The PANASONIC RP-HTF600-S headphones. More fun than the HD650?
Sep 19, 2011 at 11:59 PM Post #151 of 2,849

i wrote about the 770 a few yrs ago
dont get excited, they arent that good

Considering these cost half the price to the AD700s. They are worth the money. They are not at the level of phone the HTFF600-S are but anyone looking for comfy good balanced neutral sounding cans with wide stage they aren't bad. These are about as neutral sounding as they get to be honest and the bass presence aren't going to wow you. They are ample to balance out the cans more so than the Ad700s. Gaming and Movies are awesome on them and more lighter music on them aren't bad at all..For the price they are worthy but I suppose it is unrealistic to expect another big surprise like the HTF600s...From these. It was a surprise to me however when they sounded better to me than the AD700s at half price.. But they do sound very similar.

the Rp-HT360 is not very good. I had one and ended up using the pads as replacement for my sony 7506, they gave extra comfort and a soundstage!. The pannies are not so bad but not great either.
ps....the headband hurts too

ya I heard that about these.. My curiosity got the best of me.. I should have asked if anyone has tried these before I pulled the trigger on them.. The Velour pads I ordered ended up being less than the $25 required on amazon  for free shipping so I threw these on the same order. Why not. was my thinking. If I don't like them I will just sell them..
Sep 20, 2011 at 2:50 AM Post #152 of 2,849
it's mainly the angled drivers in these 600's that has me interested. I have the Philips 890 and the Philips 9200 Cineos ( the 1000 replacement ) and both have the angled drivers, as does a custom ortho I did up. it definitely makes a difference.
If any Canadians go for a pair can you let me know where you got em and what you paid.
I'll keep my eye on the for sale forums in a bit after this rush, but that may be wishful thinking.
Sep 20, 2011 at 8:20 AM Post #154 of 2,849

Considering these cost half the price to the AD700s. They are worth the money. They are not at the level of phone the HTFF600-S are but anyone looking for comfy good balanced neutral sounding cans with wide stage they aren't bad. These are about as neutral sounding as they get to be honest and the bass presence aren't going to wow you. They are ample to balance out the cans more so than the Ad700s. Gaming and Movies are awesome on them and more lighter music on them aren't bad at all..For the price they are worthy but I suppose it is unrealistic to expect another big surprise like the HTF600s...From these. It was a surprise to me however when they sounded better to me than the AD700s at half price.. But they do sound very similar.


besides a few years back when i wrote this, i also had the ht770 recently for a short while. with more experience with a wider range of headphones i can honestly say the ht770 are horrible. harsh across the spectrum. these have been around a while and there's a reason they never got popular. 
Sep 20, 2011 at 10:12 AM Post #155 of 2,849
Ouch, can't say that I'm really looking forward to these arriving now :frowning2:
Sep 20, 2011 at 12:05 PM Post #157 of 2,849

If anyone is interested, I've completed my full review of the HTF600.
Review on Head-Fi
Very best,

