The discovery thread!
May 23, 2024 at 1:28 AM Post #102,811 of 106,551
Falcon Ultra, ok. This thing is smooooth baby, bass is my fav part. Punchy and meaty. Stage and separation are really nice. The pacing seems about right too, balanced might throw it off, but it could definitely benefit from a source that airs out the very top. Transients aren’t sharp but upper mids are definitely in your face, I can still turn this up fairly easily. Actually, nah, it needs balanced to plant that bass more, it goes deep enough but I’m craving a touch more weight.
May 23, 2024 at 1:30 AM Post #102,812 of 106,551
Who? Read the review to learn the riddle...........if you have the time?
Screen Shot 2024-05-23 at 12.18.03 PM.png
May 23, 2024 at 1:33 AM Post #102,813 of 106,551
Agree, the ZS10 Pro 2 are a nice and budget friendly revelation. Everything is there, the technicalities, separation, detail, aso ... but what I miss is a bit of note weight and fullness of sound. Compared to other sets I have (concerning note weight and timbre) and not in general of course, because the sound signature is too different, e.g. the DUNU SA6 MkII as well as the Himalaya have way more "authority" in instruments and voices. I constantly catch myself cranking up the volume with the ZS10 Pro 2... Then they become definitely better, but not very healthy for your hearing in longer listening sessions.

Joebloggs dynamics is the magic answer! But yeah... Agree on the fullness. It depends on the genres.
May 23, 2024 at 1:42 AM Post #102,814 of 106,551
On my Miroak ii, some Ambient -techno

Courtesy you and superuser, listening to music i wouldn't normally hear early morning.

2024 remastered version of Fires of Ork

I have a couple of FAX CDs in my physical collection, mostly the old trance stuff that's heavily overshadowed by the many ambient releases this label churned over the years.

Always thought this release was some of that beatless ambient music I usually don't care for but there's some really good ambient techno in here I ignored for like 13 years.
May 23, 2024 at 1:43 AM Post #102,815 of 106,551

Btw I have high hope for the TRN Medusa.
It is built from same DLC third gen like Conch and Conch driver is really2 good.
If this thing have similar trebles extension like Conch, it will be a killer IEM since this Medusa is 12mm driver (bass impact baby, yes size does matter for the real air impact). It can be good IEM to mod, but I will wait for the graph first, usually Paul Wasabi quite fast about FR graph.
And that beautiful DD shell combined with the transparent shell is pure art
The bass design reminds me of the design on my Shangri-la dynamic driver, except the Shangs are lime green. Mine is on the way, and I'm hoping they arrive as fast as the TRN ST7, which arrives in about a week, which is blazing fast for China delivery. By comparison, my Hydros were ordered almost two weeks ago and the ZS10 took one month. Can't wait to try these out along with the Conch.
May 23, 2024 at 1:45 AM Post #102,816 of 106,551
Who? Read the review to learn the riddle...........if you have the time?
@Redcarmoose said: "...this is one IEM that contradicts some of the graph, and makes a reality that 8kHz peak energy oppose from it being just measurement resonances. As such that forward energy combined with the rest makes this IEM way less musical in the end, in comparison to the XUAN NV! Sure it is good for the money, but will ask for less volume levels in playback due to such strict Nurse Ratched character!"

Hehe, I don't know if I solved the riddle, but yes, the not uncommon 4kHz and 8kHz resonance peaks in 1DD's are mostly a design flaw of not too well engineered and integrated drivers in IMHO "off the shelf" shelfs :thinking: :smile:. How much they annoy you depends on your individual hearing prefs, but they are there in too many 1DD's or?

Edit: I mentioned earlier when looking on the FQ graph of the upcoming X Akros 1DD, that there's a 8kHz peak which worries me a bit... Might easily be such a resonance peak. Hope he can smooth it out in the final product?
Last edited:
May 23, 2024 at 1:52 AM Post #102,817 of 106,551
I just got the Moondrop U-2 in today and haven't spent too much time with them yet so I'm curious if you've measured them with or without foams.

I also had the Yinman 600 in use with my desktop amp for a couple weeks, but I ended up returning them. They were way too muddy and veiled to me with foams and unfortunately I couldn't get a good fit without foams. What's interesting is that your U-2 impressions are pretty much how I heard the Yinman 600.

I've only used the U-2 without any foams, but so far they sound more clear to me in comparison. Not the best, but still clearer than the Yinman 600 set I previously had. That just goes to show that all ears are different :beerchug:
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's true that everyone's ears are different due to varying anatomies. I'm glad you like them and happy for you. 🙂 Honestly, I can't remember if I measured them with foam or not. For me, the vocals are clear, though a bit in the background. I reduced the bass, and the vocals became much better while still maintaining ample bass. I'm curious to hear your listening impressions about the bass, mid-range, and treble of the U-2.
May 23, 2024 at 1:56 AM Post #102,818 of 106,551
We also have Apple to blame for the loss of the 3.5 mm jack on phones.

