The discovery thread!
Dec 3, 2023 at 1:50 PM Post #90,106 of 124,790
Too bad they don't sell an EA1000 tuning kit separately. What would you need to purchase if you wanted to create your own kit?

I believe it is the same kit as the EA500. Simgot sells it on their Aliexpress store.

Keep in mind, this is a brand new AliExpress store less than a month old.

They claim to be the official Simgot store and have 100% feedback, but they don't have EW200, EM6L, EA1000, or EA2000 for sale.

I'm getting the free tuning kit that Linsoul bundled during their BF/CM sale.

Simgot EA1000.jpg
Dec 3, 2023 at 2:07 PM Post #90,108 of 124,790

Received my pair of T4s in today. They are absolutely stunning in person. Didn't go for the custom faceplate option this time around because I was too impatient, but the baby blue stock faceplate is gorgeous so I'm not mad. Shout out to @ToneDeafMonk for the stellar rec on this one.
Can’t wait to hear some more in-depth thoughts, consider me intrigued.
Dec 3, 2023 at 2:14 PM Post #90,109 of 124,790

Keep in mind, this is a brand new AliExpress store less than a month old.

They claim to be the official Simgot store and have 100% feedback, but they don't have EW200, EM6L, EA1000, or EA2000 for sale.

I'm getting the free tuning kit that Linsoul bundled during their BF/CM sale.

Simgot EA1000.jpg

I bought a couple of these EA500 tuning kits from this shop and they arrived very quickly, no problem.
Dec 3, 2023 at 3:30 PM Post #90,110 of 124,790
I totally agree with this. IMO, budget iems can really give you a great listening experience as enjoyable as with the flagships. Flagship iems are like the dresses you wear when you go to parties - glittery, expensive, and quite fashionable. Budget iems on the other hand, are like Levi's jeans; they are rough and tough and comfortable to wear the whole day, and you are not even worried if you spill some chilli sauce on them.
I don't really follow this line of reasoning, because it seems like it's focused on looks and price without mentioning the real differences that exist in sound presentation. Yes, a low cost $150 iem can play all of your music beautifully, mostly because that music itself is the star.

The music is the first and most important ingredient. These types of comparisons can exist from boomboxes to 100k 2 channel systems and everything in between.

IEMs are more like cheese and wine, the music being the milk or alcohol, main ingredient. Sliced American cheese is fine, but aged Dutch Gouda or Italian parmesan offer richer flavors of the same thing.

I love my American cheese (Penon, lol) but also deeply love my Gouda (Xe6).
Dec 3, 2023 at 4:12 PM Post #90,111 of 124,790
The SIMGOT EA1000 is the very definition of a market disrupter.
Dec 3, 2023 at 5:10 PM Post #90,112 of 124,790
Among all these maybe mentioning a kz iem might sound strange. I have krila in my ears now. I'm pretty much impressed by the DD they used in this set. What a great control it has in the lower end. Texture and speed are great. The ba makes the treble sound thin. However, a little EQ fixes that as well. Not a kilobuck killer but definitely improvement. Kz seems to be catching the stability and tuning for their DDs.
Dec 3, 2023 at 5:34 PM Post #90,113 of 124,790
Can confirm I too have come to shill the EW200. I agree with Click's impressions.
I bought the Nuo because of HBB and the bundle deal, I think his set is an outlier if you compare his FR to others. His has a nice taper after 5k whereas others have a clear peak. Listening to Tori Kelly's Christmas album the added energy is nice for that Christmas sparkle, Tori's upper range is thinner compared to the EW200. It's too much for tracks like Forever 1 - SNSD, the simgot handles the sizzle better. The timbre and clarity is markedly better on the simgot, well worth the price difference. The only thing nuo might do better is comfort due to it being lighter.
The timbre and resolution of the EW200 is *chef's kiss*. It's doing a number on me with my response to other sets in my collection. That's never a good thing when this level of crystalline timbre and reso is coming from a set I paid $20.00 for. Combine that with the sensational stage and imaging, and damn. If it had just a touch more punch in the bass and heft/reso in the mid bass, it would be a true game shifter.
Dec 3, 2023 at 5:48 PM Post #90,114 of 124,790
The SIMGOT EA1000 is the very definition of a market disrupter.
Nope. These things are $200+. In the time I've been a member of head-fi, and any other group I've been a part of, unless you are someone who makes a good living or are lucky to be from a first world, the chase has always been finding the "market disruptor" in the budget realm. Very few can or will afford to spend $200 on a single IEM. My opinion is that market disruptor can be interchangeable with "giant killer", and that has traditionally been associated with budget sets (under $100), because that's the price and value area that the majority of new and veteran aficionados can live in without breaking their monthly cost of living budget. $200 is more in the midfi range, so maybe a market disruptor in the midfi range, where more fortunate buyers dwell (myself included). But sounds like an IEM I might invest in in the future if it's anything close to tuned similar to the EW200 with more mid bass heft?
Dec 3, 2023 at 5:54 PM Post #90,115 of 124,790
Among all these maybe mentioning a kz iem might sound strange. I have krila in my ears now. I'm pretty much impressed by the DD they used in this set. What a great control it has in the lower end. Texture and speed are great. The ba makes the treble sound thin. However, a little EQ fixes that as well. Not a kilobuck killer but definitely improvement. Kz seems to be catching the stability and tuning for their DDs.
I dig the Ling longs. KZ really hit one with this budget set, so yeah, KZ put out some really good sets in the cheap realm. If I could get Ling bass in the EW200, that would be the be-all-end-all budget set? The true "giant killer".
Dec 3, 2023 at 6:24 PM Post #90,116 of 124,790
I dig the Ling longs. KZ really hit one with this budget set, so yeah, KZ put out some really good sets in the cheap realm. If I could get Ling bass in the EW200, that would be the be-all-end-all budget set? The true "giant killer".
Its not quite the same but the midbass to mid glide is there

Dec 3, 2023 at 6:31 PM Post #90,117 of 124,790
I dig the Ling longs. KZ really hit one with this budget set, so yeah, KZ put out some really good sets in the cheap realm. If I could get Ling bass in the EW200, that would be the be-all-end-all budget set? The true "giant killer".

The KBear Little Q has most of the Linglongs bass with significantly better clarity.
Dec 3, 2023 at 6:51 PM Post #90,118 of 124,790
Maybe I'm in the minority but I found the EW200 to be a bit harsh on the high end. It graphed pretty close to the Cadenza and Tinhifi C3 and I prefer the C3 out of all 3 for long listening sessions (based on overall sound and wearing comfort). EW200 does have the best soundstage and detail out of the 3 but I can't listen to it for every genre like I can with the C3.
Dec 3, 2023 at 7:04 PM Post #90,119 of 124,790
Dec 3, 2023 at 7:54 PM Post #90,120 of 124,790
My good friend @grumpy213 just released a review of the Hype2 (same unit as what I used). Please have a read if you are still curious about this IEM (and read his other reviews too. This grumpy pepe frog guy does good reviews :dt880smile: )
It is I, pepe frog guy.

Quite liked the Hype2 and especially the IMPACT SQUARED 2x DDs which seem to be doing great work in producing a powerful yet detailed bass.

Excited to see this isobaric setup being used in future IEMs.

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