The discovery thread!
Dec 14, 2023 at 9:05 AM Post #90,827 of 114,313
I still have not had the opertunity to try any 64audio, always been interested. But also hard to justify a blind purchase at this price point.
But right now in the mail my friend has shipped u4s for loan, going to be awesome 😎

Also similar to you, most releases coming out are either average or positive. Can't say I have to much negatives this year.

Going to share my experiences also when I'm home later, hate phone writing 😅
64 audio has their audience for good reason imo they’re apex system for different isolation levels is awesome and the fact that they’re an American company still trying to push new techs in the industry is pretty cool.

I think you’d enjoy them.

I’ve gotten to demo a few IEMs from them, with the Trio I think being my favorite. The 12t also lived up to its rep too. The U4s is a weird addition because it damn near makes the 12t obsolete, the U4s is fantastic. Great resolution, smooth replay. There was one on classifieds recently for I want to say $750?! That’s a steal for that IEM imo.


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Dec 14, 2023 at 10:23 AM Post #90,828 of 114,313
The end of 2023 is near, the year has been filled by a lot of releases.
Would be fun to have a little survey here on what has been your most positive or negative audio purchases or experiences of 2023?

Positive - Neo 5
Negative - Hype 2

Looking forward to Penon Quattro, judging from first impressions it looks like a great “all rounder” to keep me busy until next year, and larger in price set.

My question i would also like to see some discussion around… is it worth making a stop in the 500-800 dollar price bracket, or just put that towards a kilobuck? I feel like I don’t see a lot of discussion around that zone.
Dec 14, 2023 at 10:32 AM Post #90,829 of 114,313
The end of 2023 is near, the year has been filled by a lot of releases.
Would be fun to have a little survey here on what has been your most positive or negative audio purchases or experiences of 2023?

This year has been great for me within the audio community, been lucky to get some good friends who share similar passion within audio.


634ears Miroak II Cocobolo
This is also how I found my faovorite discovery of 2023, that being the Japanese maker 634ears. One man brand by Musashi, I followed the brand for a while since some friends talked highly of the LOAK model. When the new generation of Miroak was released I got to tempted and became one of the first buyers, Musashi had improved the shell slightly improving the ergonomics. This is reason why I skipped the LOAK due to the bullet style and ergonomics, still bullet style but very ergonomically built.
The whole experience is quite special that you have to contact him on FB or IG and order, then you can decide on wood for how you want the tuning. And the packaging and hand written note are excellent and show how much care and proudness Musashi has of his craft.

Tuning is warm and balanced, not for people craving neutral sound. For people who have tried Penon Serial this has a similar analogue vibe but better all around, due to cleaner and better extended bass. Similar midrange just being slightly cleaner. And highs that has good extension and don't sound veiled or dark.


@FranQL Earbuds
Back to having nice friends I have encountered this year, my good hermano Fran. Thanks again for our talks and sharing away your crafts with me, Fran is a music lover as most of us. He also love to tinker with stuff and have modded/made iems, earbuds and headphones. The Caelum (120ohm Beryllium Composite) and Blue Moon (130ohm Beryllium) has been a joy to own and experience, rivalling the the best models from other brands.

The Blue Moon is a super resolving earbud with a natural and delicate tuning, well extended both in the low and high range. Midrange being maybe its part, its so nuanced and delicate and is female vocal lovers delight. The photo above is with Blue Moon and cable from Clan Audio with FranQL logo on splitter and Clan Audio on the jack.
The Caelum is one of the most low end rich earbuds out there, but its also not dark and veiled. Its more of a W shaper earbud that sound full and natural, actually been my goto for listening to metal the last month. And I need rich low end and clear sound for metal, Caelum exceed. I am very satisfied even if I lack the ultimate sub bass we are used to from iems.


If I have any negative this year is that have had to much of a backlog a times, I am just a audio/music enjoyer as all of you.
When I started to write reviews I never saw it coming that I would get a overflow of stuff to write about, very easy to say yes to discounts and freebies.
And you then get new stuff to test all the , while it sounds fun it takes away the time you have for your faovorite sets.
While its fun to write about stuff you love, its not fun to write about stuff you are lukewarm about.
Specially with how it comes out release after release copying each other, also why some brands stick out more.
Some care more about their products and also the buyers/reviewers.
Dec 14, 2023 at 10:44 AM Post #90,830 of 114,313
This year has been great for me within the audio community, been lucky to get some good friends who share similar passion within audio.