Having said that, this propeitiary cash grab decision from them did kick start the dongle revolution of the past few months (which admittedly can give good sound for cheap).

That has happened a few times to me. I messaged the seller on Ali and they claimed it is apparently cheaper to send it there via that route?

Anyway I will keep an eye on tracking just to make sure it ain't a fake tracking number shenanigan that Ali sellers use to bypass the penalties for not shipping out the product within a time window.

It is sad but being average or even above average in today's chifi scene is the same as a death sentence.

Hypetrains come and go weekly so most stuff are forgotten and relegated to a footnote on forums come next week, when a new shiny toy comes.

Thanks for taking one for the team!!

The only correct headfi answer is all 3.

Bro, this is the common consensus in the earbuds thread and amongst earbud enthusiasts:

Earbud graphs are a meme.

They are the most finicky transducers in terms of fit.
So even slight movements in positioning of the bud on a coupler will skew the graph tremendously. A few mm will make the graphs amazingly different.

Not to mention different foam covers, depth of insertion, sound card etc.

Also, a earbud that shows a certain graph on a coupler doesn't translate to what the end user hears, as that is only for that particular coupler insertion. Earbud positioning and ear anatomy will change the final perceived sound from the coupler graph, much more than headphones or iems.

For that reason, most in the earbud threads don't measure or provide graphs due to the huge inter and intra user variability. They are perhaps only useful for the same user measuring and comparing two earbuds on the same coupler for tonal differences, even that doesn't translate to what that user will hear in the ears.
Thank you for letting me know. Honestly, I had no idea and I admit I know almost nothing about earbuds. Today I learned something new. 🙂 It seems that the curve I posted earlier is not useful, so I will remove it from my previous post to avoid giving anyone the wrong idea. I listened again, and my impressions remain the same. I hope others enjoy their U-2 as well. 🙂
May 23, 2024 at 2:00 AM Post #102,820 of 106,551
Agree, the ZS10 Pro 2 are a nice and budget friendly revelation. Everything is there, the technicalities, separation, detail, aso ... but what I miss is a bit of note weight and fullness of sound. Compared to other sets I have (concerning note weight and timbre) and not in general of course, because the sound signature is too different, e.g. the DUNU SA6 MkII as well as the Himalaya have way more "authority" in instruments and voices. I constantly catch myself cranking up the volume with the ZS10 Pro 2... Then they become definitely better, but not very healthy for your hearing in longer listening sessions.
Yep. That's why the Shangs take them, is they have the note weight and presence in the mids that the ZS10 are missing, but all things considered...including almost $200 difference in price.
May 23, 2024 at 2:04 AM Post #102,821 of 106,551
Ouch, that’s bad.

Have you tried FiiO FF3? The OG one, not the revision. I bought it because I spent the whole morning at my local hifi store and unbox many of their demo units, so I figure I should grab something before leaving. Those flathead buds blew my mind 😂 thus began the obsession with flathead and DIY.

Even FF3 was not that bass dominant as you described
Unfortunately, I haven't tried the FiiO FF3. I don't have much experience with earbuds, to be honest. I remember using them when I was a teenager, but since then, I've only listened to one or two a year. I don't think it's ideal to compare them to IEMs, as IEMs tend to isolate sound better and usually offer more vocal clarity and treble extension. How does the FiiO FF3 sound? I'd consider getting one if you recommend it.
May 23, 2024 at 2:06 AM Post #102,822 of 106,551
I don't dislike the U-2 but I don't see what the appeal is yet.

It's like listening out of a crappy old antique AM/FM radio but with way more bass. If you turn your brain off and just let it happen, it's how I find my happy place with the U-2.
Great sound stage but other than there isn't much to love here.
May 23, 2024 at 2:12 AM Post #102,823 of 106,551
SR5 is quickly growing on me... I see why this IEM made such a big blip on the ChiFi radar last year.
May 23, 2024 at 2:59 AM Post #102,824 of 106,551
On a related note of my appreciation of Celest, I got my Relentless today:

I can just sit and enjoy the package/images for quite some time, and will be happy to share my experience and comparisons soon.
Beautiful artistry indeed. It all starts with the packaging, our minds work that way. Kinera/Celest always get that one right.

I kinda hate how the tech companies dumb the designs of these down so much. They look like featureless marshmallows.
Well, not just tech.

McDonald in the 80's and McD now.

Everything need to be super simple, inoffensive minimalist to a fault now
Design is a weird sort of beast. Some prefer it simple, some need obvious overstyling. It's a bit like Tesla vs Lamborghini. I sit somewhere in the middle.