Now I'm a lot more confident that these got pretty much the sound that I'm looking for, everything you wrote about them fits perfectly according to my taste at least, I like the idea of a warmer and bassier  sounding Grado with better soundstage. 
It's just one thing I'm slightly worried about, the soundstage presentation, how do they compare like if you compare XB500 vs D1100, IMO these two are quite the opposite. D1100 has almost an artificial sounding soundstage, it's bigger than XB500 yes but it's not very musical (but works pretty good with classical though) and I don't like it when there's like a "distance" to the music or to the center of the music. XB500 is the opposite, there's no distance to the music, you're center of it with music surrounding you, on D1100 it's like "in-front" of you so it sounds like you're sitting further back in the audience on a concert while XB500 is like being on the stage.
Can you possibly try compare the Panasonics and tell if it's more closer to XB500's "up-front" soundstage or if it's like a more laid-back/distant sounding soundstage as that of D1100 (or AD700 etc). A big part of the reason I sold D1100 quickly was because of this, I can't enjoy headphones with such kind of soundstage presentation, it's not engaging whatsoever to listen to music with that kind of sound (to me at least). I want as close as possible to that feeling of being on a dancefloor in a club with bassy electronic music playing and you're moving along with the music rather than sitting further back in a very large concert hall listening to classical music and just leaning back and enjoying it in a more relaxed way. It's just matter of taste but I prefer the former.
These days I'm mostly listening to hardstyle and EQ'd XB500 + ZO (which also makes the sound more forward/engaging/dynamic) handles this brilliantly, so engaging I can't help but having to tap my foot or headbang along the tracks.
Here's example of hardstyle tracks that are just perfectly according to my taste, they are Wasted Penguinz's which I'm a huge fan of as these guys put more focus on melodies which I like and their melodies are amazing
Sep 20, 2011 at 3:17 PM Post #158 of 2,849
^^ just been listening to those tracks through my bass heavy Xears TM1PRO (and I mean bass heavy, totally unusable really) and it sounded really great :)
Sep 20, 2011 at 3:34 PM Post #159 of 2,849
Well hardstyle really makes me critical about bass response, punchy bass with lack of subbass will sound wrong, equally wrong will it sound with lots of soft subbass without the midbass punch/impact. It'll need a boosted but an evenly boosted bass from the deepest 20Hz or so tones to around 200~250Hz or so to sound right. Also some reverberation is very welcome here and not a bad thing to mimick subwoofers, the more typical headphone punchy/fast bass won't just sound right here. XB500 does it right in my ears at least, big brother XB700 is a bit too soft and slow lacking punch/impact.
Sep 20, 2011 at 6:56 PM Post #161 of 2,849
Holy....omg I just put these on, listening to some Derek and the Dominos...the guitars...the bass...the drums and the vocals!  These blow the Kickers/Monoprices I was listening to SOOO far out of the water...
Sep 20, 2011 at 7:34 PM Post #162 of 2,849

Holy....omg I just put these on, listening to some Derek and the Dominos...the guitars...the bass...the drums and the vocals!  These blow the Kickers/Monoprices I was listening to SOOO far out of the water...

Pretty kick ass aren't they? Keep listening they get better.. Burn my friend burn!!
Sep 20, 2011 at 9:18 PM Post #163 of 2,849
Just received my HTF-600S...

And now, I'm mad.  These sound so off the chain...I can't even begin to describe all the positive attributes this 30 dollar can has.  I'm literally speechless...All of my other phones, I am now seriously considering why I even need them...because I feel like selling off my DT990's and my MK2's to get 2 MORE PAIRS OF THESE.  Even the Kickers I don't need anymore (which are now officially a rip-off compared to this Panasonic).
The sound is absolutely tremendous.  So much air between the instruments.  The highs are pristine, beautiful, and butter-smooth.  The mids are certainly forward, and brilliant in being executed to the ears.  The bass - my goodness.  Authoritative and delicious.  Just add this headphone to your favorite meal, a king's banquet for sure.  The whole entire package is ridiculously sublime.  I connected mine to the E9, and was floored at EVERYTHING.  Even the comfort, more comfortable than the Denon AHD-2000, and it sounds better to me (yes, you read that right).  I just cannot believe this is it.  Seriously, this headphone has put every other phone I own into serious peace-out territory.  I can't even find a con at all, it seems to A-list at everything.
I'm definitely putting a review on Amazon on these within a week, and perhaps right along with some of my other phones on the sell list.
Will come back with more detailed results after burn-in...
This is unreal...
Sep 20, 2011 at 9:48 PM Post #164 of 2,849

Just received my HTF-600S...