634ears Miroak II Cocobolo
This is also how I found my faovorite discovery of 2023, that being the Japanese maker 634ears. One man brand by Musashi, I followed the brand for a while since some friends talked highly of the LOAK model. When the new generation of Miroak was released I got to tempted and became one of the first buyers, Musashi had improved the shell slightly improving the ergonomics. This is reason why I skipped the LOAK due to the bullet style and ergonomics, still bullet style but very ergonomically built.
The whole experience is quite special that you have to contact him on FB or IG and order, then you can decide on wood for how you want the tuning. And the packaging and hand written note are excellent and show how much care and proudness Musashi has of his craft.

Tuning is warm and balanced, not for people craving neutral sound. For people who have tried Penon Serial this has a similar analogue vibe but better all around, due to cleaner and better extended bass. Similar midrange just being slightly cleaner. And highs that has good extension and don't sound veiled or dark.

@FranQL Earbuds
Back to having nice friends I have encountered this year, my good hermano Fran. Thanks again for our talks and sharing away your crafts with me, Fran is a music lover as most of us. He also love to tinker with stuff and have modded/made iems, earbuds and headphones. The Caelum (120ohm Beryllium Composite) and Blue Moon (130ohm Beryllium) has been a joy to own and experience, rivalling the the best models from other brands.

The Blue Moon is a super resolving earbud with a natural and delicate tuning, well extended both in the low and high range. Midrange being maybe its part, its so nuanced and delicate and is female vocal lovers delight. The photo above is with Blue Moon and cable from Clan Audio with FranQL logo on splitter and Clan Audio on the jack.
The Caelum is one of the most low end rich earbuds out there, but its also not dark and veiled. Its more of a W shaper earbud that sound full and natural, actually been my goto for listening to metal the last month. And I need rich low end and clear sound for metal, Caelum exceed. I am very satisfied even if I lack the ultimate sub bass we are used to from iems.

If I have any negative this year is that have had to much of a backlog a times, I am just a audio/music enjoyer as all of you.
When I started to write reviews I never saw it coming that I would get a overflow of stuff to write about, very easy to say yes to discounts and freebies.
And you then get new stuff to test all the , while it sounds fun it takes away the time you have for your faovorite sets.
While its fun to write about stuff you love, its not fun to write about stuff you are lukewarm about.
Specially with how it comes out release after release copying each other, also why some brands stick out more.
Some care more about their products and also the buyers/reviewers.
How much are the earbuds? And how do you order them?
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Dec 14, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #90,831 of 114,313
I am interested in the earbuds. Can you tell me how much they were? I started a private message with FranQL to find out but I figured I would ask you as well.

How much are the earbuds? And how do you order them?
Should have mentioned it, they are not for sale. He just share his creations with friends.
But there is many good brands and models out there: Venture Electronics, TGXEAR, Yincrow and more.
We have a good earbud community here on head-fi.
Dec 14, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #90,832 of 114,313
The usual highly lauded gear like the Simgots, MP145 etc are rightfully praised in 2023, and indeed, I think in general the standard of IEM releases are now at least average to above average. Manufacturers are playing it safe in following tuning curves and they generally know what makes consumers tick (eg no banshee shouty tuning for example), so stinker releases are not that common nowadays.

However, on the other hand, now we get weekly sidegrades that are kind of copycats of Harman curves, and it is hard to differentiate from the competition. Actually being above average is still a death sentence in this industry, as a new shiny toy will come out next week and it will be forgotten.

My biggest disappointment purchase was the TRI Star River, which was touted to combine the dual DD and tuning switch craze. However, it had bad QC, one side had stuck switches, and of 4 promises tunings, there are only 2 (ie gimmick):
TRI Star River Graph.jpg

The Star River's tuning was old school V-shaped and shouty. Technicalities and timbre are nothing to write home too.

