Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread
Sep 22, 2013 at 7:00 AM Post #8,311 of 9,690

I meant cable memory, as it will always fall straight and tangle-free no matter how bunched up it was.
Anyways, the cable itself is very durable. I've yet to find a single fault with it in the 20 odd days of use. 10/10 for build quality.
Onto SQ: I've already burnt these in for over 100hrs before A/B-ing with a pair with the stock cables that belongs to a friend, with no equalizers. Open-box first listen may vary.

Main concern: 

The Mids. As many who have heard the TF10s will tell you, the mids are lacking where every other areas are well represented. At first I heard no differences to them when I first tried the Lunes as far as my memory could recall, but after a session comparing them to stock cables, I could hear improvements in micro details and an overall more forward presentation to the mid, quantity has improved, all while keeping a very natural TF10 feel to it(quality of the mids has always been there, was never the problem). Mids are still slightly recessed, but not to the point of missing out of the most of what a song/musical piece will have to offer.
Bass: Tightened up considerably. No longer bleeds into the mids, bass has decreased slightly in amount but still has plenty of punch. Recent comparisons also revealed a slightly longer rumble on certain tracks(string instruments particularly) which gives off a more organic feel.

Treble & Highs: Slight improvement. I'm putting them both in the same category due to the slight difference which can be summed up in a few words. Not much surprise here, the TF10s have always had good treble extension and it's sparkly Highs, details still shine through no matter how "busy" the songs are, which I have always found to be very impressive. The slight peaky-ness of the Highs(similar to what you get from stock cables) will move on after a short amount of burn-in, treble has also been reigned in a little, reducing some of it's (sometimes)excessive sparkle. Not much to say except for a more encompassing feel to overall representation. 
Soundstage: A noticeably larger presentation. The TF10s has impressive soundstage for it's time, but the cables improve on that. Better instrument placement, with more space in between. Very apparent when listening to orchestra pieces. 

Overall: Improvements in many areas already done rather well on the TF10s, also giving them some much needed versatility in the genres they perform well in.


Thanks for your impressions.
This cable seems very good!
The only issue is the price, I can't buy a cable more expensive than the price I've paid for my TF. XD

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Sep 22, 2013 at 7:23 AM Post #8,312 of 9,690
My renaissance with the TF10s was very nearly short lived, after the many years I've had them, the cable gave out - picked up a Fiio UE2, did the trick...
Been comparing these to various IEMs (Heir Tzar 350, Klipsch Custom 3, Sony XBA4) and these just sound so natural in comparison to those others mentioned - but they desperately crave power from a decent amp to get that SQ...
...Wish I'd have known this years ago, would've saved me quite a lot of cash!
Sep 22, 2013 at 7:37 AM Post #8,313 of 9,690
I meant cable memory, as it will always fall straight and tangle-free no matter how bunched up it was.

my bad! thought the other way. nice to see lune did reveal many aspects of TF10's potential.....but like everyone,is the cable worth the price?is what I question myself........ maybe comparing this to FiiO RC UE2 will have some answers. thx mate for sharing.
Sep 22, 2013 at 7:53 AM Post #8,314 of 9,690
I've tried just about every cable out there there are improvements but also trade offs in the frequency changes. I just use the stock cable now it's more portable and one less thing to worry about
Sep 22, 2013 at 8:51 AM Post #8,316 of 9,690
I've tried just about every cable out there there are improvements but also trade offs in the frequency changes. I just use the stock cable now it's more portable and one less thing to worry about

true......higher the cable grade will improve the SQ(sonic presentation) atleast by 15-20% even after some sacrifice here and there, imo....BUT there's one guy who sits on top and ruling the after market/DIY cable list...that's what we are looking out in our Head-fi community to treat our ears. I still use and preserve the stock cable like a 80's vintage aluminium stereo AMP!!
Sep 22, 2013 at 8:52 AM Post #8,317 of 9,690
I meant cable memory, as it will always fall straight and tangle-free no matter how bunched up it was.
Anyways, the cable itself is very durable. I've yet to find a single fault with it in the 20 odd days of use. 10/10 for build quality.
Onto SQ: I've already burnt these in for over 100hrs before A/B-ing with a pair with the stock cables that belongs to a friend, with no equalizers. Open-box first listen may vary.

Main concern: 

The Mids. As many who have heard the TF10s will tell you, the mids are lacking where every other areas are well represented. At first I heard no differences to them when I first tried the Lunes as far as my memory could recall, but after a session comparing them to stock cables, I could hear improvements in micro details and an overall more forward presentation to the mid, quantity has improved, all while keeping a very natural TF10 feel to it(quality of the mids has always been there, was never the problem). Mids are still slightly recessed, but not to the point of missing out of the most of what a song/musical piece will have to offer.
Bass: Tightened up considerably. No longer bleeds into the mids, bass has decreased slightly in amount but still has plenty of punch. Recent comparisons also revealed a slightly longer rumble on certain tracks(string instruments particularly) which gives off a more organic feel.

Treble & Highs: Slight improvement. I'm putting them both in the same category due to the slight difference which can be summed up in a few words. Not much surprise here, the TF10s have always had good treble extension and it's sparkly Highs, details still shine through no matter how "busy" the songs are, which I have always found to be very impressive. The slight peaky-ness of the Highs(similar to what you get from stock cables) will move on after a short amount of burn-in, treble has also been reigned in a little, reducing some of it's (sometimes)excessive sparkle. Not much to say except for a more encompassing feel to overall representation. 
Soundstage: A noticeably larger presentation. The TF10s has impressive soundstage for it's time, but the cables improve on that. Better instrument placement, with more space in between. Very apparent when listening to orchestra pieces. 

