The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Sep 21, 2022 at 2:26 PM Post #35,717 of 91,357
I am not disagreeing with your overall point. Only the first sentence about bass. If you prefer what I will call more accurate bass ( matching that of a high end 2 channel system or live music ) I felt the Traillii superior to all of the EE line ( I have not heard the Odyssey yet ). I do like EE, but I keep reading you and others call out bass and wanted to share my thoughts on that one point.

Now I will go back to listen to some Apple AirPods and Bluetooth speakers!!! By the way I may write-up a brief review of some Bluetooth speakers as I needed to purchase some over the summer for outdoor parties.
I think the Odyssey is Empire Ears best all around IEM. It really does showcase the DD bass with great overall tuning. You and I have similar taste. I think you may prefer the Viking Ragnar because it is like a cross between Red Halo and Traillii. For me, the only thing missing from the Ragnar is pronounced DD timbre which Empire Ears is known for. I think the majority here will prefer Odyssey because of it. Empire Ears really did a good job on the tuning with a bass elevation that makes it work as an all around IEM while putting the DD bass in a great context. They are both great. If you prefer DD timbre, you are probably going to prefer Odyssey.
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Sep 21, 2022 at 2:26 PM Post #35,718 of 91,357
I absolutely concur. The vocals on the Viking Ragnar are on point. Simply ethereal. This IEM is a winner and it is in the same bracket as the Jewel & Traillii which is a feat. To everyone, forget the GT600, Supermoon & Odyssey. Get the Viking Ragnar. Never been so excited about an IEM since the Jewel & Traillii in which both went on to become crowd favourite elite tier IEMs. The Viking Ragnar is the latest big winner.
I basically A/B tested the Ragnar and Odyssey back to back. I completely disagree with you, as do others I know from CanJam SoCal.

If you haven’t A/B Odyssey vs Ragnar you shouldn’t be making such a bold statement. If you have, I don’t know how you can just forget about the Odyssey sound.

My preference between the 2 is definitely Odyssey. As @Natesdailies pointed out, Ragnar is not ideal for metal and electronic music which is 90% of what I listen to. Even then, I would never say to forget the Ragnar as it is quite good.
Sep 21, 2022 at 2:26 PM Post #35,719 of 91,357
This. 100%. If the sound of the music doesn't move you, everything else is irrelevant. Doesn't matter how "good" it is in your eyes, but if it is, good for you then! No judgement, but big bold statements on which IEM does it better won't land you any points with the folks here.
Yup, agreed. 100%.

I mentioned that I came to HeadFi years ago, and honestly left it partly because some folks talked in absurdist “truths” about what was “best”, and it quite honestly, was off-putting, to say the least. This was during the “flame war” forum era, where it seemed some people LIKED the fighting. Not me, left for a few years actually. Two reasons I came back: I needed/wanted new gear! Secondly, things had changed in forum tone, this forum being a prime example. It’s ENJOYABLE to actually take a moment from my day to catch up with virtual friends and here the latest chatter, and a key component is everyone seems to understand that even at the highest levels of audio experience, everyone is different, there’s really no one “best”, and it’s all subjective. This ain’t Game of Thrones, no universally agreed upon one IEM that’s sitting on the Iron Throne, waiting to defend the perch or be defeated.

I’ll humbly share that I personally am a little nervous about sharing my opinions on gear, because I’m not good at articulating what I’m hearing etc. I wanna get better at it, working on that journey, but what I love about the more, I don’t know… “inclusive” HeadFi, and especially the Water Cooler, is I can hang with folks like @Rockwell75 or @HiFiHawaii808 , and many others, who are AMAZING at explaining their (subjective) opinion about gear, the technicalities, etc, without a hint of suggesting their opinion is the only right opinion. It’s appreciated.
Sep 21, 2022 at 2:32 PM Post #35,720 of 91,357
Yup, agreed. 100%.

I mentioned that I came to HeadFi years ago, and honestly left it partly because some folks talked in absurdist “truths” about what was “best”, and it quite honestly, was off-putting, to say the least. This was during the “flame war” forum era, where it seemed some people LIKED the fighting. Not me, left for a few years actually. Two reasons I came back: I needed/wanted new gear! Secondly, things had changed in forum tone, this forum being a prime example. It’s ENJOYABLE to actually take a moment from my day to catch up with virtual friends and here the latest chatter, and a key component is everyone seems to understand that even at the highest levels of audio experience, everyone is different, there’s really no one “best”, and it’s all subjective. This ain’t Game of Thrones, no universally agreed upon one IEM that’s sitting on the Iron Throne, waiting to defend the perch or be defeated.

I’ll humbly share that I personally am a little nervous about sharing my opinions on gear, because I’m not good at articulating what I’m hearing etc. I wanna get better at it, working on that journey, but what I love about the more, I don’t know… “inclusive” HeadFi, and especially the Water Cooler, is I can hang with folks like @Rockwell75 or @HiFiHawaii808 , and many others, who are AMAZING at explaining their (subjective) opinion about gear, the technicalities, etc, without a hint of suggesting their opinion is the only right opinion. It’s appreciated.

