Audio technica ATH M50s vs Sony mdr V6 vs Sony mdr zx600 or Sony mdr zx700?
Well, my budget is very tight since I am only a teenager so i literally have to wait next year to be able to buy new headphones (christmas money). I mostly listen to rap/hiphop/r&b but i do have a diverse music library. I have very bass heavy headphones like the mdr xb800s, mdr xb500s and the...- vivalacarlo
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones sony-mdr-zx600-blk-over-the-head-style-headphones sony-mdr-zx700 sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Replacement Drivers???
I recently bought a pair of Sony zx700 headphones for the amazing price of 25 dollars used in "acceptable" condition. When they arrived at my door yesterday, I opened the package, then the box, an put the headphones on. The first thing I noticed was that the right ear was not working. I don't...- GabeyGabe
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- sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
[REVIEW] Sony MDR-ZX700 vs. Audio Technica ATH-AD700
_______________REVIEW: SONY MDR-ZX700___________________ Hello everyone, The new Sony MDR-ZX700s are Sony's new entry into the $100 segment. They were released in the beginning of 2011 during CES and have gathered some minor head-fi love in the period. Sony claims that they are very...- manuvajpai
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- asus-xonar-essence-stx sony-mdr-zx700 head-direct-re2-in-ear-headphones audio-technica-ath-ad700
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Alternatives for the Sony v6?
I want the same studio quality but without the coil cable Big cables make me not want to use them outside- MellonCollie
- Thread
- sony-mdr-cd900st sony-mdr-zx700 sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Good Portable Sony Headphones $50-$150
hey guys! Just asking, ay suggestions on Sony headphones within the $50-$150 price range? if so. thanks!- Ezio
- Thread
- jvc-victor-portable-headphones-ha-s500-z sony-mdr-zx700 jvc-has400b-carbon-nanotube-on-ear-headband-headphones-black fiio-e7-usb-dac-and-portable-headphone-amplifier sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
new comer, small experience, big questions
Hello to everybody, I am Italian and since 10 yrs I am quite enthusiatic about hifi. I also did some DIY (two speker pairs and a two power amps). I got a child since few months and I started thinking that in the future I would need some headphones for music listening without bothering to...- glicioto
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- denon-ah-d600 fiio-e12-mont-blanc nuforce-hp-800 sony-mdr-zx700 akg-k-550 etymotic-research-hf3
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Original Xiaomi 1 More Design In-ear Headphones
I've just taken a punt from iBuyGou on these. Anyone got a pair yet? I can't find any reviews. DeadMan
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- sennheiser-px-100-collapsible-headphones koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open xiaomi sony-mdr-zx700 xiaomi-2nd-v2-1-if-commemorative-limited-edition-piston-earphone-earbud-with-remote-mic sennheiser-ocx-685i-sports-in-ear-canal-headphones-black
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Advice: Durable Headphones
I need to get new headphones, and could use some advice. What I'm looking for are durable (most important part) on/over ear headphones with good sound quality that aren't too bass heavy. I don't really care how good they look, in fact I'd prefer them to look plain, so there is a smaller chance...- QuestionsGalore
- Thread
- sony-mdr-zx700 sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Simple survey on popular headphones
Hi, I've been wanting to purchase more headphones to add to my collection and rather than ask details about the sound, I thought that this method may get me responses faster and I can use it as reference for some future purchases. I own all the headphones in my sig, except Stax, but one...- staxxx
- Thread
- jvc-full-size-headphones-model-ha-rx700-wired-headphones sennheiser-hd-555-headphones sennheiser-hd-800-headphones audio-technica-ath-m50s sennheiser-hd-600 audio-technica-ath-a700-headphones jvc-ha-rx300 sony-mdr-zx700 sennheiser-hd-201-headphones sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need help narrowing down my search for first "real" headphones and lots of general questions. Read FAQ's/guides and searched.
Hi guys, A few days ago, I was planning on buying Plantronics GameCom 780 to use while I play computer games. Well, I did a bit of searching and learned that if I really want to get the most bang for my buck, I should buy a clip on mic and get a real pair of 'phones. So here I am. I've...- BattlePope
- Thread
- jvc-harx700-high-grade-full-size-headphone grado-sr80i-headphones sony-mdr-zx700 monoprice-premium-8323-hi-fi-dj-style-over-the-ear-pro-headphone shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones sennheiser-hd-280-headphones sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
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- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Make your cheap headphones sound like they cost twice the price.
So, as a lot of you guys may know, sound depends on many factors. When designing a headphone, manufacturers have to consider many variables that affect the sound, far more than simply the type of driver that is used. In fact, the sound of the driver is highly dependent on it's surroundings. A...- Aizura
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-555-headphones sennheiser-hd-800-headphones sennheiser-hd-598 sennheiser-hd-595-headphones sony-mdr-zx700 ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Have TakStar Pro80 and Looking for the Next Step Up...Got Bored
Exhibiting tremendous restraint and not just leaping to a pair of 800's, I have slowly moved up the value / SQ chain with 20 pairs of cans. What would be the next good step up from the Pro80's? Closed or Open is fine. I listen to rock, jazz, current Asian pop, classical, prog, kraut, very...- marone
- Thread
- takstar-pro-80 sony-mdr-zx700 fischer-audio-fa-004 shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones alessandro-ms1i
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony MDR-ZX700 (Mini-XLR Removable Cable Mod - Take a look :D)
So ...yeah , I'm 16 into DIY couple months back , this was my most anticipated project , its finally done and the result is fantastic Parts used - 1) Amphenol AG3MCC I LOVE AMPEHNOL , they make some of the best stuff out there , price spot on , quality spot on ...- MrTechAgent
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- sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 1
- Forum: DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Discussions
buying advice Sony ZX-700 , ATH AD700 ,seinheiser HD449,HD518
I need some buying advice for getting a pair of cans near $100 price range 95% for music.I mostly listen to classic rock,blues guitar,phsychedelic rock,female vocals mostly things without a lot of bass with occasional pop song.I have limited option as most cans are overpriced here.I don't want...- diadara
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-449-headphones sennheiser-hd-558 sony-mdr-zx700 audio-technica-ath-ad700
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony ZX700: only work in one ear.
