The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?
Sep 20, 2011 at 10:38 PM Post #166 of 2,849

..How did I know you would love these.. My offer still stands.. You have to hate them so I can order you a monoprice. hahaha!!

LOL!  You can actually keep your money!  And the Monoprice!  The Panny's are where it's at, no contest period all the way up to a few benjamins.  Malveaux is right on about the sound in his review, which was well done.  I personally am completely addicted to the sig on these - and I just pre-heated them!
Sep 20, 2011 at 11:17 PM Post #167 of 2,849
i'm intrigued, but i've tried many budget cans and sung their praises, only to recant a few weeks later when the newness wore off. budget cans that stayed great for me are the jvc harx700 and the pioneer se-m390. can anybody do a direct comparison plz?
Sep 21, 2011 at 12:09 AM Post #168 of 2,849

it's mainly the angled drivers in these 600's that has me interested. I have the Philips 890 and the Philips 9200 Cineos ( the 1000 replacement ) and both have the angled drivers, as does a custom ortho I did up. it definitely makes a difference.
If any Canadians go for a pair can you let me know where you got em and what you paid.
I'll keep my eye on the for sale forums in a bit after this rush, but that may be wishful thinking.
$64.48 after shipping is included. Not as cheap as the US, but that's hardly surprising.
Sep 21, 2011 at 12:34 AM Post #169 of 2,849

i'm intrigued, but i've tried many budget cans and sung their praises, only to recant a few weeks later when the newness wore off. budget cans that stayed great for me are the jvc harx700 and the pioneer se-m390. can anybody do a direct comparison plz?

Ya I have both of those myself..I can safely say the Panasonics don't match up to those.. Try matching up to and out doing an Audio Technica M50.. The Sony XZ700 and the Shure SRH440..Kicker 541..  And many many more.. I can't remember a HP I have purchased that is this fun to listen to music with..So far from the few that have them you can clearly tell these stick out.. I know what you mean by the budget cans that fade away after the honey moon period.. Beyond worthy to add to your collection. The sound on these have nothing to do with budget.  If I was to put a money value on sounds alone.. hmmm lets see. I would put it at around $150-$200. Maybe more..Malveaux did compare these as a mini HD650 $350.. Get them and find out for yourself.. These are nothing like your budget cans. Not even close..

$64.48 after shipping is included. Not as cheap as the US, but that's hardly surprising.

For the guys that reside in Canada.. I know it cost more but these are so worthy of $65 you guys will pay..I am not kidding when I say these sound like a $150-$200 HP. .If I knew what I know now about them $65 is a drop in the bucket for this sound.. $65 shipped is a fantastic deal for these.  Double that would be a fantastic deal.. Which Canadian will be the first to try these?.. You all can brag about the usual Hp you guys can get but these. Who will be the first.. These are astonishing at triple that price. I have a new V-moda V-80 and I am not kidding when I compare the sounds I get from this Panasonics to those @ $230 I only wish the V-80s had this bass on the Panasonics.. I say get them if you are able you won't have buyers remorse for your $65 at all.
Sep 21, 2011 at 1:36 AM Post #170 of 2,849
I started to check out these against the Monoprices I bought earlier on some Rap/Hip-hop...there's no competition.  I prefer the bass on the actually hear the lower frequencies, and I get this kinda vibration feeling on my ears that I just don't get with the Kickers/Monoprices.  All while the mids and highs sound better.  
Interesting, the base was "weak" or underwhelming out of the box.  However, in just a couple of hours the bass really began to take presence.  Its amazing how low of a frequency these cans get reproduce.  Now it just seems much fuller than my Monoprices.  And for only about 8 bucks more shipped in the US!  I can't believe how great these sound and the variety of music they sound great on!
Sep 21, 2011 at 10:18 AM Post #171 of 2,849
ZOMG, I got these today, TODAY, I was expecting to get them maybe next monday - wednesday, the estimated date was also 26th... it was shipped on monday from UK and arrived today to my door in Finland and with the free of charge super saver shipping option. xD Big thumps up to, I've never got something this fast when ordering from UK before (it's usually 5 days or so) even when paying quite a lot in shipment...
Sep 21, 2011 at 10:32 AM Post #173 of 2,849
Just got mine... listening to some trance and electronica to give it a workout. Sound ok to me all over the spectrum. They don't go as high as my Shure 440s, mids at least are not recessed like on the AT-M50s (yes, I did find them mids recessed on those!) but bass is pretty sweet though! Still need to listen to more tracks and do more comparisons later in the week. But just like the monoprice ones, for $30 it's a superb deal!!
Now onto some metal... :p
Sep 21, 2011 at 10:58 AM Post #174 of 2,849
A BIG con for these... too much sound escapes out... everyone around is listening to what I'm listening!!! :frowning2:
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:04 AM Post #175 of 2,849

A BIG con for these... too much sound escapes out... everyone around is listening to what I'm listening!!! :frowning2:

