SUBA replied to the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread.Very interesting thoughts (Many Thanks)... I have ordered some Velvets in wide bore to try them with Traillii 👍
SUBA reacted to phiemon's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.One of the things I wanted to get at is that I perceive tips with wide bore in such a way that the bass is increased, as you wrote, but...
SUBA reacted to Frankie D's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.Might be true. I actually prefer a wide bore and short tips, but dislike a hot treble. Ultimately fit is the most important.
SUBA reacted to Frankie D's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.Typically wide bore tips increase the bass, or allow the most to come through. Not sure about the treble.
SUBA reacted to phiemon's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.To put it briefly: generally yes. But a more precise and correct answer would be more complicated. I am also very satisfied with the...
SUBA replied to the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread.I have been enjoying the Bird with Dinivus Velvets as it smooths the treble a little for me and I'm having a bit of a session with Daft...
SUBA replied to the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread.I got a black & red Bird a few weeks back and love the Divinus Velvet tips with it as it smooths the treble a little for me... Happy...
SUBA reacted to NYanakiev's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.The low end reproduction of the Ti is one of the reasons why there was no doubt in my mind as to which I should buy. I perceived the...
SUBA reacted to qua2k's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.Brand spanking new Ulan 8W for the Birdy. This is a beautiful cable!! Now I just need to get over this pesky ear infection and all will...
SUBA reacted to NYanakiev's post in the thread Oriolus Traillii Electrostatic Hybrid IEM discussion thread with Like.Well, I got my Traillii Ti from Musicteck and have complete confidence in their willingness and ability to rectify any problems. My...
SUBA reacted to Leto Dal's comment on classifieds listing Amber Pearl IEM Pristine Condition with Like.Argh, hoped to try them during our Paris meet-up :) GLWS!