The discovery thread!
Aug 27, 2023 at 9:36 PM Post #85,217 of 114,320
What interesting to me is that there is always a next level, kinda like video game graphics. Whenever I think that “there is no way the sound can be more detailed / more separated / better imaging”, something would come along and blow my mind. I wonder when we would reach the brick wall. Right now, things like subtonic storm seems to be pushing the boundary. One day, maybe not too far from now, that tech would be accessible, and then something would overcome it. Maybe those xMEMs drivers would change everything.
Aug 27, 2023 at 10:00 PM Post #85,218 of 114,320
What interesting to me is that there is always a next level, kinda like video game graphics. Whenever I think that “there is no way the sound can be more detailed / more separated / better imaging”, something would come along and blow my mind. I wonder when we would reach the brick wall. Right now, things like subtonic storm seems to be pushing the boundary. One day, maybe not too far from now, that tech would be accessible, and then something would overcome it. Maybe those xMEMs drivers would change everything.

We are all looking for involvement and how ever way that one thing is found. Though I think new ideas and technology do bring new and different ideas to the experience, it seems IEMs since about 2013 have gotten better and better at adding involvement?
Aug 27, 2023 at 11:01 PM Post #85,219 of 114,320
What interesting to me is that there is always a next level, kinda like video game graphics. Whenever I think that “there is no way the sound can be more detailed / more separated / better imaging”, something would come along and blow my mind. I wonder when we would reach the brick wall. Right now, things like subtonic storm seems to be pushing the boundary. One day, maybe not too far from now, that tech would be accessible, and then something would overcome it. Maybe those xMEMs drivers would change everything.
The only thing I've been wondering lately in regards to MEMs and Planar when people talk about speed is "how fast do you really need a driver to be"

If a dynamic driver or BA can accurately reply any given sound how does a faster driver help the musical playback at all?
Aug 27, 2023 at 11:25 PM Post #85,220 of 114,320
The only thing I've been wondering lately in regards to MEMs and Planar when people talk about speed is "how fast do you really need a driver to be"

If a dynamic driver or BA can accurately reply any given sound how does a faster driver help the musical playback at all?
I tend to think about “speed” not in terms of vibrating at more kHz, but how tightly transducers scale up and down the volume to follow the source material (a.k.a., the “transient”). Of course, I’m talking purely from subjective experience. Would be interesting to see some research dissecting that “speed”/“transient” thing down to measureable characteristics of drivers. Maybe it’s distortion or some combinations of particular peaks in FR, or something. No idea.
Aug 28, 2023 at 3:33 AM Post #85,221 of 114,320
The only thing I've been wondering lately in regards to MEMs and Planar when people talk about speed is "how fast do you really need a driver to be"

If a dynamic driver or BA can accurately reply any given sound how does a faster driver help the musical playback at all?
The answer, in my limited experience, is "as fast as you can get it" - but I'm also a big fan of electrostats. If they sound the same as dynamics to you, well...
Aug 28, 2023 at 4:13 AM Post #85,222 of 114,320
From my experiences trying high end IEMs, where more like technicalities show up exhibition with super resolution to chase the hi res award.

Honestly, like 90% of multikilobucks IEMs have been derailed from naturalness, to show the resolution and technicalities power.

I enjoyed my way up there, until settled with few high end IEMs, fulfilling my desire to have this super resolution IEMs, but in the end too much is just too much. They are impressive with wow factor but after some time, they are also more tiring.
Finding an IEM that really have great balance between great tonality with maximum technicalities you can put before become unnatural is much harder.
Aug 28, 2023 at 4:38 AM Post #85,223 of 114,320
The Hype2 just landed about two hours ago. Did some quick pics, then some listening. I have only heard the Thieaudio L4 and the Elixir, so I'm not sure I know the Thieaudio house sound, as anyone who knows the L4 would say this is the antithesis of that particular IEM? Big immersive bass here, and bass textures abound..........really better than I expected, and very original in its price bracket, while still being incredibly natural. But it has the musicality factor in spades, also not a boring top-end either. Haven't heard too much different music, only listening to the Oppenheimer OST in 24bit, the Hype2 does really well. As far as bass and lower midrange, it really is a whole different IEM than the Quintet......and way different treble? Two different’s a tiger, one a fish. Both are beautiful in their own way, but specialize at different attributes.