Well, due to getting an insanely crazy deal, and "free money" from my in-laws, I finally pulled the trigger on the Dita Project M. I know I've been talking about buying these for months (since they first launched and sold out literally in minutes), only to be too slow on the push, and getting frozen out. But after watching two reviewer videos, including @ToneDeafMonk (Thanks! It was watching your video directly that led me to buy. Ok ok, the crazy discount also helped!), it was finally time. The sound description just sounds like it's my preferred sig, and so I finally felt confident to jump on it, without any guilt or hedge. In the meantime, I wait, and enjoy the KZ ZS10 Pro 2, which is a sensational IEM, and I'm kinda dreaming that the Project M will provide maybe a more refined listen to the KZ, and combined with the Hydro, my purchasing power has just come to a grinding HALT. The next time you might hear from me buying new sets will most likely be at Christmas? Until then, I'll enjoy the flurry of sets I recently bought in the budget realm and the Project M, which while at the lower end of mid-fi, ended up costing me less than the OD200.

Congrats, looking forward to your thoughts! Still sits atop of my Wishlist, not without company, though. This hobby is merciless.

Speaking about the Dark Magician,
Dark Magician unclaimed stepsibling, XSL got an update in form of XSL X-One LM

'LM', huh .. wonder where that idea came from.

This is my first post on this thread
Currently using a very cool looking dac dongle
Kiwi Ears Allegro
Welcome, and those are some stunning pics.

Shanling Sono bass is so ridiculous lol, I love it. Makes me wonder how similar it is to the ME600.
She is a looker that's for sure, never seen these before.

I think my Aful Explorer just shipped, which I'm very excited about!

Also, it sounds like I'll get the opportunity to try the Celest Wyvern Abyss? Has anyone had a chance to try this or the previous version at a show or anything? Gorgeous shell as usual from Celest, and I'm guessing it'll be priced at <50$ with that single DD? I could be wrong.

You can count on Celest to nail their designs. However, tuning is a bit all over the place.

Getting email notifications and even just website notifications can be annoying with popular threads.

Instead of subscribing to threads like this one, I just create a web browser favorite/bookmark with "/unread" at the end of the URL. Every time I click the Discovery bookmark, it'll bring me to the oldest 'unread' post.

Btw, I hope sharing this doesn't skew head-fi metrics for thread subscriptions lol.
Wow, these little tips&tricks make our lives just that one bit more simple.

I'm pretty much sold on the Supermix 4 and DaVinci, just waiting on a couple more reviews. Although I don't know why I keep looking when the $75 TD20 already makes everything sound correct to my ears.
Ha, finding something that sounds 'correct' is quite easy nowadays. But this rabbithole goes deeper and becomes much darker and scarier.

I was thinking today how with all the great single DD sets recently in the $125-150 range it's a little sad to see the Tinhifi T5S get forgotten so quickly considering how nice it sounds.
Nope, there is no forgetting mine. My review incoming next week if all goes to plan.

Such a good recommendation to not recommend an IEM to someone!
Hm, 3 stars while not rec'ing it? Three stars is already decent going in my books. But I'm sure you explained your stance, I admittedly have not read it.

EM10, DaVinci, Pilgrim or Project M?
Oof, wonderful dilemma to be faced with. Answering this one simple question should solve the decision-making halfway: Warmer or brighter signature?
May 23, 2024 at 3:16 AM Post #102,825 of 106,551
Work your own program, and I will work mine. OK. The IEM is passed by many in its price bracket. It seems I get Schiit for liking IEM and not liking 3 stars in not worth the time, I would consider it experimental. :) Cheers!
Beautiful artistry indeed. It all starts with the packaging, our minds work that way. Kinera/Celest always get that one right.

Design is a weird sort of beast. Some prefer it simple, some need obvious overstyling. It's a bit like Tesla vs Lamborghini. I sit somewhere in the middle.

Congrats, looking forward to your thoughts! Still sits atop of my Wishlist, not without company, though. This hobby is merciless.

'LM', huh .. wonder where that idea came from.

Welcome, and those are some stunning pics.

She is a looker that's for sure, never seen these before.

You can count on Celest to nail their designs. However, tuning is a bit all over the place.

Wow, these little tips&tricks make our lives just that one bit more simple.

Ha, finding something that sounds 'correct' is quite easy nowadays. But this rabbithole goes deeper and becomes much darker and scarier.

Nope, there is no forgetting mine. My review incoming next week if all goes to plan.

Hm, 3 stars while not rec'ing it? Three stars is already decent going in my books. But I'm sure you explained your stance, I admittedly have not read it.

Oof, wonderful dilemma to be faced with. Answering this one simple question should solve the decision-making halfway: Warmer or brighter signature?

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