Overall: Improvements in many areas already done rather well on the TF10s, also giving them some much needed versatility in the genres they perform well in.

thanks for the insights
I also have same experience using my white angel cables for tf10
at first I can't hear much the difference, after sometime I found it more clear sounding and have black background compared to the stock cables
also the bass quantity decreases a little bit but the bass quality improves alot with more texture
I think lune cables is much superior upgrade than white angel cables due to better build since mine died twice and repaired it by myself to make it working until now
i'm still wondering how much sound improvement can I get by using the toxic silver poison cables, is it worth the premium price?
Sep 22, 2013 at 9:12 AM Post #8,318 of 9,690
I could never justify spending as much as that on a cable for my TF10's, yes, build quality looks really good and it will probably have a long service life but it won't sound that much different from any other silver coated cable. 
If you only want to try/experience the slight differences provided by a silver coated cable without breaking the bank, I'd recommend the Dark Lord cable.
Sep 22, 2013 at 9:58 AM Post #8,319 of 9,690
Thanks for your impressions.
This cable seems very good!
The only issue is the price, I can't buy a cable more expensive than the price I've paid for my TF. XD

Granted, it's not for everyone. My pair has been with me for 3 years and I keep it more due to sentimental value than anything. They are my first pair of Audiophile IEMs, and I'm still hard pressed to find another which pair I enjoy as much I have these blue wonders.
  my bad! thought the other way. nice to see lune did reveal many aspects of TF10's potential.....but like everyone,is the cable worth the price?is what I question myself........ maybe comparing this to FiiO RC UE2 will have some answers. thx mate for sharing.

The memory wire in the cable arcs nicely and is very comfortable, so I don't notice it at all when I wear them. Potential is a good word for it, though I can say that a good EQ will do just as much, if not more, these are very versatile. I believe the Aretes are more budget friendly what it's worth. I've had a few cables including the Fiios but I liked the Aretes much more. 

thanks for the insights
I also have same experience using my white angel cables for tf10
at first I can't hear much the difference, after sometime I found it more clear sounding and have black background compared to the stock cables
also the bass quantity decreases a little bit but the bass quality improves alot with more texture
I think lune cables is much superior upgrade than white angel cables due to better build since mine died twice and repaired it by myself to make it working until now
I'm still wondering how much sound improvement can I get by using the toxic silver poison cables, is it worth the premium price?

I'm not sure of the Toxics but these will probably be my last time getting cables for the TF10s. Which is why I'm taking rather good care of them. Burn-in do indeed make a slight difference, especially when it comes to conveying a black background to the sound. 
Sep 22, 2013 at 2:29 PM Post #8,320 of 9,690
Well I had also a pair of Shure se535 but they gave headache because of their forwarded mid. For this reason i think that TG recessed mid are not so bad.
I think shure has better SQ overall but I somehow still prefer my TF.
Theese blue wonder worth more than their street price and I can afford a custom cable.

Anyway I think that a good price for a cable would be around 30€-50€. This lune is really cool but maybe too expensive for me.

A concern about the other cables is the material of which they are made.. I would like to touch them with my hands before buying.

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PS: anyone has link for Dark Lord Cable review?
Sep 22, 2013 at 5:50 PM Post #8,321 of 9,690
Sep 22, 2013 at 7:20 PM Post #8,322 of 9,690
I agree there is a noticeable change especially in clarity and soundstage depth where the TF needs it. I don't like the reduction in bass and I found I liked the changes but $150-200 just wasn't worth it, and I used to recable everything.

I found the twag v2 and the silver dragon were best for me
true......higher the cable grade will improve the SQ(sonic presentation) atleast by 15-20% even after some sacrifice here and there, imo....BUT there's one guy who sits on top and ruling the after market/DIY cable list...that's what we are looking out in our Head-fi community to treat our ears. I still use and preserve the stock cable like a 80's vintage aluminium stereo AMP!!
Sep 22, 2013 at 7:33 PM Post #8,323 of 9,690
If I had figured this out and paired my TF-10 with my Arrow 3G, I probably wouldn't have upgraded to JH16. Funny after all the top tier customs and headphones I've had, I kept the triples, stock cable, and arrow 3G, it's definately a favorite if mine

My renaissance with the TF10s was very nearly short lived, after the many years I've had them, the cable gave out - picked up a Fiio UE2, did the trick...

Been comparing these to various IEMs (Heir Tzar 350, Klipsch Custom 3, Sony XBA4) and these just sound so natural in comparison to those others mentioned - but they desperately crave power from a decent amp to get that SQ...

...Wish I'd have known this years ago, would've saved me quite a lot of cash!
Sep 22, 2013 at 11:07 PM Post #8,324 of 9,690
I'm quite undecided between:

-FiiO RC UE2
-Song's Audio Metor
-Dark Lord Cable

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I can make it easier for you. 2 Fiio RC UE1 cables and 1 Dark Lord in the trash. Both have straight RCA connectors in common, that's where all 3 of the cables ended up wearing out. I now have a cable from Ted, who posts here with a right angle connector, so far so good.
Sep 22, 2013 at 11:18 PM Post #8,325 of 9,690
I'm really happy with my Chris_Himself Hybrids for about $100.  I can hear the difference from the stock cables (especially in bass and soundstage), and build quality is quite good.

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