The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 23, 2022 at 7:10 PM Post #16,756 of 90,736
The best part of this hobby is that every day of the year has the possibility to be another Christmas day. This is one of those days. Santa Claus just brought me this Jewel. The Jewel cable is throwaway. The shells are so light that they feel cheap. I decided to give it the proper pairing with N8ii and First Times.

This time, my first impressions are a lot different. Last time I tried to shoehorn it into Classical music. This time I am starting with Maroon 5. It sounds fantastic. It has great tuning. This sounds like Monarch mkii only not boring.

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Mar 23, 2022 at 7:12 PM Post #16,757 of 90,736
Ah, gotcha, makes sense now. Chances are once you pair a DAP with the C9 the two will rarely be used apart.

So true, at least in my case. I feel sorry for the guys the wallets of the guys that like so many different types of sound and music that they just buy everything. I know what I like and stick to it.

Not directed at you Hifi, but I've always considered buying multiple dedicated TOTL DAPs to pair with specific IEMs the height of audiophile insanity. Maybe just short of buying multiple TOTL cables to fine tune the sound of one IEM. But that's just me with my one DAP/one IEM/one preference mentality. I'm a rarity in this hobby, the exception to the rule. 😅

This is the niggle that taps me on the shoulder every time I consider a C9 or non-Sony DAP for my Sony IEMs/headphone... 🙄


And on a final note, I think I just found my new favourite IEM tips, made guessed it...


Just replaced the Spiral Dots/AET07 on the Z1R/IE900 respectively.
How did you get those here? I should give them another chance.
Mar 23, 2022 at 7:15 PM Post #16,758 of 90,736
Have you heard the Aroma Jewel yet? Stuff like this sounds incredible on it.
Not yet but I might have the chance to in 4 days when I meet @Rockwell75 @tgx78 @DanielListening @SBranson
Ah, gotcha, makes sense now. Chances are once you pair a DAP with the C9 the two will rarely be used apart.

So true, at least in my case. I feel sorry for the guys the wallets of the guys that like so many different types of sound and music that they just buy everything. I know what I like and stick to it.

Not directed at you Hifi, but I've always considered buying multiple dedicated TOTL DAPs to pair with specific IEMs the height of audiophile insanity. Maybe just short of buying multiple TOTL cables to fine tune the sound of one IEM. But that's just me with my one DAP/one IEM/one preference mentality. I'm a rarity in this hobby, the exception to the rule. 😅
I agree about the wallet part and in general being pragmatic about what you buy. I don't wanna be that guy but the way I see it, it depends what the individuals disposable income is. I got a friend that buys thousand dollar anime figurines. Basketball NFTs, a 10 second video recording of Lebron james dunking has sold for $100K.

Somewhere out there in the Metaverse, someone with a Blessing 2 Dusk is looking at Z1R owners thinking "maaan why are they paying that much for diminishing returns?". Loose metaphor but it can be a similar concept for DAP variety. Whether its simply for the joy of collecting or that 5-10% colouring difference, if they have means to buy, more power to them.

I think there can be a symbiotic relationship between the savants that have lots of gear and enthusiasts that are curious to know what those differences are. However, I can see how it can cause friction when some ideas are thrown out i.e "7.5K Orpheus is better than a 2.5K cable".
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Mar 23, 2022 at 7:42 PM Post #16,759 of 90,736
@Scubadevils a few artists for you
Ulrich schnauss
Kompakt (various artists) cheers

+1 for Ulrich Schnauss...I'll have to look into the others.

Another rec with "Scubi Devil" in mind, an old favourite from the early '00s UK "Triphop" scene:

These guys made some of the nicest, happiest most tuneful music ever.

Not directed at you Hifi, but I've always considered buying multiple dedicated TOTL DAPs to pair with specific IEMs the height of audiophile insanity.

There are some audiophile rocks in the 2-channel section that want a word with you.

That's the scourge of being a Sony fan. Cost of entry is comparatively mild but to hit the top you need to buy a $10K DAP.

That’ll be quite cool! I’ve been looking for that cable but it’s apparently all sold out in HK?

That remains to be seen. On the website you can get as far as adding one to your cart and proceeding to payment but (in Canada) stalling out because it doesn't give you any shipping options beyond HK, Macau or Taiwan. The fellow helping me was planning on going to the brick and mortar version of the store I'm dealing with later in the week and when he's there he will inquire about the cable for all will soon be revealed.

