II mk 1, Grado GS1000 with Jenalabs 18AWG cable, Grado RS1, Beyer T1, Beyer T5P, Denon 7000, ALO/Jenalabs 18AWG Ultrasone Edition 9), and they all need careful matching in terms of their sources to sound as good as they can.
My preferences for portable use are the Sig Pro and the T5P, but the latter have rather vulnerable, thin, cables, and do not fold down. They need a fuller, more rounded source too.
I really like the Sig Pro. They can sound a bit "dark", but only because of the slight bass emphasis that I hear with them. They sound best to my ears (which are now getting on in terms of age) with a sparkly but rounded input. And I am using the Fostex HP-P1 (with filter number 1) fed by an ALO pure copper (digital) cable from my iPod classic. That in fact is more sparkly than using the ALO SXC digital cable (which I did not expect) or the Audioquest Carbon digital cable. And the Fostex HP-P1 fed by the ALO copper cable sounds more sparkly than my (new) iQube V1 fed by the Fostex using a Nordost Heimdall 3.5 to 3.5 mm cable.
Aug 22, 2012 at 10:09 PM Post #1,258 of 2,431
By the way, I have a pretty good loudspeaker system, and use that as my reference for headphone comparisons. The Sig Pro sounds to my ears to be neutral but natural (and therefore when necessary rich and when necessary clear but not harsh) apart from a slightly prominent bass, which can make the rest of the frequency spectrum sound a bit recessed. But the sound stage sometimes seems wide, although not in a D7000-way.
I find myself turning the volume up higher with the Sig Pro than with the T5P in order to get the kind of detail which I like, but once that is done, and one hears "round" the bass hump, the sound is detailed and natural. By way of illustration, I heard something on one track (from Those Southern Knights, by The Crusaders, a long-time favourite album which I got when it came out in 1976) which I had never heard before just at the edge of the sound stage.
Aug 22, 2012 at 10:38 PM Post #1,259 of 2,431
Another postscript.
I have some unmodified Ultrasone Pro 900 headphones, and, despite using a Cardas (warm) replacement cable, they usually (in fact almost always) sound too harsh at the top end to my ears. And the bass, which often does not seem to have any definition, but is just there across the sound stage (even with a Silver Dragon cable in place of the Cardas one), does not make up for that. So, unlike Noxa, I do not rate the Pro 900 bass, and I do find the Sig Pro bass to be quite sufficient (and sometimes a bit more than sufficient).
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:09 AM Post #1,260 of 2,431
Hey driver 8,
Do you think you could do a more indepth comparison of to the 750s? I have them and I find them to be sibilant, with a slightly recessed midrange. Do you hear the Sig Pros as a substantial improvement? I'm looking for a headphone that has bass similar to the 750's, but minus the sibilance, and that are preferably more detailed and have better soundstage/imaging.
I own both.  While the 750's radical driver placement and larger cups gave more of a pinpoint effect to their imaging, they mostly sound f'd up compared to the Signatures.  I could put the 750's on tomorrow morning if you want something in depth, but from what I remember of their performance, even compared to something like the SRH840's, they're in very different leagues.
I don't remember the 750's having the sibilance the 8's or, to a lesser extent, the Signatures can have sometimes, but their incredibly funky midrange made them polarizing for me in a manner that the higher end Ultrasones aren't. 


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