Yeap, they leak, not a secret. They are closed, but the vents are numerous and the sound escapes at a pace that sounds just below semi-open. But it's not like the flood gates are open when wearing a Grado, mind.
Very best,
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:06 AM Post #176 of 2,849
Well here's some very initial impressions of only 45 ~ 60 mins of use. This headphone rests very gently on my ears, like no clamping whatsoever, pretty much the same as my 1 year+ used XB500 (at launch XB500 was clamping a bit more than HTF600 but since those pads are so soft and huge that wasn't making these panasonics any more comfortable but comfort is excellent on both). It's almost as if I had wished tiny bit more clamping force out of these Panasonics but when pressing them against my ears the sound doesn't really change though, no more bass or anything so that's a good indication that it still clamps sufficiently for a good seal. Build quality feels very good for a headphone of this price, this one you don't have to worry about breaking unless exhibited to excessive abuse. Isolation is quite poor due to the semi-closed design (might even be tiny bit worse than on XB500).
And then to the sound, I'm not quite that amazed by them compared to my XB500 that's been used for hrs a day for over a year now but I'm sure these Panasonics need some burn-in. I would even go as far as saying the mids are slightly more muffled and recessed than on the XB500 both compared with a flat EQ. Also the bass like expected is a bit weaker but has decent amount of punch/impact but extends well too, it sounds very much like XB500 but like 3dB or so weaker perhaps (compare using FiiO E5's bass boost vs without it). The Panasonics sound a bit less engaging so far at least due to the less forward bass and mids, even highs aren't that much different to the XB500 but again maybe it's due to the XB500 being used for like 1500+ hrs and Panasonic like 1 hr. So far I'd still pick XB500 but I'll have to mess with EQ with Panasonic etc and see how it responds (I did try some quickly and it wouldn't need much balancing job but I prefer boosting the whole range on the EQ I use for a more forward sound though which is more appealing to me).
Well who knows if I've got an unusually great XB500 sample or something too. The mids are very forward and clear on my XB500 with the right EQ settings and like I said even comparing flat EQ setting on both these headphones, XB500 might even have tiny bit more forward mids...
EDIT: The Panasonics doesn't respond nearly as great to EQing as the XB500, same thing can be said about comparing how ZO's bass boost behaves with the headphone, there's not much change from the first boosted level to the maximum boosted level (level 31). On XB500 I wouldn't even dare going past level 15 or so (normally I use lvl 2) as that already brings a earshaking/brain rattling bass response
EDIT: Around 1kHz it seems the Panasonic is very forward but at around 2kHz and ~500Hz the XB500 is a little more forward (the XB500 can even get "harsh" mids when boosting 2kHz a bit too much). The mids on the Panasonic starts sounding a bit better when 1kHz is left a bit lower compared to 500Hz and 2kHz, it makes them more clear sounding.
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:51 AM Post #177 of 2,849

Yeap, they leak, not a secret. They are closed, but the vents are numerous and the sound escapes at a pace that sounds just below semi-open. But it's not like the flood gates are open when wearing a Grado, mind.
Very best,

It's weird though cause these are supposed to be "closed-back" cans and I believe that neither
my AD700s nor the HD600s leak back this much sound... maybe it's the "office" environment
(which is usually quiet...)
and agree... not a Grado-leakfest but still...
BTW, a friend of mine already wants a pair of these!! lol
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:55 AM Post #178 of 2,849
Hey all
My first post here but have been lurking for about a year now.
I am also unfortunately from Canada so the mark up on these is kind of sad. I did find them (I think) at Techdepot canada for 44/45 bucks. Some people can try there. Unfortunately I don't know much about the site and there service. Plus they don't show a picture just the product code number. I may take a shot at them later today. I am a tad worn out trying to find a Canadian retailer for these cans since the excitement first started.
I do have one question though. I have my first budget pair Superlux HD668B even with the plastic cups I still adore them. Does anyone have a soundstage comparison for these two phones? Or just a straight comparison?
Thank-you so much. :)
Sep 21, 2011 at 12:36 PM Post #179 of 2,849

Hey all
My first post here but have been lurking for about a year now.
I am also unfortunately from Canada so the mark up on these is kind of sad. I did find them (I think) at Techdepot canada for 44/45 bucks. Some people can try there. Unfortunately I don't know much about the site and there service. Plus they don't show a picture just the product code number. I may take a shot at them later today. I am a tad worn out trying to find a Canadian retailer for these cans since the excitement first started.
I do have one question though. I have my first budget pair Superlux HD668B even with the plastic cups I still adore them. Does anyone have a soundstage comparison for these two phones? Or just a straight comparison?
Thank-you so much. :)

I have a Samson SR850 which is a rebranded superlux and I can tell you. The Panasonics are a completely different animal. The sounds will be much more fuller on the Panasonics..The Bass is on another level on the Panasonics and reaches notes that are hard for most headphones can do..Because of how different the phones are compared to your Superlux. I would track one of these down and give them a try. They are outrageously good..Definitely worth tacking down..
Sep 21, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #180 of 2,849
For the guys that just got these.. I know you all will burn these in.. YOU better because I can confirm on my new pair the bass is not at the same level as my original pair..
Again 24hours minimum before judgement and a total of 50 for complete break in period..I was completely surprised that the bass is actually shy on a new set.. Believe me guys the bass and over all smoothness changes for the better after burn in.. So.. BURN AWAY!!!
Glad you got those early RPGWizard...

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