In a thread where we come to discourse about a plethora of things but what binds us is the love of music and passion for the audio “tools” that enhance that love (iems, HPs, cables - for the latter, it’s the oft love-hate relationship of price vs quality, etc), I think this passion itself is thrilling madness. I revel in that madness, but I enjoy it in an Alice in Wonderland way. How else to explain this confounding lack of lucidity to others who don’t understand how “earphones” can (or as they say “should”) cost more than $300? 🤓 So display away, all your audio gear, and to those who have plenty of a variety of many many things, I’m envious but living vicariously through your sharing! 🤩

Beautifully said.

The best part of this hobby is that every day of the year has the possibility to be another Christmas day.

That's just what my drug dealer said. Oh wait :p

In other news I went on another hike today:

Some BC beauty:


Enjoying my AKSR25ii reunited with the Zen Pro:

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Mar 23, 2022 at 7:46 PM Post #16,761 of 90,736
Not directed at you Hifi, but I've always considered buying multiple dedicated TOTL DAPs to pair with specific IEMs the height of audiophile insanity. Maybe just short of buying multiple TOTL cables to fine tune the sound of one IEM. But that's just me with my one DAP/one IEM/one preference mentality. I'm a rarity in this hobby, the exception to the rule. 😅
gotta source roll :) I have yet to jump back into the DAP territory given I don't have the need to be mobile
Mar 23, 2022 at 7:46 PM Post #16,762 of 90,736
+1 for Ulrich Schnauss...I'll have to look into the others.

Another rec with "Scubi Devil" in mind, an old favourite from the early '00s UK "Triphop" scene:

These guys made some of the nicest, happiest most tuneful music ever.

There are some audiophile rocks in the 2-channel section that want a word with you.

That's the scourge of being a Sony fan. Cost of entry is comparatively mild but to hit the top you need to buy a $10K DAP.

That remains to be seen. On the website you can get as far as adding one to your cart and proceeding to payment but (in Canada) stalling out because it doesn't give you any shipping options beyond HK, Macau or Taiwan. The fellow helping me was planning on going to the brick and mortar version of the store I'm dealing with later in the week and when he's there he will inquire about the cable for all will soon be revealed.

Beautifully said.

That's just what my drug dealer said. Oh wait :p

In other news I went on another hike today:

Some BC beauty:


Enjoying my AKSR25ii reunited with the Zen Pro:


:scream: Wow what a view! Wish I was fishing in that lake right about now.
Mar 23, 2022 at 7:50 PM Post #16,763 of 90,736
:scream: Wow what a view! Wish I was fishing in that lake right about now.

There were 3 swans out enjoying the water but I couldn't get a very good shot of them:

Mar 23, 2022 at 7:52 PM Post #16,764 of 90,736
Been having a lot of fun with audio gear lately. I made a channel last night for IEM / DAP impressions. Figured I should before the VE / Fir line kits arrive

Exciting! Curious about the Jewel, Xe6, your Zen Pro actually.

What are some differences you noticed going from stock -> first times? Thanks.
Sorry, No help here. When I got EXT, I just plugged in First times that had been waiting for EXT. I then listened to two cuts and installed them in my break in set up and played music thru them for a week.
Mar 23, 2022 at 8:04 PM Post #16,765 of 90,736
Another rec with "Scubi Devil" in mind, an old favourite from the early '00s UK "Triphop" scene:

These guys made some of the nicest, happiest most tuneful music ever.

Used to listen to these guys and Aim a lot when younger, great albums to drift off to. You'll find some in that link I sent you. :wink:
Mar 23, 2022 at 8:06 PM Post #16,766 of 90,736
Used to listen to these guys and Aim a lot when younger, great albums to drift off to. You'll find some in that link I sent you. :wink:

Lemon Jelly has been a staple of my playlists almost continuously for years but I haven't heard Aim in a while...thanks for reminding me :)

@Scuba Devils' MEXT review made the front page...congrats!
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Mar 23, 2022 at 8:28 PM Post #16,768 of 90,736
I've been spinning through all of my music and the Jewel is slaying it with everything. Maroon 5, Michael Jackson, Bill Watrous, Pentatonix, Horowitz, James Taylor orchestral, opera. The only thing that didn't sound perfect with is a Boston track as the lead vocal sounded a bit veiled amidst the thrashing electric guitars.