I've put it here as I don't really consider them portable. As the title says really; a couple of hours after last using them I plug them in and they suddenly only work in the left ear (the corded side) and not the right. I'm fairly sure they'll be out of warranty/guarantee etc (UK)...- JamesB123
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- sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony MDR ZX-700 vs Creative Aurvana Live!
Which one has the best detail, clarity, instrument separation and soundstage for rap/hiphop music and vocals only? Also, which one sounds more neutral?- dakanao
- Thread
- creative-aurvana-live-headphones sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best Headphones for Prog Trance, Trance and Uplifting Trance (within my budget)
Hi guys... Sorry to bother but i am in a dilema here... Here's the deal... I love all types of music but i a lean a little bit towards EDM. Love House, Prog House, Prog Tance and Upfliting Trance, especially the last two genres (but i am going to ear other types of music such as rock or...- Pedro Oliveira
- Thread
- philips-shl5905bk-28-citiscape-uptown creative-aurvana-live-headphones beyerdynamic-custom-one-pro audio-technica-ath-m50s sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 29
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sennheiser HD25-1 or Ultrasone HFI 580 (*edited May 19 added Sony ZX700 out of curiosity)
Hi! I am new to this audio thing. I need help in choosing my first headphone. I have lurked here for quite some time and searched threads of the same topic but I did not find one. Basically, I am going to use it as my transportable headphone (used in an office setting as I want to isolate myself...- xallarap
- Thread
- headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone sony-mdr-zx700 ultrasone-hfi-580 ultrasone-hfi-680 ultrasone-hfi-780
- Replies: 48
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best dubstep headphones for $100?
Hello again guys, I'm looking to get a pair of nice headphones after getting used to my monster jamz. I have $100 to spend. Can you tell me your favorites (and why)? My favorite music to listen to is drum and bass and dubstep (The Prodigy, Pendulum, Nero, Doctor P, Rusko). I was really...- TheBaron
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-htf600-s-step-monitor m-audio-studiophile-q40-closed-back-dynamic-headphones sony-mdr-xb600-b-black-extra-bass-headphones-japanese-import panasonic-rp-hje450-k creative-aurvana-live-headphones sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones audio-technica-ath-m50s fiio-e6-headphone-amplifier sony-mdr-zx700 v-moda-crossfade-lp-over-ear-headphone shure-srh-440-professional-studio-headphones akg-k-550
- Replies: 32
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need help! Sub 140$, portable, isolating over-ear headphones, mostly for rock
Hi there folks, I'm José from Portugal and I've been using Head-Fi great reviews for quite a while now. I'd never thought in signing up, but now that I'm searching for a new pair of headphones I figured it was better to seek for more specific help. I own a pair of K450 for a year now, and I...- rebelinho
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- sennheiser-hd-439-headphones brainwavz-hm5-studio-monitor-headphones sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Just Arrived at HeadRoom: Sony MDR-Z1000 and MDR-ZX700 Headphones
Please stay tuned for our in-depth HeadRoom reviews and head-to-head shoot-outs on these new Sony monitoring cans within the next few days! Cheers, jorge HeadRoom...- JorgeC
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- sony-mdr-z1000 headroom sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 0
- Forum: HeadRoom Premier Sponsor Forum
Sennheiser HD449 or Sony MDR-ZX700?
Hi, I know there are many better headphones at this similar price. I have a free voucher that I can only pick this 2 choices. Which one will you pick? The ZX700 seems to have some no too positive review while the 449 seems to have more neutral opinion...- whoelse
- Thread
- alessandro-ms2i sennheiser-hd-449-headphones shure-srh840 sony-mdr-zx700 sennheiser-hd-650-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony ZX700 or Grado sr60i for metal music?
title says it all. hope somebody will help- Mironov
- Thread
- grado-sr60i-headphones sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Members' Lounge (General Discussion)
Do the DT250 pads fit the new Sony ZX700s like they did the MDR V6 / 7506?
I bought the ZX700 and it sounds great but the comfort is not where I'd like it to be. Does anyone if this swap will work? I got word that the V6/7506 pads are smaller, is does the DT250 big? Can I make it work? THanks ahead of time- roker
- Thread
- sony-mdr-zx700 beyerdynamic-dt250
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sony MDR-ZX700, Sony MDR-V900 HD, or Bose AE2?
Hello, I'm looking into buy headphones in the $100-$150 range. The three headphones that seem very promising are the Sony MDR-ZX700, Sony MDR-V900 HD, and the Bose AE2. Please let me help me decide based on the following factors: Comfort (I consider light clamping force to be...- bobjohnson2
- Thread
- bose-ae2-audio-headphones sony-mdr-zx700
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)