And now, I'm mad.  These sound so off the chain...I can't even begin to describe all the positive attributes this 30 dollar can has.  I'm literally speechless...All of my other phones, I am now seriously considering why I even need them...because I feel like selling off my DT990's and my MK2's to get 2 MORE PAIRS OF THESE.  Even the Kickers I don't need anymore (which are now officially a rip-off compared to this Panasonic).
The sound is absolutely tremendous.  So much air between the instruments.  The highs are pristine, beautiful, and butter-smooth.  The mids are certainly forward, and brilliant in being executed to the ears.  The bass - my goodness.  Authoritative and delicious.  Just add this headphone to your favorite meal, a king's banquet for sure.  The whole entire package is ridiculously sublime.  I connected mine to the E9, and was floored at EVERYTHING.  Even the comfort, more comfortable than the Denon AHD-2000, and it sounds better to me (yes, you read that right).  I just cannot believe this is it.  Seriously, this headphone has put every other phone I own into serious peace-out territory.  I can't even find a con at all, it seems to A-list at everything.
I'm definitely putting a review on Amazon on these within a week, and perhaps right along with some of my other phones on the sell list.
Will come back with more detailed results after burn-in...
This is unreal...

..How did I know you would love these.. My offer still stands.. You have to hate them so I can order you a monoprice. hahaha!!
Sep 20, 2011 at 9:55 PM Post #165 of 2,849

I have the D1100's, so I just compared. I agree with you, the sound stage of the D1100 is weird. I think the combination of their sound stage and the high treble spikes makes it a weird sound that isn't very musical, at least to me and kind of distant in some tracks (not all). When I put on the Panasonic, I feel like I have a good sound stage that wraps from ear to ear, but doesn't feel like just two stereo phones, and doesn't feel or sound like something bloated out artificial (if you recall perhaps my review of the SRH940 to the K701, I didn't like the sound stage of K701, so I sort of understand and have a similar taste on sound stages as you may have). The Panasonic has a little more sound stage than the XB500, but it's not artificially expanded to the point of being like the aforementioned headphones that do (AD700, K701, and to an extent the HD800--note to the random reader, clearly, I'm not comparing these headphones, please don't read into that). I think you'll like the presentation. It's enough to immerse you in the music, but you're still in the middle of it, not at a distant table listening in.
Holy....omg I just put these on, listening to some Derek and the Dominos...the guitars...the bass...the drums and the vocals!  These blow the Kickers/Monoprices I was listening to SOOO far out of the water...

I'm very glad that you enjoy them. They are completely out of this world in terms of their musical nature.
Just received my HTF-600S...
And now, I'm mad.  These sound so off the chain...I can't even begin to describe all the positive attributes this 30 dollar can has.  I'm literally speechless...All of my other phones, I am now seriously considering why I even need them...because I feel like selling off my DT990's and my MK2's to get 2 MORE PAIRS OF THESE.  Even the Kickers I don't need anymore (which are now officially a rip-off compared to this Panasonic).
The sound is absolutely tremendous.  So much air between the instruments.  The highs are pristine, beautiful, and butter-smooth.  The mids are certainly forward, and brilliant in being executed to the ears.  The bass - my goodness.  Authoritative and delicious.  Just add this headphone to your favorite meal, a king's banquet for sure.  The whole entire package is ridiculously sublime.  I connected mine to the E9, and was floored at EVERYTHING.  Even the comfort, more comfortable than the Denon AHD-2000, and it sounds better to me (yes, you read that right).  I just cannot believe this is it.  Seriously, this headphone has put every other phone I own into serious peace-out territory.  I can't even find a con at all, it seems to A-list at everything.
This is unreal...

My god, that's an explosion of praise. Give it a few more days.
But what you're experiencing is musical and warm with smooth presentation. Something that is not high fidelity, mind you. I stress that simply because there's a difference and not all tastes are for actual high fidelity. Some people just want pleasure listening, and that's what the HTF600 does. It envelopes you with pleasure. It's literally a headphone version of physical endorphins.
Very best,

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