@Skyediver, we had a blast together this weekend. In addition, you are one of the few who I got to hang out with in New York, Chicago and California. It was so great listening to you trying to decide whether to diversify into more flavors of IEMs or expand in to full sized headphones. You have a tough decision to make as they are all so good and provide different experiences. You did buy the last Orpheus cable that Andrew had. I am so happy I got to hear it before it ended up in your bag in Chicago. But, I am jealous. You bought a Holo May. I want to hear that DAC drive my headphones.
Sep 21, 2022 at 2:36 PM Post #35,721 of 91,357
I basically A/B tested the Ragnar and Odyssey back to back. I completely disagree with you, as do others I know from CanJam SoCal.

If you haven’t A/B Odyssey vs Ragnar you shouldn’t be making such a bold statement. If you have, I don’t know how you can just forget about the Odyssey sound.

My preference between the 2 is definitely Odyssey. As @Natesdailies pointed out, Ragnar is not ideal for metal and electronic music which is 90% of what I listen to. Even then, I would never say to forget the Ragnar as it is quite good.

I did an informal poll at CanJam of Odyssey and Ragnar. I think the preference was about 3 to 1 in favor of Odyssey. There were many people who came out initially in favor of Ragnar and then switched their preference once they heard Odyssey. Empire Ears knocked it out of the park with that offering.
Sep 21, 2022 at 2:45 PM Post #35,722 of 91,357
@Skyediver, we had a blast together this weekend. In addition, you are one of the few who I got to hang out with in New York, Chicago and California. It was so great listening to you trying to decide whether to diversify into more flavors of IEMs or expand in to full sized headphones. You have a tough decision to make as they are all so good and provide different experiences. You did buy the last Orpheus cable that Andrew had. I am so happy I got to hear it before it ended up in your bag in Chicago. But, I am jealous. You bought a Holo May. I want to hear that DAC drive my headphones.
Had a blast, man! It’s honestly been hard to jumpstart myself back into regular work life the last couple of days, last weekend was like DisneyLand for Audiophiles.

And I should be getting my Holo May delivered soon, excited for that. I bought it before CanJam because I knew I’d spend all that money on CanJam toys, otherwise, lol. Trying to be “strategic” by getting my endgame DAC, as I sort through the endgame cans you suggested I consider, thank you brother. THAT purchase will likely be at CanJam NYC, if I don’t get dazzled and distracted by the IEM beauties we sampled on Saturday and Sunday. Good problems to have 😎
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:01 PM Post #35,723 of 91,357
Hiss affects the dynamic range, the depth of the scene and the quality of the transmission of small details. But needless to say, these are the details that will not be noticeable in every composition. So when listening to, say, a compact, warm recording with vocals and simple accompaniment, I don't think the hiss will make much of a difference, as the ear just adapts to it.

Exactly, and also the reason why I use 30sec intro of Agnes Obel "The Curse" as my hiss-test track :) With only a few instruments playing, it is easier to shift your focus on background hissing (even a subtle waterfall level) if there is any.
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:17 PM Post #35,724 of 91,357
I know that there's a dedicated thread, but would like to ask also here, which iems should I look for, in the sub 2k region, that are great with metal?
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:19 PM Post #35,725 of 91,357
I’ll humbly share that I personally am a little nervous about sharing my opinions on gear, because I’m not good at articulating what I’m hearing etc. I wanna get better at it, working on that journey, but what I love about the more, I don’t know… “inclusive” HeadFi, and especially the Water Cooler, is I can hang with folks like @Rockwell75 or @HiFiHawaii808 , and many others, who are AMAZING at explaining their (subjective) opinion about gear, the technicalities, etc, without a hint of suggesting their opinion is the only right opinion. It’s appreciated.

Don't ever be nervous about sharing your opinions-- any sincere attempt is appreciated. The most important thing is, as you allude here, to write with humility and tact. Humility because subjectivity is the ruling factor of this hobby-- no one answer is correct and nobody, especially in a forum full of experienced enthusiasts such as who frequent this thread, appreciates it when others deify their own opinions and perspective. Tact is just as important-- we often have a tremendous emotional connection to our favorite gear and nobody appreciates it when something they love is trashed. Sincere criticism is fine but undue negativity or dismissal is not ideal-- if a criticism is valid or useful there will be a way to convey it without being offensive or obnoxious.

Had a blast, man! It’s honestly been hard to jumpstart myself back into regular work life the last couple of days, last weekend was like DisneyLand for Audiophiles.

Same the last two days of work have seen my mind in the lala land of CanJam reminiscing and plotting my audio future.
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:34 PM Post #35,726 of 91,357
I know that there's a dedicated thread, but would like to ask also here, which iems should I look for, in the sub 2k region, that are great with metal?
Depending on your source, MEST mkii should be considered at that price point.
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:48 PM Post #35,728 of 91,357
My source is mainly an adi2dac and a mojo2 as well
It's been a while since I heard either of those guys. You'll want to probably focus on the warmer source. Probably decent with the Mojo. Maybe someone has heard that combo? The RME is pretty "revealing", lol. Cold, if I remember it correctly. Good EQ-sound shaping options though to mess with.
Sep 21, 2022 at 3:53 PM Post #35,729 of 91,357
It's been a while since I heard either of those guys. You'll want to probably focus on the warmer source. Probably decent with the Mojo. Maybe someone has heard that combo? The RME is pretty "revealing", lol. Cold, if I remember it correctly. Good EQ-sound shaping options though to mess with.
Yep maybe mest mk2 and adi could be a nasty pairing, i like more a musical and warm signature

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