In 2023, there were some under-rated IEMs that flew under the radar. Actually, I found these not bad, and worth a bit more attention.
In alphabetical order, for gear that was sadly overshadowed in 2023 (hopefully, some may turn out to be more popular in a few months' time, once more traction is gained):

1) 7Hz Sonus
- Balanced U-shaped all-rounded hybrid, with good clarity and clean bass, solid technically and easy to drive
- May have a tinge of BA timbre though.
7Hz Sonus.jpg

2) EPZ Q5
- Very technical ultra budget pair, resolution belies its price point. Easily driven and timbre is decent.
- Perhaps too bright for treble-sensitive peeps, and the MMCX is a bummer, in addition to the Meze Advar rip-off design.
EPZ Q5.jpg

3) Geekwold GK100
- One of the most resolving IEMs under $200, one can hear fine nuances in the music that other budget/MidFI IEMs cannot pick up.
- May be bright for treble-sensitive folk, and there is a piezo timbre with thin note weight present. Analytical-heads will love it, and perhaps folks who want a stage monitor, but it veers to an analytical/sterile tone with a dearth of musicality.
Geekwold GK100.jpg

4) Tanchjim One
- Excellent price-to-performance ratio, easy to drive, with a pleasant Harmanish tone, organic timbre and smooth tuning. There is a DSP version too for folks who do prefer that.
- Technicalities are middling with driver flex present.
Tanchjim One.jpg

5) Tripowin Piccolo
- Easy driven, balanced tonally with decent technical chops and appreciable timbral accuracy. Kind of a jack of all trades (though master of none).
- Some mid-bass bleed present, and soundstage is on the smaller side.
Tripowin Piccolo.jpg

6) Ziigaat Nuo
- Very solid for the price, good technical chops and resolution. Bass response is nice too.
- A bit hot in the lower treble region with instances of sibilance, so perhaps treble-sensitive consumers might want to explore with treble taming tips or using warmer sources.
Ziigaat Nuo.jpg
OMG I mentally blocked out the StarRiver but my ears are still ringing!
Dec 14, 2023 at 11:01 AM Post #90,833 of 114,313
Dec 14, 2023 at 11:31 AM Post #90,834 of 114,313
The end of 2023 is near, the year has been filled by a lot of releases.
Would be fun to have a little survey here on what has been your most positive or negative audio purchases or experiences of 2023?

Most positive purchase - QOA Margarita / Ivipq v12
Most Negative purchase - Sound Rhyme SR8 (not a purchase because I could test before it)

*Special mention - Roon lifetime + zerotier vpn
Dec 14, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #90,836 of 114,313
What did you like about Margarita?
Similar to the EJ07M wich was one of my favourite when I start to spend more money on the hobby. A little more technical, lest darker, but similar on the relaxed presentation.

I sold a MEST MKII because I found them so similar, costing less money.

EDIT. KINERA is one of my favourite brands, but the first models (NORN, ADONIS, NANNA) got more treble than they need. So when I get the MARGARITA, I feel they are getting close to a more "mature" sound, more western-oriented. AVIATION is a another nice launch... and Im thinkin about getting the URD (or maybe MOJITO 2)
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Dec 14, 2023 at 12:15 PM Post #90,837 of 114,313
Similar to the EJ07M wich was one of my favourite when I start to spend more money on the hobby. A little more technical, lest darker, but similar on the relaxed presentation.

I sold a MEST MKII because I found them so similar, costing less money.

EDIT. KINERA is one of my favourite brands, but the first models (NORN, ADONIS, NANNA) got more treble than they need. So when I get the MARGARITA, I feel they are getting close to a more "mature" sound, more western-oriented. AVIATION is a another nice launch... and Im thinkin about getting the URD (or maybe MOJITO 2)
I have a Mk2. Would that be a redundant purchase?
Dec 14, 2023 at 12:24 PM Post #90,838 of 114,313

Hey guys, my review on the Raptgo Bridge is posted. Kindly have a read:​

Raptgo Bridge Review – Details Over Music

The analytical sound of Raptgo Bridge sacrifices a bit of musicality in the process. But otherwise, it is a very competent performer.​

Dec 14, 2023 at 1:08 PM Post #90,839 of 114,313
Should have mentioned it, they are not for sale. He just share his creations with friends.
But there is many good brands and models out there: Venture Electronics, TGXEAR, Yincrow and more.
We have a good earbud community here on head-fi.
I was afraid to follow the thread. First I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes earbuds second i don't wanna create another hole in my wallet for such category.

Gave a follow. I embrace self control.
Dec 14, 2023 at 1:14 PM Post #90,840 of 114,313

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