Needless to say, I love them and I am not sure what I was missing at Can Jam. The only thing that I can think of is that I was A/B testing for some specific music with Odin. I did pair it with my RS6 and the stock cable which is doggie doo doo. Normally, what I do is start listening to some random music in my collection, figure out what I like and try different music based on what I am hearing. In the case of the Jewel, everything sounds good no matter what music I switch to. Now, it is a much more reference sound with a very reference DAP and revealing cable. So, it is the ultimate palette cleansing listen. Like I said, it reminds me of the Monarch mkii in its tuning, but the sound is vibrant and relaxed at the same time. It has a very elegant sound. The bass is tastefully rendered and not over done. Treble is fantastic. Clearly dynamic driver bass with no incoherence to my ear. The feeling I get is that this is how the music was recorded to sound like and in the mind set I am in right now, that sounds perfect.

Clearly, I still need to A/B test this against other IEMs and whenever I have the feeling I have, it is usually tempered after A/B testing the alternatives. It is definitely leaving a great impression. Where might it fit into my collection? I am thinkng, but I won't know until I do some detailed listening is replace Odin, Traillii and Monarch. There is a lot of overlap in what they offer to me and Jewel has them all. But, I won't know until I really compare them A/B/C. Red Halo is very different. It is midcentric and is not likely to be beaten for anything with vocals. Opera, Broadway, Jazz, Pop, etc.

My favorite bass is EVO. My favorite mids is Red Halo FE. Could this have the best treble? This is what I will be trying to ascertain.
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Mar 23, 2022 at 8:39 PM Post #16,770 of 90,736
All things being equal sure, but in many cases price has to be the decision point. We're in a forum where some people can purchase an IEM like the XE6 or Traillii almost passively, where for others it might consist of a complicated shell game of buying, selling and balancing, and for others still it might be right out of reach with the temptation looming to seriously over extend oneself in order to do it. All my comments on this matter are an attempt to reconcile this reality. In an ideal world one will be able to demo everything and then choose the "tool" that best suits their needs. Often, though, demoing is not an option and people are constrained to choose the best option that fits in their lifestyle or budget. My only point is that sometimes we tend to exaggerate the differences distinguishing the higher and lower tier stuff. I love the Xe6...I rate it #2 of all the IEMs I've heard, however alot of what I love about that IEM is already there in my Dorado gets me a good deal of the way there at a fraction of the price and when I'm listening to the Dorado I'm totally engaged and not at all conscious of what I might be missing with other IEMs.

I'm going through the same thing with First Times for my EXT haha

Unfortunately for many, especially those living outside of the US in this case, demoing is not possible so they have to rely on the testimony of people in forums like this who have heard them and are experienced with some perspective to share. At the end of the day for people in that situation the best thing to do is read through the posts in forums like this one, wade through all the different perspectives and then make the decision that seems right for them. That's one of the biggest advantages of threads like this-- it's a repository of collectively years of experience and a wide variety of opinions.

I think I didn't explain myself properly. I wasn't saying that we shouldn't have the discussion, that the discussion isn't worthwhile, or that diminishing returns shouldn't be emphasized more than it is. My point is just that, based on my experience with myself and with others, it doesn't matter how much we acknowledge diminishing returns, where the line is etc.-- the reality is that this is just something people have to experience for themselves to know where the line is for them personally and what the point is they will not cross. Plus there is the fact of human nature, which says that as soon as you tell people not to do a thing then immediately they want to do it. There are some forums I frequent where people will pontificate carefully about whether this IEM or that is worth the extra $40 over the JVC FDX1, and then there are some of the conversations here where people are told, basically, that they should absolutely spend the extra $1600 and get the Xe6 over the Ne4. Back when I got started there were people warning me about diminishing returns, so I was conscious of it, but it wasn't until I over did it a little that I realized fully what it meant and where my personal boundary-- both in terms of cost and performance-- really is. This the jist of what I meant-- the discussion & collection of wisdom is important, but I think the practical reality is that, especially in a place like this where there is such a diversity of means, the question of where one's individual line in the sand is will necessarily be a very personal decision informed mostly by their own practical experience. YMMV etc.
Very well said @Rockwell75.

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