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Aug 28, 2023 at 4:50 AM Post #85,224 of 114,320
The Hype2 just landed about two hours ago. Did some quick pics, then some listening. I have only heard the Thieaudio L4 and the Elixir, so I'm not sure I know the Thieaudio house sound, as anyone who knows the L4 would say this is the antithesis of that particular IEM? Big immersive bass here, and bass textures abound..........really better than I expected, and very original in its price bracket, while still being incredibly natural. But it has the musical factor in spades, also not a boring top-end either. Haven't heard too much different music, only listening to the Oppenheimer OST in 24bit, the Hype2 does really well. As far as bass and lower midrange, it really is a whole different IEM than the Quintet. Two different animals...........ones is a tiger, one a fish. Both are beautiful in their own way, but specialize at different attributes.
Man, your unit looks good! Great photos. Mine is the purple one on the box.
Aug 28, 2023 at 4:55 AM Post #85,225 of 114,320
From my experiences trying high end IEMs, where more like technicalities show up exhibition with super resolution to chase the hi res award.

Honestly, like 90% of multikilobucks IEMs have been derailed from naturalness, to show the resolution and technicalities power.

I enjoyed my way up there, until settled with few high end IEMs, fulfilling my desire to have this super resolution IEMs, but in the end too much is just too much. They are impressive with wow factor but after some time, they are also more tiring.
Finding an IEM that really have great balance between great tonality with maximum technicalities you can put before become unnatural is much harder.
Which IEM do you have in mind? I haven’t experienced that many TOTL, so I can’t generalise, but I must have been lucky because most were very normal, tonality wise. The most shocking to me is still VE Phonix. It has no right to be that incisive and detailed given how warm and dark it sounds. No way I’m paying that money for an IEM though, especially when it does not have that exceptional soundstage.
Aug 28, 2023 at 4:57 AM Post #85,226 of 114,320
Man, your unit looks good! Great photos. Mine is the purple one on the box.
Thank-you for the complements.

Indigo is different maybe?
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Aug 28, 2023 at 5:14 AM Post #85,227 of 114,320
I tend to think about “speed” not in terms of vibrating at more kHz, but how tightly transducers scale up and down the volume to follow the source material (a.k.a., the “transient”). Of course, I’m talking purely from subjective experience. Would be interesting to see some research dissecting that “speed”/“transient” thing down to measureable characteristics of drivers. Maybe it’s distortion or some combinations of particular peaks in FR, or something. No idea. Maybe someone want to take a look at this and maybe the rest of the site for that matter. This one driver alone has 11 measured parameters, some being repeats of another under a different testing method, but still, I have to wonder if well, someone, could measure IEMs and/or their drivers this extensively.

I still have no clue which parameter does what exactly, since my ears only seem to understand linear distortion. Sure I can read them, and website owner has a tutorial on what most of the parameters mean for anyone interested but reading them and knowing their effects on a human ear while listening to some music is another story entirely. I do wish for more non-linear parameters mostly travel based ones, but I believe you may get the gist of them by reading what happens to the drivers' THD at lower frequencies. If the THD starts to climb as you go down in frequency, its cone is probably traveling above its maximum linear excursion.

Warning: Either know Russian or deal with somewhat broken English.
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Aug 28, 2023 at 5:16 AM Post #85,229 of 114,320
The answer, in my limited experience, is "as fast as you can get it" - but I'm also a big fan of electrostats. If they sound the same as dynamics to you, well...
That's a good point. Electrostatics are my favourite iem technology for high notes. There is nothing like it. But I wouldn't call it an honest playback of sound. More like volts of sparkle being shot into your mind. Which I personally enjoy very much.
Aug 28, 2023 at 5:23 AM Post #85,230 of 114,320
That's a good point. Electrostatics are my favourite iem technology for high notes. There is nothing like it. But I wouldn't call it an honest playback of sound. More like volts of sparkle being shot into your mind. Which I personally enjoy very much.
You are thinking about Hiby Zeta, aren’t you

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